Python numpy.range() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def match(img1, img2):
    if img1.ndim == 2:
        temp = np.histogram(img1, np.arange(257))[0]
        if img2.ndim == 2:
            hist = np.histogram(img2, np.arange(257))[0]
            ahist = like(temp, hist)
            img2[:] = ahist[img2]
        if img2.ndim == 3:
            for i in range(3):
                hist = np.histogram(img2[:,:,i], np.range(257))[0]
                ahist = like(temp, hist)
                img2[:,:,i] = ahist[img2[:,:,i]]
    elif img1.ndim == 3:
        if img2.ndim == 2:
            temp = np.histogram(img1, np.arange(257))[0]
            hist = np.histogram(img2, np.arange(257))[0]
            ahist = like(temp, hist)
            img2[:] = ahist[img2]
        if img2.ndim == 3:
            for i in range(3):
                temp = np.histogram(img1[:,:,i], np.arange(257))[0]
                hist = np.histogram(img2[:,:,i], np.arange(257))[0]
                ahist = like(temp, hist)
                img2[:,:,i] = ahist[img2[:,:,i]] 

Example 2

def run(self, ips, imgs, para = None):
        ips1 = WindowsManager.get(para['img1']).ips
        ips2 = WindowsManager.get(para['img2']).ips

        img = ips1.img
        imgs = ips2.imgs

        sl1, sl2 = ips1.get_nslices(), ips2.get_nslices()
        cn1, cn2 = ips1.get_nchannels(), ips2.get_nchannels()
        if not(ips1.img.dtype == np.uint8 and ips2.img.dtype == np.uint8):
            IPy.alert('Two image must be type of 8-bit or rgb!')
        for i in range(sl2):
            self.progress(i, sl2)
            match(img, imgs[i])
        ips2.update = 'pix' 

Example 3

def rh_system_generate_sweep_input(self):

        generate system inputs on a grid to sweep the system
        # create meshgrid over proprio dimensions
        sweepsteps = 21 # 11
        dim_axes = [np.linspace(self.environment.conf.m_mins[i], self.environment.conf.m_maxs[i], sweepsteps) for i in range(self.environment.conf.m_ndims)]
        full_axes = np.meshgrid(*tuple(dim_axes), indexing='ij')

        # print "dim_axes", dim_axes
        # print "full_axes", len(full_axes)
        # print "full_axes", full_axes

        for i in range(len(full_axes)):
            print i, full_axes[i].shape
            print i, full_axes[i].flatten()

        # return proxy
        self.X_system_sweep = np.vstack([full_axes[i].flatten() for i in range(len(full_axes))]).T 

Example 4

def rh_learn_proprio(self, iter_start = 0, iter_end = 1000):
        # hook: load_run_data
        if iter_start == 0 and os.path.exists(self.mdl_pkl):
            print "found trained model at %s, skipping learning and using that" % self.mdl_pkl
            # load data from previous run

        # current outermost experiment loop
        for i in range(iter_start, iter_end):
            for k, v in self.rh_learn_proprio_hooks.items():
                # print "k = %s, v = %s" % (k, v)

    # proprio learning model variant 2 using more of prediction error 

Example 5

def rh_model_plot(self):
        """prepare and plot model outputs over input variations from sweep"""
        assert hasattr(self, "X_model_sweep")
        assert hasattr(self, "Y_model_sweep")

        print "%s.rh_plot_model sweepsteps = %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.X_model_sweep.shape[0])
        print "%s.rh_plot_model environment = %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.environment)
        print "%s.rh_plot_model environment proprio dims = %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.environment.conf.m_ndims)
        # scatter_data_raw   = np.hstack((self.X_model_sweep[:,1:], self.Y_model_sweep))
        # scatter_data_cols  = ["X%d" % i for i in range(1, self.X_model_sweep.shape[1])]
        # scatter_data_cols += ["Y%d" % i for i in range(self.Y_model_sweep.shape[1])]
        # print "scatter_data_raw", scatter_data_raw.shape
        # # df = pd.DataFrame(scatter_data_raw, columns=["x_%d" % i for i in range(scatter_data_raw.shape[1])])
        # df = pd.DataFrame(scatter_data_raw, columns=scatter_data_cols)

        title = "%s, input/output sweep of model %s at time %d" % (self.mode, self.model, -1)
        # plot_scattermatrix(df)
        # plot_scattermatrix_reduced(df)
        plot_colormeshmatrix_reduced(self.X_model_sweep, self.Y_model_sweep, ymin = -1.0, ymax = 1.0, title = title)

Example 6

def plot_scattermatrix(df, title = "plot_scattermatrix"):
    """plot a scattermatrix of dataframe df"""
    if df is None:
        print "plot_scattermatrix: no data passed"
    from import scatter_matrix
    # df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=['x1_t', 'x2_t', 'x1_tptau', 'x2_tptau', 'u_t'])
    # scatter_data_raw = np.hstack((np.array(Xs), np.array(Ys)))
    # scatter_data_raw = np.hstack((Xs, Ys))
    # print "scatter_data_raw", scatter_data_raw.shape

    # df = pd.DataFrame(scatter_data_raw, columns=["x_%d" % i for i in range(scatter_data_raw.shape[1])])
    sm = scatter_matrix(df, alpha=0.2, figsize=(10, 10), diagonal='hist')
    fig = sm[0,0].get_figure()
        fig.savefig("fig_%03d_scattermatrix.pdf" % (fig.number), dpi=300)

Example 7

def test_models(args):
    from actinf_models import ActInfModel
    from actinf_models import ActInfKNN
    from actinf_models import ActInfSOESGP

    idim = 4
    odim = 2
    numdatapoints = 10
    for aimclass in [ActInfModel, ActInfKNN, ActInfSOESGP, ActInfSTORKGP, ActInfGMM, ActInfHebbianSOM]:
        print("Testing aimclass = %s" % (aimclass,))
        aim = aimclass(idim = idim, odim = odim)

        X = np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, (numdatapoints, 1, idim))
        y = np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, (numdatapoints, 1, odim))

        for i in range(numdatapoints-1):
            print("Fitting model with X = %s, Y = %s" % (X[i].shape, y[i].shape))
  [i], y[i])
        y_ = aim.predict(X[i+1])
        print("Prediction error = %s" % (y_ - y[i+1])) 

Example 8

def main():

	model = DCGAN()

	data_load = data_loader()

	with tf.Session() as sess: tf.initialize_all_variables() )
		writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter('./logs', sess.graph)

		for step in range(100):

			z, image = data_load.load_next_batch()

			feed_dict = { model.z: z, model.image: image}[model.d_opt, model.d_opt], feed_dict = feed_dict)[model.g_opt], feed_dict = feed_dict)

			writer.add_summary(summary, step) 

Example 9

def covariances(X, estimator='cov'):
    est = _check_est(estimator)
    Nt, Ne, Ns = X.shape
    covmats = numpy.zeros((Nt, Ne, Ne))
    for i in range(Nt):
        covmats[i, :, :] = est(X[i, :, :])
    return covmats 

Example 10

def covariances_EP(X, P, estimator='cov'):
    est = _check_est(estimator)
    Nt, Ne, Ns = X.shape
    Np, Ns = P.shape
    covmats = numpy.zeros((Nt, Ne + Np, Ne + Np))
    for i in range(Nt):
        covmats[i, :, :] = est(numpy.concatenate((P, X[i, :, :]), axis=0))
    return covmats 

Example 11

def coherence(X, nfft=256, fs=2, noverlap=0):
    """Compute coherence."""
    n_chan = X.shape[0]
    ij = []
    for i in range(n_chan):
        for j in range(i+1, n_chan):
            ij.append((i, j))
    Cxy, Phase, freqs = mlab.cohere_pairs(X, ij, NFFT=nfft, Fs=fs,
    coh = numpy.zeros((n_chan, n_chan, len(freqs)))
    for i in range(n_chan):
        coh[i, i] = 1
        for j in range(i+1, n_chan):
            coh[i, j] = coh[j, i] = Cxy[(i, j)]
    return coh 

Example 12

def rh_system_plot(self):
        """prepare and plot system outputs over input variations from sweep"""
        assert hasattr(self, "X_system_sweep")
        assert hasattr(self, "Y_system_sweep")

        print "%s.rh_plot_system sweepsteps = %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.X_system_sweep.shape[0])
        print "%s.rh_plot_system environment = %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.environment)
        print "%s.rh_plot_system environment proprio dims = %d" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.environment.conf.m_ndims)
        scatter_data_raw   = np.hstack((self.X_system_sweep, self.Y_system_sweep))
        scatter_data_cols  = ["X%d" % i for i in range(self.X_system_sweep.shape[1])]
        scatter_data_cols += ["Y%d" % i for i in range(self.Y_system_sweep.shape[1])]
        print "scatter_data_raw", scatter_data_raw.shape
        # df = pd.DataFrame(scatter_data_raw, columns=["x_%d" % i for i in range(scatter_data_raw.shape[1])])
        df = pd.DataFrame(scatter_data_raw, columns=scatter_data_cols)

        title = "%s: i/o behvaiour for %s, in = X, out = Y" % (self.mode, self.environment_str,)
        # plot_scattermatrix(df)
        plot_scattermatrix_reduced(df, title = title)

    # model sweep hooks
    # map a model 

Example 13

def plot_scattermatrix_reduced(df, title = "plot_scattermatrix_reduced"):
    input_cols  = [i for i in df.columns if i.startswith("X")]
    output_cols = [i for i in df.columns if i.startswith("Y")]
    Xs = df[input_cols]
    Ys = df[output_cols]

    numsamples = df.shape[0]
    print "plot_scattermatrix_reduced: numsamples = %d" % numsamples
    # numplots = Xs.shape[1] * Ys.shape[1]
    # print "numplots = %d" % numplots

    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(Ys.shape[1], Xs.shape[1])
    fig = pl.figure()
    # alpha = 1.0 / np.power(numsamples, 1.0/(Xs.shape[1] - 0))
    alpha = 0.2
    print "alpha", alpha
    cols = ["k", "b", "r", "g", "c", "m", "y"]
    for i in range(Xs.shape[1]):
        for j in range(Ys.shape[1]):
            # print "i, j", i, j, Xs, Ys
            ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[j, i])
            ax.plot(Xs.as_matrix()[:,i], Ys.as_matrix()[:,j], "ko", alpha = alpha)
        fig.savefig("fig_%03d_scattermatrix_reduced.pdf" % (fig.number), dpi=300) 

Example 14

def plot_colormeshmatrix_reduced(
        X, Y, ymin = None, ymax = None,
        title = "plot_colormeshmatrix_reduced"):
    print "plot_colormeshmatrix_reduced X.shape", X.shape, "Y.shape", Y.shape
    # input_cols  = [i for i in df.columns if i.startswith("X")]
    # output_cols = [i for i in df.columns if i.startswith("Y")]
    # Xs = df[input_cols]
    # Ys = df[output_cols]

    # numsamples = df.shape[0]
    # print "plot_scattermatrix_reduced: numsamples = %d" % numsamples
    # # numplots = Xs.shape[1] * Ys.shape[1]
    # # print "numplots = %d" % numplots

    cbar_orientation = "vertical" # "horizontal"
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(Y.shape[2], X.shape[2]/2)
    fig = pl.figure()
    # # alpha = 1.0 / np.power(numsamples, 1.0/(Xs.shape[1] - 0))
    # alpha = 0.2
    # print "alpha", alpha
    # cols = ["k", "b", "r", "g", "c", "m", "y"]
    for i in range(X.shape[2]/2):
        for j in range(Y.shape[2]):
            # print "i, j", i, j, Xs, Ys
            ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[j, i])
            pcm = ax.pcolormesh(X[:,:,i], X[:,:,X.shape[2]/2+i], Y[:,:,j], vmin = ymin, vmax = ymax)
            # ax.plot(Xs.as_matrix()[:,i], Ys.as_matrix()[:,j], "ko", alpha = alpha)
            cbar = fig.colorbar(mappable = pcm, ax=ax, orientation=cbar_orientation)
        fig.savefig("fig_%03d_colormeshmatrix_reduced.pdf" % (fig.number), dpi=300) 

Example 15

def covariances(X, estimator='cov'):
    est = _check_est(estimator)
    Nt, Ne, Ns = X.shape
    covmats = numpy.zeros((Nt, Ne, Ne))
    for i in range(Nt):
        covmats[i, :, :] = est(X[i, :, :])
    return covmats 

Example 16

def covariances_EP(X, P, estimator='cov'):
    est = _check_est(estimator)
    Nt, Ne, Ns = X.shape
    Np, Ns = P.shape
    covmats = numpy.zeros((Nt, Ne + Np, Ne + Np))
    for i in range(Nt):
        covmats[i, :, :] = est(numpy.concatenate((P, X[i, :, :]), axis=0))
    return covmats 

Example 17

def coherence(X, nfft=256, fs=2, noverlap=0):
    """Compute coherence."""
    n_chan = X.shape[0]
    ij = []
    for i in range(n_chan):
        for j in range(i+1, n_chan):
            ij.append((i, j))
    Cxy, Phase, freqs = mlab.cohere_pairs(X, ij, NFFT=nfft, Fs=fs,
    coh = numpy.zeros((n_chan, n_chan, len(freqs)))
    for i in range(n_chan):
        coh[i, i] = 1
        for j in range(i+1, n_chan):
            coh[i, j] = coh[j, i] = Cxy[(i, j)]
    return coh 

Example 18

def __init__(self, batch_size, rangex=1.0, z_dim=10,img_h=64, img_w=64, imgs_dir='./'):

		self.batch_size = batch_size
		self.img_h = img_h
		self.img_w = img_w

		self.rangex = rangex
		self.z_dim = z_dim
		#self.imgs_dir = imgs_dir
		self.images_ = glob.glob('{}/*.jpg'.format(imgs_dir))
		self.perm_ = np.random.permutation(np.range(len(self.images_)))
		self.cur_ = 0 

Example 19

def image_loader(self):

		if self.cur_ + self.batch_size >= len(self.images_):
			self.cur_ = 0
			self.perm_ = np.random.permutation(np.range(len(self.images_)))

		img_batch = np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.img_h, self.img_w, 3])

		for i, idx in enumerate(self.perm_[self.cur_: self.cur_+self.batch_size]):
			img = transform.resize(io.imread(self.images_[idx]), (self.img_h, self.img_w))
			img_batch[i, ...] = img

		self.cur_ += self.batch_size

		return img_batch 

Example 20

def cospectrum(X, window=128, overlap=0.75, fmin=None, fmax=None, fs=None,
    Ne, Ns = X.shape
    number_freqs = int(window / 2)

    step = int((1.0 - overlap) * window)
    step = max(1, step)

    number_windows = (Ns - window) / step + 1
    # pre-allocation of memory
    fdata = numpy.zeros((number_windows, Ne, number_freqs), dtype=complex)
    win = numpy.hanning(window)

    # Loop on all frequencies
    for window_ix in range(int(number_windows)):

        # time markers to select the data
        # marker of the beginning of the time window
        t1 = int(window_ix * step)
        # marker of the end of the time window
        t2 = int(t1 + window)
        # select current window and apodize it
        cdata = X[:, t1:t2] * win

        # FFT calculation
        fdata[window_ix, :, :] = numpy.fft.fft(
            cdata, n=window, axis=1)[:, 0:number_freqs]

        # if(phase_correction):
        # fdata = fdata.*(exp(-sqrt(-1)*t1*( numpy.range(window)
        # ).T/window*2*pi)*numpy.ones((1,Ne))

    # Adjust Frequency range to specified range (in case it is a parameter)
    if fmin is not None:
        f = numpy.arange(0, 1, 1.0 / number_freqs) * (fs / 2.0)
        Fix = (f >= fmin) & (f <= fmax)
        fdata = fdata[:, :, Fix]

    # fdata = fdata.real
    Nf = fdata.shape[2]
    S = numpy.zeros((Ne, Ne, Nf), dtype=complex)

    for i in range(Nf):
        S[:, :, i] =
            fdata[:, :, i].conj().T, fdata[:, :, i]) / number_windows

    return S 

Example 21

def sample_discrete_from_extero(self, i):, self.M_prop_pred)
        ext_err = np.sum(np.abs(self.goal_ext - self.S_ext))
        if i % self.goal_sample_interval == 0 or \
            ((i - self.goal_sample_time) > 5 and ext_err > 0.1):
            # update e2p
            EP = np.hstack((np.asarray(self.e2p.X_), np.asarray(self.e2p.y_)))
            # print "EP[%d] = %s" % (i, EP)
            EP = EP[10:] # knn bootstrapping creates additional datapoints
            # if i % 100 == 0:
            # re-fit gmm e2p
            #[10:], np.asarray(self.e2p.y_)[10:])
            #[10:], np.asarray(self.e2p.y_)[10:])
            # print "EP, cen_lst, cov_lst, p_k, logL", EP, self.cen_lst, self.cov_lst, self.p_k, self.logL
            ref_interval = 1
            self.cond = EP[(i+ref_interval) % EP.shape[0]] # X_[i,:3]
            self.cond[2:] = np.nan
            self.cond_ = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (5, ))
            # randomly fetch an exteroceptive state that we have seen already (= reachable)
            self.goal_ext = EP[np.random.choice(range(self.numsteps/2)),:2].reshape((1, self.dim_ext))
            # self.cond_[:2] = self.goal_ext
            # self.cond_[2:] = np.nan
            # print "self.cond", self.cond
            # print "self.cond_", self.cond_

            # predict proprioceptive goal from exteroceptive one
            # if hasattr(, "cen_lst"):
            #     self.goal_prop =
            # else:
            #     self.goal_prop =
            self.goal_prop =

            self.goal_sample_time     = i
            # (cen_con, cov_con, new_p_k) = gmm.cond_dist(self.cond_, self.cen_lst, self.cov_lst, self.p_k)
            # self.goal_prop = gmm.sample_gaussian_mixture(cen_con, cov_con, new_p_k, samples = 1)
            # # discrete goal
            # self.goal_prop = np.random.uniform(self.environment.conf.m_mins, self.environment.conf.m_maxs, (1, self.odim))
            print "new goal_prop[%d] = %s" % (i, self.goal_prop)
            print "    goal_ext[%d] = %s" % (i, self.goal_ext)
            print "e_pred = %f" % (np.linalg.norm(self.E_prop_pred, 2))
            print "ext_er = %f" % (ext_err)

    # def lh_sample_error_gradient(self, i):
    #     """sample the local error gradient"""
    #     # hook: goal sampling
    #     if i % self.goal_sample_interval == 0:
    #         self.goal_prop = np.random.uniform(self.environment.conf.m_mins * 0.95, self.environment.conf.m_maxs * 0.95, (1, self.odim))
    #         print "new goal[%d] = %s" % (i, self.goal_prop)
    #         print "e_pred = %f" % (np.linalg.norm(self.E_prop_pred, 2)) 

Example 22

def rh_model_sweep_generate_input_grid_a(self):
        sweepsteps = 11 # 21
        # extero config
        dim_axes = [np.linspace(self.environment.conf.s_mins[i], self.environment.conf.s_maxs[i], sweepsteps) for i in range(self.environment.conf.s_ndims)]
        # dim_axes = [np.linspace(self.environment.conf.s_mins[i], self.environment.conf.s_maxs[i], sweepsteps) for i in range(self.mdl.idim)]
        print "rh_model_sweep_generate_input_grid: s_ndims = %d, dim_axes = %s" % (self.environment.conf.s_ndims, dim_axes,)
        full_axes = np.meshgrid(*tuple(dim_axes), indexing='ij')
        print "rh_model_sweep_generate_input_grid: full_axes = %s, %s" % (len(full_axes), full_axes,)

        for i in range(len(full_axes)):
            print i, full_axes[i].shape
            print i, full_axes[i].flatten()

        # return proxy
        error_grid = np.vstack([full_axes[i].flatten() for i in range(len(full_axes))])
        print "error_grid", error_grid.shape

        # draw state / goal configurations
        X_accum = []
        states = np.linspace(-1, 1, sweepsteps)
        # for state in range(1): # sweepsteps):
        for state in states:
            # randomize initial position
            # self.M_prop_pred = self.environment.compute_motor_command(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (1, self.odim)))
            # draw random goal and keep it fixed
            # self.goal_prop = self.environment.compute_motor_command(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (1, self.odim)))
            self.goal_prop = self.environment.compute_motor_command(np.ones((1, self.odim)) * state)
            # self.goal_prop = np.random.uniform(self.environment.conf.m_mins, self.environment.conf.m_maxs, (1, self.odim))
            GOALS = np.repeat(self.goal_prop, error_grid.shape[1], axis = 0) # as many goals as error components
            # FIXME: hacks for M1/M2
            if self.mdl.idim == 3:
                X = GOALS
            elif self.mdl.idim == 6:
                X = np.hstack((GOALS, error_grid.T))
                X = np.hstack((GOALS, error_grid.T))

        X_accum = np.array(X_accum)

        # don't need this?
        # X_accum = X_accum.reshape((X_accum.shape[0] * X_accum.shape[1], X_accum.shape[2]))
        print "X_accum.shape = %s, mdl.idim = %d, mdl.odim = %d" % (X_accum.shape, self.mdl.idim, self.mdl.odim)
        # print X_accum
        X = X_accum
        # X's and pred's indices now mean: slowest: goal, e1, e2, fastest: e3
        self.X_model_sweep = X.copy()
        return X
        # print "self.X_model_sweep.shape", self.X_model_sweep.shape 

Example 23

def cospectrum(X, window=128, overlap=0.75, fmin=None, fmax=None, fs=None,
    Ne, Ns = X.shape
    number_freqs = int(window / 2)

    step = int((1.0 - overlap) * window)
    step = max(1, step)

    number_windows = (Ns - window) / step + 1
    # pre-allocation of memory
    fdata = numpy.zeros((number_windows, Ne, number_freqs), dtype=complex)
    win = numpy.hanning(window)

    # Loop on all frequencies
    for window_ix in range(int(number_windows)):

        # time markers to select the data
        # marker of the beginning of the time window
        t1 = int(window_ix * step)
        # marker of the end of the time window
        t2 = int(t1 + window)
        # select current window and apodize it
        cdata = X[:, t1:t2] * win

        # FFT calculation
        fdata[window_ix, :, :] = numpy.fft.fft(
            cdata, n=window, axis=1)[:, 0:number_freqs]

        # if(phase_correction):
        # fdata = fdata.*(exp(-sqrt(-1)*t1*( numpy.range(window)
        # ).T/window*2*pi)*numpy.ones((1,Ne))

    # Adjust Frequency range to specified range (in case it is a parameter)
    if fmin is not None:
        f = numpy.arange(0, 1, 1.0 / number_freqs) * (fs / 2.0)
        Fix = (f >= fmin) & (f <= fmax)
        fdata = fdata[:, :, Fix]

    # fdata = fdata.real
    Nf = fdata.shape[2]
    S = numpy.zeros((Ne, Ne, Nf), dtype=complex)

    for i in range(Nf):
        S[:, :, i] =
            fdata[:, :, i].conj().T, fdata[:, :, i]) / number_windows

    return S 