平衡二叉树检查 牛客网 程序员面试金典 C++ Python
给定指向树根结点的指针TreeNode* root,请返回一个bool,代表这棵树是否平衡。
struct TreeNode {
int val;
struct TreeNode *left;
struct TreeNode *right;
TreeNode(int x) :
val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {
class Balance {
//rum:3ms memory:408k
bool isBalance(TreeNode* root) {
if (NULL == root) return true;
if (NULL == root->left && NULL == root->right) return true;
if (NULL != root->left && NULL == root->right)
if(getTreeHeight(root->left) > 1) return false;
if (NULL == root->left && NULL != root->right)
if(getTreeHeight(root->right) >1) return false;
return isBalance(root->left) && isBalance(root->right);
int getTreeHeight(TreeNode* root){
if (NULL == root) return 0;
return max(getTreeHeight(root->left),getTreeHeight(root->right))+ 1;
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None
class Balance:
#run:27ms memory:5736k
def isBalance(self, root):
if None == root: return True
if None == root.left and None == root.right: return True
if None != root.left and None == root.right:
if self.getTreeHeight(root.left) > 1: return False
if None == root.left and None != root.right:
if self.getTreeHeight(root.right) > 1:return False
return self.isBalance(root.left) and self.isBalance(root.right) + 1
def getTreeHeight(self,root):
if None == root: return 0
return max(self.getTreeHeight(root.left),self.getTreeHeight(root.right)) + 1