recent question让我意识到相当酷的
apriori algorithm.我可以看到它为什么有效,但我不确定的是实际用途.据推测,计算相关项目集的主要原因是能够基于他们自己的购买(或拥有物品等)为某人提供推荐.但是,您如何从一组相关项目转到个别建议?
The second problem is to generate
association rules from those large
itemsets with the constraints of
minimal confidence. Suppose one of the
large itemsets is Lk, Lk = {I1, I2, …
, Ik}, association rules with this
itemsets are generated in the
following way: the first rule is {I1,
I2, … , Ik-1}⇒ {Ik}, by checking the
confidence this rule can be determined
as interesting or not. Then other rule
are generated by deleting the last
items in the antecedent and inserting
it to the consequent, further the
confidences of the new rules are
checked to determine the
interestingness of them. Those
processes iterated until the
antecedent becomes empty
最佳答案 因此,apriori算法不再是Market Basket Analysis(又名
Association Rule Mining)的最新技术.这些技术有所改进,尽管Apriori原则(支持一个子集上限支持该集合)仍然是一个驱动力.