Android Studio:xxx is not an enclosing class 错误的解决方法 这个问题一般出现在内部类中,若要创建内部类的实例,需要有外部类的实例才行,或者是将内部类设置为静态的,添加 sta…
Partition does not start on physical sector boundary
今天给一块硬盘分区,用fdisk按照默认步骤执行,遇到这个问题: [root@bogon ~]# fdisk /dev/sdfDevice contains neither a valid DOS partition t…
Ubuntu 环境 TensorFlow (最新版1.4) 源码编译、安装
Ubuntu 环境 TensorFlow 源码编译安装 基于(Ubuntu 14.04LTS/Ubuntu 16.04LTS/) 一、编译环境 1) 安装 pip sudo apt-get install python-…
Can not create graphically new user
Impacted versions: 10.0 community Steps to reproduce: create user without image Current behavior:stack trace w…
DY@MacBook-Pro bin$brew install chromedriver Error: No available formula with the name “chromedriverR…
Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Node.js 8.x
npm run dev 启动时,报了一大堆错误: Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Windows 64-bit with …
mysql出现ERROR 1017 (HY000): Can't find file: './data_db/tabls.frm' (errno: 13 - Permission denied)
ERROR 1017 (HY000): Can't find file: './data_db/tabls.frm' (errno: 13 - Permission denied) 1:不是表不见了,而是权限的问题 2:…
Placeholder_2:0 is both fed and fetched
Placeholder_2:0 is both fed and fetched TensorFlow出现这个错误是因为网络的输入被原样输出,也就是说同一个东西既被输入网络,又被输出网络.
python错误 import: unable to open X server
执行有问题,或者没有指定执行程序,或者指定执行程序错误,可在py文件头部添加如下语句 #!/usr/bin/python 参考文献:…
android 蓝牙SPP协议通信
准备 1.蓝牙串行端口基于SPP协议(Serial Port Profile),能在蓝牙设备之间创建串口进行数据传输 2.SPP的UUID:00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34F…
前言 我们知道,spring提供了几种方式来统一异常,这样我们就不需要在controller的每个方法中都写烦人的try-catch了。主要有以下几种: @ExceptionHandler 注解 HandlerExcep…
[Python]Python and Algorithms
The size of Python’s integers is limited only by the machine memory, not by a fixed number of bytes. The…