Python numpy.floor() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def stft(sig, frameSize, overlapFac=0.75, window=np.hanning):
    """ short time fourier transform of audio signal """
    win = window(frameSize)
    hopSize = int(frameSize - np.floor(overlapFac * frameSize))
    # zeros at beginning (thus center of 1st window should be for sample nr. 0)
    # samples = np.append(np.zeros(np.floor(frameSize / 2.0)), sig)
    samples = np.array(sig, dtype='float64')
    # cols for windowing
    cols = np.ceil((len(samples) - frameSize) / float(hopSize)) + 1
    # zeros at end (thus samples can be fully covered by frames)
    # samples = np.append(samples, np.zeros(frameSize))
    frames = stride_tricks.as_strided(
        shape=(cols, frameSize),
        strides=(samples.strides[0] * hopSize, samples.strides[0])).copy()
    frames *= win
    return np.fft.rfft(frames)

# all the definition of the flowing variable can be found

Example 2

def fftfilt(b, x, *n):
    N_x = len(x)
    N_b = len(b)
    N = 2**np.arange(np.ceil(np.log2(N_b)),np.floor(np.log2(N_x)))
    cost = np.ceil(N_x / (N - N_b + 1)) * N * (np.log2(N) + 1)
    N_fft = int(N[np.argmin(cost)])
    N_fft = int(N_fft)    
    # Compute the block length:
    L = int(N_fft - N_b + 1)
    # Compute the transform of the filter:
    H = np.fft.fft(b,N_fft)
    y = np.zeros(N_x, x.dtype)
    i = 0
    while i <= N_x:
        il = np.min([i+L,N_x])
        k = np.min([i+N_fft,N_x])
        yt = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(x[i:il],N_fft)*H,N_fft) # Overlap..
        y[i:k] = y[i:k] + yt[:k-i]                          # and add
        i += L
    return y 

Example 3

def __call__(self, batch):
        images, labels = zip(*batch)

        imgH = self.imgH
        imgW = self.imgW
        if self.keep_ratio:
            ratios = []
            for image in images:
                w, h = image.size
                ratios.append(w / float(h))
            max_ratio = ratios[-1]
            imgW = int(np.floor(max_ratio * imgH))
            imgW = max(imgH * self.min_ratio, imgW)  # assure imgH >= imgW

        transform = resizeNormalize((imgW, imgH))
        images = [transform(image) for image in images]
        images =[t.unsqueeze(0) for t in images], 0)

        return images, labels 

Example 4

def split_episodes(self, episode_paths, n_train, n_valid, n_test, seed=None, use_all=True):
        """Split episodes between training, validation and test sets.

        seed: random seed (have split performed consistently every time)"""
        if seed is not None:
            random_state = np.random.get_state()
        if use_all:
            multiplier = float(len(episode_paths)) / float(n_train + n_valid + n_test)
            n_train = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_train))
            n_valid = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_valid))
            n_test = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_test))

        assert n_train + n_valid + n_test <= len(episode_paths)
        return (episode_paths[:n_train], episode_paths[n_train:n_train + n_valid],
                episode_paths[n_train + n_test:n_train + n_test + n_test]) 

Example 5

def split_episodes(self, episode_paths, n_train, n_valid, n_test, seed=None, use_all=True):
        """Split episodes between training, validation and test sets.

        seed: random seed (have split performed consistently every time)"""
        if seed is not None:
            random_state = np.random.get_state()
        if use_all:
            multiplier = float(len(episode_paths)) / float(n_train + n_valid + n_test)
            n_train = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_train))
            n_valid = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_valid))
            n_test = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_test))

        assert n_train + n_valid + n_test <= len(episode_paths)
        return (episode_paths[:n_train], episode_paths[n_train:n_train + n_valid],
                episode_paths[n_train + n_test:n_train + n_test + n_test]) 

Example 6

def split_episodes(self, episode_paths, n_train, n_valid, n_test, seed=None, use_all=True):
        """Split episodes between training, validation and test sets.

        seed: random seed (have split performed consistently every time)"""
        if seed is not None:
            random_state = np.random.get_state()
        if use_all:
            multiplier = float(len(episode_paths)) / float(n_train + n_valid + n_test)
            n_train = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_train))
            n_valid = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_valid))
            n_test = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_test))

        assert n_train + n_valid + n_test <= len(episode_paths)
        return (episode_paths[:n_train], episode_paths[n_train:n_train + n_valid],
                episode_paths[n_train + n_test:n_train + n_test + n_test]) 

Example 7

def split_episodes(self, episode_paths, n_train, n_valid, n_test, seed=None, use_all=True):
        """Split episodes between training, validation and test sets.

        seed: random seed (have split performed consistently every time)"""
        if seed is not None:
            random_state = np.random.get_state()
        if use_all:
            multiplier = float(len(episode_paths)) / float(n_train + n_valid + n_test)
            n_train = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_train))
            n_valid = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_valid))
            n_test = int(math.floor(multiplier * n_test))

        assert n_train + n_valid + n_test <= len(episode_paths)
        return (episode_paths[:n_train], episode_paths[n_train:n_train + n_valid],
                episode_paths[n_train + n_test:n_train + n_test + n_test]) 

Example 8

def earn_dividend(self, dividend):
        Register the number of shares we held at this dividend's ex date so
        that we can pay out the correct amount on the dividend's pay date.
        assert dividend['sid'] == self.sid
        out = {'id': dividend['id']}

        # stock dividend
        if dividend['payment_sid']:
            out['payment_sid'] = dividend['payment_sid']
            out['share_count'] = np.floor(self.amount
                                          * float(dividend['ratio']))

        # cash dividend
        if dividend['net_amount']:
            out['cash_amount'] = self.amount * dividend['net_amount']
        elif dividend['gross_amount']:
            out['cash_amount'] = self.amount * dividend['gross_amount']

        payment_owed = zp.dividend_payment(out)
        return payment_owed 

Example 9

def handle_data(self, data):
        if self.target_shares == 0:
            assert 0 not in self.portfolio.positions
            self.order(self.sid(0), 10)
            self.target_shares = 10
            assert self.portfolio.positions[0]['amount'] == \
                self.target_shares, "Orders not filled immediately."
            assert self.portfolio.positions[0]['last_sale_price'] == \
                data[0].price, "Orders not filled at current price."

        self.order_percent(self.sid(0), .001)

        if isinstance(self.sid(0), Equity):
            self.target_shares += np.floor(
                (.001 * self.portfolio.portfolio_value) / data[0].price
        if isinstance(self.sid(0), Future):
            self.target_shares += np.floor(
                (.001 * self.portfolio.portfolio_value) /
                (data[0].price * self.sid(0).multiplier)

Example 10

def int_bilin_MT(f, x, y):
    # assume x, y are in pixel
    fint = np.zeros(len(x))

    for i in range(len(x)):
        t = y[i] - np.floor(y[i])
        u = x[i] - np.floor(x[i])
        y0 = f[[i])),[i]))]
        y1 = f[[i])) + 1,[i]))]
        y2 = f[[i])) + 1,[i])) + 1]
        y3 = f[[i])),[i])) + 1]

        fint[i] = t * u * (y0 - y1 + y2 - y3)
        fint[i] += t * (y1 - y0)
        fint[i] += u * (y3 - y0)
        fint[i] += y0

    return fint 

Example 11

def expand_to_chunk_size(self, chunk_size, offset=Vec(0,0,0, dtype=int)):
    Align a potentially non-axis aligned bbox to the grid by growing it
    to the nearest grid lines.

      chunk_size: arraylike (x,y,z), the size of chunks in the 
                    dataset e.g. (64,64,64)
      offset: arraylike (x,y,z), the starting coordinate of the dataset
    chunk_size = np.array(chunk_size, dtype=np.float32)
    result = self.clone()
    result = result - offset
    result.minpt = np.floor(result.minpt / chunk_size) * chunk_size
    result.maxpt = np.ceil(result.maxpt / chunk_size) * chunk_size 
    return result + offset 

Example 12

def shrink_to_chunk_size(self, chunk_size, offset=Vec(0,0,0, dtype=int)):
    Align a potentially non-axis aligned bbox to the grid by shrinking it
    to the nearest grid lines.

      chunk_size: arraylike (x,y,z), the size of chunks in the 
                    dataset e.g. (64,64,64)
      offset: arraylike (x,y,z), the starting coordinate of the dataset
    chunk_size = np.array(chunk_size, dtype=np.float32)
    result = self.clone()
    result = result - offset
    result.minpt = np.ceil(result.minpt / chunk_size) * chunk_size
    result.maxpt = np.floor(result.maxpt / chunk_size) * chunk_size 
    return result + offset 

Example 13

def resize_image(image,target_shape, pad_value = 0):
    assert isinstance(target_shape, list) or isinstance(target_shape, tuple)
    add_shape, subs_shape = [], []

    image_shape = image.shape
    shape_difference = np.asarray(target_shape, dtype=int) - np.asarray(image_shape,dtype=int)
    for diff in shape_difference:
        if diff < 0:
            add_shape.append((0, 0))
    output = np.pad(image, tuple(add_shape), 'constant', constant_values=(pad_value, pad_value))
    output = output[subs_shape]
    return output 

Example 14

def get_mask_boundaries(self,image_shape,mask_shape,ROI_mask):
        half_segment_dimensions = np.zeros((len(image_shape), 2), dtype='int32')
        for index, dim in enumerate(image_shape):
            if dim % 2 == 0:
                half_segment_dimensions[index, :] = [dim / 2 - 1, dim / 2]
                half_segment_dimensions[index, :] = [np.floor(dim / 2)] * 2

        mask_boundaries = np.zeros(mask_shape, dtype='int32')
        half_segment_dimensions[2][0]:-half_segment_dimensions[2][1]] = 1

        if ROI_mask is None:
            return  mask_boundaries
            return mask_boundaries * ROI_mask 

Example 15

def logTickValues(self, minVal, maxVal, size, stdTicks):
        ## start with the tick spacing given by tickValues().
        ## Any level whose spacing is < 1 needs to be converted to log scale
        ticks = []
        for (spacing, t) in stdTicks:
            if spacing >= 1.0:
                ticks.append((spacing, t))
        if len(ticks) < 3:
            v1 = int(np.floor(minVal))
            v2 = int(np.ceil(maxVal))
            #major = list(range(v1+1, v2))
            minor = []
            for v in range(v1, v2):
                minor.extend(v + np.log10(np.arange(1, 10)))
            minor = [x for x in minor if x>minVal and x<maxVal]
            ticks.append((None, minor))
        return ticks 

Example 16

def logTickValues(self, minVal, maxVal, size, stdTicks):
        ## start with the tick spacing given by tickValues().
        ## Any level whose spacing is < 1 needs to be converted to log scale
        ticks = []
        for (spacing, t) in stdTicks:
            if spacing >= 1.0:
                ticks.append((spacing, t))
        if len(ticks) < 3:
            v1 = int(np.floor(minVal))
            v2 = int(np.ceil(maxVal))
            #major = list(range(v1+1, v2))
            minor = []
            for v in range(v1, v2):
                minor.extend(v + np.log10(np.arange(1, 10)))
            minor = [x for x in minor if x>minVal and x<maxVal]
            ticks.append((None, minor))
        return ticks 

Example 17

def get_batch_idx(self, idx, **kwargs):
        if self.mode == 'train':
            new_idx = []
            #'Label IDX: {}'.format(idx))
            if self.stats_provider is None:
                label_ids = [ii % self._real_size for ii in idx]
                # print idx, self.stats_provider.get_size()
                stats_batch = self.stats_provider.get_batch_idx(idx)
                label_ids = []
                for ii in xrange(len(idx)):

            for ii in label_ids:
                data_group = self.data_provider.label_idx[ii]
                num_ids = len(data_group)
                kk = int(np.floor(self.rnd.uniform(0, num_ids)))
            new_idx = idx
        return self.data_provider.get_batch_idx(new_idx) 

Example 18

def transform(self, images):
        if self._aug_flag:
            transformed_images =\
                np.zeros([images.shape[0], self._imsize, self._imsize, 3])
            ori_size = images.shape[1]
            for i in range(images.shape[0]):
                h1 = np.floor((ori_size - self._imsize) * np.random.random())
                w1 = np.floor((ori_size - self._imsize) * np.random.random())
                cropped_image =\
                    images[i][w1: w1 + self._imsize, h1: h1 + self._imsize, :]
                if random.random() > 0.5:
                    transformed_images[i] = np.fliplr(cropped_image)
                    transformed_images[i] = cropped_image
            return transformed_images
            return images 

Example 19

def gaussian_kernel(kernel_shape, sigma=None):
    Get 2D Gaussian kernel
    :param kernel_shape: kernel size
    :param sigma: sigma of Gaussian distribution
    :return: 2D Gaussian kernel
    kern = numpy.zeros((kernel_shape, kernel_shape), dtype='float32')

    # get sigma from kernel size
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = 0.3*((kernel_shape-1.)*0.5 - 1.) + 0.8

    def gauss(x, y, s):
        Z = 2. * numpy.pi * s ** 2.
        return 1. / Z * numpy.exp(-(x ** 2. + y ** 2.) / (2. * s ** 2.))

    mid = numpy.floor(kernel_shape / 2.)
    for i in xrange(0, kernel_shape):
        for j in xrange(0, kernel_shape):
            kern[i, j] = gauss(i - mid, j - mid, sigma)

    return kern / kern.sum() 

Example 20

def _hpd_interval(self, x, width):
        Code adapted from pymc3.stats.calc_min_interval:
        x = np.sort(x)
        n = len(x)

        interval_idx_inc = int(np.floor(width * n))
        n_intervals = n - interval_idx_inc
        interval_width = x[interval_idx_inc:] - x[:n_intervals]

        if len(interval_width) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Too few elements for interval calculation')

        min_idx = np.argmin(interval_width)
        hdi_min = x[min_idx]
        hdi_max = x[min_idx + interval_idx_inc]

        index = ['hpd{}_{}'.format(width, x) for x in ['lower', 'upper']]
        return pd.Series([hdi_min, hdi_max], index=index) 

Example 21

def SLdshear(inputArray, k, axis):
    Computes the discretized shearing operator for a given inputArray, shear
    number k and axis.

    This version is adapted such that the MATLAB indexing can be used here in the
    Python version.
    axis = axis - 1
    if k==0:
        return inputArray
    rows = np.asarray(inputArray.shape)[0]
    cols = np.asarray(inputArray.shape)[1]

    shearedArray = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=inputArray.dtype)

    if axis == 0:
        for col in range(cols):
            shearedArray[:,col] = np.roll(inputArray[:,col], int(k * np.floor(cols/2-col)))
        for row in range(rows):
            shearedArray[row,:] = np.roll(inputArray[row,:], int(k * np.floor(rows/2-row)))
    return shearedArray 

Example 22

def value_to_bin_index(val, **kwargs):
    """Convert value to bin index

    Convert a numeric or timestamp column to an integer bin index.

    :param bin_width: bin_width value needed to convert column to an integer bin index
    :param bin_offset: bin_offset value needed to convert column to an integer bin index

        # NOTE this notation also works for timestamps
        bin_width = kwargs.get('bin_width', 1)
        bin_offset = kwargs.get('bin_offset', 0)
        bin_index = int(np.floor((val - bin_offset) / bin_width))
        return bin_index
    except BaseException:
    return val 

Example 23

def value_to_bin_center(val, **kwargs):
    """Convert value to bin center

    Convert a numeric or timestamp column to a common bin center value.

    :param bin_width: bin_width value needed to convert column to a common bin center value
    :param bin_offset: bin_offset value needed to convert column to a common bin center value

        # NOTE this notation also works for timestamps, and does not change the
        # unit
        bin_width = kwargs.get('bin_width', 1)
        bin_offset = kwargs.get('bin_offset', 0)
        bin_index = int(np.floor((val - bin_offset) / bin_width))
        obj_type = type(bin_width)
        return bin_offset + obj_type((bin_index + 0.5) * bin_width)
    except BaseException:
    return val 

Example 24

def save_fft(fil,audio_in):
    samples = len(audio_in)
    fft_size = 2**int(floor(log(samples)/log(2.0)))
    freq = fft(audio_in[0:fft_size])
    s_data = numpy.zeros(fft_size/2)
    x_data = numpy.zeros(fft_size/2)
    peak = 0;
    for j in xrange(fft_size/2):
        if (abs(freq[j]) > peak):
            peak = abs(freq[j])
    for j in xrange(fft_size/2):
        x_data[j] = log(2.0*(j+1.0)/fft_size);
        if (x_data[j] < -10):
            x_data[j] = -10
        s_data[j] = 10.0*log(abs(freq[j])/peak)/log(10.0)
    plt.title('fft log power')
    fields = fil.split('.')
    plt.savefig(fields[0]+'_fft.png', bbox_inches="tight")

Example 25

def _gene_embed_space(self,vec):
        shape = vec.shape
        vec = vec.flatten()
        combo_neg_idx = np.array([1 if vec[i]<0  else 0 for i in range(len(vec))])

        vec_pos = np.abs(vec)
        int_part = np.floor(vec_pos)
        frac_part = np.round(vec_pos - int_part,2)
        bi_int_part=[] #?????????????signature???????
        for i in range(len(int_part)):
            bie = [0] * (16 - len(bi))
        bi_int_part = np.array(bi_int_part)

        sig = []
        for i in range(len(bi_int_part)):
        sig = np.array(sig).reshape(shape)
        return np.array(bi_int_part),frac_part.reshape(shape),combo_neg_idx.reshape(shape),sig 

Example 26

def _gene_embed_space(self,vec):
        shape = vec.shape
        vec = vec.flatten()
        combo_neg_idx = np.array([1 if vec[i]<0  else 0 for i in range(len(vec))])

        vec_pos = np.abs(vec)
        int_part = np.floor(vec_pos)
        frac_part = np.round(vec_pos - int_part,2)
        bi_int_part=[] #?????????????signature???????
        for i in range(len(int_part)):
            bie = [0] * (16 - len(bi))
        bi_int_part = np.array(bi_int_part)

        sig = []
        for i in range(len(bi_int_part)):
        sig = np.array(sig).reshape(shape)
        return np.array(bi_int_part),frac_part.reshape(shape),combo_neg_idx.reshape(shape),sig 

Example 27

def M(self):
        """Returns the :math:`M` matrix of integers that determine points at which the
        functions are sampled in the unit cell.

            For `S = [2, 2, 1]`, the returned matrix is:

        .. code-block:: python

                        [1,1,0]], dtype=int)
        if self._M is None:
            ms = np.arange(, dtype=int))
            m1 = np.fmod(ms, self.S[0])
            m2 = np.fmod(np.floor(ms/self.S[0]), self.S[1])
            m3 = np.fmod(np.floor(ms/(self.S[0]*self.S[1])), self.S[2])
            #Make sure we explicitly use an integer array; it's faster.
            self._M = np.asarray(np.vstack((m1, m2, m3)).T, dtype=int)
        return self._M 

Example 28

def _latvec_plot(self, R=True, withpts=False, legend=False):
        """Plots the lattice vectors (for real or reciprocal space).
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

        vecs = self.R if R else self.K
        for i in range(3):
            steps = np.linspace(0, 1, np.floor(10*np.linalg.norm(vecs[:,i])))
            Ri = vecs[:,i]
            Ri.shape = (1, 3)
            steps.shape = (len(steps), 1)
            line =, Ri)
            ax.plot(line[:,0], line[:,1], line[:,2], label="R{0:d}".format(i+1))

        if withpts:
            pts = self.r if R else self.G
            ax.scatter(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], pts[:,2], color='k')

        if legend:
        return (fig, ax) 

Example 29

def cumultativesumstest(binin):
    ''' The focus of this test is the maximal excursion (from zero) of the random walk defined by the cumulative sum of adjusted (-1, +1) digits in the sequence. The purpose of the test is to determine whether the cumulative sum of the partial sequences occurring in the tested sequence is too large or too small relative to the expected behavior of that cumulative sum for random sequences.  This cumulative sum may be considered as a random walk. For a random sequence, the random walk should be near zero. For non-random sequences, the excursions of this random walk away from zero will be too large.'''
    n = len(binin)
    ss = [int(el) for el in binin]
    sc = map(sumi, ss)
    cs = np.cumsum(sc)
    z = max(abs(cs))
    ra = 0
    start = int(np.floor(0.25 * np.floor(-n / z) + 1))
    stop = int(np.floor(0.25 * np.floor(n / z) - 1))
    pv1 = []
    for k in xrange(start, stop + 1):
        pv1.append(sst.norm.cdf((4 * k + 1) * z / np.sqrt(n)) - sst.norm.cdf((4 * k - 1) * z / np.sqrt(n)))
    start = int(np.floor(0.25 * np.floor(-n / z - 3)))
    stop = int(np.floor(0.25 * np.floor(n / z) - 1))
    pv2 = []
    for k in xrange(start, stop + 1):
        pv2.append(sst.norm.cdf((4 * k + 3) * z / np.sqrt(n)) - sst.norm.cdf((4 * k + 1) * z / np.sqrt(n)))
    pval = 1
    pval -= reduce(su, pv1)
    pval += reduce(su, pv2)

    return pval 

Example 30

def rel_crop(im, rel_cx, rel_cy, crop_size):

    map_size = im.shape[1]
    r = crop_size / 2
    abs_cx = rel_cx * map_size
    abs_cy = rel_cy * map_size
    na = np.floor([abs_cy-r, abs_cy+r, abs_cx-r, abs_cx+r]).astype(np.int32)
    a = np.clip(na, 0, map_size)
    px0 = a[2] - na[2]
    px1 = na[3] - a[3]
    py0 = a[0] - na[0]
    py1 = na[1] - a[1]
    crop = im[a[0]:a[1], a[2]:a[3]]
    crop = np.pad(crop, ((py0, py1), (px0, px1), (0, 0)),

    assert crop.shape == (crop_size, crop_size, im.shape[2])
    return crop 

Example 31

def _downsample_mask(X, pct):
    """ Create a boolean mask indicating which subset of X should be
    if pct < 1.0:
        Mask = np.zeros(X.shape, dtype=np.bool)
        m = X.shape[-2]
        n = X.shape[-1]
        nToEval = np.round(pct*m*n).astype(np.int32)
        idx = sobol(2, nToEval ,0)
        idx[0] = np.floor(m*idx[0])
        idx[1] = np.floor(n*idx[1])
        idx = idx.astype(np.int32)
        Mask[:,:,idx[0], idx[1]] = True
        Mask = np.ones(X.shape, dtype=np.bool)

    return Mask 

Example 32

def update_output(self, x):
        N, C, H, W = x.shape
        pool_height, pool_width = self.kW, self.kH
        stride = self.dW

        assert (
            H - pool_height) % stride == 0 or H == pool_height, 'Invalid height'
        assert (
            W - pool_width) % stride == 0 or W == pool_width, 'Invalid width'

        out_height = int(np.floor((H - pool_height) / stride + 1))
        out_width = int(np.floor((W - pool_width) / stride + 1))

        x_split = x.reshape(N * C, 1, H, W)
        x_cols = im2col_cython(
            x_split, pool_height, pool_width, padding=0, stride=stride)
        x_cols_avg = np.mean(x_cols, axis=0)
        out = x_cols_avg.reshape(
            out_height, out_width, N, C).transpose(2, 3, 0, 1)

        self.x_shape = x.shape
        self.x_cols = x_cols
        self.output = out
        return self.output 

Example 33

def extract_top_plane_nodes(nodefile, top_face):

    :param nodefile:
    :param top_face:
    :return: planeNodeIDs
    import numpy as np
    import fem_mesh

    top_face = np.array(top_face)

    nodeIDcoords = fem_mesh.load_nodeIDs_coords(nodefile)
    [snic, axes] = fem_mesh.SortNodeIDs(nodeIDcoords)

    # extract spatially-sorted node IDs on a the top z plane
    axis = int(np.floor(np.divide(top_face.nonzero(), 2)))
    if np.mod(top_face.nonzero(), 2) == 1:
        plane = (axis, axes[axis].max())
        plane = (axis, axes[axis].min())

    planeNodeIDs = fem_mesh.extractPlane(snic, axes, plane)

    return planeNodeIDs 

Example 34

def timer(s, v='', nloop=500, nrep=3):
    units = ["s", "ms", "µs", "ns"]
    scaling = [1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9]
    print("%s : %-50s : " % (v, s), end=' ')
    varnames = ["%ss,nm%ss,%sl,nm%sl" % tuple(x*4) for x in 'xyz']
    setup = 'from __main__ import numpy, ma, %s' % ','.join(varnames)
    Timer = timeit.Timer(stmt=s, setup=setup)
    best = min(Timer.repeat(nrep, nloop)) / nloop
    if best > 0.0:
        order = min(-int(numpy.floor(numpy.log10(best)) // 3), 3)
        order = 3
    print("%d loops, best of %d: %.*g %s per loop" % (nloop, nrep,
                                                      best * scaling[order],

Example 35

def dec_round(num, dprec=4, rnd='down', rto_zero=False):
    Round up/down numeric ``num`` at specified decimal ``dprec``.

    num: float
    dprec: int
        Decimal position for truncation.
    rnd: str (default: 'down')
        Set as 'up' or 'down' to return a rounded-up or rounded-down value.
    rto_zero: bool (default: False)
        Use a *round-towards-zero* method, e.g., ``floor(-3.5) == -3``.

    float (default: rounded-up)
    dprec = 10**dprec
    if rnd == 'up' or (rnd == 'down' and rto_zero and num < 0.):
        return np.ceil(num*dprec)/dprec
    elif rnd == 'down' or (rnd == 'up' and rto_zero and num < 0.):
        return np.floor(num*dprec)/dprec
    return np.round(num, dprec) 

Example 36

def __call__(self, batch):
        images, labels = zip(*batch)

        imgH = self.imgH
        imgW = self.imgW
        if self.keep_ratio:
            ratios = []
            for image in images:
                w, h = image.size
                ratios.append(w / float(h))
            max_ratio = ratios[-1]
            imgW = int(np.floor(max_ratio * imgH))
            imgW = max(imgH * self.min_ratio, imgW)  # assure imgH >= imgW

        transform = resizeNormalize((imgW, imgH))
        images = [transform(image) for image in images]
        images =[t.unsqueeze(0) for t in images], 0)

        return images, labels 

Example 37

def shuffle_to_training_data(self, expert_data, on_policy_data, expert_fail_data):
        data = np.vstack([expert_data['data'], on_policy_data['data'], expert_fail_data['data']])
        classes = np.vstack([expert_data['classes'], on_policy_data['classes'], expert_fail_data['classes']])
        domains = np.vstack([expert_data['domains'], on_policy_data['domains'], expert_fail_data['domains']])

        sample_range = data.shape[0]*data.shape[1]
        all_idxs = np.random.permutation(sample_range)

        t_steps = data.shape[1]

        data_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(sample_range, self.im_height, self.im_width, self.im_channels))
        data_matrix_two = np.zeros(shape=(sample_range, self.im_height, self.im_width, self.im_channels))
        class_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(sample_range, 2))
        dom_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(sample_range, 2))
        for one_idx, iter_step in zip(all_idxs, range(0, sample_range)):
            traj_key = np.floor(one_idx/t_steps)
            time_key = one_idx % t_steps
            time_key_plus_one = min(time_key + 3, t_steps-1)
            data_matrix[iter_step, :, :, :] = data[traj_key, time_key, :, :, :]
            data_matrix_two[iter_step, :, :, :] = data[traj_key, time_key_plus_one, :, :, :]
            class_matrix[iter_step, :] = classes[traj_key, time_key, :]
            dom_matrix[iter_step, :] = domains[traj_key, time_key, :]
        return data_matrix, data_matrix_two, dom_matrix, class_matrix 

Example 38

def transform_to_yolo_labels(self, labels):
        Transform voc_label_parser' result to yolo label.
        :param labels: [is_obj, x, y, w, h, class_probs..], ...
        :return: yolo label
        yolo_label = np.zeros([self.side, self.side, (1 + self.coords) + self.classes]).astype(np.float32)
        for label in labels:
            yolo_box = self.convert_to_yolo_box(self.ori_im_shape[::-1], list(label[2:]))
            assert np.max(yolo_box) < 1
            [loc_y, loc_x] = [int(np.floor(yolo_box[1] * self.side)), int(np.floor(yolo_box[0] * self.side))]
            yolo_label[loc_y][loc_x][0] = 1.0  # is obj
            yolo_label[loc_y][loc_x][1:5] = yolo_box  # bbox
            yolo_label[loc_y][loc_x][5:] = 0  # only one obj in one grid
            yolo_label[loc_y][loc_x][4+label[0]] = 1.0  # class
        return yolo_label 

Example 39

def julian_date(hUTC, dayofyear, year):
    """ Julian calendar date

        hUTC: fractional hour (UTC time)
        dayofyear (int):
        year (int):

        the julian date

        World Meteorological Organization (2006).Guide to meteorological
        instruments and methods of observation. Geneva, Switzerland.
    delta = year - 1949
    leap = numpy.floor(delta / 4.)
    return 2432916.5 + delta * 365 + leap + dayofyear + hUTC / 24. 

Example 40

def unknown_feature_extractor(x, sr, win_len, shift_len, barks, inner_win, inner_shift, win_type, method_version):
    x_spectrum = stft_extractor(x, win_len, shift_len, win_type)
    coef = get_fft_bark_mat(sr, win_len, barks, 20, sr//2)
    bark_spect = np.matmul(coef, x_spectrum)
    ams = np.zeros((barks, inner_win//2+1, (bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift))
    for i in range(barks):
        channel_stft = stft_extractor(bark_spect[i, :], inner_win, inner_shift, 'hanning')
        if method_version == 'v1':
            ams[i, :, :] = 20 * np.log(np.abs(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift]))
        elif method_version == 'v2':
            channel_amplitude = np.abs(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift])
            channel_angle = np.angle(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift])
            channel_angle = channel_angle - (np.floor(channel_angle / (2.*np.pi)) * (2.*np.pi))
            ams[i, :, :] = np.power(channel_amplitude, 1./3.) * channel_angle
            ams[i, :, :] = np.abs(channel_stft)
    return ams 

Example 41

def ams_extractor(x, sr, win_len, shift_len, barks, inner_win, inner_shift, win_type, method_version):
    x_spectrum = stft_extractor(x, win_len, shift_len, win_type)
    coef = get_fft_bark_mat(sr, win_len, barks, 20, sr//2)
    bark_spect = np.matmul(coef, x_spectrum)
    ams = np.zeros((barks, inner_win//2+1, (bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift))
    for i in range(barks):
        channel_stft = stft_extractor(bark_spect[i, :], inner_win, inner_shift, 'hanning')
        if method_version == 'v1':
            ams[i, :, :] = 20 * np.log(np.abs(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift]))
        elif method_version == 'v2':
            channel_amplitude = np.abs(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift])
            channel_angle = np.angle(channel_stft[:inner_win//2+1, :(bark_spect.shape[1] - inner_win)//inner_shift])
            channel_angle = channel_angle - (np.floor(channel_angle / (2.*np.pi)) * (2.*np.pi))
            ams[i, :, :] = np.power(channel_amplitude, 1./3.) * channel_angle
            ams[i, :, :] = np.abs(channel_stft)
    return ams 

Example 42

def getTimeDerivative(I, Win):
    dw = np.floor(Win/2)
    t = np.arange(-dw, dw+1)
    sigma = 0.4*dw
    xgaussf = t*np.exp(-t**2  / (2*sigma**2))
    #Normalize by L1 norm to control for length of window
    xgaussf = xgaussf/np.sum(np.abs(xgaussf))
    xgaussf = xgaussf[:, None]
    IRet = scipy.signal.convolve2d(I, xgaussf, 'valid')
    validIdx = np.arange(dw, I.shape[0]-dw, dtype='int64')
    return [IRet, validIdx]

####            FAST TIME DELAY EMBEDDING, Tau = 1      #####
#Input: I: P x N Video with frames along the columns
#W: Windows
#Ouput: Mu: P x W video with mean frames along the columns 

Example 43

def mu_law(x, mu=255, int8=False):
  """A TF implementation of Mu-Law encoding.

    x: The audio samples to encode.
    mu: The Mu to use in our Mu-Law.
    int8: Use int8 encoding.

    out: The Mu-Law encoded int8 data.
  out = tf.sign(x) * tf.log(1 + mu * tf.abs(x)) / np.log(1 + mu)
  out = tf.floor(out * 128)
  if int8:
    out = tf.cast(out, tf.int8)
  return out 

Example 44

def impad_gpu(y_gpu, sf):

  sf = np.array(sf)
  shape = (np.array(y_gpu.shape) + sf).astype(np.uint32)
  dtype = y_gpu.dtype
  block_size = (16,16,1)
  grid_size = (int(np.ceil(float(shape[1])/block_size[0])),

  preproc = _generate_preproc(dtype, shape)
  mod = SourceModule(preproc + kernel_code, keep=True)

  padded_gpu = cua.empty((int(shape[0]), int(shape[1])), dtype)
  impad_fun = mod.get_function("impad")

  upper_left = np.uint32(np.floor(sf / 2.))
  original_size = np.uint32(np.array(y_gpu.shape))

  impad_fun(padded_gpu.gpudata, y_gpu.gpudata,
            upper_left[1], upper_left[0],
            original_size[0], original_size[1],
            block=block_size, grid=grid_size)

  return padded_gpu 

Example 45

def laplace_stack_gpu(y_gpu, mode='valid'):
  This funtion computes the Laplacian of each slice of a stack of images
  shape = np.array(y_gpu.shape).astype(np.uint32)
  dtype = y_gpu.dtype
  block_size = (6,int(np.floor(512./6./float(shape[0]))),int(shape[0]))
  grid_size = (int(np.ceil(float(shape[1])/block_size[0])),
  shared_size = int((2+block_size[0])*(2+block_size[1])*(2+block_size[2])

  preproc = _generate_preproc(dtype, (shape[1],shape[2]))
  mod = SourceModule(preproc + kernel_code, keep=True)

  laplace_fun_gpu = mod.get_function("laplace_stack_same")
  laplace_gpu = cua.empty((y_gpu.shape[0], y_gpu.shape[1], y_gpu.shape[2]),
  laplace_fun_gpu(laplace_gpu.gpudata, y_gpu.gpudata,
                  block=block_size, grid=grid_size, shared=shared_size)
  return laplace_gpu 

Example 46

def laplace3d_gpu(y_gpu):

  shape = np.array(y_gpu.shape).astype(np.uint32)
  dtype = y_gpu.dtype
  block_size = (6,int(np.floor(512./6./float(shape[0]))),int(shape[0]))
  grid_size = (int(np.ceil(float(shape[1])/block_size[0])),
  shared_size = int((2+block_size[0])*(2+block_size[1])*(2+block_size[2])

  preproc = _generate_preproc(dtype, (shape[1],shape[2]))
  mod = SourceModule(preproc + kernel_code, keep=True)

  laplace_fun_gpu = mod.get_function("laplace3d_same")
  laplace_gpu = cua.empty((y_gpu.shape[0], y_gpu.shape[1], y_gpu.shape[2]),
  laplace_fun_gpu(laplace_gpu.gpudata, y_gpu.gpudata,
                  block=block_size, grid=grid_size, shared=shared_size)

  return laplace_gpu 

Example 47

def wsparsify(w_gpu, percentage):
  Keeps only as many entries nonzero as specified by percentage.

  w    = w_gpu.get()
  vals = sort(w)[::-1]
  idx  = floor(prod(w.shape()) * percentage/100)
  zw_gpu = cua.zeros_like(w_gpu)   # gpu array filled with zeros
  tw_gpu = cua.empty_like(w_gpu)   # gpu array containing threshold
  w_gpu  = cua.if_positive(w_gpu > tw_gpu, w_gpu, zw_gpu)

  del zw_gpu
  del tw_gpu

  return w_gpu 

Example 48

def sparsify(x, percentage):
    Keeps only as many entries nonzero as specified by percentage.
    Note that only the larges values are kept.
    Call:  y = sparsify(x, percentage)
    Input: x            input ndarray x
           percentage   percentage of nonzero entries in y 

    Output: sparsified version of x            

    Copyright (C) 2011 Michael Hirsch   
    vals = np.sort(x.flatten())[::-1]
    idx  = np.floor( * percentage/100)
    x[x < vals[idx]] = 0
    return x 

Example 49

def stft(sig, frameSize, overlapFac=0.75, window=np.hanning):
    """ short time fourier transform of audio signal """
    win = window(frameSize)
    hopSize = int(frameSize - np.floor(overlapFac * frameSize))
    # zeros at beginning (thus center of 1st window should be for sample nr. 0)
    # samples = np.append(np.zeros(np.floor(frameSize / 2.0)), sig)
    samples = np.array(sig, dtype='float64')
    # cols for windowing
    cols = np.floor((len(samples) - frameSize) / float(hopSize))
    # zeros at end (thus samples can be fully covered by frames)
    # samples = np.append(samples, np.zeros(frameSize))
    frames = stride_tricks.as_strided(
        shape=(cols, frameSize),
        strides=(samples.strides[0] * hopSize, samples.strides[0])).copy()
    frames *= win
    return np.fft.rfft(frames) 

Example 50

def stft(sig, frameSize, overlapFac=0.75, window=np.hanning):
    """ short time fourier transform of audio signal """
    win = window(frameSize)
    hopSize = int(frameSize - np.floor(overlapFac * frameSize))
    # zeros at beginning (thus center of 1st window should be for sample nr. 0)
    # samples = np.append(np.zeros(np.floor(frameSize / 2.0)), sig)
    samples = np.array(sig, dtype='float64')
    # cols for windowing
    cols = np.ceil((len(samples) - frameSize) / float(hopSize)) + 1
    # zeros at end (thus samples can be fully covered by frames)
    # samples = np.append(samples, np.zeros(frameSize))
    frames = stride_tricks.as_strided(
        shape=(cols, frameSize),
        strides=(samples.strides[0] * hopSize, samples.strides[0])).copy()
    frames *= win
    return np.fft.rfft(frames) 