Python numpy.nanargmin() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def mouse_drag(self, event):
    if event.inaxes == and event.button == 1:

      # Index of nearest point
      i = np.nanargmin(((event.xdata - self.x) / self.nx) ** 2)
      j = np.nanargmin(((event.ydata - self.y) / self.ny) ** 2)  
      if (i == self.last_i) and (j == self.last_j):
        self.last_i = i
        self.last_j = j
      # Toggle pixel
      if self.aperture[j,i]:
        self.aperture[j,i] = 0
        self.aperture[j,i] = 1
      # Update the contour

Example 2

def mouse_click(self, event):

    if event.mouseevent.inaxes ==
      # Index of nearest point
      i = np.nanargmin(((event.mouseevent.xdata - self.x) / self.nx) ** 2)
      j = np.nanargmin(((event.mouseevent.ydata - self.y) / self.ny) ** 2)  
      self.last_i = i
      self.last_j = j
      # Toggle pixel
      if self.aperture[j,i]:
        self.aperture[j,i] = 0
        self.aperture[j,i] = 1
      # Update the contour

Example 3

def update(self, arx, xarchive=None, arf=None, evals=None):
        """checks for better solutions in list ``arx``.

        Based on the smallest corresponding value in ``arf``,
        alternatively, `update` may be called with a `BestSolution`
        instance like ``update(another_best_solution)`` in which case
        the better solution becomes the current best.

        ``xarchive`` is used to retrieve the genotype of a solution.
        if isinstance(arx, BestSolution):
            if self.evalsall is None:
                self.evalsall = arx.evalsall
            elif arx.evalsall is not None:
                self.evalsall = max((self.evalsall, arx.evalsall))
            if arx.f is not None and arx.f < np.inf:
                self.update([arx.x], xarchive, [arx.f], arx.evals)
            return self
        assert arf is not None
        # find failsave minimum
            minidx = np.nanargmin(arf)
        except ValueError:
        if minidx is np.nan:
        minarf = arf[minidx]
        # minarf = reduce(lambda x, y: y if y and y is not np.nan
        #                   and y < x else x, arf, np.inf)
        if minarf < np.inf and (minarf < self.f or self.f is None):
            self.x, self.f = arx[minidx], arf[minidx]
            if xarchive is not None and xarchive.get(self.x) is not None:
                self.x_geno = xarchive[self.x].get('geno')
                self.x_geno = None
            self.evals = None if not evals else evals - len(arf) + minidx + 1
            self.evalsall = evals
        elif evals:
            self.evalsall = evals
        self.last.x = arx[minidx]
        self.last.f = minarf 

Example 4

def test_nanargmin(self):
        tgt = np.argmin(self.mat)
        for mat in self.integer_arrays():
            assert_equal(np.nanargmin(mat), tgt) 

Example 5

def update(self, arx, xarchive=None, arf=None, evals=None):
        """checks for better solutions in list `arx`.

        Based on the smallest corresponding value in `arf`,
        alternatively, `update` may be called with a `BestSolution`
        instance like ``update(another_best_solution)`` in which case
        the better solution becomes the current best.

        `xarchive` is used to retrieve the genotype of a solution.

        if isinstance(arx, BestSolution):
            if self.evalsall is None:
                self.evalsall = arx.evalsall
            elif arx.evalsall is not None:
                self.evalsall = max((self.evalsall, arx.evalsall))
            if arx.f is not None and arx.f < np.inf:
                self.update([arx.x], xarchive, [arx.f], arx.evals)
            return self
        assert arf is not None
        # find failsave minimum
        minidx = np.nanargmin(arf)
        if minidx is np.nan:
        minarf = arf[minidx]
        # minarf = reduce(lambda x, y: y if y and y is not np.nan
        #                   and y < x else x, arf, np.inf)
        if minarf < np.inf and (minarf < self.f or self.f is None):
            self.x, self.f = arx[minidx], arf[minidx]
            if xarchive is not None and xarchive.get(self.x) is not None:
                self.x_geno = xarchive[self.x].get('geno')
                self.x_geno = None
            self.evals = None if not evals else evals - len(arf) + minidx + 1
            self.evalsall = evals
        elif evals:
            self.evalsall = evals
        self.last.x = arx[minidx]
        self.last.f = minarf 

Example 6

def update(self, arx, xarchive=None, arf=None, evals=None):
        """checks for better solutions in list `arx`.

        Based on the smallest corresponding value in `arf`,
        alternatively, `update` may be called with a `BestSolution`
        instance like ``update(another_best_solution)`` in which case
        the better solution becomes the current best.

        `xarchive` is used to retrieve the genotype of a solution.

        if isinstance(arx, BestSolution):
            if self.evalsall is None:
                self.evalsall = arx.evalsall
            elif arx.evalsall is not None:
                self.evalsall = max((self.evalsall, arx.evalsall))
            if arx.f is not None and arx.f < np.inf:
                self.update([arx.x], xarchive, [arx.f], arx.evals)
            return self
        assert arf is not None
        # find failsave minimum
        minidx = np.nanargmin(arf)
        if minidx is np.nan:
        minarf = arf[minidx]
        # minarf = reduce(lambda x, y: y if y and y is not np.nan
        #                   and y < x else x, arf, np.inf)
        if minarf < np.inf and (minarf < self.f or self.f is None):
            self.x, self.f = arx[minidx], arf[minidx]
            if xarchive is not None and xarchive.get(self.x) is not None:
                self.x_geno = xarchive[self.x].get('geno')
                self.x_geno = None
            self.evals = None if not evals else evals - len(arf) + minidx + 1
            self.evalsall = evals
        elif evals:
            self.evalsall = evals
        self.last.x = arx[minidx]
        self.last.f = minarf 

Example 7

def update(self, arx, xarchive=None, arf=None, evals=None):
        """checks for better solutions in list `arx`.

        Based on the smallest corresponding value in `arf`,
        alternatively, `update` may be called with a `BestSolution`
        instance like ``update(another_best_solution)`` in which case
        the better solution becomes the current best.

        `xarchive` is used to retrieve the genotype of a solution.

        if isinstance(arx, BestSolution):
            if self.evalsall is None:
                self.evalsall = arx.evalsall
            elif arx.evalsall is not None:
                self.evalsall = max((self.evalsall, arx.evalsall))
            if arx.f is not None and arx.f < np.inf:
                self.update([arx.x], xarchive, [arx.f], arx.evals)
            return self
        assert arf is not None
        # find failsave minimum
        minidx = np.nanargmin(arf)
        if minidx is np.nan:
        minarf = arf[minidx]
        # minarf = reduce(lambda x, y: y if y and y is not np.nan
        #                   and y < x else x, arf, np.inf)
        if minarf < np.inf and (minarf < self.f or self.f is None):
            self.x, self.f = arx[minidx], arf[minidx]
            if xarchive is not None and xarchive.get(self.x) is not None:
                self.x_geno = xarchive[self.x].get('geno')
                self.x_geno = None
            self.evals = None if not evals else evals - len(arf) + minidx + 1
            self.evalsall = evals
        elif evals:
            self.evalsall = evals
        self.last.x = arx[minidx]
        self.last.f = minarf 

Example 8

def test_nanargmin(self):
        tgt = np.argmin(self.mat)
        for mat in self.integer_arrays():
            assert_equal(np.nanargmin(mat), tgt) 

Example 9

def figure_mouse_pick(self, event):
        Trigger for when the mouse is used to select an item in the figure.

        :param event:
            The matplotlib event.
        ycol = "abundance"
        xcol = {
            self.ax_excitation_twin: "expot",
            self.ax_line_strength_twin: "reduced_equivalent_width"

        xscale = np.ptp(event.inaxes.get_xlim())
        yscale = np.ptp(event.inaxes.get_ylim())
            distance = np.sqrt(
                    ((self._state_transitions[ycol] - event.ydata)/yscale)**2 \
                +   ((self._state_transitions[xcol] - event.xdata)/xscale)**2)
        except AttributeError:
            # Stellar parameters have not been measured yet
            return None

        index = np.nanargmin(distance)

        # Because the state transitions are linked to the parent source model of
        # the table view, we will have to get the proxy index.
        proxy_index = self.table_view.model().mapFromSource(
            self.proxy_spectral_models.sourceModel().createIndex(index, 0)).row()

        return None 

Example 10

def find_min(x, bin_width = 10):
  xm = binned_average(x, bin_width=bin_width);
  imin = np.nanargmin(xm);
  return int((imin + 0.5) * bin_width); 

Example 11

def find_min(x, bin_width = 10):
  xm = binned_average(x, bin_width=bin_width);
  imin = np.nanargmin(xm);
  return int((imin + 0.5) * bin_width); 

Example 12

def find_min(x, bin_width = 10):
  xm = binned_average(x, bin_width=bin_width);
  imin = np.nanargmin(xm);
  return int((imin + 0.5) * bin_width); 

Example 13

def find_min(x, bin_width = 10):
  xm = binned_average(x, bin_width=bin_width);
  imin = np.nanargmin(xm);
  return int((imin + 0.5) * bin_width); 

Example 14

def find_min(x, bin_width = 10):
  xm = binned_average(x, bin_width=bin_width);
  imin = np.nanargmin(xm);
  return int((imin + 0.5) * bin_width); 

Example 15

def Variogram(self):


        # find the best Variogram
        idx = np.nanargmin(self.e)

        return self.V[idx] 

Example 16

def _select_best_measure_index(curr_measures, args):
    idx = None
        if args.measure == 'aicc':
            # The best score for AICc is the minimum.
            idx = np.nanargmin(curr_measures)
        elif args.measure in ['hmm-distance', 'wasserstein', 'mahalanobis']:
            # The best score for the l-d measure is the maximum.
            idx = np.nanargmax(curr_measures)
        idx = random.choice(range(len(curr_measures)))
    assert idx is not None
    return idx 

Example 17

def initial_count(classify, test_set_x, data, valid):

    (valid_st2,valid_st5,valid_st8) = valid
    (ns_test_set_x_st2,ns_test_set_x_st5,ns_test_set_x_st8) = data

    # classify st_2 it is always valid
    (st2_count, st2_res, st2_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st2, 0, 0, 81)  #100 - 19 etc.

    # check if st5 is valid. if not return st2 count
    if (valid_st5 == 1):
        (st5_count, st5_res, st5_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st5, 0, 0, 21)
        st8_entropy = numpy.inf

    if (valid_st8 == 1):
        (st8_count, st8_res, st8_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st8, 0, 0, 6)
        st8_entropy = numpy.inf

    winner = numpy.nanargmin(numpy.array([st2_entropy, st5_entropy, st8_entropy]))

    if (winner == 0):
        # winner is stride 2
        return (st2_count, (st2_res*2/2,st2_res*2/5, st2_res*2/8))
    if (winner == 1):
        # winner is stride 5
        return (st5_count, (st5_res*5/2,st5_res*5/5, st5_res*5/8))
    if (winner == 2):
        # winner is stride 8
        return (st8_count, (st8_res*8/2,st8_res*8/5, st8_res*8/8)) 

Example 18

def get_next_count(classify, test_set_x, data, valid, global_count, curr_residue, start_frame):

    (valid_st2,valid_st5,valid_st8) = valid
    (ns_test_set_x_st2,ns_test_set_x_st5,ns_test_set_x_st8) = data
    (curr_residue_st2, curr_residue_st5, curr_residue_st8) = curr_residue

    # classify st_2 it is always valid
    (st2_count, st2_res, st2_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st2, curr_residue_st2, (start_frame/2-19), (start_frame/2-19)+20)
    # check if st5 is valid. if not return st2 count
    if (valid_st5 == 1):
        (st5_count, st5_res, st5_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st5, curr_residue_st5, (start_frame/5-19), (start_frame/5-19)+8)
        st5_entropy = numpy.inf

    if (valid_st8 == 1):
        (st8_count, st8_res, st8_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st8, curr_residue_st8, (start_frame/8-19), (start_frame/8-19)+5)
        st8_entropy = numpy.inf

    winner = numpy.nanargmin(numpy.array([st2_entropy, st5_entropy, st8_entropy]))

    if (winner == 0):
        # winner is stride 2
        return (global_count + st2_count, (st2_res*2/2,st2_res*2/5, st2_res*2/8))
    if (winner == 1):
        # winner is stride 5
        return (global_count + st5_count, (st5_res*5/2,st5_res*5/5, st5_res*5/8))
    if (winner == 2):
        # winner is stride 8
        return (global_count + st8_count, (st8_res*8/2,st8_res*8/5, st8_res*8/8)) 

Example 19

def get_remain_count(classify, test_set_x, data, valid, global_count, curr_residue, start_frame):

    (valid_st2,valid_st5,valid_st8) = valid
    (ns_test_set_x_st2,ns_test_set_x_st5,ns_test_set_x_st8) = data
    (curr_residue_st2, curr_residue_st5, curr_residue_st8) = curr_residue

    # classify st_2 it is always valid
    (st2_count, st2_res, st2_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st2, curr_residue_st2, (start_frame/2-19), ns_test_set_x_st2.shape[0])
    # check if st5 is valid. if not return st2 count
    if (valid_st5 == 1):
        (st5_count, st5_res, st5_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st5, curr_residue_st5, (start_frame/5-19), ns_test_set_x_st5.shape[0])
        st5_entropy = numpy.inf

    if (valid_st8 == 1):
        (st8_count, st8_res, st8_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st8, curr_residue_st8, (start_frame/8-19), ns_test_set_x_st8.shape[0])
        st8_entropy = numpy.inf

    winner = numpy.nanargmin(numpy.array([st2_entropy, st5_entropy, st8_entropy]))

    if (winner == 0):
        # winner is stride 2
        return (global_count + st2_count)
    if (winner == 1):
        # winner is stride 5
        return (global_count + st5_count)
    if (winner == 2):
        # winner is stride 8
        return (global_count + st8_count) 

Example 20

def count_entire_movie(classify, test_set_x, data, valid, global_count, curr_residue, start_frame):

    (valid_st2,valid_st5,valid_st8) = valid
    (ns_test_set_x_st2,ns_test_set_x_st5,ns_test_set_x_st8) = data
    (curr_residue_st2, curr_residue_st5, curr_residue_st8) = curr_residue

    # classify st_2 it is always valid
    (st2_count, st2_res, st2_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st2, curr_residue_st2, 0, ns_test_set_x_st2.shape[0])
    # check if st5 is valid. if not return st2 count
    if (valid_st5 == 1):
        (st5_count, st5_res, st5_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st5, curr_residue_st5, 0, ns_test_set_x_st5.shape[0])
        st5_entropy = numpy.inf

    if (valid_st8 == 1):
        (st8_count, st8_res, st8_entropy) = count_in_interval(classify, test_set_x, ns_test_set_x_st8, curr_residue_st8, 0, ns_test_set_x_st8.shape[0])
        st8_entropy = numpy.inf

    winner = numpy.nanargmin(numpy.array([st2_entropy, st5_entropy, st8_entropy]))

    if (winner == 0):
        # winner is stride 2
        return (global_count + st2_count)
    if (winner == 1):
        # winner is stride 5
        return (global_count + st5_count)
    if (winner == 2):
        # winner is stride 8
        return (global_count + st8_count) 

Example 21

def test_nanargmin(self):
        tgt = np.argmin(self.mat)
        for mat in self.integer_arrays():
            assert_equal(np.nanargmin(mat), tgt) 

Example 22

def __find_nearest_nodes(self, num, signal, mahar=True):
        #if mahar: return self.__find_nearest_nodes_by_mahar(num, signal)
        n = self.nodes.shape[0]
        indexes = [0.0] * num
        sq_dists = [0.0] * num
        D = util.calc_distance(self.nodes, np.asarray([signal] * n))
        for i in range(num):
            indexes[i] = np.nanargmin(D)
            sq_dists[i] = D[indexes[i]]
            D[indexes[i]] = float('nan')
        return indexes, sq_dists 

Example 23

def update(self, arx, xarchive=None, arf=None, evals=None):
        """checks for better solutions in list `arx`.

        Based on the smallest corresponding value in `arf`,
        alternatively, `update` may be called with a `BestSolution`
        instance like ``update(another_best_solution)`` in which case
        the better solution becomes the current best.

        `xarchive` is used to retrieve the genotype of a solution.

        if isinstance(arx, BestSolution):
            if self.evalsall is None:
                self.evalsall = arx.evalsall
            elif arx.evalsall is not None:
                self.evalsall = max((self.evalsall, arx.evalsall))
            if arx.f is not None and arx.f < np.inf:
                self.update([arx.x], xarchive, [arx.f], arx.evals)
            return self
        assert arf is not None
        # find failsave minimum
        minidx = np.nanargmin(arf)
        if minidx is np.nan:
        minarf = arf[minidx]
        # minarf = reduce(lambda x, y: y if y and y is not np.nan
        #                   and y < x else x, arf, np.inf)
        if minarf < np.inf and (minarf < self.f or self.f is None):
            self.x, self.f = arx[minidx], arf[minidx]
            if xarchive is not None and xarchive.get(self.x) is not None:
                self.x_geno = xarchive[self.x].get('geno')
                self.x_geno = None
            self.evals = None if not evals else evals - len(arf) + minidx + 1
            self.evalsall = evals
        elif evals:
            self.evalsall = evals
        self.last.x = arx[minidx]
        self.last.f = minarf 

Example 24

def test_nanargmin(self):
        tgt = np.argmin(self.mat)
        for mat in self.integer_arrays():
            assert_equal(np.nanargmin(mat), tgt) 

Example 25

def test_nanargmin(self):
        tgt = np.argmin(self.mat)
        for mat in self.integer_arrays():
            assert_equal(np.nanargmin(mat), tgt) 

Example 26

def plot(self, ax=None, write_tau=True):
        fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
            Figure instance containing the plot.
        check_is_fitted(self, 'neg_log_likelihood_')
        if ax is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.gca()
            fig = ax.figure

        blue, green, red, purple, yellow, cyan = SEABORN_PALETTES['deep']

        i_best = np.nanargmin(self.neg_log_likelihood_)
        ax.plot(self.delays_ms_, self.neg_log_likelihood_, color=purple)
        ax.plot(self.delays_ms_[i_best], self.neg_log_likelihood_[i_best], 'D',
        ax.set_xlabel('Delay (ms)')
        ax.set_ylabel('Neg. log likelihood / T')

        if write_tau:
            ax.text(0.5, 0.80, r'$\mathrm{Estimated}$',
                    horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes)
            ax.text(0.5, 0.66, r'$\tau_0 = %.0f \;\mathrm{ms}$' %
                    (self.delays_ms_[i_best], ), horizontalalignment='center',

        return fig 

Example 27

def test_delay_shape():
    est = fast_delay()
    assert_equal(est.neg_log_likelihood_.shape, est.delays_ms_.shape)
    assert_greater(est.neg_log_likelihood_.shape[0], 1)
    i_best = np.nanargmin(est.neg_log_likelihood_)
    assert_equal(est.best_delay_ms_, est.delays_ms_[i_best]) 

Example 28

def update(self, arx, xarchive=None, arf=None, evals=None):
        """checks for better solutions in list `arx`.

        Based on the smallest corresponding value in `arf`,
        alternatively, `update` may be called with a `BestSolution`
        instance like ``update(another_best_solution)`` in which case
        the better solution becomes the current best.

        `xarchive` is used to retrieve the genotype of a solution.

        if isinstance(arx, BestSolution):
            if self.evalsall is None:
                self.evalsall = arx.evalsall
            elif arx.evalsall is not None:
                self.evalsall = max((self.evalsall, arx.evalsall))
            if arx.f is not None and arx.f < np.inf:
                self.update([arx.x], xarchive, [arx.f], arx.evals)
            return self
        assert arf is not None
        # find failsave minimum
        minidx = np.nanargmin(arf)
        if minidx is np.nan:
        minarf = arf[minidx]
        # minarf = reduce(lambda x, y: y if y and y is not np.nan
        #                   and y < x else x, arf, np.inf)
        if minarf < np.inf and (minarf < self.f or self.f is None):
            self.x, self.f = arx[minidx], arf[minidx]
            if xarchive is not None and xarchive.get(self.x) is not None:
                self.x_geno = xarchive[self.x].get('geno')
                self.x_geno = None
            self.evals = None if not evals else evals - len(arf) + minidx + 1
            self.evalsall = evals
        elif evals:
            self.evalsall = evals
        self.last.x = arx[minidx]
        self.last.f = minarf 

Example 29

def optimize_threshold_with_f1(f1c, thresholds, criterion='max'):
    #f1c[np.isnan(f1c)] = 0
    if criterion == 'max':
        ti = np.nanargmax(f1c)
        ti = np.nanargmin(np.abs(thresholds-0.5*f1c))
        #idx = (thresholds>=f1c*0.5-mp) & (thresholds<=f1c*0.5+mp)
        #ti = np.where(idx)[0][f1c[idx].argmax()]
    return thresholds[ti], ti 

Example 30

def _(artist, event):
    offsets = artist.get_offsets()
    ds = np.hypot(
        *(artist.axes.transData.transform(offsets) - [event.x, event.y]).T)
    argmin = np.nanargmin(ds)
    if ds[argmin] < artist.get_pickradius():
        target = with_attrs(offsets[argmin], index=argmin)
        return Selection(artist, target, ds[argmin], None, None)
        return None 

Example 31

def compute_integral(self, x_s, y_s):
        if len(x_s) == 0:
            return np.zeros((y_s.shape[0],)) * np.nan
        closer = np.nanargmin(abs(x_s - self.limits[0]))
        return y_s[:, closer] 

Example 32

def compute_draw_info(self, x, ys):
        bs = self.compute_baseline(x, ys)
        im = np.array([np.nanargmin(abs(x - self.limits[0]))])
        dx = [self.limits[0], self.limits[0]]
        dys = np.hstack((bs[:, im], ys[:, im]))
        return [("curve", (dx, dys, INTEGRATE_DRAW_EDGE_PENARGS)),  # line to value
                ("dot", (x[im], ys[:, im]))] 

Example 33

def update(self, arx, xarchive=None, arf=None, evals=None):
        """checks for better solutions in list `arx`.

        Based on the smallest corresponding value in `arf`,
        alternatively, `update` may be called with a `BestSolution`
        instance like ``update(another_best_solution)`` in which case
        the better solution becomes the current best.

        `xarchive` is used to retrieve the genotype of a solution.

        if isinstance(arx, BestSolution):
            if self.evalsall is None:
                self.evalsall = arx.evalsall
            elif arx.evalsall is not None:
                self.evalsall = max((self.evalsall, arx.evalsall))
            if arx.f is not None and arx.f < np.inf:
                self.update([arx.x], xarchive, [arx.f], arx.evals)
            return self
        assert arf is not None
        # find failsave minimum
        minidx = np.nanargmin(arf)
        if minidx is np.nan:
        minarf = arf[minidx]
        # minarf = reduce(lambda x, y: y if y and y is not np.nan
        #                   and y < x else x, arf, np.inf)
        if minarf < np.inf and (minarf < self.f or self.f is None):
            self.x, self.f = arx[minidx], arf[minidx]
            if xarchive is not None and xarchive.get(self.x) is not None:
                self.x_geno = xarchive[self.x].get('geno')
                self.x_geno = None
            self.evals = None if not evals else evals - len(arf) + minidx + 1
            self.evalsall = evals
        elif evals:
            self.evalsall = evals
        self.last.x = arx[minidx]
        self.last.f = minarf 

Example 34

def test_nanargmin(self):
        tgt = np.argmin(self.mat)
        for mat in self.integer_arrays():
            assert_equal(np.nanargmin(mat), tgt) 

Example 35

def nanmedoid(a, axis=1, indexonly=False):
    Compute the medoid along the specified axis, omitting
    observations containing NaNs.

    Returns the medoid of the array elements.

    a : array_like
        Input array or object that can be converted to an array.
    axis : int
        Axis along which the medoid is computed. The default
        is to compute the median along the last axis of the array.
    indexonly : bool, optional
        If this is set to True, only the index of the medoid is returned.
    medoid : ndarray or int
    if axis == 1:
        diff = a.T[:, None, :] - a.T
        ssum = np.einsum('ijk,ijk->ij', diff, diff)
        dist = np.nansum(np.sqrt(ssum), axis=1) 
        mask = np.isnan(a).any(axis=0)
        dist[mask] = np.nan
        idx = np.nanargmin(dist)
        if indexonly:
            return idx
            return a[:, idx]

    if axis == 0:
        diff = a[:, None, :] - a
        ssum = np.einsum('ijk,ijk->ij', diff, diff)
        dist = np.nansum(np.sqrt(ssum), axis=1) 
        mask = np.isnan(a).any(axis=1)
        dist[mask] = np.nan
        idx = np.nanargmin(dist)
        if indexonly:
            return idx
            return a[idx, :]

    raise IndexError("axis {} out of bounds".format(axis)) 

Example 36

def nanargmin(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the minimum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the results
    cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmin, nanargmax

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 1])
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 0])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, np.inf)
    res = np.argmin(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 37

def nanargmax(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the maximum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the
    results cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and -Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmax, nanargmin

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 0])
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 1])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, -np.inf)
    res = np.argmax(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 38

def nanargmin(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the minimum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the results
    cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmin, nanargmax

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 1])
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 0])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, np.inf)
    res = np.argmin(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 39

def nanargmax(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the maximum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the
    results cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and -Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmax, nanargmin

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 0])
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 1])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, -np.inf)
    res = np.argmax(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 40

def nicecolorbar(self,
                 loc='head right',
                 ticks = None):
    if not axcb:
        axcb = matplotlib.pyplot.gca()
    divider = make_axes_locatable(axcb)
    # this code is from
    cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="2%", pad=0.15)

    levels = numpy.asarray([0.001,0.0025,0.005,0.01,0.025,0.05,0.1,0.25,0.5,1,2.5,5,10,25,50,100,250,500,1000])
    if vmax!= None and vmin != None:
        level = levels[numpy.nanargmin(abs((vmax - vmin)/5 - levels))]
        ticks = numpy.arange(vmin, vmax, level)

    elif vmax :
        level = levels[numpy.nanargmin(abs((vmax - numpy.nanmin(data))/5 - levels))]
        ticks = numpy.arange(numpy.nanmin(data), vmax, level)
    elif data is not None:
        level = None #levels[numpy.nanargmin(abs((numpy.nanmax(data) - numpy.nanmin(data))/5 - levels))]
        ticks = None #numpy.arange(numpy.nanmin(data), numpy.nanmax(data), level)
        #ticks -= numpy.nanmin(abs(ticks))

    cb = matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar(self,
    if vmax!= None and vmin != None:
        cb.set_clim(vmin, vmax)
   'right')'right'), rotation='vertical',fontsize=fontsize)

    #if reflevel:
    return cb 

Example 41

def nanargmin(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the minimum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the results
    cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmin, nanargmax

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 1])
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 0])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, np.inf)
    res = np.argmin(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 42

def nanargmax(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the maximum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the
    results cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and -Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmax, nanargmin

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 0])
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 1])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, -np.inf)
    res = np.argmax(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 43

def nanargmin(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the minimum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the results
    cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmin, nanargmax

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 1])
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 0])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, np.inf)
    res = np.argmin(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 44

def nanargmax(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the maximum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the
    results cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and -Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmax, nanargmin

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 0])
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 1])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, -np.inf)
    res = np.argmax(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 45

def nanargmin(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the minimum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the results
    cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmin, nanargmax

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a)
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 1])
    >>> np.nanargmin(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 0])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, np.inf)
    res = np.argmin(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 46

def nanargmax(a, axis=None):
    Return the indices of the maximum values in the specified axis ignoring
    NaNs. For all-NaN slices ``ValueError`` is raised. Warning: the
    results cannot be trusted if a slice contains only NaNs and -Infs.

    a : array_like
        Input data.
    axis : int, optional
        Axis along which to operate.  By default flattened input is used.

    index_array : ndarray
        An array of indices or a single index value.

    See Also
    argmax, nanargmin

    >>> a = np.array([[np.nan, 4], [2, 3]])
    >>> np.argmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a)
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=0)
    array([1, 0])
    >>> np.nanargmax(a, axis=1)
    array([1, 1])

    a, mask = _replace_nan(a, -np.inf)
    res = np.argmax(a, axis=axis)
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.all(mask, axis=axis)
        if np.any(mask):
            raise ValueError("All-NaN slice encountered")
    return res 

Example 47

def get_ray_lengths(self,x=None,y=None,PositionTol = 3,Coords='Display'):

        # Work out ray lengths for all raytraced pixels
        RayLength = np.sqrt(np.sum( (self.ray_end_coords - self.ray_start_coords) **2,axis=-1))
        # If no x and y given, return them all
        if x is None and y is None:
            if self.fullchip:
                if Coords.lower() == 'display':
                    return RayLength
                    return self.transform.display_to_original_image(RayLength,binning=self.binning)
                return RayLength
            if self.x is None or self.y is None:
                raise Exception('This ray data does not have x and y pixel indices!')

            # Otherwise, return the ones at given x and y pixel coords.
            if np.shape(x) != np.shape(y):
                raise ValueError('x and y arrays must be the same shape!')

                if Coords.lower() == 'original':
                    x,y = self.transform.original_to_display_coords(x,y)

                orig_shape = np.shape(x)
                x = np.reshape(x,np.size(x),order='F')
                y = np.reshape(y,np.size(y),order='F')
                RL = np.zeros(np.shape(x))
                RayLength = RayLength.flatten()
                xflat = self.x.flatten()
                yflat = self.y.flatten()
                for pointno in range(x.size):
                    if np.isnan(x[pointno]) or np.isnan(y[pointno]):
                        RL[pointno] = np.nan

                    deltaX = xflat - x[pointno]
                    deltaY = yflat - y[pointno]
                    deltaR = np.sqrt(deltaX**2 + deltaY**2)
                    if np.nanmin(deltaR) <= PositionTol:
                        RL[pointno] = RayLength[np.nanargmin(deltaR)]
                        raise Exception('No ray-traced pixel within PositionTol of requested pixel!')
                return np.reshape(RL,orig_shape,order='F')

    # Return unit vectors of sight-line direction for each pixel. 

Example 48

def _compute_projection_pick(artist, path, xy):
    """Project *xy* on *path* to obtain a `Selection` for *artist*.

    *path* is first transformed to screen coordinates using the artist
    transform, and the target of the returned `Selection` is transformed
    back to data coordinates using the artist *axes* inverse transform.  The
    `Selection` `index` is returned as a float.  This function returns ``None``
    for degenerate inputs.

    The caller is responsible for converting the index to the proper class if
    transform = artist.get_transform().frozen()
    tpath = (path.cleaned(transform) if transform.is_affine
             # `cleaned` only handles affine transforms.
             else transform.transform_path(path).cleaned())
    # `cleaned` should return a path where the first element is `MOVETO`, the
    # following are `LINETO` or `CLOSEPOLY`, and the last one is `STOP`, i.e.
    #     codes =
    #     assert (codes[0], codes[-1]) == (path.MOVETO, path.STOP)
    #     assert np.in1d(codes[1:-1], [path.LINETO, path.CLOSEPOLY]).all()
    vertices = tpath.vertices[:-1]
    codes =[:-1]
    vertices[codes == tpath.CLOSEPOLY] = vertices[0]
    # Unit vectors for each segment.
    us = vertices[1:] - vertices[:-1]
    ls = np.hypot(*us.T)
    with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
        # Results in 0/0 for repeated consecutive points.
        us /= ls[:, None]
    # Vectors from each vertex to the event (overwritten below).
    vs = xy - vertices[:-1]
    # Clipped dot products -- `einsum` cannot be done in place, `clip` can.
    dot = np.clip(np.einsum("ij,ij->i", vs, us), 0, ls, out=vs[:, 0])
    # Projections.
    projs = vertices[:-1] + dot[:, None] * us
    ds = np.hypot(*(xy - projs).T, out=vs[:, 1])
        argmin = np.nanargmin(ds)
        dmin = ds[argmin]
    except (ValueError, IndexError):  # See above re: exceptions caught.
        target = AttrArray(
        target.index = (
            (argmin + dot[argmin] / ls[argmin])
            / (path._interpolation_steps / tpath._interpolation_steps))
        return Selection(artist, target, dmin, None, None) 

Example 49

def _(artist, event):
    # No need to call `line.contains` because we're going to redo
    # the work anyways (and it was broken for step plots up to
    # matplotlib/matplotlib#6645).

    # Always work in screen coordinates, as this is how we need to compute
    # distances.  Note that the artist transform may be different from the axes
    # transform (e.g., for axvline).
    xy = event.x, event.y
    data_xy = artist.get_xydata()
    sels = []
    # If markers are visible, find the closest vertex.
    if artist.get_marker() not in ["None", "none", " ", "", None]:
        ds = np.hypot(*(xy - artist.get_transform().transform(data_xy)).T)
            argmin = np.nanargmin(ds)
            dmin = ds[argmin]
        except (ValueError, IndexError):
            # numpy 1.7.0's `nanargmin([nan])` returns nan, so
            # `ds[argmin]` raises IndexError.  In later versions of numpy,
            # `nanargmin([nan])` raises ValueError (the release notes for 1.8.0
            # are incorrect on this topic).
            # More precise than transforming back.
            target = with_attrs(artist.get_xydata()[argmin], index=argmin)
            sels.append(Selection(artist, target, dmin, None, None))
    # If lines are visible, find the closest projection.
    if (artist.get_linestyle() not in ["None", "none", " ", "", None]
            and len(artist.get_xydata()) > 1):
        sel = _compute_projection_pick(artist, artist.get_path(), xy)
        if sel is not None:
   = {
                "_draw_lines": lambda _, index: index,
                "_draw_steps_pre": Index.pre_index,
                "_draw_steps_mid": Index.mid_index,
                "_draw_steps_post": Index.post_index}[
    sel = min(sels, key=lambda sel: sel.dist, default=None)
    return sel if sel and sel.dist < artist.get_pickradius() else None 

Example 50

def mouseMoved(self, evt):
        pos = evt[0]
        if self.plot.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos):
            mousePoint = self.plot.vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
            posx, posy = mousePoint.x(), mousePoint.y()

            labels = []
            for a, vs in sorted(self.reports.items()):
                for v in vs:
                    if isinstance(v, tuple) and len(v) == 2:
                        if v[0] == "x":
                            labels.append(("%0." + str(self.important_decimals[0]) + "f") % v[1])
            labels = " ".join(labels)
            self.crosshair_hidden = bool(labels)

            if self.location and not labels:
                fs = "%0." + str(self.important_decimals[0]) + "f %0." + str(self.important_decimals[1]) + "f"
                labels = fs % (posx, posy)
            self.label.setText(labels, color=(0, 0, 0))

            if self.curves and len(self.curves[0][0]):  # need non-zero x axis!
                cache = {}
                bd = None
                if self.markclosest and self.plot.vb.action != ZOOMING:
                    xpixel, ypixel = self.plot.vb.viewPixelSize()
                    distances = distancetocurves(self.curves[0], posx, posy, xpixel, ypixel, r=self.MOUSE_RADIUS,
                        mindi = np.nanargmin(distances)
                        if distances[mindi] < self.MOUSE_RADIUS:
                            bd = mindi
                    except ValueError:  # if all distances are NaN
                if self.highlighted != bd:
                if self.highlighted is not None and bd is None:
                    self.highlighted = None
                if bd is not None:
                    self.highlighted = bd
                    x = self.curves[0][0]
                    y = self.curves[0][1][self.highlighted]
                    self.highlighted_curve.setData(x=x, y=y)
