Python numpy.savez_compressed() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def save(self, filename):
        """Saves the collection to a file.

        filename : :obj:`str`
            The file to save the collection to.

            If the file extension is not .npy or .npz.
        file_root, file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        if file_ext == '.npy':
  , self._data)
        elif file_ext == '.npz':
            np.savez_compressed(filename, self._data)
            raise ValueError('Extension %s not supported for point saves.' %(file_ext)) 

Example 2

def save_weights(fname, params, metadata=None):
    """ assumes all params have unique names.
    # Includes batchnorm params now
    names = [ for par in params]
    if len(names) != len(set(names)):
        raise ValueError('need unique param names')
    param_dict = { : param.get_value(borrow=False)
            for param in params }
    if metadata is not None:
        param_dict['metadata'] = pickle.dumps(metadata)'saving {} parameters to {}'.format(len(params), fname))
    # try to avoid half-written files
    fname = Path(fname)
    if fname.exists():
        tmp_fname = Path(fname.stripext() + '.tmp.npz') # TODO yes, this is a hack
        np.savez_compressed(str(tmp_fname), **param_dict)
        np.savez_compressed(str(fname), **param_dict) 

Example 3

def save(self, NumpyFile):
        # open file
        nfile = open(NumpyFile, "wb")

        # save internals
                    _ImgNum = numpy.array([self._ImgNum]),
                    _MeasNum = numpy.array([self._MeasNum]),
                    _KeySizeBits = numpy.array([self._KeySizeBits]),
                    _KeySizeBytes = numpy.array([self._KeySizeBytes]),
                    _KeyData = self._KeyData,
                    _ImageInfo = self._ImageInfo,
                    *[self._ImageData[idx] for idx in range(0, self._ImgNum)])
        # close file

Example 4

def process_training_data(num_clips):
    Processes random training clips from the full training data. Saves to TRAIN_DIR_CLIPS by

    @param num_clips: The number of clips to process. Default = 5000000 (set in __main__).

    @warning: This can take a couple of hours to complete with large numbers of clips.
    num_prev_clips = len(glob(c.TRAIN_DIR_CLIPS + '*'))

    for clip_num in xrange(num_prev_clips, num_clips + num_prev_clips):
        clip = process_clip()

        np.savez_compressed(c.TRAIN_DIR_CLIPS + str(clip_num), clip)

        if (clip_num + 1) % 100 == 0: print 'Processed %d clips' % (clip_num + 1) 

Example 5

def main():
    Commandline interface to extract parameters.
    params = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract specific parameters.")
    args = params.parse_args()

    if os.path.isdir(args.input):
        param_path = os.path.join(args.input, C.PARAMS_BEST_NAME)
        param_path = args.input
    ext_params = extract(param_path, args.names, args.list_all)
    if len(ext_params) > 0:
        utils.check_condition(args.output != None, "An output filename must be specified. (Use --output)")"Writting extracted parameters to '%s'", args.output)
        np.savez_compressed(args.output, **ext_params) 

Example 6

def save_vocab(self, path=None):
        """ Saves the vocabulary into a file.

        # Arguments:
            path: Where the vocabulary should be saved. If not specified, a
                  randomly generated filename is used instead.
        dtype = ([('word', '|S{}'.format(self.word_length_limit)), ('count', 'int')])
        np_dict = np.array(self.word_counts.items(), dtype=dtype)

        # sort from highest to lowest frequency
        data = np_dict

        if path is None:
            path = str(uuid.uuid4())

        np.savez_compressed(path, data=data)
        print("Saved dict to {}".format(path)) 

Example 7

def savetofile(self, outfile):
        """Save model parameters to file."""

        # Pickle non-matrix params into bytestring, then convert to numpy byte array
        pklbytes = pickle.dumps({'hyper': self.hyper, 'epoch': self.epoch, 'pos': self.pos}, 
        p = np.fromstring(pklbytes, dtype=np.uint8)

        # Gather parameter matrices and names
        pvalues = { n:m.get_value() for n, m in self.params.items() }

        # Now save params and matrices to file
            np.savez_compressed(outfile, p=p, **pvalues)
        except OSError as e:
            raise e
            if isinstance(outfile, str):
                stdout.write("Saved model parameters to {0}\n".format(outfile)) 

Example 8

def save_npz(filename, obj, compression=True):
    """Saves an object to the file in NPZ format.

    This is a short-cut function to save only one object into an NPZ file.

        filename (str): Target file name.
        obj: Object to be serialized. It must support serialization protocol.
        compression (bool): If ``True``, compression in the resulting zip file
            is enabled.

    s = DictionarySerializer()
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
        if compression:
            numpy.savez_compressed(f, **
            numpy.savez(f, ** 

Example 9

def export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, glove_filename, trimmed_filename, dim):
    """Saves glove vectors in numpy array

        vocab: dictionary vocab[word] = index
        glove_filename: a path to a glove file
        trimmed_filename: a path where to store a matrix in npy
        dim: (int) dimension of embeddings

    embeddings = np.zeros([len(vocab), dim])
    with open(glove_filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip().split(' ')
            word = line[0]
            embedding = [float(x) for x in line[1:]]
            if word in vocab:
                word_idx = vocab[word]
                embeddings[word_idx] = np.asarray(embedding)

    np.savez_compressed(trimmed_filename, embeddings=embeddings) 

Example 10

def export_trimmed_glove_vectors(vocab, glove_filename, trimmed_filename, dim):
    Saves glove vectors in numpy array

        vocab: dictionary vocab[word] = index
        glove_filename: a path to a glove file
        trimmed_filename: a path where to store a matrix in npy
        dim: (int) dimension of embeddings
    embeddings = np.zeros([len(vocab), dim])
    with open(glove_filename,encoding="utf-8") as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip().split()
            word = line[0]
            embedding = map(float, line[1:])
            if word in vocab:
                word_idx = vocab[word]
                embeddings[word_idx] = np.asarray(list(embedding))
    np.savez_compressed(trimmed_filename, embeddings=embeddings) 

Example 11

def storeData(df, fileLoc='./tmp/', cv=0.30, rs=21):
    # Store the train and CV data in the tmp location for the classifiers.
    # Input: df: Transformed DataFrame of the Adult Dataset.
    #        fileLoc: location of tmp where the binary data will be stored.
    #        cv: ratio of the cross_validation set in train-cv split
    #        rs: random_state used to the split.
    # returns: None
    # Note: data can be accessed using:
    #       Ex: data = np.load('./tmp/testTrainData.npz')
    #       and access the train/test using split using dictionary formatting.
    #       Ex: data['XTrain']
    if not os.path.exists('tmp'):
    filename = fileLoc+'testTrainData'
    XTrain, XTest, yTrain, yTest = trainCvSplit(df, cv, rs)
    kwargs = {'XTrain': XTrain,
              'XTest': XTest,
              'yTrain': yTrain,
              'yTest': yTest
    np.savez_compressed(filename, **kwargs)
    return None 

Example 12

def _make_npz(path, urls):
    x_url, y_url = urls
    x_path = download.cached_download(x_url)
    y_path = download.cached_download(y_url)

    with, 'rb') as fx,, 'rb') as fy:
        N, = struct.unpack('>i',
        if N != struct.unpack('>i',[0]:
            raise RuntimeError('wrong pair of MNIST images and labels')

        x = numpy.empty((N, 784), dtype=numpy.uint8)
        y = numpy.empty(N, dtype=numpy.uint8)

        for i in six.moves.range(N):
            y[i] = ord(
            for j in six.moves.range(784):
                x[i, j] = ord(

    numpy.savez_compressed(path, x=x, y=y)
    return {'x': x, 'y': y} 

Example 13

def load(filename, n_episodes_model=1):
    """ Load model (T,R) from <filename>_model.npz. Update t, r, s0
    if no model is available, generate and save from SASR_step file """
    global t, r, s0
    file_model = filename + ".npz"
    if os.path.isfile(file_model):
        print("Model file found")
        with np.load(file_model) as fm:
            t = fm['T']
            r = fm['R']
            s0 = fm['s0']
        print("Model file not found")
        generate_t_and_r(filename, n_episodes_model)  # create t, r, s0
        """ Save model (T,R) to <filename>_model.npz """
        np.savez_compressed(file_model, T=t, R=r, s0=s0)

Example 14

def save_mean_representations(model, model_filename, X, labels, pred_file):
    n_items, dv = X.shape
    n_classes = model.n_classes
    n_topics = model.d_t

    # try normalizing input vectors
    test_X = normalize(np.array(X, dtype='float32'), axis=1)


    # evaluate bound on test set
    item_mus = []
    for item in range(n_items):
        y = labels[item]

        # save the mean document representation
        r_mu = model.get_mean_doc_rep(test_X[item, :], y)

    # write all the test doc representations to file
    if pred_file is not None and n_topics > 1:
        np.savez_compressed(pred_file, X=np.array(item_mus), y=labels) 

Example 15

def save(self, filename):
        """Writes the image to a file.

        filename : :obj:`str`
            The file to save the image to. Must be one of .png, .jpg,
            .npy, or .npz.

            If an unsupported file type is specified.
        file_root, file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        if file_ext in COLOR_IMAGE_EXTS:
            im_data = self._image_data()
            pil_image = PImage.fromarray(im_data.squeeze())
        elif file_ext == '.npy':
  , self._data)
        elif file_ext == '.npz':
            np.savez_compressed(filename, self._data)
            raise ValueError('Extension %s not supported' % (file_ext)) 

Example 16

def write_npz(windows, proximity_matrix, output_file):
    """Write a proximity matrix to an npz file.

    npz files are a compressed numpy-specific format, meaning
    they take up less disk space, but cannot be easily opened
    by other programming languages (e.g. R). For more information
    see :func:`numpy.savez_compressed`.

    :param tuple windows: (list of x-axis windows, list of y-axis windows)
    :param proximity_matrix: Input proximity matrix.
    :type proximity_matrix: :class:`numpy array <numpy.ndarray>`
    :param str filepath: Path to save matrix file.

    window_dict = {
        'windows_{}'.format(i): win for i,
        win in enumerate(windows)}
    np.savez_compressed(output_file, scores=proximity_matrix, **window_dict) 

Example 17

def SaveGeometryMatrix(self,filename='geo_matrix'):
        if ((self.LMatrixColumns is not None) &
          (self.LMatrixRows is not None) &
          (self.LMatrixValues is not None)):
            np.savez_compressed(filename, \
                columns = self.LMatrixColumns,\
                rows = self.LMatrixRows,\
                values = self.LMatrixValues,\
                shape = self.LMatrixShape, \
                grid_rmin = self.Rmin,\
                grid_rmax = self.Rmax,\
                grid_nr = self.nR,\
                grid_zmin = self.Zmin,\
                grid_zmax = self.Zmax,\
                grid_nz = self.nZ,\
                gridtype = 'RectangularGeometryMatrix') 

Example 18

def save_weights(self,filename): # save both weights and variables
        with open(filename,'wb') as f:
            # extract all weights in one go:
            w = self.get_value_of(self.get_weights()+self.traverse('variables'))
            print(len(w),'weights (and variables) obtained.')

            # create an array object and put all the arrays into it.
            # otherwise np.asanyarray() within np.savez_compressed()
            # might make stupid mistakes
            arrobj = np.empty([len(w)],dtype='object') # array object
            for i in range(len(w)):
                arrobj[i] = w[i]

            print('successfully saved to',filename)
            return True 

Example 19

def run(self):
        while True:
            name, data = self.queue.get()
            if name is None:

            if data.shape[2] == 1 or data.shape[2] == 3:

                name += '.png'
                cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.path + name), data)
                #imgOut = cv2.resize(imgOut, dsize=(img.shape[1],img.shape[0]))
                #original[:,:,0] = np.repeat(np.mean(original, axis=2, keepdims=True), 3, axis=2)
                #original[:,:,0] *= 1-imgOut* 1.3
                #original[:,:,1] *= 1-imgOut* 1.3
                #original[:,:,2] *= imgOut* 1.3
                #cv2.imshow('OUT2', original /255)
                #cv2.imwrite('%s-shown.png' % fileName, original)
                name += '.npz'
                np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(self.path + name), data=data) 

Example 20

def install(
        self, local_dst_dir_=None, local_src_dir_=None, clean_install_=False):
        Install the dataset into directly usable format,
        requires downloading for public dataset.

            local_dst_dir_: string or None
                where to install the dataset, None -> "%(default_dir)s"
            local_src_dir_: string or None
                where to find the raw downloaded files, None -> "%(default_dir)s"
        local_dst_dir = self.DEFAULT_DIR if local_dst_dir_ is None else Path(local_dst_dir_)
        local_src_dir = self.DEFAULT_DIR if local_src_dir_ is None else Path(local_src_dir_)
        local_dst_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        assert local_src_dir.exists()
        images = np.empty((60000,3,32,32), dtype=np.uint8)
        labels = np.empty((60000,), dtype=np.uint8)
        tarfile_name = str(local_src_dir / 'cifar-10-python.tar.gz')
        with, 'r:gz') as tf:
            for i in range(5):
                with tf.extractfile('cifar-10-batches-py/data_batch_%d'%(i+1)) as f:
                    data_di = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
                    images[(10000*i):(10000*(i+1))] = data_di[b'data'].reshape((10000,3,32,32))
                    labels[(10000*i):(10000*(i+1))] = np.asarray(data_di[b'labels'], dtype=np.uint8)
            with tf.extractfile('cifar-10-batches-py/test_batch') as f:
                data_di = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
                images[50000:60000] = data_di[b'data'].reshape((10000,3,32,32))
                labels[50000:60000] = data_di[b'labels']
        np.savez_compressed(str(local_dst_dir / 'cifar10.npz'), images=images, labels=labels)

        if clean_install_:

Example 21

def write_sar_log(sars: List, logdir: str, episode_reward: int, suffix: str=''):
    """Write state-action-rewards to a log file."""
        '%s_%s%s' % (str(time.time())[-5:], episode_reward, suffix)), np.vstack(sars)) 

Example 22

def install(
        self, local_dst_dir_=None, local_src_dir_=None, clean_install_=False):
        Install the dataset into directly usable format,
        requires downloading for public dataset.

            local_dst_dir_: string or None
                where to install the dataset, None -> "%(default_dir)s"
            local_src_dir_: string or None
                where to find the raw downloaded files, None -> "%(default_dir)s"
        local_dst_dir = self.DEFAULT_DIR if local_dst_dir_ is None else Path(local_dst_dir_)
        local_src_dir = self.DEFAULT_DIR if local_src_dir_ is None else Path(local_src_dir_)
        local_dst_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        assert local_src_dir.exists()
        images = np.empty((60000,3,32,32), dtype=np.uint8)
        labels = np.empty((60000,), dtype=np.uint8)
        tarfile_name = str(local_src_dir / 'cifar-10-python.tar.gz')
        with, 'r:gz') as tf:
            for i in range(5):
                with tf.extractfile('cifar-10-batches-py/data_batch_%d'%(i+1)) as f:
                    data_di = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
                    images[(10000*i):(10000*(i+1))] = data_di[b'data'].reshape((10000,3,32,32))
                    labels[(10000*i):(10000*(i+1))] = np.asarray(data_di[b'labels'], dtype=np.uint8)
            with tf.extractfile('cifar-10-batches-py/test_batch') as f:
                data_di = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')
                images[50000:60000] = data_di[b'data'].reshape((10000,3,32,32))
                labels[50000:60000] = data_di[b'labels']
        np.savez_compressed(str(local_dst_dir / 'cifar10.npz'), images=images, labels=labels)

        if clean_install_:

Example 23

def train_glove(infile, inputSize=20000, batchSize=100, dimensionSize=100, maxEpochs=1000, outfile='result', x_max=100, alpha=0.75):
	options = locals().copy()
	print 'initializing parameters'
	params = init_params(options)
	tparams = init_tparams(params)

	print 'loading data'
	I, J, Weight = load_data(infile)
	n_batches = int(np.ceil(float(I.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]) / float(batchSize)))

	print 'building models'
	weightVector, iVector, jVector, cost = build_model(tparams, options)
	grads = T.grad(cost, wrt=tparams.values())
	f_grad_shared, f_update = adadelta(tparams, grads, weightVector, iVector, jVector, cost)

	logFile = outfile + '.log'
	print 'training start'
	for epoch in xrange(maxEpochs):
		costVector = []
		iteration = 0
		for batchIndex in random.sample(range(n_batches), n_batches):
			cost = f_grad_shared(Weight.get_value(borrow=True, return_internal_type=True)[batchIndex*batchSize:(batchIndex+1)*batchSize],
								I.get_value(borrow=True, return_internal_type=True)[batchIndex*batchSize: (batchIndex+1)*batchSize],
								J.get_value(borrow=True, return_internal_type=True)[batchIndex*batchSize: (batchIndex+1)*batchSize])

			if (iteration % 1000 == 0):
				buf = 'epoch:%d, iteration:%d/%d, cost:%f' % (epoch, iteration, n_batches, cost)
				print buf
				print2file(buf, logFile)
			iteration += 1
		trainCost = np.mean(costVector)
		buf = 'epoch:%d, cost:%f' % (epoch, trainCost)
		print buf
		print2file(buf, logFile)
		tempParams = unzip(tparams)
		np.savez_compressed(outfile + '.' + str(epoch), **tempParams) 

Example 24

def save_matrix(f, m):
    np.savez_compressed(f,, indices=m.indices, indptr=m.indptr, shape=m.shape) 

Example 25

def save_pkl_files(dsm_prefix, dsm, save_in_one_file=False):
    Save the space to separate pkl files.
    :param dsm_prefix:
    :param dsm:
    # Save in a single file (for small spaces)
    if save_in_one_file:, dsm_prefix + '.pkl')

    # Save in multiple files: npz for the matrix and pkl for the other data members of Space
        mat = coo_matrix(dsm.cooccurrence_matrix.get_mat())
        np.savez_compressed(dsm_prefix + 'cooc.npz',, row=mat.row, col=mat.col, shape=mat.shape)

        with open(dsm_prefix + '_row2id.pkl', 'wb') as f_out:
            pickle.dump(dsm._row2id, f_out, 2)

        with open(dsm_prefix + '_id2row.pkl', 'wb') as f_out:
            pickle.dump(dsm._id2row, f_out, 2)

        with open(dsm_prefix + '_column2id.pkl', 'wb') as f_out:
            pickle.dump(dsm._column2id, f_out, 2)

        with open(dsm_prefix + '_id2column.pkl', 'wb') as f_out:
            pickle.dump(dsm._id2column, f_out, 2) 

Example 26

def _close(self):
            # Write everything
            np.savez_compressed(self.request.get_file(), *self._images) 

Example 27

def test_compressed_roundtrip():
    arr = np.random.rand(200, 200)
    npz_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'compressed.npz')
    np.savez_compressed(npz_file, arr=arr)
    arr1 = np.load(npz_file)['arr']
    assert_array_equal(arr, arr1) 

Example 28

def savez_compressed(file, *args, **kwds):
    """Saves one or more arrays into a file in compressed ``.npz`` format.

    It is equivalent to :func:`cupy.savez` function except the output file is

    .. seealso::
       :func:`cupy.savez` for more detail,

    args = map(cupy.asnumpy, args)
    for key in kwds:
        kwds[key] = cupy.asnumpy(kwds[key])
    numpy.savez_compressed(file, *args, **kwds) 

Example 29

def process_glove(args, vocab_list, save_path, size=4e5, random_init=True):
    :param vocab_list: [vocab]
    if not gfile.Exists(save_path + ".npz"):
        glove_path = os.path.join(args.glove_dir, "glove.6B.{}d.txt".format(args.glove_dim))
        if random_init:
            glove = np.random.randn(len(vocab_list), args.glove_dim)
            glove = np.zeros((len(vocab_list), args.glove_dim))
        found = 0
        with open(glove_path, 'r') as fh:
            for line in tqdm(fh, total=size):
                array = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(" ")
                word = array[0]
                vector = list(map(float, array[1:]))
                if word in vocab_list:
                    idx = vocab_list.index(word)
                    glove[idx, :] = vector
                    found += 1
                if word.capitalize() in vocab_list:
                    idx = vocab_list.index(word.capitalize())
                    glove[idx, :] = vector
                    found += 1
                if word.upper() in vocab_list:
                    idx = vocab_list.index(word.upper())
                    glove[idx, :] = vector
                    found += 1

        print("{}/{} of word vocab have corresponding vectors in {}".format(found, len(vocab_list), glove_path))
        np.savez_compressed(save_path, glove=glove)
        print("saved trimmed glove matrix at: {}".format(save_path)) 

Example 30

def write_values(self, tensors, compress=False):
        write dictionary of numpy.ndarray's with Op name as key to file

            tensors (dict): A dictionary of numpy.ndarray's with Op name as key
            compress: specify whether to compress tensors
        if compress:
            np.savez_compressed(, **tensors)
            np.savez(, **tensors) 

Example 31

def process_word2vec(word2vec_dir, vocab, save_path, random_init=True):

	# read pre-trained word embedddings from the binary file
	print('Loading google word2vec...')
	word2vec_path = word2vec_dir + '/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz'
	word_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(word2vec_path, binary=True)
	print('Word2vec loaded!')

	if random_init:
		word2vec = np.random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25, (len(vocab), 300))
		word2vec = np.zeros((len(vocab), 300))
	found = 0
	for idx, token in enumerate(vocab):
			vec = word_vectors[token]
			word2vec[idx, :] = vec
			found += 1

	del word_vectors

	print("{}/{} of word vocab have corresponding vectors in {}".format(found, len(vocab), word2vec_path))
	np.savez_compressed(save_path, word2vec=word2vec)
	print("saved trimmed word2vec matrix at: {}".format(save_path))

# construct embedding vectors according to the GloVe word vectors and vocabulary 

Example 32

def process_glove(glove_dir, glove_dim, vocab_dir, save_path, random_init=True):
	:param vocab_list: [vocab]
	save_path = save_path + '.{}'.format(glove_dim)
	if not os.path.isfile(save_path + ".npz"):
		# read vocabulary
		with open(vocab_dir + '/vocabulary.pickle', 'rb') as f:
			vocab_map = cPickle.load(f)
		vocab_list = list(zip(*vocab_map)[0])

		glove_path = os.path.join(glove_dir, "glove.6B.{}d.txt".format(glove_dim))
		if random_init:
			glove = np.random.uniform(-0.25, 0.25, (len(vocab_list), glove_dim))
			glove = np.zeros((len(vocab_list), glove_dim))
		found = 0
		with open(glove_path, 'r') as fh:
			for line in fh.readlines():
				array = line.lstrip().rstrip().split(" ")
				word = array[0]
				vector = list(map(float, array[1:]))
				if word in vocab_list:
					idx = vocab_list.index(word)
					glove[idx, :] = vector
					found += 1
				if word.capitalize() in vocab_list:
					idx = vocab_list.index(word.capitalize())
					glove[idx, :] = vector
					found += 1
				if word.upper() in vocab_list:
					idx = vocab_list.index(word.upper())
					glove[idx, :] = vector
					found += 1

		print("{}/{} of word vocab have corresponding vectors in {}".format(found, len(vocab_list), glove_path))
		np.savez_compressed(save_path, glove=glove)
		print("saved trimmed glove matrix at: {}".format(save_path)) 

Example 33

def save_estimates(self, fname='', notes='', force=False):
        Saves the JIVE estimates

        U, D, V, full, rank for block secific joint/individual spaces
        U, D, V, rank for common joint space
        some metadata (when saved, some nots)

        fname: name of the file
        notes: any notes you want to include
        force: whether or note to overwrite a file with the same name

        if os.path.exists(fname) and (not force):
            raise ValueError('%s already exists' % fname)

        kwargs = {}
        svd_dat = ['scores', 'sing_vals', 'loadings', 'rank']
        kwargs['K'] = self.K

        block_estimates = self.get_block_specific_estimates()
        for k in range(self.K):
            for mode in ['joint', 'individual']:
                for dat in svd_dat + ['full']:
                    label = '%d_%s_%s' % (k, mode, dat)
                    kwargs[label] = block_estimates[k][mode][dat]

        common_joint = self.get_common_joint_space_estimate()
        for dat in svd_dat:
            kwargs['common_%s' % dat] = common_joint[dat]
        current_time = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
        kwargs['metadata'] = [current_time, notes]

        np.savez_compressed(fname, **kwargs) 

Example 34

def save_init_svd(self, fname='', notes='', force=False):
        Saves the initial SVD so it can be loaded later without recomputing

        fname: name of the file
        notes: any notes you want to include
        force: whether or note to overwrite a file with the same name

        if not hasattr(self.blocks[0], 'scores'):
            raise ValueError('initial svd has not yet been computed')

        if os.path.exists(fname) and (not force):
            raise ValueError('%s already exists' % fname)

        kwargs = {}
        svd_dat = ['scores', 'sing_vals', 'loadings', 'rank']
        kwargs['K'] = self.K

        for k in range(self.K):
            kwargs['%d_scores' % k] = self.blocks[k].scores
            kwargs['%d_sv' % k] = self.blocks[k].sv
            kwargs['%d_loadings' % k ] = self.blocks[k].loadings
            kwargs['%d_init_svd_rank' % k] = self.blocks[k].init_svd_rank

        np.savez_compressed(fname, **kwargs) 

Example 35

def save(self, out_file):
        Save the current memory into a file in Numpy format
        :param out_file: File storage path
        np.savez_compressed(out_file, states=self._states, actions=self._actions,
                            rewards=self._rewards, terminals=self._terminals) 

Example 36

def _save_np_compressed_data(file_name, *args):
    np.savez_compressed(file_name, *args) 

Example 37

def save(self, out_file):
        Save the current memory into a file in Numpy format
        :param out_file: File storage path
        np.savez_compressed(out_file, states=self._states, actions=self._actions,
                            rewards=self._rewards, terminals=self._terminals) 

Example 38

def save_frame_data(archive, path, videos, object_point_set, verbose=True):
    if verbose:
        print("Saving corners to {0:s}".format(path))
    for video in videos:
        archive[IMAGE_POINTS + str(] = video.image_points
        archive[FRAME_NUMBERS + str(] = list(video.usable_frames.keys())
        if len(video.poses) > 0:
            archive[POSES + str(] = np.array([pose.T for pose in video.poses])

    archive[OBJECT_POINT_SET] = object_point_set
    np.savez_compressed(path, **archive) 

Example 39

def save_calibration_intervals(archive, path, videos, verbose=True):
    if verbose:
        print("Saving calibration intervals to {0:s}".format(path))
    ranges = []
    for video in videos:
        if video.calibration_interval is None:
            raise ValueError("Expecting all cameras to have valid calibration frame ranges. Got: None")
    ranges = np.array(ranges)
    archive[CALIBRATION_INTERVALS] = ranges
    np.savez_compressed(path, **archive) 

Example 40

def save_model(self):"Saving model")
        save_filename = os.path.join(self.model_folder,'{}_epoch{}.npz'.format(self.model_name, self.epoch))
        np.savez_compressed(save_filename, *lasagne.layers.get_all_param_values( 

Example 41

def _preprocess(self, input_file, tensor_file):
        if input_file.endswith(".bz2"): file_reference = BZ2File(input_file, "r")
        elif input_file.endswith(".txt"): file_reference =, "r")
        raw_data =
        data = raw_data.encode(encoding=self.encoding)
        # Convert the entirety of the data file from characters to indices via the vocab dictionary.
        # How? map(function, iterable) returns a list of the output of the function
        # executed on each member of the iterable. E.g.:
        # [14, 2, 9, 2, 0, 6, 7, 0, ...]
        # np.array converts the list into a numpy array.
        self.tensor = np.array(list(map(self.vocab.get, data)))
        # Compress and save the numpy tensor array to data.npz.
        np.savez_compressed(tensor_file, tensor_data=self.tensor) 

Example 42

def save_vocab(self, path_count, path_vocab, word_limit=100000):
        """ Saves the master vocabulary into a file.

        # reserve space for 10 special tokens
        words = OrderedDict()
        for token in SPECIAL_TOKENS:
            # store -1 instead of np.inf, which can overflow
            words[token] = -1

        # sort words by frequency
        desc_order = OrderedDict(sorted(self.master_vocab.items(),
                                        key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True))

        # use encoding of up to 30 characters (no token conversions)
        # use float to store large numbers (we don't care about precision loss)
        np_vocab = np.array(words.items(),
                            dtype=([('word', '|S30'), ('count', 'float')]))

        # output count for debugging
        counts = np_vocab[:word_limit]
        np.savez_compressed(path_count, counts=counts)

        # output the index of each word for easy lookup
        final_words = OrderedDict()
        for i, w in enumerate(words.keys()[:word_limit]):
            final_words.update({w: i})
        with open(path_vocab, 'w') as f:
            f.write(json.dumps(final_words, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) 

Example 43

def test_compressed_roundtrip():
    arr = np.random.rand(200, 200)
    npz_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'compressed.npz')
    np.savez_compressed(npz_file, arr=arr)
    arr1 = np.load(npz_file)['arr']
    assert_array_equal(arr, arr1) 

Example 44

def save_weights(self, weightspath=None):
        weightspath = super(LasagneNetwork, self)._weightspath(weightspath)
        weights = {name: p.get_value() for name, p in
        np.savez_compressed(weightspath, **weights) 

Example 45

def _preprocess(self, input_file, tensor_file):
        if input_file.endswith(".bz2"): file_reference = BZ2File(input_file, "r")
        elif input_file.endswith(".txt"): file_reference =, "r")
        raw_data =
        data = raw_data.encode(encoding=self.encoding)
        # Convert the entirety of the data file from characters to indices via the vocab dictionary.
        # How? map(function, iterable) returns a list of the output of the function
        # executed on each member of the iterable. E.g.:
        # [14, 2, 9, 2, 0, 6, 7, 0, ...]
        # np.array converts the list into a numpy array.
        self.tensor = np.array(map(self.vocab.get, data))
        # Compress and save the numpy tensor array to data.npz.
        np.savez_compressed(tensor_file, tensor_data=self.tensor) 

Example 46

def main(em_file, em_result):
    embedding ->numpy
    em = word2vec.load(em_file)
    vec = (em.vectors)
    word2id = em.vocab_hash
    # d = dict(vector = vec, word2id = word2id)

Example 47

def savelogs(self, ts=None, saveres=True, filename=None):
        # FIXME: consider HDF5
        if ts == None:
            ts = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")

        #"%s/log-x-%s" % (self.cfgprefix, ts), self.iosm.x_)
        #"%s/log-x_raw-%s" % (self.cfgprefix, ts), self.iosm.x_raw_)
        #"%s/log-z-%s" % (self.cfgprefix, ts), self.iosm.z_)
        #"%s/log-zn-%s" % (self.cfgprefix, ts), self.iosm.zn_)
        #"%s/log-zn_lp-%s" % (self.cfgprefix, ts), self.iosm.zn_lp_)
        #"%s/log-r-%s" % (self.cfgprefix, ts), self.iosm.r_)
        #"%s/log-w-%s" % (self.cfgprefix, ts), self.iosm.w_)
        # network data, pickling reservoir, input weights, output weights
        #"%s/log-%s-res-%s.bin" % (self.cfgprefix, self.cfgprefix, ts))

        if filename == None:
            logfile = "%s/log-learner-%s" % (self.cfgprefix, ts)
            logfile = filename
        if saveres:
            np.savez_compressed(logfile, x = self.iosm.x_,
                            x_raw = self.iosm.x_raw_, z = self.iosm.z_, zn = self.iosm.zn_,
                            zn_lp = self.iosm.zn_lp_, r = self.iosm.r_, w = self.iosm.w_, e = self.iosm.e_,
                            t = self.iosm.t_, mse = self.iosm.mse_)
            np.savez_compressed(logfile, x = self.iosm.x_,
                            x_raw = self.iosm.x_raw_, z = self.iosm.z_, zn = self.iosm.zn_,
                            zn_lp = self.iosm.zn_lp_, w = self.iosm.w_, e = self.iosm.e_,
                            t = self.iosm.t_,
                            mse = self.iosm.mse_)
        print "logs saved to %s" % logfile
        return logfile 

Example 48

def save_matrix(self, path):
        with open(path, 'w') as f:

Example 49

def save_scores(model_options,name_scores):
    if not os.path.exists('scores/'):
        os.system('mkdir scores/')
    save_name = 'scores/scores_'+model_options['name'].split('/')[-1]
    print 'Dumping scores to: '+save_name
    if not os.path.isdir('scores/'):

Example 50

def savez_compressed(file, *args, **kwds):
    """Saves one or more arrays into a file in compressed ``.npz`` format.

    It is equivalent to :func:`cupy.savez` function except the output file is

    .. seealso::
       :func:`cupy.savez` for more detail,

    args = map(cupy.asnumpy, args)
    for key in kwds:
        kwds[key] = cupy.asnumpy(kwds[key])
    numpy.savez_compressed(file, *args, **kwds) 