

/Users/rob/Workspace/Boiled.scala:9: error: type mismatch;
 found   : DataSetup{type Mem <: Product with Serializable{val ids: List[Int]; def copy(ids: List[Int]): this.Mem; def copy$default$1: List[Int]}; object Mem; type Memory = this.Mem}
 required: DataSetup{type Mem <: Product with Serializable{val ids: List[Int]; def copy(ids: List[Int]): this.Mem; def copy$default$1: List[Int] @scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance}; object Mem; type Memory = this.Mem}
 val dataSetup = new DataSetup {


trait DataSetup {
  type Memory <: AnyRef with Serializable 
  def run(): Memory

object Use {

  val dataSetup = new DataSetup {     // <---- error reported here
    case class Mem(ids: List[Int])
    type Memory = Mem
    def run(): Memory = {
      val ids = List(1,2,3)



最佳答案 有时,错误消息在最新的2.11里程碑中有所改进.

<console>:14: error: type mismatch;
 found   : DataSetup{type Mem(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>) <: Product with Serializable{val ids: List[Int]; def copy(ids: List[Int]): this.Mem(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>); def copy$default$1: List[Int]}; type Memory = this.Mem(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)}
 required: DataSetup{type Mem(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>) <: Product with Serializable{val ids: List[Int]; def copy(ids: List[Int]): this.Mem(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>); def copy$default$1: List[Int] @scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance}; object Mem; type Memory = this.Mem(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)(in <refinement of DataSetup>)}
         val dataSetup = new DataSetup {     // <---- error reported here


val dataSetup: DataSetup = new DataSetup {     // <---- no error here




I lost count at some point but I didn’t notice that many refinements
of AnyRef.
