机能优化:Performance API

高标准精度时候(High Resolution Time)范例定义了

Date 对象示意自1970-01-01起的毫秒精度时候。在实践中,会受制于时钟偏移(clock skew)和体系时钟调解(adjustment of the system clock),所以时候值能够不能保证一直是在增添的,比方:

var mark_start = Date.now();
doTask(); // Some task
var duration = Date.now() - mark_start;

duration 能够 >0,<0,=0。
为了保证单调增进(monotonically increasing)且更高准确度的时候值,Performace 接口定义了 DOMHighResTimeStamp 范例,performance.now 要领,performance.timeOrigin 属性。


单元是毫秒,准确到5微秒(0.005 ms),假如由于硬件或软件的限定, User Agent 不能准确到微秒,则会显现准确到1ms。

typedef double DOMHighResTimeStamp;

Time Origin


The time origin is the time value from which time is measured:

  • If the global object is a Window object, the time origin MUST be equal to:

    • the time when the browsing context(阅读上下文) is first created if there is no previous document;(注:在一个 Web 阅读器内,一个标签页或窗口常包括一个阅读上下文,如一个 iframe 或一个 frameset 内的多少 frame。)
    • otherwise, the time of the user confirming the navigation during the previous document’s prompt to unload algorithm, if a previous document exists and if the confirmation dialog was displayed;
    • otherwise, the time of starting the navigation responsible for loading the Window object’s newest Document object.
  • If the global object is a WorkerGlobalScope object, the time origin MUST be equal to the official moment of creation of the worker.
  • Otherwise, the time origin is undefined.

在 Chrome DevTools 控制台打印 performance:

    navigation: {type: 0, redirectCount: 0}
    timeOrigin: 1555386564177.783
    timing: {
        connectEnd: 1555386564181
        connectStart: 1555386564181
        domComplete: 1555386564345
        domContentLoadedEventEnd: 1555386564322
        domContentLoadedEventStart: 1555386564318
        domInteractive: 1555386564317
        domLoading: 1555386564286
        domainLookupEnd: 1555386564181
        domainLookupStart: 1555386564181
        fetchStart: 1555386564181
        loadEventEnd: 1555386564345
        loadEventStart: 1555386564345
        navigationStart: 1555386564177
        redirectEnd: 0
        redirectStart: 0
        requestStart: 1555386564181
        responseEnd: 1555386564291
        responseStart: 1555386564181
        secureConnectionStart: 0
        unloadEventEnd: 0
        unloadEventStart: 0

Performance 接口

interface Performance : EventTarget {
    clearMarks: ƒ clearMarks()
    clearMeasures: ƒ clearMeasures()
    void clearResourceTimings();
    PerformanceEntryList getEntries();
    PerformanceEntryList getEntriesByType(DOMString type);
    PerformanceEntryList getEntriesByName(DOMString name, optional DOMString type);
    mark: ƒ mark()
    measure: ƒ measure()
    memory: (...)
    readonly attribute PerformanceNavigation navigation;
    DOMHighResTimeStamp now();
    attribute EventHandler onresourcetimingbufferfull;
    void setResourceTimingBufferSize(unsigned long maxSize);
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp  timeOrigin;
    readonly attribute PerformanceTiming timing;
    [Default] object toJSON();

performance 属性

partial interface WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope {
    readonly attribute Performance performance;

比方 window.performance

interface Performance {
  readonly attribute PerformanceTiming timing;
  readonly attribute PerformanceNavigation navigation;

partial interface Window {
  [Replaceable] readonly attribute Performance performance;

PerformanceTiming 接口

interface PerformanceTiming {
  readonly attribute unsigned long long navigationStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long unloadEventStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long unloadEventEnd;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long redirectStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long redirectEnd;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long fetchStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long domainLookupStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long domainLookupEnd;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long connectStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long connectEnd;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long secureConnectionStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long requestStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long responseStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long responseEnd;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long domLoading;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long domInteractive;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long domContentLoadedEventStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long domContentLoadedEventEnd;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long domComplete;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long loadEventStart;
  readonly attribute unsigned long long loadEventEnd;

《机能优化:Performance API》

  • DNS剖析:timing.domainLookupEnd – timing.domainLookupStart
  • 竖立衔接:timing.connectEnd – timing.connectStart
  • 发送要求:timing.responseStart – timing.requestStart
  • 吸收要求:timing.responseEnd – timing.responseStart
  • 剖析DOM树:timing.domInteractive – timing.domLoading
  • 页面加载完成:timing.domContentLoadedEventStart – timing.domInteractive
  • DOMContentLoaded事宜耗时:

timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd – timing.domContentLoadedEventStart

  • DOM加载完成:timing.domComplete – timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd
  • DOMLoad事宜耗时:timing.loadEventEnd – timing.loadEventStart

PerformanceNavigation 接口

interface PerformanceNavigation {
  const unsigned short TYPE_NAVIGATE = 0;
  const unsigned short TYPE_RELOAD = 1;
  const unsigned short TYPE_BACK_FORWARD = 2;
  const unsigned short TYPE_RESERVED = 255;
  readonly attribute unsigned short type;
  readonly attribute unsigned short redirectCount;
    The page was accessed by following a link, a bookmark, a form submission, or a script, or by typing the URL in the address bar.
    The page was accessed by clicking the Reload button or via the Location.reload() method.
    The page was accessed by navigating into the history.
    Any other way.

PerformanceEntry 接口

PerformanceEntry 对象封装了作为机能时候线(performance timeline)一部分的单个机能指标。

interface PerformanceEntry {
  readonly    attribute DOMString           name;
  readonly    attribute DOMString           entryType;
  readonly    attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp startTime;
  readonly    attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp duration;
  [Default] object toJSON();
partial interface Performance {
  PerformanceEntryList getEntries ();
  PerformanceEntryList getEntriesByType (DOMString type);
  PerformanceEntryList getEntriesByName (DOMString name, optional DOMString type);
typedef sequence<PerformanceEntry> PerformanceEntryList;
  • name:PerformanceEntry 对象标识符,不须要唯一(unique)。
  • entryType:该 PerformanceEntry 对象示意的接口的范例。
  • startTime:该机能器量的第一个纪录时候戳的时候值。
  • duration:纪录时候,即纪录最先到完毕的时候。

PerformanceEntry 实例会是以下接口实例之一:

  • PerformanceMark
  • PerformanceMeasure
  • PerformanceFrameTiming
  • PerformanceNavigationTiming
  • PerformanceResourceTiming
  • PerformancePaintTiming

比方在 Chrome DevTools 的控制台打印 performance.getEntries()
《机能优化:Performance API》


interface PerformanceNavigationTiming : PerformanceResourceTiming {
    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp unloadEventStart;
    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp unloadEventEnd;
    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domInteractive;
    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domContentLoadedEventStart;
    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domContentLoadedEventEnd;
    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domComplete;
    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp loadEventStart;
    readonly        attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp loadEventEnd;
    readonly        attribute NavigationType      type;
    readonly        attribute unsigned short      redirectCount;
    [Default] object toJSON();
  connectEnd: 3.8349999995261896
  connectStart: 3.8349999995261896
  decodedBodySize: 74229
  domComplete: 336.69000000008964
  domContentLoadedEventEnd: 130.1899999998568
  domContentLoadedEventStart: 129.47499999791034
  domInteractive: 129.42000000111875
  domainLookupEnd: 3.8349999995261896
  domainLookupStart: 3.8349999995261896
  duration: 339.76500000062515
  encodedBodySize: 18430
  entryType: "navigation"
  fetchStart: 3.8349999995261896
  initiatorType: "navigation"
  loadEventEnd: 339.76500000062515
  loadEventStart: 336.72999999907915
  name: "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Performance_API"
  nextHopProtocol: "h2"
  redirectCount: 0
  redirectEnd: 0
  redirectStart: 0
  requestStart: 5.089999998745043
  responseEnd: 15.745000000606524
  responseStart: 5.395000000135042
  secureConnectionStart: 0
  serverTiming: []
  startTime: 0
  transferSize: 0
  type: "back_forward"
  unloadEventEnd: 16.714999997930136
  unloadEventStart: 16.709999999875436
  workerStart: 0


检索和剖析收集加载运用资本(比方 link/script/iframe标签、css中url()等)的细致收集计时数据。

interface PerformanceResourceTiming : PerformanceEntry {
    readonly attribute DOMString           initiatorType;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp redirectStart;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp redirectEnd;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp fetchStart;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domainLookupStart;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp domainLookupEnd;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp connectStart;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp connectEnd;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp secureConnectionStart;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp requestStart;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp responseStart;
    readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp responseEnd;
    serializer = {inherit, attribute};
  connectEnd: 403.1199999990349
  connectStart: 403.1199999990349
  decodedBodySize: 33808
  domainLookupEnd: 403.1199999990349
  domainLookupStart: 403.1199999990349
  duration: 1.6250000007858034
  encodedBodySize: 33808
  entryType: "resource"
  fetchStart: 403.1199999990349
  initiatorType: "link"
  name: "https://developer.mozilla.org/static/fonts/locales/ZillaSlab-Regular.subset.bbc33fb47cf6.woff2"
  nextHopProtocol: "h2"
  redirectEnd: 0
  redirectStart: 0
  requestStart: 404.0950000016892
  responseEnd: 404.7449999998207
  responseStart: 404.3100000017148
  secureConnectionStart: 0
  serverTiming: []
  startTime: 403.1199999990349
  transferSize: 0
  workerStart: 0


网页构建时期有关“绘制(paint)”(也称为“衬着(render)”)操纵的计时信息。 “绘制(paint)”是指将衬着树转换为屏幕上的像素。

interface PerformancePaintTiming : PerformanceEntry {};
  duration: 0
  entryType: "paint"
  name: "first-paint"
  startTime: 667.9050000020652


  1. High Resolution Time Level 2
  2. MDN – Performance API
  3. Navigation Timing
  4. Performance Timeline Level 2
    原文地址: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000018998798