Python numpy.split() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def torch_to_pytorch(model, t7_file, output):
    py_layers = []
    for layer in list(model.children()):
        py_layer_serial(layer, py_layers)

    t7_data = torchfile.load(t7_file)
    t7_layers = []
    for layer in t7_data:
        torch_layer_serial(layer, t7_layers)

    j = 0
    for i, py_layer in enumerate(py_layers):
        py_name = type(py_layer).__name__
        t7_layer = t7_layers[j]
        t7_name = t7_layer[0].split('.')[-1]
        if layer_map[t7_name] != py_name:
            raise RuntimeError('%s does not match %s' % (py_name, t7_name))

        if py_name == 'LSTM':
            n_layer = 2 if py_layer.bidirectional else 1
            n_layer *= py_layer.num_layers
            t7_layer = t7_layers[j:j + n_layer]
            j += n_layer
            j += 1

        load_params(py_layer, t7_layer), output) 

Example 2

def setup_ps3eye_dataset(filename, start_idx=0, max_length=None, every_k_frames=1, scale=1): 
    dataset = stereo_dataset(filename=filename, 
                             channel='CAMERA', start_idx=start_idx, max_length=max_length, 
                             every_k_frames=every_k_frames, scale=scale, split='horizontal')

    # Setup one-time calibration
    calib_params = setup_ps3eye(scale=scale)
    dataset.calib = calib_params
    dataset.scale = scale
    return dataset

# def bumblebee_stereo_calib_params_ming(scale=1.0): 
#     fx, fy = 809.53*scale, 809.53*scale
#     cx, cy = 321.819*scale, 244.555*scale
#     baseline = 0.119909
#     return get_calib_params(fx, fy, cx, cy, baseline=baseline)

# def bumblebee_stereo_calib_params(scale=1.0): 
#     fx, fy = 0.445057*640*scale, 0.59341*480*scale
#     cx, cy = 0.496427*640*scale, 0.519434*480*scale
#     baseline = 0.120018 
#     return get_calib_params(fx, fy, cx, cy, baseline=baseline) 

Example 3

def __detect_spike_peak(self,ang_data,Thr,peak_before,peak_after):
        if Thr < 0:
            dd_0 = np.where(ang_data<Thr)[0]
        elif Thr >=0:
            dd_0 = np.where(ang_data>=Thr)[0]
        dd_1 = np.diff(dd_0,n=1)
        dd_2 = np.where(dd_1 > 1)[0]+1
        dd_3 = np.split(dd_0,dd_2)
        spike_peak = []
        if Thr < 0:
            for ite in dd_3:
                if ite.size:
                    potent_peak = ite[ang_data[ite].argmin()]
                    if (potent_peak + peak_after <= ang_data.shape[0]) and (potent_peak - peak_before >= 0):
        elif Thr >=0:
            for ite in dd_3:
                if ite.size:
                    potent_peak = ite[ang_data[ite].argmax()]
                    if (potent_peak + peak_after <= ang_data.shape[0]) and (potent_peak - peak_before >= 0):
        return np.array(spike_peak) 

Example 4

def __detect_spike_peak(self,ang_data,Thr,peak_before,peak_after):
        if Thr < 0:
            dd_0 = np.where(ang_data<Thr)[0]
        elif Thr >=0:
            dd_0 = np.where(ang_data>=Thr)[0]
        dd_1 = np.diff(dd_0,n=1)
        dd_2 = np.where(dd_1 > 1)[0]+1
        dd_3 = np.split(dd_0,dd_2)
        spike_peak = []
        if Thr < 0:
            for ite in dd_3:
                if ite.size:
                    potent_peak = ite[ang_data[ite].argmin()]
                    if (potent_peak + peak_after <= ang_data.shape[0]) and (potent_peak - peak_before >= 0):
        elif Thr >=0:
            for ite in dd_3:
                if ite.size:
                    potent_peak = ite[ang_data[ite].argmax()]
                    if (potent_peak + peak_after <= ang_data.shape[0]) and (potent_peak - peak_before >= 0):
        return np.array(spike_peak) 

Example 5

def batch_ssim(dbatch):
    return np.mean((2*avg1*avg2+c1)*2*(cov+c3)/(avg1**2+avg2**2+c1)/(std1**2+std2**2+c2)) 

Example 6

def read_pts_file(self, pts_path):
        """Read a pts file that contains the coordinates of the landmarks.
        with open(pts_path) as f:
            content = f.readlines()
        content = content[3:-1] # exclude the 4 cases and the last case.
        nbr = len(content)
        X = np.zeros((nbr,1))
        Y = np.zeros((nbr,1))
        for i in xrange(nbr):
            line = content[i].split(' ')
            X[i] = np.float(line[0])
            Y[i] = np.float(line[1].replace('\n', ''))

        # remove 1 to start counting from 0 (python)        
        X = X - 1
        Y = Y - 1
        return X,Y 

Example 7

def create_batches(self):
        self.num_batches = int(self.tensor.size / (self.batch_size *

        # When the data (tensor) is too small,
        # let's give them a better error message
        if self.num_batches == 0:
            assert False, "Not enough data. Make seq_length and batch_size small."

        self.tensor = self.tensor[:self.num_batches * self.batch_size * self.seq_length]
        xdata = self.tensor
        ydata = np.copy(self.tensor)
        ydata[:-1] = xdata[1:]
        ydata[-1] = xdata[0]
        self.x_batches = np.split(xdata.reshape(self.batch_size, -1),
                                  self.num_batches, 1)
        self.y_batches = np.split(ydata.reshape(self.batch_size, -1),
                                  self.num_batches, 1) 

Example 8

def forward(self, inputs, batch_size, hidden_cell=None):
        if hidden_cell is None:
            # then must init with zeros
            if use_cuda:
                hidden = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, hp.enc_hidden_size).cuda())
                cell = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, hp.enc_hidden_size).cuda())
                hidden = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, hp.enc_hidden_size))
                cell = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, hp.enc_hidden_size))
            hidden_cell = (hidden, cell)
        _, (hidden,cell) = self.lstm(inputs.float(), hidden_cell)
        # hidden is (2, batch_size, hidden_size), we want (batch_size, 2*hidden_size):
        hidden_forward, hidden_backward = torch.split(hidden,1,0)
        hidden_cat =[hidden_forward.squeeze(0), hidden_backward.squeeze(0)],1)
        # mu and sigma:
        mu = self.fc_mu(hidden_cat)
        sigma_hat = self.fc_sigma(hidden_cat)
        sigma = torch.exp(sigma_hat/2.)
        # N ~ N(0,1)
        z_size = mu.size()
        if use_cuda:
            N = Variable(torch.normal(torch.zeros(z_size),torch.ones(z_size)).cuda())
            N = Variable(torch.normal(torch.zeros(z_size),torch.ones(z_size)))
        z = mu + sigma*N
        # mu and sigma_hat are needed for LKL loss
        return z, mu, sigma_hat 

Example 9

def splitsongs_melspect(self, X, y, cnn_type = '1D'):
    temp_X = []
    temp_y = []

    for i, song in enumerate(X):
      song_slipted = np.split(song, self.augment_factor)
      for s in song_slipted:

    temp_X = np.array(temp_X)
    temp_y = np.array(temp_y)

    if not cnn_type == '1D':
      temp_X = temp_X[:, np.newaxis]
    return temp_X, temp_y 

Example 10

def _optim(self, xys):
        idx = np.arange(len(xys))
        self.batch_size = np.ceil(len(xys) / self.nbatches)
        batch_idx = np.arange(self.batch_size, len(xys), self.batch_size)

        for self.epoch in range(1, self.max_epochs + 1):
            # shuffle training examples

            # store epoch for callback
            self.epoch_start = timeit.default_timer()

            # process mini-batches
            for batch in np.split(idx, batch_idx):
                # select indices for current batch
                bxys = [xys[z] for z in batch]

            # check callback function, if false return
            for f in self.post_epoch:
                if not f(self):

Example 11

def RealUnlabelDataLoadProcess(pipe, datafile, params):
    path, file = os.path.split(datafile)
    batchSize = params['batchSize']
    dataset = RealDataLoaderSVBRDF(path, file)
    counter = 0
    posInDataSet = 0
    epoch = 0
        imgbatch = dataset.GetBatch(posInDataSet, batchSize)
        for i in range(0, batchSize):
            imgbatch[i,:,:,:] = autoExposure(imgbatch[i,:,:,:])
        counter = counter + batchSize
        posInDataSet = (posInDataSet + batchSize) % dataset.dataSize
        newepoch = counter / dataset.dataSize
        if(newepoch != epoch):
        epoch = newepoch 

Example 12

def chooseErrorData(self, game, lesson=None):
        Choose saved error function data by lesson and game name in 
        history database.
        if lesson is not None:
            self.error_data_training = np.split([0,:], 
                np.argwhere([0,:] == -1))[lesson][1:]
            self.error_data_test = np.split([1,:], 
                np.argwhere([1,:] == -1))[lesson][1:]
            self.error_data_training = np.delete([0,:], 
            self.error_data_test = np.delete([1,:], 
# ------------------- for test and show reasons only ---------------------- 

Example 13

def create_batches(self):
        self.num_batches = int(self.tensor.size / (self.batch_size *

        # When the data (tensor) is too small,
        # let's give them a better error message
        if self.num_batches == 0:
            assert False, "Not enough data. Make seq_length and batch_size small."

        self.tensor = self.tensor[:self.num_batches * self.batch_size * self.seq_length]
        xdata = self.tensor
        ydata = np.copy(self.tensor) # maybe useless?
        ydata[:-1] = xdata[1:]
        ydata[-1] = xdata[0]
        self.x_batches = np.split(xdata.reshape(self.batch_size, -1),
                                  self.num_batches, 1)
        self.y_batches = np.split(ydata.reshape(self.batch_size, -1),
                                  self.num_batches, 1) 

Example 14

def orthonormalise(self, n_lyap, delay):
		Orthonormalise separation functions (with Gram-Schmidt) and return their norms after orthogonalisation (but before normalisation).
		vectors = np.split(np.arange(self.n, dtype=int), n_lyap+1)[1:]
		norms = []
		for i,vector in enumerate(vectors):
			for j in range(i):
				sp = self.scalar_product(delay, vector, vectors[j])
				self.subtract_from_past(vector, vectors[j], sp)
			norm = self.norm(delay, vector)
			if norm > NORM_THRESHOLD:
				self.scale_past(vector, 1./norm)
		return np.array(norms) 

Example 15

def _fit(x, y, train, test, self, n_jobs):
    """Sub fit function
    nsuj, nfeat = x.shape
    iteract = product(range(nfeat), zip(train, test))
    ya = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(_subfit)(
            self) for i, k in iteract)
    # Re-arrange ypred and ytrue:
    ypred, ytrue = zip(*ya)
    ypred = [np.concatenate(tuple(k)) for k in np.split(np.array(ypred), nfeat)]
    ytrue = [np.concatenate(tuple(k)) for k in np.split(np.array(ytrue), nfeat)]
    da = np.ravel([100*accuracy_score(ytrue[k], ypred[k]) for k in range(nfeat)])
    return da, ytrue, ypred 

Example 16

def generate_batches(positive_batch, negative_batch, batch_size):
    positive_boxes, positive_scores, positive_labels = positive_batch
    negative_boxes, negative_scores, negative_labels = negative_batch

    half_batch = batch_size // 2

    pos_batch = np.concatenate([positive_boxes, positive_scores, positive_labels], axis=1)
    neg_batch = np.concatenate([negative_boxes, negative_scores, negative_labels], axis=1)


    pos_batch = pos_batch[:half_batch]
    pad_size = half_batch - len(pos_batch)
    pos_batch = np.concatenate([pos_batch, neg_batch[:pad_size]])
    neg_batch = neg_batch[pad_size:pad_size+half_batch]

    return (
        np.split(pos_batch, [4, 6], axis=1),
        np.split(neg_batch, [4, 6], axis=1)

Example 17

def get_sample(self, N=600, scale=False):
        all_data = self.pre_process(self.file_name)
        #print('data_type: ' + str(all_data.dtypes))
        all_data = all_data.values
        xs = all_data[:, 2:]
        y = all_data[:, 1]
        if scale:
            xs = preprocessing.scale(xs)
        if N != -1:
            perm = np.random.permutation(xs.shape[0])
            xs = xs[perm]
            y = y[perm]
            xs_train, xs_test = np.split(xs, [N])
            y_train, y_test = np.split(y, [N])
            return xs_train, xs_test, y_train, y_test
            return xs, y 

Example 18

def set_params(self, params):
        """Utility function: set currently optimizable parameters."""
        weights, goals, goal_vels = np.split(params, (self.n_weights,
            self.n_weights + (self.n_dmps - 1) * self.n_task_dims))
        G = np.split(goals, [i * self.n_task_dims
                             for i in range(1, self.n_dmps - 1)])
        self.weights = [w.reshape(self.n_weights_per_dmp[i], self.n_task_dims)
                        for i, w in enumerate(np.split(
                            weights, self.split_weights * self.n_task_dims)[

        for i in range(self.n_dmps - 1):
            self.subgoals[i + 1] = G[i]
        if self.learn_goal_velocities:
            self.subgoal_velocities = np.split(
                goal_vels, [i * self.n_task_dims
                            for i in xrange(1, self.n_dmps)]) 

Example 19

def flatten_cost_gradient(cost_gradient_hetero, shapes):
    Allow cost function to have heterogeneous parameters (which is not allowed in numpy array)
    :param cost_gradient_hetero: cost function that receives heterogeneous parameters
    :param shapes: list of shapes of parameter
    :return: cost function that receives concatenated parameters and returns concatenated gradients
    def cost_gradient_wrapper(concatenated_parameters, input, output):
        all_parameters = []

        for shape in shapes:
            split_index =
            single_parameter, concatenated_parameters = np.split(concatenated_parameters, [split_index])
            single_parameter = single_parameter.reshape(shape)

        cost, gradients = cost_gradient_hetero(all_parameters, input, output)
        flatten_gradients = [gradient.flatten() for gradient in gradients]
        concatenated_gradients = np.concatenate(flatten_gradients)
        return cost, concatenated_gradients

    return cost_gradient_wrapper 

Example 20

def ests_ll_quad(self, params):
        Calculate the loglikelihood given model parameters `params`.

        This method uses Gaussian quadrature, and thus returns an *approximate*
        mu0, gamma0, err0 = np.split(params, 3)
        x = np.tile(self.z, (self.cfg.QCOUNT, 1, 1))  # (QCOUNTXnhospXnmeas)
        loc = mu0 + np.outer(QC1, gamma0)
        loc = np.tile(loc, (self.n, 1, 1))
        loc = np.transpose(loc, (1, 0, 2))
        scale = np.tile(err0, (self.cfg.QCOUNT, self.n, 1))
        zs = lpdf_3d(x=x, loc=loc, scale=scale)

        w2 = np.tile(self.w, (self.cfg.QCOUNT, 1, 1))
        wted = np.nansum(w2 * zs, axis=2).T  # (nhosp X QCOUNT)
        qh = np.tile(QC1, (self.n, 1))  # (nhosp X QCOUNT)
        combined = wted + norm.logpdf(qh)  # (nhosp X QCOUNT)

        return logsumexp(np.nan_to_num(combined), b=QC2, axis=1)  # (nhosp) 

Example 21

def ests_ll_exact(self, params):
        Calculate the loglikelihood given model parameters `params`.

        This method uses an exact integral and returns exact ll values, i.e.
        it does not use quadrature to approximate the integral.
        mu, gamma, err = np.split(params, 3)
        d = self.num2 - mu
        q = self.w2 / err**2
        r = d * q

        f = self.w2 @ (2 * np.log(abs(err)) + LOG2PI)
        a = q @ gamma**2
        b = r @ gamma
        c = nsum_row(d * r)

        return .5 * (b * b / (a+1) - c - f - np.log1p(a)) 

Example 22

def restore_shape(arry, step, r):
    '''Reduces and adjust the shape and content of `arry` according to r.
      arry: A 2d array with shape of [T, C]
      step: An int. Overlapping span.
      r: Reduction factor
      A 2d array with shape of [-1, C*r]
    T, C = arry.shape
    sliced = np.split(arry, list(range(step, T, step)), axis=0)

    started = False
    for s in sliced:
        if not started:
            restored = np.vstack(np.split(s, r, axis=1))
            started = True
            restored = np.vstack((restored, np.vstack(np.split(s, r, axis=1))))

    # Trim zero paddings
    restored = restored[:np.count_nonzero(restored.sum(axis=1))]
    return restored 

Example 23

def parallel_apply_bitwise(genotypes, variant_ids, conditions, active_idx, is_and):
        """Run c_apply_bitwise in parallel. Takes the same arguments."""
        N = len(genotypes)
        nprocs = mp.cpu_count()
        pool = mp.Pool(processes=nprocs)
        B = round(N/nprocs + 0.5)  # batch size
        # Split variant_ids in batches (genotype batches are equally-sized, but not
        #   variant ids, in case a subset was given)
        split_at = variant_ids.searchsorted([(k+1)*B+1 for k in range(nprocs-1)])
        variant_ids_batches = np.split(variant_ids, split_at)
        assert len(variant_ids_batches) == nprocs
        # Run one job for each batch
        passing = [pool.apply(c_apply_bitwise,
                   conditions, active_idx, is_and, B))
            for k in range(nprocs)]
        passing = np.concatenate(passing)
        return passing


Example 24

def create_minibatch_indices(n, minibatch_size, shuffling=True):
    :param n: total number of indices from which to pick from
    :param minibatch_size: size of the minibatches (must be lower than n)
    :return: (list of random indices, number of random duplicate indices in the last minibatch to complete it)
    if shuffling:
        all_indices = np.random.permutation(n)  # shuffle order randomly
        all_indices = np.arange(n)
    n_steps = (n - 1) // minibatch_size + 1  # how many batches fit per epoch
    n_rem = n_steps * minibatch_size - n  # remainder
    if n_rem > 0:
        inds_to_add = np.random.randint(0, n_rem, size=n_rem)
        all_indices = np.concatenate((all_indices, inds_to_add))
    return np.split(all_indices, n_steps), n_rem 

Example 25

def make_folds(train_X, train_Y, num_folds):
  num_points = train_X.shape[0]
  fol_len = num_points / num_folds
  rem = num_points % num_folds
  X_folds = numpy.split(train_X, num_folds) if rem == 0 else numpy.split(train_X[:-rem], num_folds)
  Y_folds = numpy.split(train_Y, num_folds) if rem == 0 else numpy.split(train_Y[:-rem], num_folds)
  cv_folds = []
  for i in range(num_folds):
    train_folds_X = []
    train_folds_Y = []
    for j in range(num_folds):
      if i != j:
    train_fold_X = numpy.concatenate(train_folds_X)
    train_fold_Y = numpy.concatenate(train_folds_Y)
    cv_folds.append(((train_fold_X, train_fold_Y), (X_folds[i], Y_folds[i])))
  return cv_folds 

Example 26

def __init__(self, arrays, lengths=None):
        if lengths is None:
            # Without provided lengths, `arrays` is interpreted as a list of arrays
            # and self.lengths is set to the list of lengths for those arrays
            self.arrays = arrays
            self.stacked = np.concatenate(arrays, axis=0)
            self.lengths = np.array([len(a) for a in arrays])
            # With provided lengths, `arrays` is interpreted as concatenated data
            # and self.lengths is set to the provided lengths.
            self.arrays = np.split(arrays, np.cumsum(lengths)[:-1])
            self.stacked = arrays
            self.lengths = np.asarray(lengths, dtype=int)
            assert all(len(a) == l for a, l in util.safezip(self.arrays, self.lengths))
            self.boundaries = np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum(self.lengths)])
            assert self.boundaries[-1] == len(self.stacked) 

Example 27

def __init__(self, t, lexicon, maxTokens = 0, scorer = tokenization_based_score, distinctCount = 0, stopWords = None):
		super(TokenizedMatcher, self).__init__(t)
		currentMax = maxTokens
		self.scorer = scorer
		self.phrasesMap = validated_lexical_map(lexicon)
		self.tokenIdx = dict()
		self.distinctCount = distinctCount
		self.stopWords = stop_words_as_normalized_list(stopWords)
		for np in self.phrasesMap.keys():
			tokens = list([t for t in np.split(' ') if t not in self.stopWords])
			if len(tokens) < 1: continue
			if maxTokens < 1 and len(tokens) > currentMax:
				currentMax = len(tokens)
				if currentMax > DTC:
					logging.warning('Full tokenization of lexicon: encountered token of length {}, above DTC!'.format(currentMax))
			matchedRefPhrase = ' '.join(tokens[:currentMax])
			if matchedRefPhrase not in self.tokenIdx or len(self.tokenIdx[matchedRefPhrase]) < len(np):
				self.tokenIdx[matchedRefPhrase] = np
		self.maxTokens = currentMax'SET UP %d-token matcher (%s-defined length) for <%s> with lexicon of size %d, total variants %d',
			self.maxTokens, 'user' if maxTokens > 0 else 'data', self.t, len(self.phrasesMap), len(self.tokenIdx)) 

Example 28

def __init__(self, variantsMapFile, targetType, keepContext, domainType = None, scorer = tokenization_based_score):
		super(VariantExpander, self).__init__(targetType)
		self.domainType = domainType
		self.keepContext = keepContext # if true, then the main variant will be surrounded by original context in the normalized value
		self.variantsMap = file_to_variant_map(variantsMapFile) # map from original alternative variant to original main variant
		self.scorer = scorer
		self.tokenIdx = defaultdict(set) # map from alternative variant as joined-normalized-token-list to original alternative variant
		self.minTokens = 3
		self.maxTokens = DTC
		# map of alternative variant`s (including main or not!), from normalized string to list of original strings:
		phrasesMap = validated_lexical_map(self.variantsMap.keys(), tokenize = True)
		for (phrase, altVariants) in phrasesMap.items():
			tokens = phrase.split()
			l = len(tokens)
			if l < 1 or l > DTC: continue
			self.minTokens = min(self.minTokens, l)
			self.maxTokens = max(self.maxTokens, l)
			matchedVariantPhrase = ' '.join(tokens[:self.maxTokens])
			for altVariant in altVariants:
				if altVariant not in self.variantsMap:
					raise RuntimeError('Alternative variant {} not found in variants map'.format(altVariant)) 

Example 29

def _capture(f, t, t0, factor):
    capture signal and return its standard deviation
    #TODO: more detail
    n_per_sec = len(t) / t[-1]

    # len of one split:
    n = int(t0 * factor * n_per_sec)
    s = len(f) // n
    m = s * n
    f = f[:m]
    ff = np.split(f, s)
    m = np.mean(ff, axis=1)

    return np.std(m) 

Example 30

def preprocess(img, desc, len_desc, txt_encoder):
    img = Variable(img.cuda() if not args.no_cuda else img)
    desc = Variable(desc.cuda() if not args.no_cuda else desc)

    len_desc = len_desc.numpy()
    sorted_indices = np.argsort(len_desc)[::-1]
    original_indices = np.argsort(sorted_indices)
    packed_desc = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(
        desc[sorted_indices, ...].transpose(0, 1),
    _, txt_feat = txt_encoder(packed_desc)
    txt_feat = txt_feat.squeeze()
    txt_feat = txt_feat[original_indices, ...]

    txt_feat_np = if not args.no_cuda else
    txt_feat_mismatch = torch.Tensor(np.roll(txt_feat_np, 1, axis=0))
    txt_feat_mismatch = Variable(txt_feat_mismatch.cuda() if not args.no_cuda else txt_feat_mismatch)
    txt_feat_np_split = np.split(txt_feat_np, [txt_feat_np.shape[0] // 2])
    txt_feat_relevant = torch.Tensor(np.concatenate([
        np.roll(txt_feat_np_split[0], -1, axis=0),
    txt_feat_relevant = Variable(txt_feat_relevant.cuda() if not args.no_cuda else txt_feat_relevant)
    return img, txt_feat, txt_feat_mismatch, txt_feat_relevant 

Example 31

def dump_source_translation(model, source_buckets, vocab_inv_source, vocab_inv_target, beam_width=8, normalization_alpha=0):
	for source_bucket in source_buckets:
		if beam_width == 1:	# greedy
			batchsize = 24
			if len(source_bucket) > batchsize:
				num_sections = len(source_bucket) // batchsize - 1
				if len(source_bucket) % batchsize > 0:
					num_sections += 1
				indices = [(i + 1) * batchsize for i in range(num_sections)]
				source_sections = np.split(source_bucket, indices, axis=0)
				source_sections = [source_bucket]

			for source_batch in source_sections:
				translation_batch = translate_greedy(model, source_batch, source_batch.shape[1] * 2, len(vocab_inv_target), beam_width)
				for index in range(len(translation_batch)):
					source = source_batch[index]
					translation = translation_batch[index]
					dump_translation(vocab_inv_source, vocab_inv_target, source, translation)
		else:	# beam search
			for index in range(len(source_bucket)):
				source = source_bucket[index]
				translations = translate_beam_search(model, source, source.size * 2, len(vocab_inv_target), beam_width, normalization_alpha, return_all_candidates=True)
				dump_all_translation(vocab_inv_source, vocab_inv_target, source, translations) 

Example 32

def compute_accuracy(model, buckets, batchsize=100):
	result = []
	for bucket_index, dataset in enumerate(buckets):
		acc = []
		# split into minibatch
		if len(dataset) > batchsize:
			num_sections = len(dataset) // batchsize - 1
			if len(dataset) % batchsize > 0:
				num_sections += 1
			indices = [(i + 1) * batchsize for i in range(num_sections)]
			sections = np.split(dataset, indices, axis=0)
			sections = [dataset]
		# compute accuracy
		for batch_index, batch in enumerate(sections):
			printr("computing accuracy ... bucket {}/{} (batch {}/{})".format(bucket_index + 1, len(buckets), batch_index + 1, len(sections)))
			acc.append(compute_accuracy_batch(model, batch))

		result.append(sum(acc) / len(acc))

	return result 

Example 33

def compute_perplexity(model, buckets, batchsize=100):
	result = []
	for bucket_index, dataset in enumerate(buckets):
		ppl = []
		# split into minibatch
		if len(dataset) > batchsize:
			num_sections = len(dataset) // batchsize - 1
			if len(dataset) % batchsize > 0:
				num_sections += 1
			indices = [(i + 1) * batchsize for i in range(num_sections)]
			sections = np.split(dataset, indices, axis=0)
			sections = [dataset]
		# compute accuracy
		for batch_index, batch in enumerate(sections):
			sys.stdout.write("\rcomputing perplexity ... bucket {}/{} (batch {}/{})".format(bucket_index + 1, len(buckets), batch_index + 1, len(sections)))
			ppl.append(compute_perplexity_batch(model, batch))

		result.append(sum(ppl) / len(ppl))
		sys.stdout.write("\r" + stdout.CLEAR)
	return result 

Example 34

def __init__(self):

        dict_ = cPickle.load(open(file_path + '/dict_.pkl', "rb"))
        gen_images = dict_['gen_images']

        self.num_ex = 4
        self.row_list = []

        if 'ground_truth' in dict_:
            ground_truth = dict_['ground_truth']
            if not isinstance(ground_truth, list):
                ground_truth = np.split(ground_truth, ground_truth.shape[1], axis=1)
                ground_truth = [np.squeeze(g) for g in ground_truth]
            ground_truth = ground_truth[1:]

            self.row_list.append((ground_truth, 'Ground Truth'))

        self.row_list.append((gen_images, 'Gen Images'))


Example 35

def save_distrib_visual(self, full_images, use_genimg = True):
        #assumes full_images is already rescaled to [0,1]
        orig_images = np.split(full_images, full_images.shape[0], axis = 0)
        orig_images = [im.reshape(1,64,64,3) for im in orig_images]

        # the first image of corr_gen_images is the first image of the original images!
        file_path =self.policyparams['current_dir'] + '/videos_distrib'
        if use_genimg:
            cPickle.dump([orig_images, self.corr_gen_images, self.rec_input_distrib, self.desig_pix],
                         open(file_path + '/correction.pkl', 'wb'))
            distrib = make_color_scheme(self.rec_input_distrib)
            distrib = add_crosshairs(distrib, self.desig_pix)
            frame_list = assemble_gif([orig_images, self.corr_gen_images, distrib], num_exp=1)
            cPickle.dump([orig_images, self.rec_input_distrib],
                         open(file_path + '/correction.pkl', 'wb'))
            distrib = make_color_scheme(self.rec_input_distrib)
            distrib = add_crosshairs(distrib, self.desig_pix)
            frame_list = assemble_gif([orig_images, distrib], num_exp=1)

        npy_to_gif(frame_list, self.policyparams['rec_distrib']) 

Example 36

def fft(self, audio, highpass, lowpass):
    Fast fourier transform conditioning

    'output' contains the strength of each frequency in the audio signal
    frequencies are marked by its position in 'output':
    frequency = index * rate / buffesize
    output.size = buffersize/2 
    Use numpy's FFT (numpy.fft.fft)
    Find the magnitude of the complex numbers returned (abs value)
    Split the FFT array in half, because we have mirror frequencies
     (they're the complex conjugates)
    Use just the first half to apply the bandpass filter

    Great info here:
    left,right = numpy.split(numpy.abs(numpy.fft.fft(audio)),2)
    output = left[highpass:lowpass]
    return output 

Example 37

def test_batches_from_two_sets():
    data1 = np.array(['a', 'b'])
    data2 = np.array(['c', 'd', 'e'])

    batch_generator = combine_batches(
        eternal_batches(data1, batch_size=1),
        eternal_batches(data2, batch_size=2)

    first_six_batches = list(islice(batch_generator, 6))
    assert [len(batch) for batch in first_six_batches] == [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]

    batch_portions1 = [batch[:1] for batch in first_six_batches]
    batch_portions2 = [batch[1:] for batch in first_six_batches]

    returned1 = np.concatenate(batch_portions1)
    returned2 = np.concatenate(batch_portions2)

    epochs1 = np.split(returned1, 3)
    epochs2 = np.split(returned2, 4)

    assert all(sorted(items) == ['a', 'b'] for items in epochs1)
    assert all(sorted(items) == ['c', 'd', 'e'] for items in epochs2) 

Example 38

def test_stratified_batches():
    data = np.array([('a', -1), ('b', 0), ('c', 1), ('d', -1), ('e', -1)],
                    dtype=[('x', np.str_, 8), ('y', np.int32)])

    assert list(data['x']) == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
    assert list(data['y']) == [-1, 0, 1, -1, -1]

    batch_generator = training_batches(data, batch_size=3, n_labeled_per_batch=1)

    first_ten_batches = list(islice(batch_generator, 10))

    labeled_batch_portions = [batch[:1] for batch in first_ten_batches]
    unlabeled_batch_portions = [batch[1:] for batch in first_ten_batches]

    labeled_epochs = np.split(np.concatenate(labeled_batch_portions), 5)
    unlabeled_epochs = np.split(np.concatenate(unlabeled_batch_portions), 4)

    assert ([sorted(items['x'].tolist()) for items in labeled_epochs] ==
            [['b', 'c']] * 5)
    assert ([sorted(items['y'].tolist()) for items in labeled_epochs] ==
            [[0, 1]] * 5)
    assert ([sorted(items['x'].tolist()) for items in unlabeled_epochs] ==
            [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']] * 4)
    assert ([sorted(items['y'].tolist()) for items in unlabeled_epochs] ==
            [[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]] * 4) 

Example 39

def create_batches(self):
    self.num_batches = int(self.train.size / (self.batch_size * self.seq_length))
    self.num_valid_batches = int(self.valid.size / (self.batch_size * self.seq_length))

    # When the data (tensor) is too small, let's give them a better error message
    if self.num_batches == 0:
      assert False, "Not enough data. Make seq_length and batch_size small."

    self.train = self.train[:self.num_batches * self.batch_size * self.seq_length]
    self.valid = self.valid[:self.num_valid_batches * self.batch_size * self.seq_length]
    xdata = self.train
    ydata = np.copy(self.train)
    ydata[:-1] = xdata[1:]
    ydata[-1] = xdata[0]
    x_valid = self.valid
    y_valid = np.copy(self.valid)
    y_valid[:-1] = x_valid[1:]
    y_valid[-1] = x_valid[0]
    self.x_valid = np.split(x_valid.reshape(self.batch_size, -1), self.num_valid_batches, 1)
    self.y_valid = np.split(y_valid.reshape(self.batch_size, -1), self.num_valid_batches, 1)
    self.x_batches = np.split(xdata.reshape(self.batch_size, -1), self.num_batches, 1)
    self.y_batches = np.split(ydata.reshape(self.batch_size, -1), self.num_batches, 1) 

Example 40

def arrange_images(Y):
    concat_image = None
    Y = (Y + 1)/2
    for yi in np.split(Y, 10):
        image = None
        for y in yi:
            img = cv2.merge((y[0, :, :], y[1, :, :], y[2, :, :]))
            if image is None:
                image = img
                image = np.concatenate((image, img))
        if concat_image is None:
            concat_image = image
            concat_image = np.concatenate((concat_image, image), axis=1)
    return concat_image 

Example 41

def make_video(file_path, conf):
    print 'reading files from:', file_path
    ground_truth = cPickle.load(open(file_path + '/ground_truth.pkl', "rb"))
    gen_images = cPickle.load(open(file_path + '/gen_image_seq.pkl', "rb"))
    distrib = cPickle.load(open(file_path + '/output_distrib_list.pkl', "rb"))

    ground_truth = np.split(ground_truth, ground_truth.shape[1], axis=1)
    ground_truth = np.squeeze(ground_truth)

    fused_gif = video_prediction.utils_vpred.create_gif.assemble_gif([ground_truth, gen_images, distrib])

    import re
    itr_vis = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', conf['visualize']).group(1)
    video_prediction.utils_vpred.create_gif.npy_to_gif(fused_gif, file_path +'/' + conf['experiment_name'] + '_' + str(itr_vis))

    return fused_gif 

Example 42

def comp_video(file_path, conf, suffix = None):
    print 'reading files from:', file_path
    ground_truth = cPickle.load(open(file_path + '/ground_truth.pkl', "rb"))
    gen_images = cPickle.load(open(file_path + '/gen_image_seq.pkl', "rb"))

    ground_truth = np.split(ground_truth, ground_truth.shape[1], axis=1)
    ground_truth = np.squeeze(ground_truth)

    fused_gif = assemble_gif([ground_truth, gen_images])

    itr_vis = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', conf['visualize']).group(1)

    if not suffix:
        name = file_path + '/vid_' + conf['experiment_name'] + '_' + str(itr_vis)
    else: name = file_path + '/vid_' + conf['experiment_name'] + '_' + str(itr_vis) + suffix
    npy_to_gif(fused_gif, name)

    return fused_gif 

Example 43

def save_distrib_visual(self, full_images, use_genimg = True):
        #assumes full_images is already rescaled to [0,1]
        orig_images = np.split(full_images, full_images.shape[0], axis = 0)
        orig_images = [im.reshape(1,64,64,3) for im in orig_images]

        # the first image of corr_gen_images is the first image of the original images!
        file_path =self.policyparams['current_dir'] + '/videos_distrib'
        if use_genimg:
            cPickle.dump([orig_images, self.corr_gen_images, self.rec_input_distrib, self.desig_pix],
                         open(file_path + '/correction.pkl', 'wb'))
            distrib = makegif.pix_distrib_video(self.rec_input_distrib)
            distrib = makegif.add_crosshairs(distrib, self.desig_pix)
            frame_list = makegif.assemble_gif([orig_images, self.corr_gen_images, distrib], num_exp=1)
            cPickle.dump([orig_images, self.rec_input_distrib],
                         open(file_path + '/correction.pkl', 'wb'))
            distrib = makegif.pix_distrib_video(self.rec_input_distrib)
            distrib = makegif.add_crosshairs(distrib, self.desig_pix)
            frame_list = makegif.assemble_gif([orig_images, distrib], num_exp=1)

        makegif.npy_to_gif(frame_list, self.policyparams['rec_distrib']) 

Example 44

def genTrainData(self):
        data = []
        with open('../train-data.csv', 'r') as f:
            data = [list(map(int,rec)) for rec in csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')]

        data = np.array(data)
        labels = data[:,0]
        data = np.delete(data, 0, 1)

        data = np.split(data, [(int)(data.shape[0]*.75)])[0]
        labels = np.split(labels, [(int)(labels.shape[0]*.75)])[0]

        testData = np.split(data, [(int)(data.shape[0]*.75)])[1]
        testLabels = np.split(labels, [(int)(labels.shape[0]*.75)])[1]

        return data, labels, testData, testLabels 

Example 45

def run_trial(self, trial_input, t_connectivity = None, use_input = True):

        rnn_inputs = np.split(trial_input, trial_input.shape[0], axis=0)
        state = np.expand_dims(self.init_state[0, :], 0)
        rnn_outputs = []
        rnn_states = []
        for i, rnn_input in enumerate(rnn_inputs):
            if t_connectivity:
                output, state = self.rnn_step(state, rnn_input, t_connectivity[i], use_input)
                output, state = self.rnn_step(state, rnn_input, np.ones_like(self.W_rec), use_input)


        return np.array(rnn_outputs), np.array(rnn_states)

    # apply the RNN to a whole batch of inputs 

Example 46

def run_trials(self, trial_input, batch_size, t_connectivity = None, use_input = True):

        rnn_inputs = np.split(trial_input, trial_input.shape[1], axis=1)
        state = np.expand_dims(self.init_state[0, :], 0)
        state = np.repeat(state, batch_size, 0)
        rnn_outputs = []
        rnn_states = []
        for rnn_input in rnn_inputs:
            if t_connectivity:
                output, state = self.rnn_step(state, rnn_input, t_connectivity[i], use_input)
                output, state = self.rnn_step(state, rnn_input, np.ones_like(self.W_rec), use_input)


        return np.array(rnn_outputs), np.array(rnn_states) 

Example 47

def __init__(self, data, target, hidden_layers):
        """ Must submit either a net configuration, or something to load from """
        if hidden_layers == [] and model_filename == "":
            raise Exception("Must provide a net configuration or a file to load from")

        """ Divide the data into training and test """
        self.trainsize = int(len(data) * 5 / 6)
        self.testsize = len(data) - self.trainsize
        self.x_train, self.x_test = np.split(data, [self.trainsize])
        self.y_train, self.y_test = np.split(target, [self.trainsize])

        """ Create the underlying neural network model """
        self.sizes = [len(data[0])]
        self.model = L.Classifier(BaseNetwork(self.sizes))

        """ Create the underlying optimizer """
        self.optimizer = optimizers.Adam()

Example 48

def _compute_table_rank(self, contained):
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Computing tables relations")

        tables_rank = [([], []) for _ in range(6)]

        indices = [
            set(l) for l in np.split(contained.indices, contained.indptr)[1:-1]

        for root in self.dictionary.roots:
            for t0, t1 in combinations(self.dictionary.roots[root], 2):
                commons = [self.dictionary.index[i] for i in indices[t0.index] & indices[t1.index]]

                rank = max(map(lambda t: t.rank, commons))
                tables_rank[rank][0].extend((t0.index, t1.index))
                tables_rank[rank][1].extend((t1.index, t0.index))

        return [coo_matrix(([True]*len(i), (i, j)), shape=self.shape, dtype=np.bool) for i, j in tables_rank] 

Example 49

def prepare_faces():
    data = sklearn.datasets.fetch_olivetti_faces('../data', shuffle=False)
    X =
    y =

    X = np.split(X, 40)
    y = np.split(y, 40)

    X_train = [x[0:7, :] for x in X]
    X_test = [x[7:, :] for x in X]
    y_train = [a[0:7] for a in y]
    y_test = [a[7:] for a in y]
    X_train = np.concatenate(X_train)
    X_test = np.concatenate(X_test)
    y_train = pd.Series(np.concatenate(y_train))
    y_test = pd.Series(np.concatenate(y_test))

    scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1))
    X_train = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(X_train))
    X_test = pd.DataFrame(scaler.transform(X_test))

    return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, scaler 

Example 50

def prepare_faces():
    data = sklearn.datasets.fetch_olivetti_faces('../data', shuffle=False)
    X =
    y =

    X = np.split(X, 40)
    y = np.split(y, 40)

    X_train = [x[0:7, :] for x in X]
    X_test = [x[7:, :] for x in X]
    y_train = [a[0:7] for a in y]
    y_test = [a[7:] for a in y]
    X_train = np.concatenate(X_train)
    X_test = np.concatenate(X_test)
    y_train = np.concatenate(y_train)
    y_test = np.concatenate(y_test)

    scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1))
    X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
    X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

    return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, scaler 