检查具有特定条件的连续数字 – Python

我正在尝试编写一个函数来测试列表是否具有连续数字但是具有非常奇怪的捕获.问题是“a”可以用作任何整数的替代,但列表中至少有2个元素必须是数字.元素> = 1(如果不是“a”)并且是整数.可以假设输入是这种形式,因此不需要检查它.



False #Need at least 2 elements to be numbers


def check_consecutive(lst):
 count = 0
 for i in range(len(lst)-1):
     if lst[i] == "a" or lst[i+1] == "a":
         count +=1
     elif lst[i+1] - lst[i] == 1:
         count +=1
 if count == len(lst)-1:
     return True
 return False


最佳答案 请尝试以下方法.它适用于所有测试用例,并且我将单行保持在最低限度:

def check_consecutive(lst):
    # Check for the number of non-"a" entries in the list:
    if len([x for x in lst if x != "a"]) < 2:
        return False

    # Get the first non-a value (ASSUMPTION: this is a number)
    first_number = next((e for e in lst if e != "a"), None)

    # Find the index of the first number
    first_index = lst.index(first_number)

    # Find the difference between the first number and its index
    diff = first_number - first_index

    # Based on the final example - false if negative values would be used:
    if diff < 0:
        return False

    # Create a new list - replace a's with their index plus the difference we found
    # If the list is consecutive, this difference will be consistent for all values
    all_numbers = []
    for i, x in enumerate(lst):
        if x == "a":
            all_numbers.append(i + diff)

    # Check if the values are now consecutive or not!
    if all(all_numbers[i+1] == all_numbers[i] + 1 for i in range(len(all_numbers) - 1)):
        return True
        return False

print check_consecutive([1,2,"a","a",5,6,7,"a"])
print check_consecutive(["a","a","a","a",9,10])
print check_consecutive(["a","a","a","a",5])
#False #Need at least 2 elements to be numbers
print check_consecutive([3,4,5,"a",6,7])
print check_consecutive(["a","a","a","a","a","a",2,3])


def check_consecutive(lst):
    # Check for the number of non-"a" entries in the list:
    if len([x for x in lst if x != "a"]) < 2:
        return False

    # Get the first non-a value (ASSUMPTION: this is a number)
    first_number = next((e for e in lst if e != "a"), None)

    # Find the index of the first number
    first_index = lst.index(first_number)

    # Find the difference between the first number and its index
    diff = first_number - first_index

    # Based on the final example - false if negative values would be used:
    if diff < 0:
        return False

    if all(x == "a" or x == i + diff for i, x in enumerate(lst)):
        return True
        return False