Python numpy.fromfunction() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def getArrayRegion(self, arr, img=None, axes=(0, 1), **kwds):
        Return the result of ROI.getArrayRegion() masked by the elliptical shape
        of the ROI. Regions outside the ellipse are set to 0.
        # Note: we could use the same method as used by PolyLineROI, but this
        # implementation produces a nicer mask.
        arr = ROI.getArrayRegion(self, arr, img, axes, **kwds)
        if arr is None or arr.shape[axes[0]] == 0 or arr.shape[axes[1]] == 0:
            return arr
        w = arr.shape[axes[0]]
        h = arr.shape[axes[1]]
        ## generate an ellipsoidal mask
        mask = np.fromfunction(lambda x,y: (((x+0.5)/(w/2.)-1)**2+ ((y+0.5)/(h/2.)-1)**2)**0.5 < 1, (w, h))
        # reshape to match array axes
        if axes[0] > axes[1]:
            mask = mask.T
        shape = [(n if i in axes else 1) for i,n in enumerate(arr.shape)]
        mask = mask.reshape(shape)
        return arr * mask 

Example 2

def getArrayRegion(self, arr, img=None, axes=(0, 1), **kwds):
        Return the result of ROI.getArrayRegion() masked by the elliptical shape
        of the ROI. Regions outside the ellipse are set to 0.
        # Note: we could use the same method as used by PolyLineROI, but this
        # implementation produces a nicer mask.
        arr = ROI.getArrayRegion(self, arr, img, axes, **kwds)
        if arr is None or arr.shape[axes[0]] == 0 or arr.shape[axes[1]] == 0:
            return arr
        w = arr.shape[axes[0]]
        h = arr.shape[axes[1]]
        ## generate an ellipsoidal mask
        mask = np.fromfunction(lambda x,y: (((x+0.5)/(w/2.)-1)**2+ ((y+0.5)/(h/2.)-1)**2)**0.5 < 1, (w, h))
        # reshape to match array axes
        if axes[0] > axes[1]:
            mask = mask.T
        shape = [(n if i in axes else 1) for i,n in enumerate(arr.shape)]
        mask = mask.reshape(shape)
        return arr * mask 

Example 3

def score(self, match):
        Return the one bond scoring matrix

        match: array



        score_matrix = -settings.bond_weight * np.fromfunction(self.evaluate_score_matrix_vect, match.shape, match=match, dtype=int)

        return score_matrix 

Example 4

def __call__(self, inputs,target):
        applied_angle = random.uniform(-self.angle,self.angle)
        diff = random.uniform(-self.diff_angle,self.diff_angle)
        angle1 = applied_angle - diff/2
        angle2 = applied_angle + diff/2
        angle1_rad = angle1*np.pi/180

        h, w, _ = target.shape

        def rotate_flow(i,j,k):
            return -k*(j-w/2)*(diff*np.pi/180) + (1-k)*(i-h/2)*(diff*np.pi/180)

        rotate_flow_map = np.fromfunction(rotate_flow, target.shape)
        target += rotate_flow_map

        inputs[0] = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(inputs[0], angle1, reshape=self.reshape, order=self.order)
        inputs[1] = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(inputs[1], angle2, reshape=self.reshape, order=self.order)
        target = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(target, angle1, reshape=self.reshape, order=self.order)
        # flow vectors must be rotated too! careful about Y flow which is upside down
        target_ = np.copy(target)
        target[:,:,0] = np.cos(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,0] + np.sin(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,1]
        target[:,:,1] = -np.sin(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,0] + np.cos(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,1]
        return inputs,target 

Example 5

def depthMap(self, midpointdepth=None, pose=None):
        shape = self.opts['shape']
        if pose is None:
            pose = self.pose()
        t, r = pose

        n = self.planeSfN(r)
        # z component from plane-equation solved for z:
        zpart = np.fromfunction(lambda y, x: (-n[0] * x
                                              - n[1] * y) / (
            -n[2]), shape)

        ox, oy = self.objCenter()
        v = zpart[int(oy), int(ox)]

        if midpointdepth is None:
            # TODO: review
            midpointdepth = t[2, 0]

        zpart += midpointdepth - v
        return zpart 

Example 6

def getArrayRegion(self, arr, img=None):
        Return the result of ROI.getArrayRegion() masked by the elliptical shape
        of the ROI. Regions outside the ellipse are set to 0.
        # TODO: get right area for pseudosquare
        arr = pg.ROI.getArrayRegion(self, arr, img)
        if arr is None or arr.shape[0] == 0 or arr.shape[1] == 0:
            return None
        w = arr.shape[0]
        h = arr.shape[1]
        # generate an ellipsoidal mask
        mask = np.fromfunction(lambda x,y: ((((x+0.5)/((w/2.)))-1)**2+ (
                        ((y+0.5)/((h/2.)))-1)**2)**0.5 < self._ratioEllispeRectangle, (w, h))

        return arr * mask 

Example 7

def _shape(self,img):
		:param img:
		:return: ????

		operator1 = np.fromfunction(self._gauss, (5, 5), sigma=self._sigma)
		operator2 = np.array([[1, 1, 1],
		                   [1,-8, 1],
	                       [1, 1, 1]])
		image_blur = signal.convolve2d(img, operator1, mode="same")
		# ?????????????
		image2 = signal.convolve2d(image_blur, operator2, mode="same")
		if image2.max() != 0:
			image2 = (image2 / float(image2.max())) * 255
			image2 = np.zeros(image2.shape)
		# ??????????????255???????????
		image2[image2>image2.mean()] = 255
		# ?????????????
		image2[image2 <=image2.mean()] =0
		return image2 

Example 8

def approx_state_value_eval(env, policy,
                                discount=0.999, learning_rate=0.01,
                                n_iter=1000, print_every=None):
        state_values = LinearApproximator(lambda x: x, env.observation_space.shape[0])
        for episode in range(n_iter):
            visited_states, rewards = MonteCarlo._run_episode(env, policy, with_actions=False)
            for i, state in enumerate(visited_states):
                if i + 1 >= len(rewards):
                discounted_return_from_state = \
          [i + 1:]),
                           np.fromfunction(lambda i: discount ** i, (len(rewards) - i - 1, )))
                update = (discounted_return_from_state
                           - state_values.state_value(state)) * state_values.grad(state)
                state_values.update_w(update, learning_rate)
            if print_every is not None and episode % print_every == 0:
                print('State-Value estimation:\n{}'.format(
                    [(s, state_values.state_value(s)) for s in visited_states[:10]]
        return state_values 

Example 9

def action_value_eval(env, policy,
                          discount=0.999, learning_rate=0.01,
                          n_iter=1000, print_every=None):
        action_values = [[0.0 for _ in range(env.action_space.n)] for _ in range(env.state_space.n)]

        for episode in range(n_iter):
            visited_state_action_pairs, rewards = MonteCarlo._run_episode(env, policy, with_actions=True)
            for i, (state, action) in enumerate(visited_state_action_pairs):
                if i + 1 >= len(rewards):
                discounted_return_from_state = \
          [i + 1:]),
                           np.fromfunction(lambda i: discount ** i, ((len(rewards) - i - 1),)))
                action_values[state][action] += \
                    learning_rate * (discounted_return_from_state - action_values[state][action])
            if print_every is not None and episode % print_every == 0:
                print('Action-Value estimation:\n{}'.format(action_values))
        return action_values 

Example 10

def __init__(self, table=None, filename=''):
        table:      the pandas DataFrame that records rankable objects competition
        filename:   the hdf5 filename that stores the DataFrame. The DataFrame
                    must be indexed by 'item_pair_rate'.
        if table is None:
            table = pd.read_hdf(filename, "item_pair_rate")
        table = table[['primary','secondary','rate1','rate2','weight']]
        self.table = table
        # itemid to index table
        idx = self._extract_list(self.table)
        self.itemlist = idx
        temptable = table.iloc[:,:2].values
        pair = np.fromfunction(np.vectorize(lambda i, j: idx[temptable[i,j]]),
        pair = np.require(pair, dtype=np.int32)
        self.pair = pair 

Example 11

def add_gauss_noise(image,r=10):
    suanzi = np.fromfunction(func, (r, r), sigma=5)
    image = np.array(image)
    image2 = signal.convolve2d(image, suanzi, mode="same")
    image2 = (image2 / float(image2.max())) * 255
    return np.array(image2) 

Example 12

def add_gauss_noise(image,r=10):
    suanzi = np.fromfunction(func, (r, r), sigma=5)
    image = np.array(image)
    image2 = signal.convolve2d(image, suanzi, mode="same")
    image2 = (image2 / float(image2.max())) * 255
    return np.array(image2) 

Example 13

def initializeGL(self):
        ## Generate texture for rendering points
        w = 64
        def fn(x,y):
            r = ((x-w/2.)**2 + (y-w/2.)**2) ** 0.5
            return 255 * (w/2. - np.clip(r, w/2.-1.0, w/2.))
        pData = np.empty((w, w, 4))
        pData[:] = 255
        pData[:,:,3] = np.fromfunction(fn, pData.shape[:2])
        #print pData.shape, pData.min(), pData.max()
        pData = pData.astype(np.ubyte)
        if getattr(self, "pointTexture", None) is None:
            self.pointTexture = glGenTextures(1)
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.pointTexture)
        glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, pData.shape[0], pData.shape[1], 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pData)
        self.shader = shaders.getShaderProgram('pointSprite')
    #def getVBO(self, name):
        #if name not in self.vbo:
            #self.vbo[name] = vbo.VBO(getattr(self, name).astype('f'))
        #return self.vbo[name]
    #def setupGLState(self):
        #"""Prepare OpenGL state for drawing. This function is called immediately before painting."""
        ##glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)  ## requires z-sorting to render properly.
        #glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE)
        #glEnable( GL_BLEND )
        #glEnable( GL_ALPHA_TEST )
        #glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
        ##glEnable( GL_POINT_SMOOTH )

        ##glPointParameterfv(GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION, (0, 0, -1e-3))
        ##glPointParameterfv(GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX, (65500,))
        ##glPointParameterfv(GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN, (0,)) 

Example 14

def initializeGL(self):
        ## Generate texture for rendering points
        w = 64
        def fn(x,y):
            r = ((x-w/2.)**2 + (y-w/2.)**2) ** 0.5
            return 255 * (w/2. - np.clip(r, w/2.-1.0, w/2.))
        pData = np.empty((w, w, 4))
        pData[:] = 255
        pData[:,:,3] = np.fromfunction(fn, pData.shape[:2])
        #print pData.shape, pData.min(), pData.max()
        pData = pData.astype(np.ubyte)
        if getattr(self, "pointTexture", None) is None:
            self.pointTexture = glGenTextures(1)
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self.pointTexture)
        glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, pData.shape[0], pData.shape[1], 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pData)
        self.shader = shaders.getShaderProgram('pointSprite')
    #def getVBO(self, name):
        #if name not in self.vbo:
            #self.vbo[name] = vbo.VBO(getattr(self, name).astype('f'))
        #return self.vbo[name]
    #def setupGLState(self):
        #"""Prepare OpenGL state for drawing. This function is called immediately before painting."""
        ##glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)  ## requires z-sorting to render properly.
        #glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE)
        #glEnable( GL_BLEND )
        #glEnable( GL_ALPHA_TEST )
        #glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
        ##glEnable( GL_POINT_SMOOTH )

        ##glPointParameterfv(GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION, (0, 0, -1e-3))
        ##glPointParameterfv(GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX, (65500,))
        ##glPointParameterfv(GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN, (0,)) 

Example 15

def test_save_prediction(self):
        model = RandomForestClassifier() = get_model_id(model),
        indexes = np.fromfunction(lambda x: x, ([0], ), dtype=np.int32)
        saving_predict_proba(model,, indexes)

Example 16

def test_getitem_with_slice_from_2D_functional_array_2():
    def test_function(i, j):
        return i * i + 2 * i * j + 3
    m = larray(test_function, shape=(3, 15))
    assert_array_equal(m[:, 3:14:3],
                       numpy.fromfunction(test_function, shape=(3, 15))[:, 3:14:3]) 

Example 17

def test_getitem_from_array_with_operations():
    a1 = numpy.array([[1, 3, 5], [7, 9, 11]])
    m1 = larray(a1)
    f = lambda i, j: numpy.sqrt(i * i + j * j)
    a2 = numpy.fromfunction(f, shape=(2, 3))
    m2 = larray(f, shape=(2, 3))
    a3 = 3 * a1 + a2
    m3 = 3 * m1 + m2
    assert_array_equal(a3[:, (0, 2)],
                       m3[:, (0, 2)]) 

Example 18

def array_from_function_full(f, shape):
    return np.fromfunction(f, shape) 

Example 19

def array_from_function_slice(f, shape):
    return np.fromfunction(f, shape)[:, 0:-1:10] 

Example 20

def createpolygonmovie(coordfile, moviefile, background=None, xrange=(0,1), yrange=(0,1), shape=(500,500), rate=24):
    # read the coordinates
    polygons = np.loadtxt(os.path.expanduser(coordfile))

    # open the movie file
    movie = MovieFile(moviefile, shape=shape, rate=rate)

    # setup the figure and its background
    figure = plt.figure(1, dpi=100, figsize=(shape[0]/100.,shape[1]/100.))
    x0,x1 = xrange
    y0,y1 = yrange
    px,py = shape
    if background != None:
        # transpose and scale i,j indices to x,y values
        backim = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: background((j+0.5)/px*(x1-x0)+x0,(i+0.5)/py*(y1-y0)+y0), shape[::-1])
        plt.imshow(backim, origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='bicubic', extent=(x0,x1,y0,y1))
    plt.xlim(xrange[0], xrange[1])
    plt.ylim(yrange[0], yrange[1])

    # for each line in the file, draw the polygon and add a movie frame
    for p in polygons:
        plt.plot(np.concatenate((p[0::2],p[0:1])), np.concatenate((p[1::2],p[1:2])), 'w-')
        plt.draw()                                  # flush the drawing
        movie.add(figure.canvas.buffer_rgba(0,0))   # pass the pixel buffer on as movie frame
        figure.axes[0].lines.pop()                  # remove the plotted line

    # close things

# ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Example 21

def createpolygonmovie(coordfile, moviefile, background=None, xrange=(0,1), yrange=(0,1), shape=(500,500), rate=24):
    # read the coordinates
    polygons = np.loadtxt(os.path.expanduser(coordfile))

    # open the movie file
    movie = MovieFile(moviefile, shape=shape, rate=rate)

    # setup the figure and its background
    figure = plt.figure(1, dpi=100, figsize=(shape[0]/100.,shape[1]/100.))
    x0,x1 = xrange
    y0,y1 = yrange
    px,py = shape
    if background != None:
        # transpose and scale i,j indices to x,y values
        backim = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: background((j+0.5)/px*(x1-x0)+x0,(i+0.5)/py*(y1-y0)+y0), shape[::-1])
        plt.imshow(backim, origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='bicubic', extent=(x0,x1,y0,y1))
    plt.xlim(xrange[0], xrange[1])
    plt.ylim(yrange[0], yrange[1])

    # for each line in the file, draw the polygon and add a movie frame
    for p in polygons:
        plt.plot(np.concatenate((p[0::2],p[0:1])), np.concatenate((p[1::2],p[1:2])), 'w-')
        plt.draw()                                  # flush the drawing
        movie.add(figure.canvas.buffer_rgba(0,0))   # pass the pixel buffer on as movie frame
        figure.axes[0].lines.pop()                  # remove the plotted line

    # close things

# ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Example 22

def growPositions(ksize):
    return all positions around central point (0,0) 
    for a given kernel size 
    positions grow from smallest to biggest distances
    returns [positions] and [distances] from central cell
    i = ksize*2+1
    kk = np.ones( (i, i), dtype=bool)
    x,y = np.where(kk)
    pos = np.empty(shape=(i,i,2), dtype=int)

    dist = np.fromfunction(lambda x,y: ((x-ksize)**2
                                        +(y-ksize)**2)**0.5, (i,i))

    pos = np.dstack(
            np.argsort(dist.ravel()), (i, i)))[0,1:]

    pos0 = pos[:,0]
    pos1 = pos[:,1]

    return pos-ksize, dist[pos0, pos1] 

Example 23

def cam2PlaneVectorField(self, midpointdepth=None, **kwargs):
        t, r = self.pose()
        shape = self.opts['shape']

        cam = self.opts['cameraMatrix']
        # move reference point from top left quad corner to
        # optical center:
#         q0 = self.quad[0]
        q0 = self.objCenter()
#         dx,dy = cam[0,2]-q0[0], cam[1,2]-q0[1]
        dx, dy = shape[1] // 2 - q0[0], shape[0] // 2 - q0[1]

        # x,y component of undist plane:
        rot0 = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=float)
        worldCoord = np.fromfunction(lambda x, y:
                                     imgPointToWorldCoord((y - dy, x - dx), rot0, t, cam
                                                          ), shape).reshape(3, *shape)
        # z component from plane-equation solved for z:
        n = self.planeSfN(r)
        x, y = worldCoord[:2]
        zpart = (-n[0] * x - n[1] * y) / (-n[2])
        ox, oy = self.objCenter()
        v = zpart[int(oy), int(ox)]

        if midpointdepth is None:
            # TODO: review
            midpointdepth = t[2, 0]
        zpart += midpointdepth - v
        worldCoord[2] = zpart
        return worldCoord


Example 24

def get_n_step_expected_rewards_mat(episode_rewards, estimates, discount=.99, n_step=1):
    expected_reward = [0] * len(episode_rewards)
    rewards_coef = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: discount**(i-j) * (i >= j) * (i - j < n_step), (len(episode_rewards), len(episode_rewards)))
    permut = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: (i > j + n_step) * (i <= j + n_step), (len(episode_rewards), len(episode_rewards)))

    return, rewards_coef) + discount**(n_step) *, permut) 

Example 25

def bool_ops(self):
        """Allows the user to write mathmatical definitions for solids and use boolian operations on them."""
        x = np.zeros((self.matrix_size, self.matrix_size, self.matrix_size))
        v = np.fromfunction(self.test_solid, (self.matrix_size, self.matrix_size, self.matrix_size))
        v = x + v
        v = np.lib.pad(v, ((1,1),(1,1),(1,1)), 'constant') #This padds the z axis with zero's arrays so that a closed shape is produced by marching cubes.
        return v 

Example 26

def parse_data(data):
        Transform ``data`` to a numpy ndarray. The parameter ``data`` may
        contain data in various formats, e.g. nested lists, sympy ``Matrix``,
        and so on.


        >>> from sympy.tensor.tensor import _TensorDataLazyEvaluator
        >>> _TensorDataLazyEvaluator.parse_data([1, 3, -6, 12])
        [1 3 -6 12]

        >>> _TensorDataLazyEvaluator.parse_data([[1, 2], [4, 7]])
        [[1 2]
         [4 7]]
        numpy = import_module('numpy')

        if (numpy is not None) and (not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray)):
            if len(data) == 2 and hasattr(data[0], '__call__'):

                def fromfunction_sympify(*x):
                    return sympify(data[0](*x))

                data = numpy.fromfunction(fromfunction_sympify, data[1])
                vsympify = numpy.vectorize(sympify)
                data = vsympify(numpy.array(data))
        return data 

Example 27

def state_value_eval(env, policy,
        This is EVERY-VISIT Monte-Carlo
        :param env: An Environment that we can reset(), step() and get observations and
                    reward information.
        :param policy: A strategy for behaving in an Environment. Should have a step()
                    method that returns an action given state information.
        :param discount: Discount factor for the MDP
        :param learning_rate: The amount we will shift towards an error direction.
        :param n_iter: Number of episodes to run this algorithm for
        :param print_every: Print the current estimate of values every X iterations
        :return: The State-Value function that shows the average return we'll have starting
                 in each one of the states of this MDP
        state_values = [0.0 for _ in range(env.state_space.n)]

        for episode in range(n_iter):
            visited_states, rewards = MonteCarlo._run_episode(env, policy, with_actions=False)
            for i, state in enumerate(visited_states):
                if i + 1 >= len(rewards):
                discounted_return_from_state = \
          [i + 1:]),
                           np.fromfunction(lambda i: discount ** i, ((len(rewards) - i - 1),)))
                state_values[state] += \
                    learning_rate * (discounted_return_from_state - state_values[state])
            if print_every is not None and episode % print_every == 0:
                print('State-Value estimation:\n{}'.format(state_values))
        return state_values 

Example 28

def __call__(self, inputs,target):
        applied_angle  = random.uniform(-self.angle,self.angle)
        diff = random.uniform(-self.diff_angle,self.diff_angle)
        angle1 = applied_angle - diff/2
        angle2 = applied_angle + diff/2

        angle1_rad = angle1*np.pi/180
        angle2_rad = angle2*np.pi/180

        h, w, _ = inputs[0].shape

        def rotate_flow(i,j,k):
            return -k*(j-w/2)*(diff*np.pi/180) + (1-k)*(i-h/2)*(diff*np.pi/180)

        rotate_flow_map = np.fromfunction(rotate_flow, target.shape)
        target += rotate_flow_map

        inputs[0] = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(inputs[0], angle1, reshape=True, order=self.order)
        inputs[1] = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(inputs[1], angle2, reshape=True, order=self.order)
        target = ndimage.interpolation.rotate(target, angle1, reshape=True, order=self.order)

        #flow vectors must be rotated too!
        target_=np.array(target, copy=True)
        target[:,:,0] = np.cos(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,0] - np.sin(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,1]
        target[:,:,1] = np.sin(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,0] + np.cos(angle1_rad)*target_[:,:,1]

        #keep angle1 and angle2 within [0,pi/2] with a reflection at pi/2: -1rad is 1rad, 2rad is pi - 2 rad
        angle1_rad = np.pi/2 - np.abs(angle1_rad%np.pi - np.pi/2)
        angle2_rad = np.pi/2 - np.abs(angle2_rad%np.pi - np.pi/2)

        c1 = np.cos(angle1_rad)
        s1 = np.sin(angle1_rad)
        c2 = np.cos(angle2_rad)
        s2 = np.sin(angle2_rad)
        c_diag = h/np.sqrt(h*h+w*w)
        s_diag = w/np.sqrt(h*h+w*w)

        ratio = c_diag/max(c1*c_diag+s1*s_diag,c2*c_diag+s2*s_diag)

        crop = CenterCrop((int(h*ratio),int(w*ratio)))
        scale = Scale(self.size)
        inputs, target = crop(inputs, target)
        return scale(inputs,target) 

Example 29

def asanyarray(a, dtype=None, order=None):
    """Convert the input to an ndarray, but pass ndarray subclasses through.

    a : array_like
        Input data, in any form that can be converted to an array.  This
        includes scalars, lists, lists of tuples, tuples, tuples of tuples,
        tuples of lists, and ndarrays.
    dtype : data-type, optional
        By default, the data-type is inferred from the input data.
    order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
        Whether to use row-major (C-style) or column-major
        (Fortran-style) memory representation.  Defaults to 'C'.

    out : ndarray or an ndarray subclass
        Array interpretation of `a`.  If `a` is an ndarray or a subclass
        of ndarray, it is returned as-is and no copy is performed.

    See Also
    asarray : Similar function which always returns ndarrays.
    ascontiguousarray : Convert input to a contiguous array.
    asfarray : Convert input to a floating point ndarray.
    asfortranarray : Convert input to an ndarray with column-major
                     memory order.
    asarray_chkfinite : Similar function which checks input for NaNs and
    fromiter : Create an array from an iterator.
    fromfunction : Construct an array by executing a function on grid

    Convert a list into an array:

    >>> a = [1, 2]
    >>> np.asanyarray(a)
    array([1, 2])

    Instances of `ndarray` subclasses are passed through as-is:

    >>> a = np.matrix([1, 2])
    >>> np.asanyarray(a) is a

    return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order, subok=True) 

Example 30

def fromfunction(function, shape, **kwargs):
    Construct an array by executing a function over each coordinate.

    The resulting array therefore has a value ``fn(x, y, z)`` at
    coordinate ``(x, y, z)``.

    function : callable
        The function is called with N parameters, where N is the rank of
        `shape`.  Each parameter represents the coordinates of the array
        varying along a specific axis.  For example, if `shape`
        were ``(2, 2)``, then the parameters in turn be (0, 0), (0, 1),
        (1, 0), (1, 1).
    shape : (N,) tuple of ints
        Shape of the output array, which also determines the shape of
        the coordinate arrays passed to `function`.
    dtype : data-type, optional
        Data-type of the coordinate arrays passed to `function`.
        By default, `dtype` is float.

    fromfunction : any
        The result of the call to `function` is passed back directly.
        Therefore the shape of `fromfunction` is completely determined by
        `function`.  If `function` returns a scalar value, the shape of
        `fromfunction` would match the `shape` parameter.

    See Also
    indices, meshgrid

    Keywords other than `dtype` are passed to `function`.

    >>> np.fromfunction(lambda i, j: i == j, (3, 3), dtype=int)
    array([[ True, False, False],
           [False,  True, False],
           [False, False,  True]], dtype=bool)

    >>> np.fromfunction(lambda i, j: i + j, (3, 3), dtype=int)
    array([[0, 1, 2],
           [1, 2, 3],
           [2, 3, 4]])

    dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', float)
    args = indices(shape, dtype=dtype)
    return function(*args, **kwargs) 