#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:UTF-8 -*- """ @Item : Rsync Backup @Author : Villiam Sheng @Group : Linux Group @Date : 2012-08-13 @Funtion: rsync_conf: Configuration rsync server, and the server #res[os.path.join(root,fpath)] = int((time.time() - os.stat(os.path.join(root,fpath)).st_ctime) / 86910) #int((time.time() - os.stat(os.path.join(root,fpath)).st_ctime) / 86910) #try: # res[os.path.join(root,fpath)] = time.strptime((fpath.split('_')[2]),'%Y%m%d%H%M%S').tm_yday #截取文件名,得到时间天数, #except Exception,e: # print e #res[os.path.join(root,fpath)] = int((time.time() - os.stat(os.path.join(root,fpath)).st_ctime) / 86910) Central idea: """ import os,sys,time,re,socket,threading,json,base64,traceback,ConfigParser,fcntl,struct from rsync_log import rsync_log from rsync_post import rsync_post from statvfs import F_BLOCKS,F_BAVAIL,F_BSIZE pcg = 0 """ 生成斐波那契数列""" lists = [] a,b = 0,1 while b <= 365: a,b = b ,a+b lists.append(b) class rsync_thread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,path): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.log = rsync_log() self.path = path """ 计算当前磁盘的使用百分比""" def disk(self): try: vfs = os.statvfs(self.path) disk_full = int(vfs[F_BLOCKS]*vfs[F_BSIZE]/1024/1024/1024) disk_free = int(vfs[F_BAVAIL]*vfs[F_BSIZE]/1024/1024/1024) return '%.1f'%(float(disk_full - disk_free) / disk_full * 100) except: self.log.log_info('rsync_info.err','dfile.disk',traceback.print_exc()) return traceback.print_exc() def run(self): global pcg old_df = [] # 上一年的删除历史文件 new_df = [] # 今年的删除历史文件 sf = [] # 保留的历史文件 res = {} # 所有文件的天数及文件的路径 rs = 0 # 删除文件的总和 size = [] # 获取删除文件的大小 msize = [] # 今天备份所有文件的大小 tday_size = [] # 今天备份文件的大小 ms = 0 # 今天备份文件的总和 year = time.localtime().tm_year """ 得到文件的天数,以文件名作为key,天数作为value """ for root,dirs,files in os.walk(self.path): for fpath in files: res[os.path.join(root,fpath)] = time.localtime(os.stat(os.path.join(root,fpath)).st_ctime).tm_yday """ 判断文件的天数是否符合斐波那契数列,符合条件append到sf列表中,不符合append df列表中 """ for v,k in res.items(): if k in lists: sf.append(k) self.log.log_info('log_info.save','dfile.rsync_thread','%s:::%s'%(v,k)) elif k not in lists: if year != time.localtime(os.stat(v).st_ctime).tm_year: old_df.append({v:k}) else: new_df.append({v:k}) """ try: for s in range(len(new_df)): for f,k in new_df[s].items(): tday_size.append(k) if max({}.fromkeys(tday_size).keys()) == k: msize.append(os.path.getsize(f)) except: pass """ c = [] pcg = float(self.disk()) """ 判断今天是否有新的文件备份,在删除的列表中删除最后一天的数据,但必须保证磁盘的使用百分比大于 %55 """ if time.localtime().tm_yday in res.values(): if len(old_df) != 0: for s in range(len(old_df)): for f,k in old_df[s].items(): c.append(k) for s in range(len(old_df)): for f,k in old_df[s].items(): if min({}.fromkeys(c).keys()) == k and pcg > 91: size.append(os.path.getsize(f)) os.system('rm -frv %s' %f) self.log.log_info('log_info.delete','remove cmd','rm -frv %s %s'%(f,k)) elif pcg <= 91: break pcg = float(self.disk()) elif len(new_df) != 0: for s in range(len(new_df)): for f,k in new_df[s].items(): c.append(k) for s in range(len(new_df)): for f,k in new_df[s].items(): if min({}.fromkeys(c).keys()) == k and pcg > 91: size.append(os.path.getsize(f)) os.system('rm -frv %s' %f) self.log.log_info('log_info.delete','remove cmd','rm -frv %s %s'%(f,k)) elif pcg <= 91: break pcg = float(self.disk()) for s in size: rs += s #for m in msize: # ms += m self.log.log_info('log_info.delete','Disk release %s %s MB'%(self.path,rs /1024/1024),'Disk append %s %s MB'%(self.path,ms /1024/1024)) else: self.log.log_info('log_info.delete','Disk files ',' %s No update file' %self.path) sys.exit() class rsync_dfile(object): def __init__(self): self.log = rsync_log() self.rsync_post = rsync_post() def work(self): fp = open('/proc/mounts','r') m_info=fp.readlines() fp.close() data = {} sections = [] for i in m_info: if i.find('data=ordered') != -1 or i.find('mfs') != -1 or i.find('nfs') != -1: if os.path.ismount(str(i.split()[1])): if str(i.split()[1]) != '/': if str(i.split()[1]) != '/root': if str(i.split()[1]) != '/var': if len(i.split()[1]) != 1: if not i.find('sunrpc') != -1: rs_thread = rsync_thread(i.split()[1]) rs_thread.start() while threading.active_count() > 1: time.sleep(1) conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() conf.read('/etc/rsyncd.conf') try: for i in conf.sections(): if i != 'global': sections.append(i) for i in sections: vfs = os.statvfs(conf.get(i,'path')) disk_full = int(vfs[F_BLOCKS]*vfs[F_BSIZE]/1024/1024/1024) disk_free = int(vfs[F_BAVAIL]*vfs[F_BSIZE]/1024/1024/1024) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: ip = socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(),0x8915,struct.pack('24s','eth0'))[20:24]) except: ip = socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(),0x8915,struct.pack('24s','eth1'))[20:24]) t_info={'flag':0,'store_ip':ip,'store_module':i,'store_path':conf.get(i,'path'),'disk_full':disk_full,'disk_free':disk_free,'action':'rsync_renew'} data['param'] = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(t_info)) self.rsync_post.work(data) self.log.log_info('rsync_info.err','dfile.work',t_info) except Exception,e: t_info={'flag':1,'store_ip':ip,'store_module':i,'store_path':conf.get(i,'path'),'disk_full':disk_full,'disk_free':disk_free,'action':'rsync_renew'} data['param'] = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(t_info)) self.rsync_post.work(data) self.log.log_info('rsync_info.err','dfile.work',e) if __name__ == "__main__": rs = rsync_dfile() while True: rs.work() if pcg <= 91: break
python 实现斐波那契数列,动态删除历史数据demo,很久以前写的,分享给大家
原文地址: https://blog.51cto.com/swq499809608/1313815
原文地址: https://blog.51cto.com/swq499809608/1313815