题目: Given a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it. Follow up: Can you solve it without using extra sp…
[Leetcode] Two Sum 两数和
Two Sum Given an array of integers, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The fu…
LeetCode323. Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph
Given n nodes labeled from 0 to n – 1 and a list of undirected edges (each edge is a pair of nodes), wri…
LeetCode 374. Guess Number Higher or Lower
Guess Number Higher or Lower unlocked question, 不贴截图了 EST 7/13/2016, 1:14AM. Beijing time 7/13/2016, 1:14PM. 截…
数据结构和算法不是并列的关系, 它们构成了层次化的结构. 算法 抽象数据结构 基本数据结构 算法 DP 问题 回溯法 binary search 抽象数据结构 Map Set Stack List Queue Heap …
本文首发为CSDN博客,地址为:http://blog.csdn.net/xxzhangx/article/details/53544822 欢迎关注,谢谢!引用转载请注明作者和地址! 题目:给定多个可能的重叠的区间,找…
背景 了解KMP算法的直接看证明。 字符串s,模式字符串p,想要在s中找到第一个子串等于p 穷举解法: p的开头跟s的开头比较,相等就一个个往下对比,遇到出错的就p往后移动一位,即p的开头和s的第二个字符开始比。一次类推…
2018-09-25 260. Single Number III
题意:给你一组数,里面有两个数仅出现一次,而其余的数则出现两次。要求在O(N)的时间复杂度和O(1)的空间复杂度内找出这两个数。 解题思路:两个相同的数异或操作会变0,先将数组中所有的数全异或,结果肯定不等于0,两个仅出…
416. 分割等和子集
class Solution(object): def canPartition(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: bool """ # guard phase…
Day16.Student Attendance Record I(551)
问题描述 You are given a string representing an attendance record for a student. The record only contains the foll…
LeetCode[8] - Excel Sheet Column Number
好久以前做的一个题了。 记得:’A’ – ‘A’ = 0 呀。所以 any char – ‘A’ + 1 = 这个char在…
[LeetCode] Cherry Pickup 捡樱桃
In a N x N grid representing a field of cherries, each cell is one of three possible integers…