


    本题不难。首先说明一下国际象棋的规则,棋盘由8×8=64个黑白相间的格子组成,棋子放在某一个格子中。采用二维坐标的方式表示棋盘中的每一个格子,其中水平方向从左到右用 A-H 这8个英文字母表示,竖直方向从下到上用 1-8 这8个数字表示,如下图:







第1行:1个正整数t,表示数据组数,2≤t≤10;第2..t+1行:用空格隔开的3个坐标, 每个坐标由2个字符AB组成,A为A-H的大写字母,B为1-8的数字,表示3个棋子的初始位置。



2 ≤ t ≤ 10


/* File        : Hiho_Week_99                       */
/* Author      : Zhang Yufei                        */
/* Date        : 2016-05-24                         */
/* Description : HihoCoder ACM program. (submit:g++)*/


 * Define structure to record chess information.
typedef struct node {
	int distance;
	int tag;
} chess;

 * Record the position which is accessable by moving only once from orginal place.
int position[8][2] = {
	{-1,  2}, { 1,  2}, { 2, -1}, { 2,  1},
	{-1, -2}, { 1, -2}, {-2, -1}, {-2,  1}

 * Record the map of chess. The element is the mininum steps to move from the
 * start position
chess **chess1;
chess **chess2;
chess **chess3;

 * This function computes the shortest distance between every position in the map
 * and the start position.
 * Parameters:
 *		@x & @y: The start postion.
 *		@map: The chess map.
 * Returns:
 *		None.
void dijkstra(chess **map, int x, int y) {
	map[x][y].distance = 0;
	map[x][y].tag = 1;
	int set[64][2];
	set[0][0] = x;
	set[0][1] = y;
	int xi, yi, x_n, y_n;
	int min_x, min_y;
	int min; 
	min_x = x;
	min_y = y;
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		x_n = min_x + position[i][0];
		y_n = min_y + position[i][1];
		if(x_n >= 0 && x_n < 8 && y_n >= 0 && y_n < 8) {
			if(map[x_n][y_n].tag == 0) {
				if(map[x_n][y_n].distance == -1 || 
					map[x_n][y_n].distance > map[min_x][min_y].distance + 1) {
					map[x_n][y_n].distance = map[min_x][min_y].distance + 1;
	int count = 1;
	while(count < 64) {
		min = -1;
		for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			xi = set[i][0];
			yi = set[i][1];
			for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
				x_n = xi + position[j][0];
				y_n = yi + position[j][1];
				if(x_n >= 0 && x_n < 8 && y_n >= 0 && y_n < 8) {
					if(map[x_n][y_n].tag == 0) {
						if(min == -1 || min > map[x_n][y_n].distance) {
							min = map[x_n][y_n].distance;
							min_x = x_n;
							min_y = y_n;
		map[min_x][min_y].tag = 1;
		set[count][0] = min_x;
		set[count][1] = min_y;
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			x_n = min_x + position[i][0];
			y_n = min_y + position[i][1];
			if(x_n >= 0 && x_n < 8 && y_n >= 0 && y_n < 8) {
				if(map[x_n][y_n].tag == 0) {
					if(map[x_n][y_n].distance == -1 || 
						map[x_n][y_n].distance > map[min_x][min_y].distance + 1) {
						map[x_n][y_n].distance = map[min_x][min_y].distance + 1;
 * The main program.
int main(void) {
	chess1 = (chess**) malloc(sizeof(chess*) * 8);
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		chess1[i] = (chess*) malloc(sizeof(chess) * 8);
	chess2 = (chess**) malloc(sizeof(chess*) * 8);
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		chess2[i] = (chess*) malloc(sizeof(chess) * 8);
	chess3 = (chess**) malloc(sizeof(chess*) * 8);
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		chess3[i] = (chess*) malloc(sizeof(chess) * 8);
	int t;
	scanf("%d", &t);
	for(; t > 0; t--) {
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
				chess1[i][j].distance = chess2[i][j].distance 
					= chess3[i][j].distance = -1;
				chess1[i][j].tag = chess2[i][j].tag 
					= chess3[i][j].tag = 0;
		char location[3];
		scanf("%s", location);
		dijkstra(chess1, location[0] - 'A', location[1] - '1');
		scanf("%s", location);
		dijkstra(chess2, location[0] - 'A', location[1] - '1');
		scanf("%s", location);
		dijkstra(chess3, location[0] - 'A', location[1] - '1');	
		int min = -1;
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
				int s = chess1[i][j].distance + chess2[i][j].distance 
					+ chess3[i][j].distance;
				if(min == -1 || min > s) {
					min = s;
		printf("%d\n", min);	 
	return 0;