Python numpy.sin() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def deriveKernel(self, params, i):
		self.checkParamsI(params, i)
		ell = np.exp(params[0])
		p = np.exp(params[1])
		#compute d2
		if (self.K_sq is None): d2 = sq_dist(self.X_scaled.T / ell)	#precompute squared distances
		else: d2 = self.K_sq / ell**2
		#compute dp
		dp = self.dp/p
		K = np.exp(-d2 / 2.0)
		if (i==0): return d2*K*np.cos(2*np.pi*dp)
		elif (i==1): return 2*np.pi*dp*np.sin(2*np.pi*dp)*K
		else: raise Exception('invalid parameter index:' + str(i)) 

Example 2

def _generate_data():
    ????u(k-1) ? y(k-1)?????y(k)
    # u = np.random.uniform(-1,1,200)
    # y=[]
    # former_y_value = 0
    # for i in np.arange(0,200):
    #     y.append(former_y_value)
    #     next_y_value = (29.0 / 40) * np.sin(
    #         (16.0 * u[i] + 8 * former_y_value) / (3.0 + 4.0 * (u[i] ** 2) + 4 * (former_y_value ** 2))) \
    #                    + (2.0 / 10) * u[i] + (2.0 / 10) * former_y_value
    #     former_y_value = next_y_value
    # return u,y
    u1 = np.random.uniform(-np.pi,np.pi,200)
    u2 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,200)
    y = np.zeros(200)
    for i in range(200):
        value = np.sin(u1[i]) + u2[i]
        y[i] =  value
    return u1, u2, y 

Example 3

def rotate_point_cloud(batch_data):
    """ Randomly rotate the point clouds to augument the dataset
        rotation is per shape based along up direction
          BxNx3 array, original batch of point clouds
          BxNx3 array, rotated batch of point clouds
    rotated_data = np.zeros(batch_data.shape, dtype=np.float32)
    for k in range(batch_data.shape[0]):
        rotation_angle = np.random.uniform() * 2 * np.pi
        cosval = np.cos(rotation_angle)
        sinval = np.sin(rotation_angle)
        rotation_matrix = np.array([[cosval, 0, sinval],
                                    [0, 1, 0],
                                    [-sinval, 0, cosval]])
        shape_pc = batch_data[k, ...]
        rotated_data[k, ...] =, 3)), rotation_matrix)
    return rotated_data 

Example 4

def rotate_point_cloud_by_angle(batch_data, rotation_angle):
    """ Rotate the point cloud along up direction with certain angle.
          BxNx3 array, original batch of point clouds
          BxNx3 array, rotated batch of point clouds
    rotated_data = np.zeros(batch_data.shape, dtype=np.float32)
    for k in range(batch_data.shape[0]):
        #rotation_angle = np.random.uniform() * 2 * np.pi
        cosval = np.cos(rotation_angle)
        sinval = np.sin(rotation_angle)
        rotation_matrix = np.array([[cosval, 0, sinval],
                                    [0, 1, 0],
                                    [-sinval, 0, cosval]])
        shape_pc = batch_data[k, ...]
        rotated_data[k, ...] =, 3)), rotation_matrix)
    return rotated_data 

Example 5

def monotoneTFosc(f):
    """Maps [-inf,inf] to [-inf,inf] with different constants
    for positive and negative part.

    if np.isscalar(f):
        if f > 0.:
            f = np.log(f) / 0.1
            f = np.exp(f + 0.49 * (np.sin(f) + np.sin(0.79 * f))) ** 0.1
        elif f < 0.:
            f = np.log(-f) / 0.1
            f = -np.exp(f + 0.49 * (np.sin(0.55 * f) + np.sin(0.31 * f))) ** 0.1
        return f
        f = np.asarray(f)
        g = f.copy()
        idx = (f > 0)
        g[idx] = np.log(f[idx]) / 0.1
        g[idx] = np.exp(g[idx] + 0.49 * (np.sin(g[idx]) + np.sin(0.79 * g[idx])))**0.1
        idx = (f < 0)
        g[idx] = np.log(-f[idx]) / 0.1
        g[idx] = -np.exp(g[idx] + 0.49 * (np.sin(0.55 * g[idx]) + np.sin(0.31 * g[idx])))**0.1
        return g 

Example 6

def test_pitch_estimation(self):
        test pitch estimation algo with contrived small example
        if pitch is within 5 Hz, then say its good (for this small example,
        since the algorithm wasn't made for this type of synthesized signal)
        cfg = ExperimentConfig(pitch_strength_thresh=-np.inf)
        # the next 3 variables are in Hz
        tolerance = 5
        fs = 48000
        f = 150
        # create a sine wave of f Hz freq sampled at fs Hz
        x = np.sin(2*np.pi * f/fs * np.arange(2**10))
        # estimate the pitch, it should be close to f
        p, t, s = pest.pitch_estimation(x, fs, cfg)
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.abs(p - f) < tolerance)) 

Example 7

def make_wafer(self,wafer_r,frame,label,labelloc,labelwidth):
        Generate wafer with primary flat on the left. From I estimated that the angle defining the wafer flat to arctan(flat/2 / radius)
        angled = 18
        angle = angled*np.pi/180
        circ = cad.shapes.Circle((0,0), wafer_r, width=self.boxwidth, initial_angle=180+angled, final_angle=360+180-angled, layer=self.layer_box)
        flat = cad.core.Path([(-wafer_r*np.cos(angle),wafer_r*np.sin(angle)),(-wafer_r*np.cos(angle),-wafer_r*np.sin(angle))], width=self.boxwidth, layer=self.layer_box)

        date = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
        if labelloc==(0,0):
        # The label is added 100 um on top of the main cell
        label_grid_chip = cad.shapes.LineLabel( + "  " +\

        if frame==True:
        if label==True:

Example 8

def ani_update(arg, ii=[0]):

    i = ii[0]  # don't ask...

    if np.isclose(t_arr[i], np.around(t_arr[i], 1)):
        fig2.suptitle('Evolution (Time: {})'.format(t_arr[i]), fontsize=24)

    graphic_floor[0].set_data([-floor_lim*np.cos(incline_history[i]) + radius*np.sin(incline_history[i]), floor_lim*np.cos(incline_history[i]) + radius*np.sin(incline_history[i])], [-floor_lim*np.sin(incline_history[i])-radius*np.cos(incline_history[i]), floor_lim*np.sin(incline_history[i])-radius*np.cos(incline_history[i])]) = (x_history[i], y_history[i])
    graphic_ind[0].set_data([x_history[i], x_history[i] + radius*np.sin(w_history[i])],
                            [y_history[i], y_history[i] + radius*np.cos(w_history[i])])
    graphic_pend[0].set_data([x_history[i], x_history[i] - cw_to_cm[1]*np.sin(q_history[i, 2])],
                             [y_history[i], y_history[i] + cw_to_cm[1]*np.cos(q_history[i, 2])])
    graphic_dist[0].set_data([x_history[i] - cw_to_cm[1]*np.sin(q_history[i, 2]), x_history[i] - cw_to_cm[1]*np.sin(q_history[i, 2]) - pscale*p_history[i]*np.cos(q_history[i, 2])],
                             [y_history[i] + cw_to_cm[1]*np.cos(q_history[i, 2]), y_history[i] + cw_to_cm[1]*np.cos(q_history[i, 2]) - pscale*p_history[i]*np.sin(q_history[i, 2])])

    ii[0] += int(1 / (timestep * framerate))
    if ii[0] >= len(t_arr):
        print("Resetting animation!")
        ii[0] = 0

    return [graphic_floor, graphic_wheel, graphic_ind, graphic_pend, graphic_dist]

# Run animation 

Example 9

def solveIter(mu,e):
    """__solvIter returns an iterative solution for Ek
    Mk = Ek - e sin(Ek)
    thisStart = np.asarray(mu-1.01*e)
    thisEnd = np.asarray(mu + 1.01*e)
    bestGuess = np.zeros(mu.shape)

    for i in range(5): 
        minErr = 10000*np.ones(mu.shape)
        for j in range(5):
            thisGuess = thisStart + j*(thisEnd-thisStart)/10.0
            thisErr = np.asarray(abs(mu - thisGuess + e*np.sin(thisGuess)))
            mask = thisErr<minErr
            minErr[mask] = thisErr[mask]
            bestGuess[mask] = thisGuess[mask]
        # reset for next loop
        thisRange = thisEnd - thisStart
        thisStart = bestGuess - thisRange/10.0
        thisEnd = bestGuess + thisRange/10.0

Example 10

def great_circle_dist(p1, p2):
    """Return the distance (in km) between two points in
    geographical coordinates.
    lon0, lat0 = p1
    lon1, lat1 = p2
    EARTH_R = 6372.8
    lat0 = np.radians(float(lat0))
    lon0 = np.radians(float(lon0))
    lat1 = np.radians(float(lat1))
    lon1 = np.radians(float(lon1))
    dlon = lon0 - lon1
    y = np.sqrt(
        (np.cos(lat1) * np.sin(dlon)) ** 2
        + (np.cos(lat0) * np.sin(lat1)
           - np.sin(lat0) * np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(dlon)) ** 2)
    x = np.sin(lat0) * np.sin(lat1) + \
        np.cos(lat0) * np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(dlon)
    c = np.arctan2(y, x)
    return EARTH_R * c 

Example 11

def x_axis_rotation(theta):
        """Generates a 3x3 rotation matrix for a rotation of angle
        theta about the x axis.

        theta : float
            amount to rotate, in radians

        :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of float
            A random 3x3 rotation matrix.
        R = np.array([[1, 0, 0,],
                      [0, np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
                      [0, np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
        return R 

Example 12

def y_axis_rotation(theta):
        """Generates a 3x3 rotation matrix for a rotation of angle
        theta about the y axis.

        theta : float
            amount to rotate, in radians

        :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of float
            A random 3x3 rotation matrix.
        R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), 0, np.sin(theta)],
                      [0, 1, 0],
                      [-np.sin(theta), 0, np.cos(theta)]])
        return R 

Example 13

def z_axis_rotation(theta):
        """Generates a 3x3 rotation matrix for a rotation of angle
        theta about the z axis.

        theta : float
            amount to rotate, in radians

        :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of float
            A random 3x3 rotation matrix.
        R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0],
                      [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0],
                      [0, 0, 1]])
        return R 

Example 14

def sph2cart(r, az, elev):
    """ Convert spherical to cartesian coordinates.

    r : float
    az : float
        aziumth (angle about z axis)
    elev : float
        elevation from xy plane

    x = r * np.cos(az) * np.sin(elev)
    y = r * np.sin(az) * np.sin(elev)
    z = r * np.cos(elev)
    return x, y, z 

Example 15

def mdst(x, odd=True):
    """ Calculate modified discrete sine transform of input signal in an
    inefficient pure-Python method.

    Use only for testing.

    X : array_like
        The input signal
    odd : boolean, optional
        Switch to oddly stacked transform. Defaults to :code:`True`.

    out : array_like
        The output signal

    return trans(x, func=numpy.sin, odd=odd) * numpy.sqrt(2) 

Example 16

def imdst(X, odd=True):
    """ Calculate inverse modified discrete sine transform of input
    signal in an inefficient pure-Python method.

    Use only for testing.

    X : array_like
        The input signal
    odd : boolean, optional
        Switch to oddly stacked transform. Defaults to :code:`True`.

    out : array_like
        The output signal

    return itrans(X, func=numpy.sin, odd=odd) * numpy.sqrt(2) 

Example 17

def cmdct(x, odd=True):
    """ Calculate complex modified discrete cosine transform of input
    inefficient pure-Python method.

    Use only for testing.

    X : array_like
        The input signal
    odd : boolean, optional
        Switch to oddly stacked transform. Defaults to :code:`True`.

    out : array_like
        The output signal

    return trans(x, func=lambda x: numpy.cos(x) - 1j * numpy.sin(x), odd=odd) 

Example 18

def icmdct(X, odd=True):
    """ Calculate inverse complex modified discrete cosine transform of input
    signal in an inefficient pure-Python method.

    Use only for testing.

    X : array_like
        The input signal
    odd : boolean, optional
        Switch to oddly stacked transform. Defaults to :code:`True`.

    out : array_like
        The output signal

    return itrans(X, func=lambda x: numpy.cos(x) + 1j * numpy.sin(x), odd=odd) 

Example 19

def test_with_fake_log_prob(self):

        def grad_log_prob(x):
            return -(x/2.0 + np.sin(x))*(1.0/2.0 + np.cos(x))

        def fake_log_prob(x):
            return -(x/5.0 + np.sin(x) )**2.0/2.0

        generator = mh_generator(log_density=fake_log_prob,x_start=1.0)
        tester = GaussianSteinTest(grad_log_prob,41)

        selector = SampleSelector(generator, sample_size=1000,thinning=20,tester=tester, max_iterations=5)

        data,converged = selector.points_from_stationary()

        assert converged is False 

Example 20

def test_with_ugly(self):

        def grad_log_prob(x):
            return -(x/5.0 + np.sin(x))*(1.0/5.0 + np.cos(x))

        def log_prob(x):
            return -(x/5.0 + np.sin(x) )**2.0/2.0

        generator = mh_generator(log_density=log_prob,x_start=1.0)
        tester = GaussianSteinTest(grad_log_prob,41)

        selector = SampleSelector(generator, sample_size=1000,thinning=20,tester=tester, max_iterations=5)

        data,converged = selector.points_from_stationary()

        tester = GaussianSteinTest(grad_log_prob,41)
        assert tester.compute_pvalue(data)>0.05

        assert converged is True 

Example 21

def bandpass(self, rin, sin, rout, sout):
        ''' To create a band pass two circle images are created, one inverted
        and pasted into dthe other'''
        # if radius zero dont create the inner circle
        if rin != 0:
            self.create_circle_mask(rin, sin)
   = np.zeros(
        # create the outer circle
        bigcircle = deepcopy(self)
        bigcircle.create_circle_mask(rout, sout)
        # sum the two pictures
        m = (self + bigcircle)
        # limit fro 0 to 1 and invert 

Example 22

def random_points_in_circle(n,xx,yy,rr):
  get n random points in a circle.

  rnd = random(size=(n,3))
  t = TWOPI*rnd[:,0]
  u = rnd[:,1:].sum(axis=1)
  r = zeros(n,'float')
  mask = u>1.
  xmask = logical_not(mask)
  r[mask] = 2.-u[mask]
  r[xmask] = u[xmask]
  xyp = reshape(rr*r,(n,1))*column_stack( (cos(t),sin(t)) )
  dartsxy  = xyp + array([xx,yy])
  return dartsxy 

Example 23

def get_data(filename,headers,ph_units):
    # Importation des données .DAT
    dat_file = np.loadtxt("%s"%(filename),skiprows=headers,delimiter=',')
    labels = ["freq", "amp", "pha", "amp_err", "pha_err"]
    data = {l:dat_file[:,i] for (i,l) in enumerate(labels)}
    if ph_units == "mrad":
        data["pha"] = data["pha"]/1000                    # mrad to rad
        data["pha_err"] = data["pha_err"]/1000              # mrad to rad
    if ph_units == "deg":
        data["pha"] = np.radians(data["pha"])               # deg to rad
        data["pha_err"] = np.radians(data["pha_err"])       # deg to rad
    data["phase_range"] = abs(max(data["pha"])-min(data["pha"])) # Range of phase measurements (used in NRMS error calculation)
    data["Z"]  = data["amp"]*(np.cos(data["pha"]) + 1j*np.sin(data["pha"]))
    EI = np.sqrt(((data["amp"]*np.cos(data["pha"])*data["pha_err"])**2)+(np.sin(data["pha"])*data["amp_err"])**2)
    ER = np.sqrt(((data["amp"]*np.sin(data["pha"])*data["pha_err"])**2)+(np.cos(data["pha"])*data["amp_err"])**2)
    data["Z_err"] = ER + 1j*EI
    # Normalization of amplitude
    data["Z_max"] = max(abs(data["Z"]))  # Maximum amplitude
    zn, zn_e = data["Z"]/data["Z_max"], data["Z_err"]/data["Z_max"] # Normalization of impedance by max amplitude
    data["zn"] = np.array([zn.real, zn.imag]) # 2D array with first column = real values, second column = imag values
    data["zn_err"] = np.array([zn_e.real, zn_e.imag]) # 2D array with first column = real values, second column = imag values
    return data 

Example 24

def get_data(filename,headers,ph_units):
    # Importation des données .DAT
    dat_file = np.loadtxt("%s"%(filename),skiprows=headers,delimiter=',')
    labels = ["freq", "amp", "pha", "amp_err", "pha_err"]
    data = {l:dat_file[:,i] for (i,l) in enumerate(labels)}
    if ph_units == "mrad":
        data["pha"] = data["pha"]/1000                    # mrad to rad
        data["pha_err"] = data["pha_err"]/1000              # mrad to rad
    if ph_units == "deg":
        data["pha"] = np.radians(data["pha"])               # deg to rad
        data["pha_err"] = np.radians(data["pha_err"])       # deg to rad
    data["phase_range"] = abs(max(data["pha"])-min(data["pha"])) # Range of phase measurements (used in NRMS error calculation)
    data["Z"]  = data["amp"]*(np.cos(data["pha"]) + 1j*np.sin(data["pha"]))
    EI = np.sqrt(((data["amp"]*np.cos(data["pha"])*data["pha_err"])**2)+(np.sin(data["pha"])*data["amp_err"])**2)
    ER = np.sqrt(((data["amp"]*np.sin(data["pha"])*data["pha_err"])**2)+(np.cos(data["pha"])*data["amp_err"])**2)
    data["Z_err"] = ER + 1j*EI
    # Normalization of amplitude
    data["Z_max"] = max(abs(data["Z"]))  # Maximum amplitude
    zn, zn_e = data["Z"]/data["Z_max"], data["Z_err"]/data["Z_max"] # Normalization of impedance by max amplitude
    data["zn"] = np.array([zn.real, zn.imag]) # 2D array with first column = real values, second column = imag values
    data["zn_err"] = np.array([zn_e.real, zn_e.imag]) # 2D array with first column = real values, second column = imag values
    return data 

Example 25

def genSphCoords():
    """ Generates cartesian (x,y,z) and spherical (theta, phi) coordinates of a sphere
    coords : named tuple
        holds cartesian (x,y,z) and spherical (theta, phi) coordinates
    coords = namedtuple('coords', ['x', 'y', 'z', 'az', 'el'])
    az = _np.linspace(0, 2 * _np.pi, 360)
    el = _np.linspace(0, _np.pi, 181)
    coords.x = _np.outer(_np.cos(az), _np.sin(el))
    coords.y = _np.outer(_np.sin(az), _np.sin(el))
    coords.z = _np.outer(_np.ones(360), _np.cos(el))

    coords.el, = _np.meshgrid(_np.linspace(0, _np.pi, 181),
                                        _np.linspace(0, 2 * _np.pi, 360))
    return coords 

Example 26

def sph2cartMTX(vizMTX):
    """ Converts the spherical vizMTX data to named tuple contaibubg .xs/.ys/.zs

    vizMTX : array_like
       [180 x 360] matrix that hold amplitude information over phi and theta

    V : named_tuple
       Contains .xs, .ys, .zs cartesian coordinates
    rs = _np.abs(vizMTX.reshape((181, -1)).T)

    coords = genSphCoords()
    V = namedtuple('V', ['xs', 'ys', 'zs'])
    V.xs = rs * _np.sin(coords.el) * _np.cos(
    V.ys = rs * _np.sin(coords.el) * _np.sin(
    V.zs = rs * _np.cos(coords.el)
    return V 

Example 27

def convert_cof_mag2mass(t0, te, u0, alpha, s, q):
    function to convert from center of magnification to center of mass
    coordinates. Note that this function is for illustration only. It has
    not been tested and may have sign errors.
    if s <= 1.0:
        return t0, u0
        delta = q / (1. + q) / s
        delta_u0 = delta * np.sin(alpha * np.pi / 180.)
        delta_tau = delta * np.cos(alpha * np.pi / 180.)
        t0_prime = t0 + delta_tau * te
        u0_prime = u0 + delta_u0
        return t0_prime, u0_prime

#Define model parameters in CoMAGN system 

Example 28

def _B_0_function(self, z):
        calculate B_0(z) function defined in:

        Gould A. 1994 ApJ 421L, 71 "Proper motions of MACHOs

        Yoo J. et al. 2004 ApJ 603, 139 "OGLE-2003-BLG-262: Finite-Source
        Effects from a Point-Mass Lens"

        out = 4. * z / np.pi
        function = lambda x: (1.-value**2*np.sin(x)**2)**.5

        for (i, value) in enumerate(z):
            if value < 1.:
                out[i] *= ellipe(value*value)
                out[i] *= integrate.quad(function, 0., np.arcsin(1./value))[0]
        return out 

Example 29

def get_orientation_sector(dx,dy):
    # rotate (dx,dy) by pi/8
    rotation = np.array([[np.cos(np.pi/8), -np.sin(np.pi/8)],
                          [np.sin(np.pi/8), np.cos(np.pi/8)]])
    rotated =, np.array([[dx], [dy]]))
    if rotated[1] < 0:
        rotated[0] = -rotated[0]
        rotated[1] = -rotated[1]
    s_theta = -1
    if rotated[0] >= 0 and rotated[0] >= rotated[1]:
        s_theta = 0
    elif rotated[0] >= 0 and rotated[0] < rotated[1]:
        s_theta = 1
    elif rotated[0] < 0 and -rotated[0] < rotated[1]:
        s_theta = 2
    elif rotated[0] < 0 and -rotated[0] >= rotated[1]:
        s_theta = 3
    return s_theta 

Example 30

def to_radec(coords, xc=0, yc=0):
    Convert the generated coordinates to (ra, dec) (unit: degree).

    xc, yc: the center coordinate (ra, dec)
    results = []
    for r, theta in coords:
        # FIXME: spherical algebra should be used!!!
        dx = r * np.cos(theta*np.pi/180)
        dy = r * np.sin(theta*np.pi/180)
        x = xc + dx
        y = yc + dy
        results.append((x, y))
    if len(results) == 1:
        return results[0]
        return results 

Example 31

def plotArc(start_angle, stop_angle, radius, width, **kwargs):
    """ write a docstring for this function"""
    numsegments = 100
    theta = np.radians(np.linspace(start_angle+90, stop_angle+90, numsegments))
    centerx = 0
    centery = 0
    x1 = -np.cos(theta) * (radius)
    y1 = np.sin(theta) * (radius)
    stack1 = np.column_stack([x1, y1])
    x2 = -np.cos(theta) * (radius + width)
    y2 = np.sin(theta) *  (radius + width)
    stack2 = np.column_stack([np.flip(x2, axis=0), np.flip(y2,axis=0)])
    #add the first values from the first set to close the polygon
    np.append(stack2, [[x1[0],y1[0]]], axis=0)
    arcArray = np.concatenate((stack1,stack2), axis=0)
    return patches.Polygon(arcArray, True, **kwargs), ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) 

Example 32

def ct2lg(dX, dY, dZ, lat, lon):

    n = dX.size
    R = np.zeros((3, 3, n))

    R[0, 0, :] = -np.multiply(np.sin(np.deg2rad(lat)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(lon)))
    R[0, 1, :] = -np.multiply(np.sin(np.deg2rad(lat)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(lon)))
    R[0, 2, :] = np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat))
    R[1, 0, :] = -np.sin(np.deg2rad(lon))
    R[1, 1, :] = np.cos(np.deg2rad(lon))
    R[1, 2, :] = np.zeros((1, n))
    R[2, 0, :] = np.multiply(np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(lon)))
    R[2, 1, :] = np.multiply(np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(lon)))
    R[2, 2, :] = np.sin(np.deg2rad(lat))

    dxdydz = np.column_stack((np.column_stack((dX, dY)), dZ))

    RR = np.reshape(R[0, :, :], (3, n))
    dx = np.sum(np.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)
    RR = np.reshape(R[1, :, :], (3, n))
    dy = np.sum(np.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)
    RR = np.reshape(R[2, :, :], (3, n))
    dz = np.sum(np.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)

    return dx, dy, dz 

Example 33

def distance(self, lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
        Calculate the great circle distance between two points
        on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)

        # convert decimal degrees to radians
        lon1 = lon1*pi/180
        lat1 = lat1*pi/180
        lon2 = lon2*pi/180
        lat2 = lat2*pi/180
        # haversine formula
        dlon = lon2 - lon1
        dlat = lat2 - lat1
        a = np.sin(dlat/2)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon/2)**2
        c = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))
        km = 6371 * c
        return km 

Example 34

def distance(self, lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
        Calculate the great circle distance between two points
        on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)

        # convert decimal degrees to radians
        lon1 = lon1*pi/180
        lat1 = lat1*pi/180
        lon2 = lon2*pi/180
        lat2 = lat2*pi/180
        # haversine formula
        dlon = lon2 - lon1
        dlat = lat2 - lat1
        a = numpy.sin(dlat/2)**2 + numpy.cos(lat1) * numpy.cos(lat2) * numpy.sin(dlon/2)**2
        c = 2 * numpy.arcsin(numpy.sqrt(a))
        km = 6371 * c
        return km 

Example 35

def ct2lg(dX, dY, dZ, lat, lon):

    n = dX.size
    R = np.zeros((3, 3, n))

    R[0, 0, :] = -np.multiply(np.sin(np.deg2rad(lat)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(lon)))
    R[0, 1, :] = -np.multiply(np.sin(np.deg2rad(lat)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(lon)))
    R[0, 2, :] = np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat))
    R[1, 0, :] = -np.sin(np.deg2rad(lon))
    R[1, 1, :] = np.cos(np.deg2rad(lon))
    R[1, 2, :] = np.zeros((1, n))
    R[2, 0, :] = np.multiply(np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(lon)))
    R[2, 1, :] = np.multiply(np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(lon)))
    R[2, 2, :] = np.sin(np.deg2rad(lat))

    dxdydz = np.column_stack((np.column_stack((dX, dY)), dZ))

    RR = np.reshape(R[0, :, :], (3, n))
    dx = np.sum(np.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)
    RR = np.reshape(R[1, :, :], (3, n))
    dy = np.sum(np.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)
    RR = np.reshape(R[2, :, :], (3, n))
    dz = np.sum(np.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)

    return dx, dy, dz 

Example 36

def distance(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
    Calculate the great circle distance between two points
    on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)

    # convert decimal degrees to radians
    lon1 = lon1*pi/180
    lat1 = lat1*pi/180
    lon2 = lon2*pi/180
    lat2 = lat2*pi/180
    # haversine formula
    dlon = lon2 - lon1
    dlat = lat2 - lat1
    a = np.sin(dlat/2)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon/2)**2
    c = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))
    km = 6371 * c
    return km 

Example 37

def todictionary(self, time_series=False):
        # convert the ETM adjustment into a dirtionary
        # optionally, output the whole time series as well

        # start with the parameters
        etm = dict()
        etm['Linear'] = {'tref': self.Linear.tref, 'params': self.Linear.values.tolist()}
        etm['Jumps'] = [{'type':jump.type, 'year': jump.year, 'a': jump.a.tolist(), 'b': jump.b.tolist(), 'T': jump.T} for jump in self.Jumps.table]
        etm['Periodic'] = {'frequencies': self.Periodic.frequencies, 'sin': self.Periodic.sin.tolist(), 'cos': self.Periodic.cos.tolist()}

        if time_series:
            ts = dict()
            ts['t'] = self.ppp_soln.t.tolist()
            ts['x'] = self.ppp_soln.x.tolist()
            ts['y'] = self.ppp_soln.y.tolist()
            ts['z'] = self.ppp_soln.z.tolist()

            etm['time_series'] = ts

        return etm 

Example 38

def ct2lg(self, dX, dY, dZ, lat, lon):

        n = dX.size
        R = numpy.zeros((3, 3, n))

        R[0, 0, :] = -numpy.multiply(numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lat)), numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lon)))
        R[0, 1, :] = -numpy.multiply(numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lat)), numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lon)))
        R[0, 2, :] = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat))
        R[1, 0, :] = -numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lon))
        R[1, 1, :] = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lon))
        R[1, 2, :] = numpy.zeros((1, n))
        R[2, 0, :] = numpy.multiply(numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat)), numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lon)))
        R[2, 1, :] = numpy.multiply(numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat)), numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lon)))
        R[2, 2, :] = numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lat))

        dxdydz = numpy.column_stack((numpy.column_stack((dX, dY)), dZ))

        RR = numpy.reshape(R[0, :, :], (3, n))
        dx = numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)
        RR = numpy.reshape(R[1, :, :], (3, n))
        dy = numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)
        RR = numpy.reshape(R[2, :, :], (3, n))
        dz = numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)

        return dx, dy, dz 

Example 39

def distance(self, lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
        Calculate the great circle distance between two points
        on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)

        # convert decimal degrees to radians
        lon1 = lon1*pi/180
        lat1 = lat1*pi/180
        lon2 = lon2*pi/180
        lat2 = lat2*pi/180
        # haversine formula
        dlon = lon2 - lon1
        dlat = lat2 - lat1
        a = numpy.sin(dlat/2)**2 + numpy.cos(lat1) * numpy.cos(lat2) * numpy.sin(dlon/2)**2
        c = 2 * numpy.arcsin(numpy.sqrt(a))
        km = 6371 * c
        return km 

Example 40

def distance(self, lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
        Calculate the great circle distance between two points
        on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)

        # convert decimal degrees to radians
        lon1 = lon1*pi/180
        lat1 = lat1*pi/180
        lon2 = lon2*pi/180
        lat2 = lat2*pi/180
        # haversine formula
        dlon = lon2 - lon1
        dlat = lat2 - lat1
        a = numpy.sin(dlat/2)**2 + numpy.cos(lat1) * numpy.cos(lat2) * numpy.sin(dlon/2)**2
        c = 2 * numpy.arcsin(numpy.sqrt(a))
        km = 6371 * c
        return km 

Example 41

def ct2lg(self, dX, dY, dZ, lat, lon):

        n = dX.size
        R = numpy.zeros((3, 3, n))

        R[0, 0, :] = -numpy.multiply(numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lat)), numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lon)))
        R[0, 1, :] = -numpy.multiply(numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lat)), numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lon)))
        R[0, 2, :] = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat))
        R[1, 0, :] = -numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lon))
        R[1, 1, :] = numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lon))
        R[1, 2, :] = numpy.zeros((1, n))
        R[2, 0, :] = numpy.multiply(numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat)), numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lon)))
        R[2, 1, :] = numpy.multiply(numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(lat)), numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lon)))
        R[2, 2, :] = numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(lat))

        dxdydz = numpy.column_stack((numpy.column_stack((dX, dY)), dZ))

        RR = numpy.reshape(R[0, :, :], (3, n))
        dx = numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)
        RR = numpy.reshape(R[1, :, :], (3, n))
        dy = numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)
        RR = numpy.reshape(R[2, :, :], (3, n))
        dz = numpy.sum(numpy.multiply(RR, dxdydz.transpose()), axis=0)

        return dx, dy, dz 

Example 42

def orthogonalization_matrix(lengths, angles):
    """Return orthogonalization matrix for crystallographic cell coordinates.

    Angles are expected in degrees.

    The de-orthogonalization matrix is the inverse.

    >>> O = orthogonalization_matrix([10, 10, 10], [90, 90, 90])
    >>> numpy.allclose(O[:3, :3], numpy.identity(3, float) * 10)
    >>> O = orthogonalization_matrix([9.8, 12.0, 15.5], [87.2, 80.7, 69.7])
    >>> numpy.allclose(numpy.sum(O), 43.063229)

    a, b, c = lengths
    angles = numpy.radians(angles)
    sina, sinb, _ = numpy.sin(angles)
    cosa, cosb, cosg = numpy.cos(angles)
    co = (cosa * cosb - cosg) / (sina * sinb)
    return numpy.array([
        [ a*sinb*math.sqrt(1.0-co*co),  0.0,    0.0, 0.0],
        [-a*sinb*co,                    b*sina, 0.0, 0.0],
        [ a*cosb,                       b*cosa, c,   0.0],
        [ 0.0,                          0.0,    0.0, 1.0]]) 

Example 43

def plotPlaceTxRxSphereXY(Ax,xtx,ytx,xrx,yrx,x0,y0,a):

    Xlim = Ax.get_xlim()
    Ylim = Ax.get_ylim()

    FS = 20


    xs = x0 + a*np.cos(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,41))
    ys = y0 + a*np.sin(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,41))



    return Ax 

Example 44

def calc_IndCurrent_cos_range(self,f,t):
        """Induced current over a range of times"""

        Bpx = self.Bpx
        Bpz = self.Bpz
        a2  = self.a2
        azm = np.pi*self.azm/180.
        R   = self.R
        L   = self.L

        w = 2*np.pi*f

        Ax = np.pi*a2**2*np.sin(azm)
        Az = np.pi*a2**2*np.cos(azm)

        Phi = (Ax*Bpx + Az*Bpz)
        phi = np.arctan(R/(w*L))-np.pi  # This is the phase and not phase lag
        Is  = -(w*Phi/(R*np.sin(phi) + w*L*np.cos(phi)))*np.cos(w*t + phi)
        Ire = -(w*Phi/(R*np.sin(phi) + w*L*np.cos(phi)))*np.cos(w*t)*np.cos(phi)
        Iim =  (w*Phi/(R*np.sin(phi) + w*L*np.cos(phi)))*np.sin(w*t)*np.sin(phi)

        return Ire,Iim,Is,phi 

Example 45

def is_grid(self, grid, image):
        Checks the "gridness" by analyzing the results of a hough transform.
        :param grid: binary image
        :return: wheter the object in the image might be a grid or not
        #   - Distance resolution = 1 pixel
        #   - Angle resolution = 1° degree for high line density
        #   - Threshold = 144 hough intersections
        #        8px digit + 3*2px white + 2*1px border = 16px per cell
        #           => 144x144 grid
        #        144 - minimum number of points on the same line
        #       (but due to imperfections in the binarized image it's highly
        #        improbable to detect a 144x144 grid)
        lines = cv2.HoughLines(grid, 1, np.pi / 180, 144)

        if lines is not None and np.size(lines) >= 20:
            lines = lines.reshape((lines.size / 2), 2)
            # theta in [0, pi] (theta > pi => rho < 0)
            # normalise theta in [-pi, pi] and negatives rho
            lines[lines[:, 0] < 0, 1] -= np.pi
            lines[lines[:, 0] < 0, 0] *= -1

            criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 0, 0.01)
            # split lines into 2 groups to check whether they're perpendicular
            if cv2.__version__[0] == '2':
                density, clmap, centers = cv2.kmeans(
                    lines[:, 1], 2, criteria, 5, cv2.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)
                density, clmap, centers = cv2.kmeans(
                    lines[:, 1], 2, None, criteria,
                    5, cv2.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)

            if self.debug:
                self.save_hough(lines, clmap)

            # Overall variance from respective centers
            var = density / np.size(clmap)
            sin = abs(np.sin(centers[0] - centers[1]))
            # It is probably a grid only if:
            #   - centroids difference is almost a 90° angle (+-15° limit)
            #   - variance is less than 5° (keeping in mind surface distortions)
            return sin > 0.99 and var <= (5*np.pi / 180) ** 2
            return False 

Example 46

def save_hough(self, lines, clmap):
        :param lines: (rho, theta) pairs
        :param clmap: clusters assigned to lines
        :return: None
        height, width = self.image.shape
        ratio = 600. * (self.step+1) / min(height, width)
        temp = cv2.resize(self.image, None, fx=ratio, fy=ratio,
        temp = cv2.cvtColor(temp, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        colors = [(0, 127, 255), (255, 0, 127)]

        for i in range(0, np.size(lines) / 2):
            rho = lines[i, 0]
            theta = lines[i, 1]
            color = colors[clmap[i, 0]]
            if theta < np.pi / 4 or theta > 3 * np.pi / 4:
                pt1 = (rho / np.cos(theta), 0)
                pt2 = (rho - height * np.sin(theta) / np.cos(theta), height)
                pt1 = (0, rho / np.sin(theta))
                pt2 = (width, (rho - width * np.cos(theta)) / np.sin(theta))
            pt1 = (int(pt1[0]), int(pt1[1]))
            pt2 = (int(pt2[0]), int(pt2[1]))
            cv2.line(temp, pt1, pt2, color, 5)


Example 47

def is_grid(self, grid, image):
        Checks the "gridness" by analyzing the results of a hough transform.
        :param grid: binary image
        :return: wheter the object in the image might be a grid or not
        #   - Distance resolution = 1 pixel
        #   - Angle resolution = 1° degree for high line density
        #   - Threshold = 144 hough intersections
        #        8px digit + 3*2px white + 2*1px border = 16px per cell
        #           => 144x144 grid
        #        144 - minimum number of points on the same line
        #       (but due to imperfections in the binarized image it's highly
        #        improbable to detect a 144x144 grid)

        lines = cv2.HoughLines(grid, 1, np.pi / 180, 144)

        if lines is not None and np.size(lines) >= 20:
            lines = lines.reshape((lines.size/2), 2)
            # theta in [0, pi] (theta > pi => rho < 0)
            # normalise theta in [-pi, pi] and negatives rho
            lines[lines[:, 0] < 0, 1] -= np.pi
            lines[lines[:, 0] < 0, 0] *= -1

            criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 0, 0.01)
            # split lines into 2 groups to check whether they're perpendicular
            if cv2.__version__[0] == '2':
                density, clmap, centers = cv2.kmeans(
                    lines[:, 1], 2, criteria,
                    5, cv2.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)
                density, clmap, centers = cv2.kmeans(
                    lines[:, 1], 2, None, criteria,
                    5, cv2.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS)

            # Overall variance from respective centers
            var = density / np.size(clmap)
            sin = abs(np.sin(centers[0] - centers[1]))
            # It is probably a grid only if:
            #   - centroids difference is almost a 90° angle (+-15° limit)
            #   - variance is less than 5° (keeping in mind surface distortions)
            return sin > 0.99 and var <= (5*np.pi / 180) ** 2
            return False 

Example 48

def build_2D_cov_matrix(sigmax,sigmay,angle,verbose=True):
    Build a covariance matrix for a 2D multivariate Gaussian

    --- INPUT ---
    sigmax          Standard deviation of the x-compoent of the multivariate Gaussian
    sigmay          Standard deviation of the y-compoent of the multivariate Gaussian
    angle           Angle to rotate matrix by in degrees (clockwise) to populate covariance cross terms
    verbose         Toggle verbosity
    --- EXAMPLE OF USE ---
    import tdose_utilities as tu
    covmatrix = tu.build_2D_cov_matrix(3,1,35)

    if verbose: print ' - Build 2D covariance matrix with varinaces (x,y)=('+str(sigmax)+','+str(sigmay)+\
                      ') and then rotated '+str(angle)+' degrees'
    cov_orig      = np.zeros([2,2])
    cov_orig[0,0] = sigmay**2.0
    cov_orig[1,1] = sigmax**2.0

    angle_rad     = (180.0-angle) * np.pi/180.0 # The (90-angle) makes sure the same convention as DS9 is used
    c, s          = np.cos(angle_rad), np.sin(angle_rad)
    rotmatrix     = np.matrix([[c, -s], [s, c]])

    cov_rot       =,cov_orig),np.transpose(rotmatrix))  # performing rot * cov * rot^T

    return cov_rot
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

Example 49

def residual(r,theta,u,d):
    out = np.empty_like(u)
    out[0] = (2*np.sin(theta)*r*d(u[0],1,0)
              + r*r*np.sin(theta)*d(u[0],2,0)
              + np.cos(theta)*d(u[0],0,1)
              + np.sin(theta)*d(u[1],0,2))
    out[1] = (2*np.sin(theta)*r*d(u[1],1,0)
              + r*r*np.sin(theta)*d(u[1],2,0)
              + np.cos(theta)*d(u[1],0,1)
              + np.sin(theta)*d(u[1],0,2))
    return out 

Example 50

def residual(r,theta,u,d):
    u = u[0]
    out = (2*np.sin(theta)*r*d(u,1,0)
           + r*r*np.sin(theta)*d(u,2,0)
           + np.cos(theta)*d(u,0,1)
           + np.sin(theta)*d(u,0,2))
    out = out.reshape(tuple([1]) + out.shape)
    return out 