Python numpy.ufunc() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        obj = type(self).__new__(type(self))
        if isinstance(self.base_value, VectorizedIterable):  # special case, but perhaps need to rethink
            obj.base_value = self.base_value                 # whether deepcopy is appropriate everywhere
                obj.base_value = deepcopy(self.base_value)
            except TypeError:  # base_value cannot be copied, e.g. is a generator (but see generator_tools from PyPI)
                obj.base_value = self.base_value  # so here we create a reference rather than deepcopying - could cause problems
        obj._shape = self._shape
        obj.dtype = self.dtype
        obj.operations = []
        for f, arg in self.operations:
            if isinstance(f, numpy.ufunc):
                obj.operations.append((f, deepcopy(arg)))
                obj.operations.append((deepcopy(f), deepcopy(arg)))
        return obj 

Example 2

def __array_prepare__(self, result, context=None):
        Gets called prior to a ufunc

        # nice error message for non-ufunc types
        if context is not None and not isinstance(self._values, np.ndarray):
            obj = context[1][0]
            raise TypeError("{obj} with dtype {dtype} cannot perform "
                            "the numpy op {op}".format(
                                dtype=getattr(obj, 'dtype', None),
        return result

    # complex 

Example 3

def __array_wrap__(self, result, context=None):
        Gets called after a ufunc. Needs additional handling as
        PeriodIndex stores internal data as int dtype

        Replace this to __numpy_ufunc__ in future version
        if isinstance(context, tuple) and len(context) > 0:
            func = context[0]
            if (func is np.add):
                return self._add_delta(context[1][1])
            elif (func is np.subtract):
                return self._add_delta(-context[1][1])
            elif isinstance(func, np.ufunc):
                if 'M->M' not in func.types:
                    msg = "ufunc '{0}' not supported for the PeriodIndex"
                    # This should be TypeError, but TypeError cannot be raised
                    # from here because numpy catches.
                    raise ValueError(msg.format(func.__name__))

        if com.is_bool_dtype(result):
            return result
        return PeriodIndex(result, freq=self.freq, 

Example 4

def __init__(self, scalar_op, inplace_pattern=None, name=None,
                 nfunc_spec=None, openmp=None):
        if inplace_pattern is None:
            inplace_pattern = {} = name
        self.scalar_op = scalar_op
        self.inplace_pattern = inplace_pattern
        self.destroy_map = dict((o, [i]) for o, i in inplace_pattern.items())

        self.ufunc = None
        self.nfunc = None
        if nfunc_spec is None:
            nfunc_spec = getattr(scalar_op, 'nfunc_spec', None)
        self.nfunc_spec = nfunc_spec
        if nfunc_spec:
            self.nfunc = getattr(numpy, nfunc_spec[0])

        # precompute the hash of this node
        super(Elemwise, self).__init__(openmp=openmp) 

Example 5

def set_ufunc(self, scalar_op):
        # This is probably a speed up of the implementation
        if isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Add):
            self.ufunc = numpy.add
        elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Mul):
            self.ufunc = numpy.multiply
        elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Maximum):
            self.ufunc = numpy.maximum
        elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.Minimum):
            self.ufunc = numpy.minimum
        elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.AND):
            self.ufunc = numpy.bitwise_and
        elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.OR):
            self.ufunc = numpy.bitwise_or
        elif isinstance(scalar_op, theano.scalar.basic.XOR):
            self.ufunc = numpy.bitwise_xor
            self.ufunc = numpy.frompyfunc(scalar_op.impl, 2, 1) 

Example 6

def _check_binary_ufunc(ufunc):
    """ Check that ufunc is suitable for ``ireduce_ufunc`` """
    if not isinstance(ufunc, np.ufunc):
        raise TypeError('{} is not a NumPy Ufunc'.format(ufunc.__name__))
    if not ufunc.nin == 2:
        raise ValueError('Only binary ufuncs are supported, and {} is \
                          not one of them'.format(ufunc.__name__))
    # Ufuncs that always return bool are problematic because they can be reduced
    # but not be accumulated.
    # Recall: numpy.dtype('?') == np.bool
    if all(type_signature[-1] == '?' for type_signature in ufunc.types):
        raise ValueError('Only binary ufuncs that preserve type are supported, \
                          and {} is not one of them'.format(ufunc.__name__)) 

Example 7

def _ireduce_ufunc_new_axis(arrays, ufunc, **kwargs):
    Reduction operation for arrays, in the direction of a new axis (i.e. stacking).
    arrays : iterable
        Arrays to be reduced.
    ufunc : numpy.ufunc
        Binary universal function. Must have a signature of the form ufunc(x1, x2, ...)
        Keyword arguments are passed to ``ufunc``.
    reduced : ndarray
    arrays = iter(arrays)
    first = next(arrays)

    dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', None)
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = first.dtype
        kwargs['casting'] = 'unsafe'

    # If the out parameter was already given
    # we create the accumulator from it
    # Otherwise, it is a copy of the first array
    accumulator = kwargs.pop('out', None)
    if accumulator is not None:
        accumulator[:] = first
        accumulator = np.array(first, copy = True).astype(dtype)
    yield accumulator
    for array in arrays:
        ufunc(accumulator, array, out = accumulator, **kwargs)
        yield accumulator 

Example 8

def _ireduce_ufunc_all_axes(arrays, ufunc, **kwargs):
    Reduction operation for arrays, over all axes.
    arrays : iterable
        Arrays to be reduced.
    ufunc : numpy.ufunc
        Binary universal function. Must have a signature of the form ufunc(x1, x2, ...)
        Keyword arguments are passed to ``ufunc``. The ``out`` parameter is ignored.

    reduced : scalar
    arrays = iter(arrays)
    first = next(arrays)

    kwargs['axis'] = None
    kwargs.pop('out', None)         # Remove the out-parameter if provided.
    axis_reduce = partial(ufunc.reduce, **kwargs)

    accumulator = axis_reduce(first)
    yield accumulator
    for array in arrays:
        accumulator = axis_reduce([accumulator, axis_reduce(array)])
        yield accumulator 

Example 9

def _validate_method(method, dy, fit_bias, nterms,
                     frequency, assume_regular_frequency):
    fast_method_ok = hasattr(np.ufunc, 'at')
    if not fast_method_ok:
        warnings.warn("Fast Lomb-Scargle methods require numpy version 1.8 "
                      "or newer. Using slower methods instead.")

    # automatically choose the appropiate method
    if method == 'auto':
        if nterms != 1:
            if (fast_method_ok and len(frequency) > 100
                    and _is_regular(frequency, assume_regular_frequency)):
                method = 'fastchi2'
                method = 'chi2'
        elif (fast_method_ok and len(frequency) > 100
              and _is_regular(frequency, assume_regular_frequency)):
            method = 'fast'
        elif dy is None and not fit_bias:
            method = 'scipy'
            method = 'slow'

    if method not in METHODS:
        raise ValueError("invalid method: {0}".format(method))

    return method 

Example 10

def _build_ufunc(func):
    """Return a ufunc that works with lazy arrays"""
    def larray_compatible_ufunc(x):
        if isinstance(x, larray):
            y = deepcopy(x)
            return y
            return func(x)
    return larray_compatible_ufunc 

Example 11

def __array_wrap__(self, result, context=None):
        Gets called after a ufunc
        return self._constructor(result, index=self.index,

Example 12

def apply(self, func, axis=0, broadcast=False, reduce=False):
        Analogous to DataFrame.apply, for SparseDataFrame

        func : function
            Function to apply to each column
        axis : {0, 1, 'index', 'columns'}
        broadcast : bool, default False
            For aggregation functions, return object of same size with values

        applied : Series or SparseDataFrame
        if not len(self.columns):
            return self
        axis = self._get_axis_number(axis)

        if isinstance(func, np.ufunc):
            new_series = {}
            for k, v in compat.iteritems(self):
                applied = func(v)
                applied.fill_value = func(applied.fill_value)
                new_series[k] = applied
            return self._constructor(
                new_series, index=self.index, columns=self.columns,
            if not broadcast:
                return self._apply_standard(func, axis, reduce=reduce)
                return self._apply_broadcast(func, axis) 

Example 13

def __getstate__(self):
        d = copy(self.__dict__)
        d.pop('__epydoc_asRoutine', None)
        return d 

Example 14

def __setstate__(self, d):
        super(Elemwise, self).__setstate__(d)
        self.ufunc = None
        self.nfunc = None
        if getattr(self, 'nfunc_spec', None):
            self.nfunc = getattr(numpy, self.nfunc_spec[0])
        elif 0 < self.scalar_op.nin < 32:
            self.ufunc = numpy.frompyfunc(self.scalar_op.impl,

Example 15

def reduce_ufunc(*args, **kwargs):
    Streaming reduction generator function from a binary NumPy ufunc. Essentially the
    function equivalent to `ireduce_ufunc`.

    ``ufunc`` must be a NumPy binary Ufunc (i.e. it takes two arguments). Moreover,
    for performance reasons, ufunc must have the same return types as input types.
    This precludes the use of ``numpy.greater``, for example.

    Note that performance is much better for the default ``axis = -1``. In such a case,
    reduction operations can occur in-place. This also allows to operate in constant-memory.
    arrays : iterable
        Arrays to be reduced.
    ufunc : numpy.ufunc
        Binary universal function.
    axis : int or None, optional
        Reduction axis. Default is to reduce the arrays in the stream as if 
        they had been stacked along a new axis, then reduce along this new axis.
        If None, arrays are flattened before reduction. If `axis` is an int larger that
        the number of dimensions in the arrays of the stream, arrays are reduced
        along the new axis. Note that not all of NumPy Ufuncs support 
        ``axis = None``, e.g. ``numpy.subtract``.
    dtype : numpy.dtype or None, optional
        Overrides the dtype of the calculation and output arrays.
    ignore_nan : bool, optional
        If True and ufunc has an identity value (e.g. ``numpy.add.identity`` is 0), then NaNs
        are replaced with this identity. An error is raised if ``ufunc`` has no identity (e.g. ``numpy.maximum.identity`` is ``None``).
        Keyword arguments are passed to ``ufunc``. Note that some valid ufunc keyword arguments
        (e.g. ``keepdims``) are not valid for all streaming functions. Note that
        contrary to NumPy v. 1.10+, ``casting = 'unsafe`` is the default in npstreams.
    reduced : ndarray or scalar

    TypeError : if ``ufunc`` is not NumPy ufunc.
    ValueError : if ``ignore_nan`` is True but ``ufunc`` has no identity
    ValueError: if ``ufunc`` is not a binary ufunc
    ValueError: if ``ufunc`` does not have the same input type as output type
    return last(ireduce_ufunc(*args, **kwargs)) 

Example 16

def _ireduce_ufunc_existing_axis(arrays, ufunc, **kwargs):
    Reduction operation for arrays, in the direction of an existing axis.
    arrays : iterable
        Arrays to be reduced.
    ufunc : numpy.ufunc
        Binary universal function. Must have a signature of the form ufunc(x1, x2, ...)
        Keyword arguments are passed to ``ufunc``. The ``out`` parameter is ignored.

    reduced : ndarray
    arrays = iter(arrays)
    first = next(arrays)

    if kwargs['axis'] not in range(first.ndim):
        raise ValueError('Axis {} not supported on arrays of shape {}.'.format(kwargs['axis'], first.shape))
    # Remove the out-parameter if provided.
    kwargs.pop('out', None)
    dtype = kwargs.get('dtype')
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = first.dtype
    axis_reduce = partial(ufunc.reduce, **kwargs)

    accumulator = np.atleast_1d(axis_reduce(first))
    yield accumulator

    # On the first pass of the following loop, accumulator is missing a dimensions
    # therefore, the stacking function cannot be 'concatenate'
    second = next(arrays)
    accumulator = np.stack([accumulator, np.atleast_1d(axis_reduce(second))], axis = -1)
    yield accumulator

    # On the second pass, the new dimensions exists, and thus we switch to
    # using concatenate.
    for array in arrays:
        reduced = np.expand_dims(np.atleast_1d(axis_reduce(array)), axis = accumulator.ndim - 1)
        accumulator = np.concatenate([accumulator, reduced], axis = accumulator.ndim - 1)
        yield accumulator 

Example 17

def compute_group(cls, data, scales, **params):
        fun = params['fun']
        n = params['n']
        args = params['args']
        xlim = params['xlim']

            range_x = xlim or scales.x.dimension((0, 0))
        except AttributeError:
            raise PlotnineError(
                "Missing 'x' aesthetic and 'xlim' is {}".format(xlim))

        if not hasattr(fun, '__call__'):
            raise PlotnineError(
                "stat_function requires parameter 'fun' to be " +
                "a function or any other callable object")

        old_fun = fun
        if isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
            def fun(x):
                return old_fun(x, *args)
        elif isinstance(args, dict):
            def fun(x):
                return old_fun(x, **args)
        elif args is not None:
            def fun(x):
                return old_fun(x, args)
            def fun(x):
                return old_fun(x)

        x = np.linspace(range_x[0], range_x[1], n)

        # continuous scale
        with suppress(AttributeError):
            x = scales.x.trans.inverse(x)

        # We know these can handle array-likes
        if isinstance(old_fun, (np.ufunc, np.vectorize)):
            y = fun(x)
            y = [fun(val) for val in x]

        new_data = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y})
        return new_data 

Example 18

def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
        # Postpone the ufunc building to the last minutes
        # NumPy ufunc support only up to 31 inputs.
        # But our c code support more.
        if (len(node.inputs) < 32 and
                (self.nfunc is None or
                 self.scalar_op.nin != len(node.inputs)) and
                self.ufunc is None and
                impl == 'py'):

            ufunc = numpy.frompyfunc(self.scalar_op.impl,
            if self.scalar_op.nin > 0:
                # We can reuse it for many nodes
                self.ufunc = ufunc
                node.tag.ufunc = ufunc

        # Numpy ufuncs will sometimes perform operations in
        # float16, in particular when the input is int8.
        # This is not something that we want, and we do not
        # do it in the C code, so we specify that the computation
        # should be carried out in the returned dtype.
        # This is done via the "sig" kwarg of the ufunc, its value
        # should be something like "ff->f", where the characters
        # represent the dtype of the inputs and outputs.

        # NumPy 1.10.1 raise an error when giving the signature
        # when the input is complex. So add it only when inputs is int.
        out_dtype = node.outputs[0].dtype
        if (out_dtype in float_dtypes and
                isinstance(self.nfunc, numpy.ufunc) and
                node.inputs[0].dtype in discrete_dtypes):
            char = numpy.sctype2char(out_dtype)
            sig = char * node.nin + '->' + char * node.nout
            node.tag.sig = sig
        node.tag.fake_node = Apply(
             for input in node.inputs],
             for output in node.outputs])

        self.scalar_op.prepare_node(node.tag.fake_node, None, None, impl) 

Example 19

def perform(self, node, inp, out):
        input, = inp
        output, = out
        axis = self.axis
        if axis is None:
            axis = list(range(input.ndim))
        variable = input
        to_reduce = reversed(sorted(axis))

        if hasattr(self, 'acc_dtype') and self.acc_dtype is not None:
            acc_dtype = self.acc_dtype
            acc_dtype = node.outputs[0].type.dtype

        if to_reduce:
            for dimension in to_reduce:
                # If it's a zero-size array, use scalar_op.identity
                # if available
                if variable.shape[dimension] == 0:
                    if hasattr(self.scalar_op, 'identity'):
                        # Compute the shape of the output
                        v_shape = list(variable.shape)
                        del v_shape[dimension]
                        variable = numpy.empty(tuple(v_shape),
                        raise ValueError((
                            "Input (%s) has zero-size on axis %s, but "
                            "self.scalar_op (%s) has no attribute 'identity'"
                            % (variable, dimension, self.scalar_op)))
                    # Numpy 1.6 has a bug where you sometimes have to specify
                    # "dtype='object'" in reduce for it to work, if the ufunc
                    # was built with "frompyfunc". We need to find out if we
                    # are in one of these cases (only "object" is supported in
                    # the output).
                    if ((self.ufunc.ntypes == 1) and
                            (self.ufunc.types[0][-1] == 'O')):
                        variable = self.ufunc.reduce(variable, dimension,
                        variable = self.ufunc.reduce(variable, dimension,

            variable = numpy.asarray(variable)
            if numpy.may_share_memory(variable, input):
                # perhaps numpy is clever for reductions of size 1?
                # We don't want this.
                variable = variable.copy()
            output[0] = theano._asarray(variable,
            # Force a copy
            output[0] = numpy.array(variable, copy=True,