Python numpy.count_nonzero() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def classification_metrics(y, y_pred, threshold):
    metrics = {}
    metrics['threshold'] = threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, 0)
    metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
    metrics['positive_frac_batch'] = float(np.count_nonzero(y == True)) / len(y)
    denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
    num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
    if denom > 0:
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
    if any(y) and not all(y):
        metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
        y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
        if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
            metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
            metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)
    return metrics 

Example 2

def action_label_counts(directory, data_loader, n_actions=18, n=None):
    episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(directory)
    label_counts = [0, 0]
    action_label_counts = [[0, 0] for i in range(n_actions)]
    if n is not None:
        episode_paths = episode_paths[:n]
    for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths):
            features, labels = data_loader.load_features_and_labels([episode_path])
            for label in range(len(label_counts)):
                label_counts[label] += np.count_nonzero(labels == label)
                for action in range(n_actions):
                    actions = np.reshape(np.array(features["action"]), [-1])
                    action_label_counts[action][label] += np.count_nonzero(
                        np.logical_and(labels == label, actions == action))
    return label_counts, action_label_counts 

Example 3

def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe
        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics 

Example 4

def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe
        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics 

Example 5

def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe
        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics 

Example 6

def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe
        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics 

Example 7

def classification_metrics(y, y_pred, threshold):
    metrics = {}
    metrics['threshold'] = threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, 0)
    metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
    metrics['positive_frac_batch'] = float(np.count_nonzero(y == True)) / len(y)
    denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
    num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
    if denom > 0:
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
    if any(y) and not all(y):
        metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
        y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
        if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
            metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
            metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)
    return metrics 

Example 8

def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe
        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics 

Example 9

def classification_metrics(y, y_pred, threshold):
    metrics = {}
    metrics['threshold'] = threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, 0)
    metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
    metrics['positive_frac_batch'] = float(np.count_nonzero(y == True)) / len(y)
    denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
    num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
    if denom > 0:
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
    if any(y) and not all(y):
        metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
        y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
        if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
            metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
            metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)
    return metrics 

Example 10

def _set_seq_qual_metrics(self, seq, qual, seq_type, cache):
        qvs = tk_fasta.get_qvs(qual)

        num_bases_q30 = np.count_nonzero(qvs >= 30)
        # Don't count no-calls towards Q30 denominator.
        # Assume no-calls get Q <= 2
        num_bases_called = np.count_nonzero(qvs > 2)

        num_bases = len(seq)
        num_bases_n = seq.count('N')

        cache.total_bases[seq_type] += num_bases
        cache.called_bases[seq_type] += num_bases_called
        cache.q30_bases[seq_type] += num_bases_q30
        cache.n_bases[seq_type] += num_bases_n 

Example 11

def test_fill_missing():
  info = CloudVolume.create_new_info(
    num_channels=1, # Increase this number when we add more tests for RGB
    resolution=[ 1,1,1 ], 
    chunk_size=[ 64,64,64 ],

  vol = CloudVolume('file:///tmp/cloudvolume/empty_volume', mip=0, info=info)

  vol = CloudVolume('file:///tmp/cloudvolume/empty_volume', mip=0, fill_missing=True)
  assert np.count_nonzero(vol[:]) == 0

  vol = CloudVolume('file:///tmp/cloudvolume/empty_volume', mip=0, fill_missing=True, cache=True)
  assert np.count_nonzero(vol[:]) == 0
  assert np.count_nonzero(vol[:]) == 0


Example 12

def _constrained_sum_sample_pos(n, total):
        # in this setting, there will be no empty groups generated by this function
        n = int(n)
        total = int(total)
        normalized_list = [int(total) + 1]
        while sum(normalized_list) > total and np.greater_equal(normalized_list, np.zeros(n)).all():
            indicator = True
            while indicator:
                normalized_list = list(map(round, map(lambda x: x * total, np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(n), 1).tolist()[0])))
                normalized_list = list(map(int, normalized_list))
                indicator = len(normalized_list) - np.count_nonzero(normalized_list) != 0
            sum_ = 0
            for ind, q in enumerate(normalized_list):
                if ind < len(normalized_list) - 1:
                    sum_ += q
            # TODO: there is a bug here; sometimes it assigns -1 to the end of the array, but pass the while condition
            normalized_list[len(normalized_list) - 1] = abs(total - sum_)
        assert sum(normalized_list) == total, "ERROR: the constrainedSumSamplePos-sampled list does not sum to #edges."
        return map(str, normalized_list) 

Example 13

def calculateCoM(self, dpt):
        Calculate the center of mass
        :param dpt: depth image
        :return: (x,y,z) center of mass

        dc = dpt.copy()
        dc[dc < self.minDepth] = 0
        dc[dc > self.maxDepth] = 0
        cc = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(dc > 0)
        num = numpy.count_nonzero(dc)
        com = numpy.array((cc[1]*num, cc[0]*num, dc.sum()), numpy.float)

        if num == 0:
            return numpy.array((0, 0, 0), numpy.float)
            return com/num 

Example 14

def compute_test_accuracy(X_test, Y_test, model, prediction_type, cellgroup_map_array):

    prediction = model.predict(X_test)
    auc = []

    if prediction_type=="cellgroup":

        prediction =, cellgroup_map_array)
        Y_test =, cellgroup_map_array)

    mask = ~np.logical_or(Y_test.sum(1)==0, Y_test.sum(1)==Y_test.shape[1])

    for y,pred in zip(Y_test.T,prediction.T):
        pos = np.logical_and(mask, y==1)
        neg = np.logical_and(mask, y==0)
            U = stats.mannwhitneyu(pred[pos], pred[neg])[0]
        except ValueError:

    return auc 

Example 15

def aePredict(self, graph):
        graph = graph.cleaned()
        carriers = self.getLSTMFeatures(graph.nodes)
        beamconf = AEBeamConfiguration(len(graph.nodes), 1, np.array(graph.heads), self.stack_features, self.buffer_features)
        beamconf.initconf(0, self.root_first)

        while not beamconf.isComplete(0):
            valid = beamconf.validTransitions(0)
            if np.count_nonzero(valid) < 1:
            scores, exprs = self._aeEvaluate(beamconf.extractFeatures(0), carriers)
            best, bestscore = max(((i, s) for i, s in enumerate(scores) if valid[i]), key=itemgetter(1))
            beamconf.makeTransition(0, best)

        graph.heads = [i if i > 0 else 0 for i in list(beamconf.getHeads(0))]

        return graph 

Example 16

def test_nonzero_twodim(self):
        x = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [2, 0, 3]])
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x), 3)
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x), ([0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2]))

        x = np.eye(3)
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x), 3)
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x), ([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]))

        x = np.array([[(0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 11)],
                   [(1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)],
                   [(0, 0), (1, 5), (0, 1)]], dtype=[('a', 'f4'), ('b', 'u1')])
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x['a']), 4)
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x['b']), 5)
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x['a']), ([0, 1, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1, 1]))
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x['b']), ([0, 0, 1, 2, 2], [0, 2, 0, 1, 2]))

        assert_(not x['a'].T.flags.aligned)
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x['a'].T), 4)
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x['b'].T), 5)
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x['a'].T), ([0, 1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2, 0]))
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x['b'].T), ([0, 0, 1, 2, 2], [0, 1, 2, 0, 2])) 

Example 17

def test_zeros(self):
        types = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        for dt in types:
            d = np.zeros((13,), dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            # true for ieee floats
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='4i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4, (2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0) 

Example 18

def decode(self, vec, pretty=False, strict=True):
        # TODO: Whether we should use 'strict' mode depends on whether the model
        # we got this vector from does softmax sampling of visibles. Anywhere this
        # is called on fantasy samples, we should use the model to set this param.
        if issparse(vec):
            vec = vec.toarray().reshape(-1)
        assert vec.shape == (self.nchars * self.maxlen,)
        chars = []
        for position_index in range(self.maxlen):
            # Hack - insert a tab between name parts in binomial mode
            if isinstance(self, BinomialShortTextCodec) and pretty and position_index == self.maxlen/2:
            subarr = vec[position_index * self.nchars:(position_index + 1) * self.nchars]
            if np.count_nonzero(subarr) != 1 and strict:
                char = self.MYSTERY
                char_index = np.argmax(subarr)
                char = self.alphabet[char_index]
                if pretty and char == self.FILLER:
                    # Hack
                    char = ' ' if isinstance(self, BinomialShortTextCodec) else ''
        return ''.join(chars) 

Example 19

def count_per_month(career_months_array):
    Returns number of employees remaining for each month (not retired).
    Cumulative sum of career_months_array input (np array) that are
    greater or equal to each incremental loop month number.
    Note: alternate method to this function is value count of mnums:
    df_actives_each_month = pd.DataFrame(df_idx.mnum.value_counts())
    df_actives_each_month.columns = ['count']
            output of career_months function.  This input is an array
            containing the number of months each employee will work until
    max_career = career_months_array.max() + 1
    emp_count_array = np.zeros(max_career)

    for i in range(0, max_career):
        emp_count_array[i] = np.count_nonzero(career_months_array >= i)

    return emp_count_array.astype(int)


Example 20

def describe_numeric_1d(series, **kwargs):
    stats = {'mean': series.mean(), 'std': series.std(), 'variance': series.var(), 'min': series.min(),
            'max': series.max()}
    stats['range'] = stats['max'] - stats['min']

    for x in np.array([0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95]):
        stats[pretty_name(x)] = series.dropna().quantile(x) # The dropna() is a workaround for
    stats['iqr'] = stats['75%'] - stats['25%']
    stats['kurtosis'] = series.kurt()
    stats['skewness'] = series.skew()
    stats['sum'] = series.sum()
    stats['mad'] = series.mad()
    stats['cv'] = stats['std'] / stats['mean'] if stats['mean'] else np.NaN
    stats['type'] = "NUM"
    stats['n_zeros'] = (len(series) - np.count_nonzero(series))
    stats['p_zeros'] = stats['n_zeros'] / len(series)
    # Histograms
    stats['histogram'] = histogram(series, **kwargs)
    stats['mini_histogram'] = mini_histogram(series, **kwargs)
    return pd.Series(stats, 

Example 21

def get_symmetry_code_tri(pts):
    if len(pts) == 1:
        return '_s3()'
    elif len(pts) == 3:
        # Symmetry group [[a, a, b], [a, b, a], [b, a, a]].
        # Find the equal value `a`.
        tol = 1.0e-12
        beta = pts[0] - pts[0][0]
        ct = numpy.count_nonzero(abs(beta) < tol)
        assert ct in [1, 2], beta
        val = pts[0][0] if ct == 2 else pts[0][1]
        return '_s21({:.15e})'.format(val)

    # Symmetry group [[a, b, c], [c, a, b], ...].
    assert len(pts) == 6
    # Take the two largest value from a, b, c.
    pt0 = numpy.sort(pts[0])
    return '_s111({:.15e}, {:.15e})'.format(pt0[2], pt0[1]) 

Example 22

def score(self):
        'Return score from B perspective. If W is winning, score is negative.'
        working_board = np.copy(self.board)
        while EMPTY in working_board:
            unassigned_spaces = np.where(working_board == EMPTY)
            c = unassigned_spaces[0][0], unassigned_spaces[1][0]
            territory, borders = find_reached(working_board, c)
            border_colors = set(working_board[b] for b in borders)
            X_border = BLACK in border_colors
            O_border = WHITE in border_colors
            if X_border and not O_border:
                territory_color = BLACK
            elif O_border and not X_border:
                territory_color = WHITE
                territory_color = UNKNOWN # dame, or seki
            place_stones(working_board, territory_color, territory)

        return np.count_nonzero(working_board == BLACK) - np.count_nonzero(working_board == WHITE) - self.komi 

Example 23

def step(self):
        Half of the step of k-means
        if self.step_completed:
            d =
            points = [d[self.clusters == i] for i in range(len(self.centroids))]
            for i in range(len(self.centroids)):
                c_points = points[i]
                self.centroids[i, :] = (np.average(c_points, axis=0)
                                        if len(c_points) > 0 else np.nan)
            # reinitialize empty centroids

            nan_c = np.isnan(self.centroids).any(axis=1)
            if np.count_nonzero(nan_c) > 0:
                self.centroids[nan_c] = self.random_positioning(
            self.centroids_moved = True
            self.clusters = self.find_clusters(self.centroids)
            self.centroids_moved = False
        self.step_no += 1
        self.centroids_history = self.set_list(
            self.centroids_history, self.step_no, np.copy(self.centroids)) 

Example 24

def rmse(self, tid_counts):
        error = np.zeros(shape=[self.cls_nb])
        err_nb = 0

        self._progress('\ntid \t true_count     \t obs_count       \t difference',
                       end='\n', verbosity=VERBOSITY.VERBOSE)

        for tid in tid_counts:
            true_counts = self.tid_counts[tid]
            obs_counts = tid_counts[tid]
            diff = np.asarray(true_counts) - np.asarray(obs_counts)
            err_nb += np.count_nonzero(diff)
            error += diff*diff

            if diff.any():
                self._progress('{} \t{} \t{} \t{}'.format(tid, true_counts, obs_counts, diff),
                               end='\n', verbosity=VERBOSITY.VERBOSE)

        error /= len(tid_counts)
        rmse = np.sqrt(error).sum() / self.cls_nb
        error_fraction = err_nb / (len(tid_counts)* self.cls_nb)

        return rmse, error_fraction 

Example 25

def test_rank_archimedean_spiral():
    def archimedean_spiral(n_steps=100, max_radius=1.0, turns=4.0):
        r = np.linspace(0.0, max_radius, n_steps)
        angle = r * 2.0 * np.pi * turns / max_radius
        x = r * np.cos(angle)
        y = r * np.sin(angle)
        return np.hstack((x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, np.newaxis])), r

    X_train, r_train = archimedean_spiral(n_steps=100)
    X_test, r_test = archimedean_spiral(n_steps=1000, max_radius=1.1)

    rsvm = RankingSVM(random_state=0)

    y_train = rsvm.predict(X_train)
    y_test = rsvm.predict(X_test)
    assert_true(np.all(y_train[1:] < y_train[:-1]))
    assert_greater(np.count_nonzero(y_test[1:] < y_test[:-1]), 970) 

Example 26

def ser(x, y):
    """Measure symbol error rate between symbols in x and y.

    :param x: symbol array #1
    :param y: symbol array #2
    :returns: symbol error rate

    >>> import arlpy
    >>> arlpy.comms.ser([0,1,2,3], [0,1,2,2])
    x = _np.asarray(x,
    y = _np.asarray(y,
    n = _np.product(_np.shape(x))
    e = _np.count_nonzero(x^y)
    return float(e)/n 

Example 27

def tokenize(self, file_name):
        """Tokenizes the file and produces a dataset."""
        lines = read_lines(file_name)

        unk = self.word_dict.get_idx('<unk>')
        dataset, total, unks = [], 0, 0
        for line in lines:
            tokens = line.split()
            input_idxs = self.context_dict.w2i(get_tag(tokens, 'input'))
            word_idxs = self.word_dict.w2i(get_tag(tokens, 'dialogue'))
            item_idxs = self.item_dict.w2i(get_tag(tokens, 'output'))
            dataset.append((input_idxs, word_idxs, item_idxs))
            # compute statistics
            total += len(input_idxs) + len(word_idxs) + len(item_idxs)
            unks += np.count_nonzero([idx == unk for idx in word_idxs])

        if self.verbose:
            print('dataset %s, total %d, unks %s, ratio %0.2f%%' % (
                file_name, total, unks, 100. * unks / total))
        return dataset 

Example 28

def polyfit_baseline(bands, intensities, poly_order=5, num_stdv=3.,
    '''Iteratively fits a polynomial, discarding far away points as peaks.
    Similar in spirit to ALS and related methods.
    Automated method for subtraction of fluorescence from biological Raman spectra
    Lieber & Mahadevan-Jansen 2003
    fit_pts = intensities.copy()
    # precalculate [x^p, x^p-1, ..., x^1, x^0]
    poly_terms = bands[:, None] ** np.arange(poly_order, -1, -1)
    for _ in range(max_iter):
        coefs = np.polyfit(bands, fit_pts.T, poly_order)
        baseline =
        diff = fit_pts - baseline
        thresh = diff.std(axis=-1) * num_stdv
        mask = diff > np.array(thresh, copy=False)[..., None]
        unfitted = np.count_nonzero(mask)
        if unfitted == 0:
        fit_pts[mask] = baseline[mask]  # these points are peaks, discard
        print("Warning: polyfit_baseline didn't converge in %d iters" % max_iter)
    return baseline 

Example 29

def calculateCoM(self, dpt):
        Calculate the center of mass
        :param dpt: depth image
        :return: (x,y,z) center of mass

        dc = dpt.copy()
        dc[dc < self.minDepth] = 0
        dc[dc > self.maxDepth] = 0
        cc = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(dc > 0)
        num = numpy.count_nonzero(dc)
        com = numpy.array((cc[1]*num, cc[0]*num, dc.sum()), numpy.float)

        if num == 0:
            return numpy.array((0, 0, 0), numpy.float)
            return com/num 

Example 30

def restore_shape(arry, step, r):
    '''Reduces and adjust the shape and content of `arry` according to r.
      arry: A 2d array with shape of [T, C]
      step: An int. Overlapping span.
      r: Reduction factor
      A 2d array with shape of [-1, C*r]
    T, C = arry.shape
    sliced = np.split(arry, list(range(step, T, step)), axis=0)

    started = False
    for s in sliced:
        if not started:
            restored = np.vstack(np.split(s, r, axis=1))
            started = True
            restored = np.vstack((restored, np.vstack(np.split(s, r, axis=1))))

    # Trim zero paddings
    restored = restored[:np.count_nonzero(restored.sum(axis=1))]
    return restored 

Example 31

def get_index_first_non_zero_slice(self, dimension):
        """Get the index of the first non zero slice in this map.

            dimension (int): the dimension to search in

            int: the slice index with the first non zero values.
        slice_index = [slice(None)] * (self.max_dimension() + 1)

        if dimension > len(slice_index) - 1:
            raise ValueError('The given dimension {} is not supported.'.format(dimension))

        for index in range(self.shape[dimension]):
            slice_index[dimension] = index
            if np.count_nonzero([slice_index]) > 0:
                return index
        return 0 

Example 32

def test_get_mask():
    chunk = test_get_chunks(n_chunks=1)[0]

    distance = 3
    n_side = 32
    mask = get_mask(distance, chunk.shape, dims=(2, 1, 0))
    n_side_shell = n_side - 2*distance
    count_exp = 2*n_side_shell**2 + (n_side_shell - 1)*4*(n_side_shell - 2)
    count_got = np.count_nonzero(mask)
    print('DEBUG: non-zeros exp: {} | got: {}'.format(count_exp, count_got))
    assert count_exp == count_got

    distance = 5
    n_side_shell = n_side - 2*distance
    mask = get_mask(distance, chunk.shape, dims=(2, 1))
    count_exp = (n_side_shell - 1)*4*n_side
    count_got = np.count_nonzero(mask)
    print('DEBUG: non-zeros exp: {} | got: {}'.format(count_exp, count_got))
    assert count_exp == count_got 

Example 33

def get_padded_seq_lengths(padded):
    """Returns the number of (seq_len) non-nan elements per sequence.

    :param padded: 2d or 3d tensor with dim 2 the time dimension
    if len(padded.shape) == 2:
        # (n_seqs,n_timesteps)
        seq_lengths = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(padded), axis=1)
    elif len(padded.shape) == 3:
        # (n_seqs,n_timesteps,n_features,..)
        seq_lengths = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(padded[:, :, 0]), axis=1)
        print('not yet implemented')
        # TODO

    return seq_lengths 

Example 34

def import_data(data_csvs_in,
    """Import a comma-delimited list of csv files into internal treecat format.

    Common encodings include: utf-8, cp1252.
    schema = load_schema(types_csv_in, values_csv_in, groups_csv_in, encoding)
    data = np.concatenate([
        load_data(schema, data_csv_in, encoding)
        for data_csv_in in data_csvs_in.split(',')
    data.flags.writeable = False
    print('Imported data shape: [{}, {}]'.format(data.shape[0], data.shape[1]))
    ragged_index = schema['ragged_index']
    for v, name in enumerate(schema['feature_names']):
        beg, end = ragged_index[v:v + 2]
        count = np.count_nonzero(data[:, beg:end].max(1))
        if count == 0:
            print('WARNING: No values found for feature {}'.format(name))
    feature_types = [TY_MULTINOMIAL] * len(schema['feature_names'])
    table = Table(feature_types, ragged_index, data)
    dataset = {
        'schema': schema,
        'table': table,
    pickle_dump(dataset, dataset_out) 

Example 35

def build_feature_files(base_directory,
    os.makedirs(new_directory, exist_ok=False)
    episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(base_directory)
    label_counts = [0, 0]
    if n is not None:
        episode_paths = episode_paths[:n]
    for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths):
            features, labels = data_loader.load_features_and_labels([episode_path])
            keep = np.logical_or(labels, (np.less(
                np.random.rand(len(labels)), negative_example_keep_prob)))
            labels = labels[keep]

            for i in range(len(label_counts)):
                label_counts[i] += np.count_nonzero(labels == i)
            features = {k: v[keep] for k, v in features.items()}
            new_path = path_relative_to_new_directory(base_directory, new_directory, episode_path,
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_path), exist_ok=True)
            with open(new_path, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump((features, labels), f)
    return label_counts 

Example 36

def threshold_from_data(self, X, y):
        y_bool = y == 1.   ## true if x is a catast
        y_pred = self.predict_proba(X) 
        if np.count_nonzero(y) == 0:
            return np.max(y_pred)
        return np.min(y_pred[y_bool][:,1])   # TODO CHANGED FROM WILL CODE 

Example 37

def threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, false_positive_margin=0, recall=1):
    """Determines a threshold for classifying examples as positive

        y: labels
        y_pred: scores from the classifier
        recall: Threshold is set to classify at least this fraction of positive
            labelled examples as positive
        false_positive_margin: Threshold is set to acheive desired recall, and
            then is extended to include an additional fraction of negative
            labelled examples equal to false_positive_margin (This allows adding
            a buffer to the threshold while maintaining a constant "cost")
    n_positive = np.count_nonzero(y)

    n_negative = len(y) - n_positive
    if n_positive == 0:
        return np.max(y_pred)
    if false_positive_margin == 0 and recall == 1:
        return np.min(y_pred[y])
    ind = np.argsort(y_pred)
    y_pred_sorted = y_pred[ind]
    y_sorted = y[ind]
    so_far = [0, 0]
    j = 0
    for i in reversed(range(len(y_sorted))):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[1] >= int(np.floor(recall * n_positive)):
            j = i
    so_far = [0, 0]
    if false_positive_margin == 0:
        return y_pred_sorted[j]
    k = 0
    for i in reversed(range(j)):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[0] >= false_positive_margin * n_negative:
            k = i
    return y_pred_sorted[k] 

Example 38

def predict_proba(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions) 

Example 39

def predict_proba_raw(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions) 

Example 40

def predict_raw(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions)) 

Example 41

def predict_raw_with_score(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions)), np.count_nonzero(predictions) 

Example 42

def predict(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions)) 

Example 43

def threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, false_positive_margin=0, recall=1):
    """Determines a threshold for classifying examples as positive

        y: labels
        y_pred: scores from the classifier
        recall: Threshold is set to classify at least this fraction of positive
            labelled examples as positive
        false_positive_margin: Threshold is set to acheive desired recall, and
            then is extended to include an additional fraction of negative
            labelled examples equal to false_positive_margin (This allows adding
            a buffer to the threshold while maintaining a constant "cost")
    n_positive = np.count_nonzero(y)

    n_negative = len(y) - n_positive
    if n_positive == 0:
        return np.max(y_pred)
    if false_positive_margin == 0 and recall == 1:
        return np.min(y_pred[y])
    ind = np.argsort(y_pred)
    y_pred_sorted = y_pred[ind]
    y_sorted = y[ind]
    so_far = [0, 0]
    j = 0
    for i in reversed(range(len(y_sorted))):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[1] >= int(np.floor(recall * n_positive)):
            j = i
    so_far = [0, 0]
    if false_positive_margin == 0:
        return y_pred_sorted[j]
    k = 0
    for i in reversed(range(j)):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[0] >= false_positive_margin * n_negative:
            k = i
    return y_pred_sorted[k] 

Example 44

def predict_proba(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions) 

Example 45

def predict_proba_raw(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions) 

Example 46

def predict_raw_with_score(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions)), np.count_nonzero(predictions) 

Example 47

def predict(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions)) 

Example 48

def threshold_from_data(self, X, y):
        y_bool = y == 1.   ## true if x is a catast
        y_pred = self.predict_proba(X) 
        if np.count_nonzero(y) == 0:
            return np.max(y_pred)
        return np.min(y_pred[y_bool][:,1])   # TODO CHANGED FROM WILL CODE 

Example 49

def threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, false_positive_margin=0, recall=1):
    """Determines a threshold for classifying examples as positive

        y: labels
        y_pred: scores from the classifier
        recall: Threshold is set to classify at least this fraction of positive
            labelled examples as positive
        false_positive_margin: Threshold is set to acheive desired recall, and
            then is extended to include an additional fraction of negative
            labelled examples equal to false_positive_margin (This allows adding
            a buffer to the threshold while maintaining a constant "cost")
    n_positive = np.count_nonzero(y)

    n_negative = len(y) - n_positive
    if n_positive == 0:
        return np.max(y_pred)
    if false_positive_margin == 0 and recall == 1:
        return np.min(y_pred[y])
    ind = np.argsort(y_pred)
    y_pred_sorted = y_pred[ind]
    y_sorted = y[ind]
    so_far = [0, 0]
    j = 0
    for i in reversed(range(len(y_sorted))):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[1] >= int(np.floor(recall * n_positive)):
            j = i
    so_far = [0, 0]
    if false_positive_margin == 0:
        return y_pred_sorted[j]
    k = 0
    for i in reversed(range(j)):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[0] >= false_positive_margin * n_negative:
            k = i
    return y_pred_sorted[k] 

Example 50

def predict_proba(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions) 