Python numpy.linalg() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def _get_skew(corners, board):
    Get skew for given checkerboard detection.
    Scaled to [0,1], which 0 = no skew, 1 = high skew
    Skew is proportional to the divergence of three outside corners from 90 degrees.
    # TODO Using three nearby interior corners might be more robust, outside corners occasionally
    # get mis-detected
    up_left, up_right, down_right, _ = _get_outside_corners(corners, board)

    def angle(a, b, c):
        Return angle between lines ab, bc
        ab = a - b
        cb = c - b
        return math.acos(,cb) / (numpy.linalg.norm(ab) * numpy.linalg.norm(cb)))

    skew = min(1.0, 2. * abs((math.pi / 2.) - angle(up_left, up_right, down_right)))
    return skew 

Example 2

def logdet(C,eps=1e-6,safe=0):
    Logarithm of the determinant of a matrix
    Works only with real-valued positive definite matrices
        return 2.0*np.sum(np.log(np.diag(chol(C))))
    except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
        if safe: C = check_covmat(C,eps=eps)
        w = np.linalg.eigh(C)[0]
        w = np.real(w)
        det = np.sum(np.log(w))
        return det 

Example 3

def get_ground_state(sparse_operator):
    """Compute lowest eigenvalue and eigenstate.

        eigenvalue: The lowest eigenvalue, a float.
        eigenstate: The lowest eigenstate in scipy.sparse csc format.
    if not is_hermitian(sparse_operator):
        raise ValueError('sparse_operator must be Hermitian.')

    values, vectors = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(
        sparse_operator, 2, which='SA', maxiter=1e7)

    eigenstate = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(vectors[:, 0])
    eigenvalue = values[0]
    return eigenvalue, eigenstate.getH() 

Example 4

def __init__(self, mesh, transform_out=None, transform_in=None):
        transform_out = numpy.matrix(transform_out) if transform_out is not None else None
        transform_in = numpy.matrix(transform_in) if transform_in is not None else None

        if transform_in is None and transform_out is None:
            transform_in = numpy.identity(3)
            transform_out = numpy.identity(3)
        elif transform_in is None:
                transform_in = numpy.linalg.inv(transform_out)
                transform_in = None
        elif transform_out is None:
                transform_out = numpy.linalg.inv(transform_in)
                transform_out = None

        self.transform_out, self.transform_in = transform_out, transform_in

            warp_in=lambda vertex:[0][:3] if self.transform_in else None,
            warp_out=lambda vertex:[0][:3] if self.transform_out else None,

Example 5

def likelihood(x, m=None, Cinv=None, sigma=1, detC=None):
        """return likelihood of x for the normal density N(m, sigma**2 * Cinv**-1)"""
        # testing: MC integrate must be one: mean(p(x_i)) * volume(where x_i are uniformely sampled)
        # for i in xrange(3): print mean([cma.likelihood(20*r-10, dim * [0],
        # None, 3) for r in rand(10000,dim)]) * 20**dim
        if m is None:
            dx = x
            dx = x - m  # array(x) - array(m)
        n = len(x)
        s2pi = (2 * np.pi)**(n / 2.)
        if Cinv is None:
            return exp(-sum(dx**2) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / sigma**n
        if detC is None:
            detC = 1. / np.linalg.linalg.det(Cinv)
        return exp(,, dx)) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / abs(detC)**0.5 / sigma**n 

Example 6

def test_pseudoinverse_correctness():
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    d1 = rng.randint(4) + 2
    d2 = rng.randint(4) + 2
    r = rng.randn(d1, d2).astype(theano.config.floatX)

    x = tensor.matrix()
    xi = pinv(x)

    ri = function([x], xi)(r)
    assert ri.shape[0] == r.shape[1]
    assert ri.shape[1] == r.shape[0]
    assert ri.dtype == r.dtype
    # Note that pseudoinverse can be quite unprecise so I prefer to compare
    # the result with what numpy.linalg returns
    assert _allclose(ri, numpy.linalg.pinv(r)) 

Example 7

def test_numpy_compare(self):
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())

        M = tensor.matrix("A", dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        V = tensor.vector("V", dtype=theano.config.floatX)

        a = rng.rand(4, 4).astype(theano.config.floatX)
        b = rng.rand(4).astype(theano.config.floatX)

        A = (   [None, 'fro', 'inf', '-inf', 1, -1, None, 'inf', '-inf', 0, 1, -1, 2, -2],
                [M, M, M, M, M, M, V, V, V, V, V, V, V, V],
                [a, a, a, a, a, a, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, b],
                [None, 'fro', inf, -inf, 1, -1, None, inf, -inf, 0, 1, -1, 2, -2])

        for i in range(0, 14):
            f = function([A[1][i]], norm(A[1][i], A[0][i]))
            t_n = f(A[2][i])
            n_n = numpy.linalg.norm(A[2][i], A[3][i])
            assert _allclose(n_n, t_n) 

Example 8

def test_eval(self):
        A = self.A
        Ai = tensorinv(A)
        n_ainv = numpy.linalg.tensorinv(self.a)
        tf_a = function([A], [Ai])
        t_ainv = tf_a(self.a)
        assert _allclose(n_ainv, t_ainv)

        B = self.B
        Bi = tensorinv(B)
        Bi1 = tensorinv(B, ind=1)
        n_binv = numpy.linalg.tensorinv(self.b)
        n_binv1 = numpy.linalg.tensorinv(self.b1, ind=1)
        tf_b = function([B], [Bi])
        tf_b1 = function([B], [Bi1])
        t_binv = tf_b(self.b)
        t_binv1 = tf_b1(self.b1)
        assert _allclose(t_binv, n_binv)
        assert _allclose(t_binv1, n_binv1) 

Example 9

def test_perform(self):
        if not imported_scipy:
            raise SkipTest('kron tests need the scipy package to be installed')

        for shp0 in [(2,), (2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5)]:
            x = tensor.tensor(dtype='floatX',
                              broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp0))
            a = numpy.asarray(self.rng.rand(*shp0)).astype(config.floatX)
            for shp1 in [(6,), (6, 7), (6, 7, 8), (6, 7, 8, 9)]:
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 2:
                y = tensor.tensor(dtype='floatX',
                                  broadcastable=(False,) * len(shp1))
                f = function([x, y], kron(x, y))
                b = self.rng.rand(*shp1).astype(config.floatX)
                out = f(a, b)
                # Newer versions of scipy want 4 dimensions at least,
                # so we have to add a dimension to a and flatten the result.
                if len(shp0) + len(shp1) == 3:
                    scipy_val = scipy.linalg.kron(
                        a[numpy.newaxis, :], b).flatten()
                    scipy_val = scipy.linalg.kron(a, b)
                utt.assert_allclose(out, scipy_val) 

Example 10

def real_eig(M,eps=1e-9):
    This code expects a real hermetian matrix
    and should throw a ValueError if not.
    This is probably redundant to the scipy eigh function.
    Do not use.
    if not (type(M)==np.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("Expected array; type is %s"%type(M))
    if np.any(np.abs(np.imag(M))>eps):
        raise ValueError("Matrix has imaginary values >%0.2e; will not extract real eigenvalues"%eps)
    M = np.real(M)
    w,v = np.linalg.eig(M)
    if np.any(abs(np.imag(w))>eps):
        raise ValueError('Eigenvalues with imaginary part >%0.2e; matrix has complex eigenvalues'%eps)
    w = np.real(w)
    order = np.argsort(w)
    w = w[order]
    v = v[:,order]
    return w,v 

Example 11

def _getAplus(A):
    Please see the documentation for nearPDHigham
    eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(A)
    Q = np.matrix(eigvec)
    xdiag = np.matrix(np.diag(np.maximum(eigval, 0)))
    return Q*xdiag*Q.T 

Example 12

def bench_on(runner, sym, Ns, trials, dtype=None):
    global args, kernel, out, mkl_layer
    prepare = globals().get("prepare_"+sym, prepare_default)
    kernel  = globals().get("kernel_"+sym, None)
    if not kernel:
       kernel = getattr(np.linalg, sym)
    out_lvl = runner.__doc__.split('.')[0].strip()
    func_s  = kernel.__doc__.split('.')[0].strip()
    log.debug('Preparing input data for %s (%s).. ' % (sym, func_s))
    args = [prepare(int(i)) for i in Ns]
    it = range(len(Ns))
    # pprint(Ns)
    out = np.empty(shape=(len(Ns), trials))
    b = body(trials)
    tic, toc = (0, 0)
    log.debug('Warming up %s (%s).. ' % (sym, func_s))
    runner(range(1000), empty_work)
    runner(range(1000), empty_work)
    log.debug('Benchmarking %s on %s: ' % (func_s, out_lvl))
    gc_old = gc.isenabled()
#    gc.disable()
    tic = time.time()
    runner(it, b)
    toc = time.time() - tic
    if gc_old:
    if 'reused_pool' in globals():
        del globals()['reused_pool']

    #calculate average time and min time and also keep track of outliers (max time in the loop)
    min_time = np.amin(out)
    max_time = np.amax(out)
    mean_time = np.mean(out)
    stdev_time = np.std(out)

    #print("Min = %.5f, Max = %.5f, Mean = %.5f, stdev = %.5f " % (min_time, max_time, mean_time, stdev_time))
    #final_times = [min_time, max_time, mean_time, stdev_time]

    print('## %s: Outter:%s, Inner:%s, Wall seconds:%f\n' % (sym, out_lvl, mkl_layer, float(toc)))
    return out 

Example 13

def get_whitening_matrix(X, fudge=1E-18):
   from numpy.linalg import eigh
   Xcov =, X)/X.shape[0]
   d,V  = eigh(Xcov)
   D    = numpy.diag(1./numpy.sqrt(d+fudge))
   W    =,D), V.T)
   return W 

Example 14

def get_precision(self):
        """Compute data precision matrix with the generative model.
        Equals the inverse of the covariance but computed with
        the matrix inversion lemma for efficiency.
        precision : array, shape=(n_features, n_features)
            Estimated precision of data.
        n_features = self.components_.shape[1]

        # handle corner cases first
        if self.n_components_ == 0:
            return np.eye(n_features) / self.noise_variance_
        if self.n_components_ == n_features:
            return linalg.inv(self.get_covariance())

        # Get precision using matrix inversion lemma
        components_ = self.components_
        exp_var = self.explained_variance_
        exp_var_diff = np.maximum(exp_var - self.noise_variance_, 0.)
        precision =, components_.T) / self.noise_variance_
        precision.flat[::len(precision) + 1] += 1. / exp_var_diff
        precision =,
                 , components_))
        precision /= -(self.noise_variance_ ** 2)
        precision.flat[::len(precision) + 1] += 1. / self.noise_variance_
        return precision 

Example 15

def __init__(self, dimension,
            self.dimension = len(dimension)
            standard_deviations = np.asarray(dimension)
        except TypeError:
            self.dimension = dimension
            standard_deviations = np.ones(dimension)
        assert len(standard_deviations) == self.dimension

        # prevent equal eigenvals, a hack for np.linalg:
        self.C = np.diag(standard_deviations**2
                    * np.exp((1e-4 / self.dimension) *
        "covariance matrix"
        self.lazy_update_gap = lazy_update_gap
        self.constant_trace = constant_trace
        self.randn = randn
        self.eigenmethod = eigenmethod
        self.B = np.eye(self.dimension)
        "columns, B.T[i] == B[:, i], are eigenvectors of C"
        self.D = np.diag(self.C)**0.5  # we assume that C is yet diagonal
        idx = self.D.argsort()
        self.D = self.D[idx]
        self.B = self.B[:, idx]
        "axis lengths, roots of eigenvalues, sorted"
        self._inverse_root_C = None  # see transform_inv...
        self.last_update = 0
        self.count_tell = 0
        self.count_eigen = 0 

Example 16

def rotation_from_matrix(matrix):
    """Return rotation angle and axis from rotation matrix.

    >>> angle = (random.random() - 0.5) * (2*math.pi)
    >>> direc = numpy.random.random(3) - 0.5
    >>> point = numpy.random.random(3) - 0.5
    >>> R0 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
    >>> angle, direc, point = rotation_from_matrix(R0)
    >>> R1 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
    >>> is_same_transform(R0, R1)

    R = numpy.array(matrix, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False)
    R33 = R[:3, :3]
    # direction: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
    w, W = numpy.linalg.eig(R33.T)
    i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(w) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
    if not len(i):
        raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
    direction = numpy.real(W[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
    # point: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
    w, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(R)
    i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(w) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
    if not len(i):
        raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
    point = numpy.real(Q[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
    point /= point[3]
    # rotation angle depending on direction
    cosa = (numpy.trace(R33) - 1.0) / 2.0
    if abs(direction[2]) > 1e-8:
        sina = (R[1, 0] + (cosa-1.0)*direction[0]*direction[1]) / direction[2]
    elif abs(direction[1]) > 1e-8:
        sina = (R[0, 2] + (cosa-1.0)*direction[0]*direction[2]) / direction[1]
        sina = (R[2, 1] + (cosa-1.0)*direction[1]*direction[2]) / direction[0]
    angle = math.atan2(sina, cosa)
    return angle, direction, point

# Function to translate handshape coding to degrees of rotation, adduction, flexion 

Example 17

def vector_norm(data, axis=None, out=None):
    """Return length, i.e. Euclidean norm, of ndarray along axis.

    >>> v = numpy.random.random(3)
    >>> n = vector_norm(v)
    >>> numpy.allclose(n, numpy.linalg.norm(v))
    >>> v = numpy.random.rand(6, 5, 3)
    >>> n = vector_norm(v, axis=-1)
    >>> numpy.allclose(n, numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v*v, axis=2)))
    >>> n = vector_norm(v, axis=1)
    >>> numpy.allclose(n, numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v*v, axis=1)))
    >>> v = numpy.random.rand(5, 4, 3)
    >>> n = numpy.empty((5, 3))
    >>> vector_norm(v, axis=1, out=n)
    >>> numpy.allclose(n, numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v*v, axis=1)))
    >>> vector_norm([])
    >>> vector_norm([1])

    data = numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True)
    if out is None:
        if data.ndim == 1:
            return math.sqrt(, data))
        data *= data
        out = numpy.atleast_1d(numpy.sum(data, axis=axis))
        numpy.sqrt(out, out)
        return out
        data *= data
        numpy.sum(data, axis=axis, out=out)
        numpy.sqrt(out, out) 

Example 18

def rotation_from_matrix(matrix):
    """Return rotation angle and axis from rotation matrix.

    >>> angle = (random.random() - 0.5) * (2*math.pi)
    >>> direc = numpy.random.random(3) - 0.5
    >>> point = numpy.random.random(3) - 0.5
    >>> R0 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
    >>> angle, direc, point = rotation_from_matrix(R0)
    >>> R1 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
    >>> is_same_transform(R0, R1)

    R = numpy.array(matrix, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False)
    R33 = R[:3, :3]
    # direction: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
    w, W = numpy.linalg.eig(R33.T)
    i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(w) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
    if not len(i):
        raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
    direction = numpy.real(W[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
    # point: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
    w, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(R)
    i = numpy.where(abs(numpy.real(w) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
    if not len(i):
        raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
    point = numpy.real(Q[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
    point /= point[3]
    # rotation angle depending on direction
    cosa = (numpy.trace(R33) - 1.0) / 2.0
    if abs(direction[2]) > 1e-8:
        sina = (R[1, 0] + (cosa-1.0)*direction[0]*direction[1]) / direction[2]
    elif abs(direction[1]) > 1e-8:
        sina = (R[0, 2] + (cosa-1.0)*direction[0]*direction[2]) / direction[1]
        sina = (R[2, 1] + (cosa-1.0)*direction[1]*direction[2]) / direction[0]
    angle = math.atan2(sina, cosa)
    return angle, direction, point

# Function to translate handshape coding to degrees of rotation, adduction, flexion 

Example 19

def expms(A, eig=np.linalg.eigh):
            """matrix exponential for a symmetric matrix"""
            # TODO: check that this works reliably for low rank matrices
            # first: symmetrize A
            D, B = eig(A)
            return, (np.exp(D) * B).T) 

Example 20

def likelihood(x, m=None, Cinv=None, sigma=1, detC=None):
        """return likelihood of x for the normal density N(m, sigma**2 * Cinv**-1)"""
        # testing: MC integrate must be one: mean(p(x_i)) * volume(where x_i are uniformely sampled)
        # for i in xrange(3): print mean([cma.likelihood(20*r-10, dim * [0], None, 3) for r in rand(10000,dim)]) * 20**dim
        if m is None:
            dx = x
            dx = x - m  # array(x) - array(m)
        n = len(x)
        s2pi = (2 * np.pi)**(n / 2.)
        if Cinv is None:
            return exp(-sum(dx**2) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / sigma**n
        if detC is None:
            detC = 1. / np.linalg.linalg.det(Cinv)
        return  exp(,, dx)) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / abs(detC)**0.5 / sigma**n 

Example 21

def rmsd(X, Y):
    Calculate the root mean squared deviation (RMSD) using Kabsch' formula.

    @param X: (n, d) input vector
    @type X: numpy array

    @param Y: (n, d) input vector
    @type Y: numpy array

    @return: rmsd value between the input vectors
    @rtype: float

    from numpy import sum, dot, sqrt, clip, average
    from numpy.linalg import svd, det

    X = X - X.mean(0)
    Y = Y - Y.mean(0)

    R_x = sum(X ** 2)
    R_y = sum(Y ** 2)

    V, L, U = svd(dot(Y.T, X))

    if det(dot(V, U)) < 0.:
        L[-1] *= -1

    return sqrt(clip(R_x + R_y - 2 * sum(L), 0., 1e300) / len(X)) 

Example 22

def wrmsd(X, Y, w):
    Calculate the weighted root mean squared deviation (wRMSD) using Kabsch'

    @param X: (n, d) input vector
    @type X: numpy array

    @param Y: (n, d) input vector
    @type Y: numpy array

    @param w: input weights
    @type w: numpy array

    @return: rmsd value between the input vectors
    @rtype: float

    from numpy import sum, dot, sqrt, clip, average
    from numpy.linalg import svd

    ## normalize weights

    w = w / w.sum()

    X = X - dot(w, X)
    Y = Y - dot(w, Y)

    R_x = sum(X.T ** 2 * w)
    R_y = sum(Y.T ** 2 * w)

    L = svd(dot(Y.T * w, X))[1]

    return sqrt(clip(R_x + R_y - 2 * sum(L), 0., 1e300)) 

Example 23

def is_mirror_image(X, Y):
    Check if two configurations X and Y are mirror images
    (i.e. their optimal superposition involves a reflection).

    @param X: n x 3 input vector
    @type X: numpy array
    @param Y: n x 3 input vector
    @type Y: numpy array
    @rtype: bool
    from numpy.linalg import det, svd
    ## center configurations

    X = X - numpy.mean(X, 0)
    Y = Y - numpy.mean(Y, 0)

    ## SVD of correlation matrix

    V, L, U = svd(, Y))             #@UnusedVariable

    R =, U)

    return det(R) < 0 

Example 24

def expms(A, eig=np.linalg.eigh):
            """matrix exponential for a symmetric matrix"""
            # TODO: check that this works reliably for low rank matrices
            # first: symmetrize A
            D, B = eig(A)
            return, (np.exp(D) * B).T) 

Example 25

def likelihood(x, m=None, Cinv=None, sigma=1, detC=None):
        """return likelihood of x for the normal density N(m, sigma**2 * Cinv**-1)"""
        # testing: MC integrate must be one: mean(p(x_i)) * volume(where x_i are uniformely sampled)
        # for i in xrange(3): print mean([cma.likelihood(20*r-10, dim * [0], None, 3) for r in rand(10000,dim)]) * 20**dim
        if m is None:
            dx = x
            dx = x - m  # array(x) - array(m)
        n = len(x)
        s2pi = (2 * np.pi)**(n / 2.)
        if Cinv is None:
            return exp(-sum(dx**2) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / sigma**n
        if detC is None:
            detC = 1. / np.linalg.linalg.det(Cinv)
        return  exp(,, dx)) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / abs(detC)**0.5 / sigma**n 

Example 26

def expms(A, eig=np.linalg.eigh):
            """matrix exponential for a symmetric matrix"""
            # TODO: check that this works reliably for low rank matrices
            # first: symmetrize A
            D, B = eig(A)
            return, (np.exp(D) * B).T) 

Example 27

def likelihood(x, m=None, Cinv=None, sigma=1, detC=None):
        """return likelihood of x for the normal density N(m, sigma**2 * Cinv**-1)"""
        # testing: MC integrate must be one: mean(p(x_i)) * volume(where x_i are uniformely sampled)
        # for i in xrange(3): print mean([cma.likelihood(20*r-10, dim * [0], None, 3) for r in rand(10000,dim)]) * 20**dim
        if m is None:
            dx = x
            dx = x - m  # array(x) - array(m)
        n = len(x)
        s2pi = (2 * np.pi)**(n / 2.)
        if Cinv is None:
            return exp(-sum(dx**2) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / sigma**n
        if detC is None:
            detC = 1. / np.linalg.linalg.det(Cinv)
        return  exp(,, dx)) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / abs(detC)**0.5 / sigma**n 

Example 28

def eig(a):
    u,v = np.linalg.eig(a)
    return u.T 

Example 29

def sparse_eigenspectrum(sparse_operator):
    """Perform a dense diagonalization.

        eigenspectrum: The lowest eigenvalues in a numpy array.
    dense_operator = sparse_operator.todense()
    if is_hermitian(sparse_operator):
        eigenspectrum = numpy.linalg.eigvalsh(dense_operator)
        eigenspectrum = numpy.linalg.eigvals(dense_operator)
    return numpy.sort(eigenspectrum) 

Example 30

def get_gap(sparse_operator):
    """Compute gap between lowest eigenvalue and first excited state.

    Returns: A real float giving eigenvalue gap.
    if not is_hermitian(sparse_operator):
        raise ValueError('sparse_operator must be Hermitian.')

    values, _ = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(
        sparse_operator, 2, which='SA', maxiter=1e7)

    gap = abs(values[1] - values[0])
    return gap 

Example 31

def perpedndicular1(v):
    """calculate the perpendicular unit vector"""
    return numpy.array((-v[1], v[0])) / numpy.linalg.norm((-v[1], v[0])) 

Example 32

def normalize(v):
    return v / numpy.linalg.norm(v) 

Example 33

def expms(A, eig=np.linalg.eigh):
            """matrix exponential for a symmetric matrix"""
            # TODO: check that this works reliably for low rank matrices
            # first: symmetrize A
            D, B = eig(A)
            return, (np.exp(D) * B).T) 

Example 34

def test_qr_modes():
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())

    A = tensor.matrix("A", dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    a = rng.rand(4, 4).astype(theano.config.floatX)

    f = function([A], qr(A))
    t_qr = f(a)
    n_qr = numpy.linalg.qr(a)
    assert _allclose(n_qr, t_qr)

    for mode in ["reduced", "r", "raw"]:
        f = function([A], qr(A, mode))
        t_qr = f(a)
        n_qr = numpy.linalg.qr(a, mode)
        if isinstance(n_qr, (list, tuple)):
            assert _allclose(n_qr[0], t_qr[0])
            assert _allclose(n_qr[1], t_qr[1])
            assert _allclose(n_qr, t_qr)

        n_qr = numpy.linalg.qr(a, "complete")
        f = function([A], qr(A, "complete"))
        t_qr = f(a)
        assert _allclose(n_qr, t_qr)
    except TypeError as e:
        assert "name 'complete' is not defined" in str(e) 

Example 35

def test_svd():
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    A = tensor.matrix("A", dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    U, V, T = svd(A)
    fn = function([A], [U, V, T])
    a = rng.rand(4, 4).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    n_u, n_v, n_t = numpy.linalg.svd(a)
    t_u, t_v, t_t = fn(a)

    assert _allclose(n_u, t_u)
    assert _allclose(n_v, t_v)
    assert _allclose(n_t, t_t) 

Example 36

def test_inverse_singular():
    singular = numpy.array([[1, 0, 0]] + [[0, 1, 0]] * 2,
    a = tensor.matrix()
    f = function([a], matrix_inverse(a))
    except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
    assert False 

Example 37

def test_wrong_coefficient_matrix(self):
        x = tensor.vector()
        y = tensor.vector()
        z = tensor.scalar()
        b = theano.tensor.nlinalg.lstsq()(x, y, z)
        f = function([x, y, z], b)
        self.assertRaises(numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError, f, [2, 1], [2, 1], 1) 

Example 38

def test_wrong_rcond_dimension(self):
        x = tensor.vector()
        y = tensor.vector()
        z = tensor.vector()
        b = theano.tensor.nlinalg.lstsq()(x, y, z)
        f = function([x, y, z], b)
        self.assertRaises(numpy.linalg.LinAlgError, f, [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1]) 

Example 39

def test_numpy_compare(self):
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        A = tensor.matrix("A", dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        Q = matrix_power(A, 3)
        fn = function([A], [Q])
        a = rng.rand(4, 4).astype(theano.config.floatX)

        n_p = numpy.linalg.matrix_power(a, 3)
        t_p = fn(a)
        assert numpy.allclose(n_p, t_p) 

Example 40

def test_eigvalsh_grad():
    if not imported_scipy:
        raise SkipTest("Scipy needed for the geigvalsh op.")
    import scipy.linalg

    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    a = rng.randn(5, 5)
    a = a + a.T
    b = 10 * numpy.eye(5, 5) + rng.randn(5, 5)
    tensor.verify_grad(lambda a, b: eigvalsh(a, b).dot([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
                       [a, b], rng=numpy.random) 

Example 41

def test_solve_correctness(self):
        if not imported_scipy:
            raise SkipTest("Scipy needed for the Cholesky and Solve ops.")
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
        A = theano.tensor.matrix()
        b = theano.tensor.matrix()
        y = self.op(A, b)
        gen_solve_func = theano.function([A, b], y)

        cholesky_lower = Cholesky(lower=True)
        L = cholesky_lower(A)
        y_lower = self.op(L, b)
        lower_solve_func = theano.function([L, b], y_lower)

        cholesky_upper = Cholesky(lower=False)
        U = cholesky_upper(A)
        y_upper = self.op(U, b)
        upper_solve_func = theano.function([U, b], y_upper)

        b_val = numpy.asarray(rng.rand(5, 1), dtype=config.floatX)

        # 1-test general case
        A_val = numpy.asarray(rng.rand(5, 5), dtype=config.floatX)
        # positive definite matrix:
        A_val =, A_val)
        assert numpy.allclose(scipy.linalg.solve(A_val, b_val),
                              gen_solve_func(A_val, b_val))

        # 2-test lower traingular case
        L_val = scipy.linalg.cholesky(A_val, lower=True)
        assert numpy.allclose(scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L_val, b_val, lower=True),
                              lower_solve_func(L_val, b_val))

        # 3-test upper traingular case
        U_val = scipy.linalg.cholesky(A_val, lower=False)
        assert numpy.allclose(scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(U_val, b_val, lower=False),
                              upper_solve_func(U_val, b_val)) 

Example 42

def test_expm():
    if not imported_scipy:
        raise SkipTest("Scipy needed for the expm op.")
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(utt.fetch_seed())
    A = rng.randn(5, 5).astype(config.floatX)

    ref = scipy.linalg.expm(A)

    x = tensor.matrix()
    m = expm(x)
    expm_f = function([x], m)

    val = expm_f(A)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(val, ref) 

Example 43

def rcond(x):
    Reciprocal condition number
    return 1./np.linalg.cond(x) 

Example 44

def check_covmat_fast(C,N=None,eps=1e-6):
    Verify that matrix M is a size NxN precision or covariance matirx
    if not type(C)==np.ndarray:
        raise ValueError("Covariance matrix should be a 2D numpy array")
    if not len(C.shape)==2:
        raise ValueError("Covariance matrix should be a 2D numpy array")
    if N is None: 
        N = C.shape[0]
    if not C.shape==(N,N):
        raise ValueError("Expected size %d x %d matrix"%(N,N))
    if np.any(~np.isreal(C)):
        raise ValueError("Covariance matrices should not contain complex numbers")
    C = np.real(C)
    if np.any(~np.isfinite(C)):
        raise ValueError("Covariance matrix contains NaN or ±inf!")
    if not np.all(np.abs(C-C.T)<eps):
        raise ValueError("Covariance matrix is not symmetric up to precision %0.1e"%eps)
        ch = chol(C)
    except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
        # Check smallest eigenvalue if cholesky fails
        mine = np.real(scipy.linalg.decomp.eigh(C,eigvals=(0,0))[0][0])
        if np.any(mine<-eps):
            raise ValueError('Covariance matrix contains eigenvalue %0.3e<%0.3e'%(mine,-eps)) 
        if (mine<eps):
            C = C + np.eye(N)*(eps-mine)
    C = 0.5*(C+C.T)
    return C 

Example 45

def rsolve(a,b):
    wraps solve, applies to right hand solution
    solves system x A = B
    return scipy.linalg.solve(b.T,a.T).T 

Example 46

def expms(A, eig=np.linalg.eigh):
            """matrix exponential for a symmetric matrix"""
            # TODO: check that this works reliably for low rank matrices
            # first: symmetrize A
            D, B = eig(A)
            return, (np.exp(D) * B).T) 

Example 47

def likelihood(x, m=None, Cinv=None, sigma=1, detC=None):
        """return likelihood of x for the normal density N(m, sigma**2 * Cinv**-1)"""
        # testing: MC integrate must be one: mean(p(x_i)) * volume(where x_i are uniformely sampled)
        # for i in xrange(3): print mean([cma.likelihood(20*r-10, dim * [0], None, 3) for r in rand(10000,dim)]) * 20**dim
        if m is None:
            dx = x
            dx = x - m  # array(x) - array(m)
        n = len(x)
        s2pi = (2 * np.pi)**(n / 2.)
        if Cinv is None:
            return exp(-sum(dx**2) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / sigma**n
        if detC is None:
            detC = 1. / np.linalg.linalg.det(Cinv)
        return  exp(,, dx)) / sigma**2 / 2) / s2pi / abs(detC)**0.5 / sigma**n 

Example 48

def lwlr(testPoint, xMat, yMat, k=1.0):
    m = np.shape(xMat)[0]
    weights = np.matrix(np.eye(m)) # ??????
    for j in range(m):
        diffMat = testPoint-xMat[j, :]
        weights[j, j] = np.exp(diffMat*diffMat.T/(-2.0*k**2)) # ???
    print weights
    xTx = xMat.T*(weights*xMat)
    if np.linalg.det(xTx) == 0.0:
        print 'This matrix is singular, cannot do inverse'
    ws = xTx.I*(xMat.T*(weights*yMat))
    return testPoint*ws 

Example 49

def ridgeRegres(xMat, yMat, lam=0.2):
    xTx = xMat.T*xMat
    denom = xTx+np.eye(np.shape(xMat)[1])*lam
    if np.linalg.det(denom) == 0.0:
        print 'This matrix is singular, cannot do inverse'
    ws = denom.I*(xMat.T*yMat)
    return ws 

Example 50

def expms(A, eig=np.linalg.eigh):
            """matrix exponential for a symmetric matrix"""
            # TODO: check that this works reliably for low rank matrices
            # first: symmetrize A
            D, B = eig(A)
            return, (np.exp(D) * B).T) 