软件质量因素 6个_影响软件质量管理的主要因素

软件质量因素 6个

The different elements, which impact the product, are named as software factors. They can be extensively partitioned into two software quality management process. The principal class of the elements is of those that can be estimated specifically, for example, the number of logical errors, and the second classification clubs those elements which can be estimated just in a roundabout way. 

影响产品的不同元素称为软件因素。 它们可以广泛地分为两个软件质量管理过程 。 元素的主要类别是可以具体估计的那些元素,例如逻辑错误的数量,第二分类将那些可以仅以a回方式估计的元素组合在一起。

For instance, viability yet each of the variables are to be estimated to check for the content and the quality control.


Be it a software product or whatever else, quality means estimating the value. The region of quality management software is complicated and in a previous couple of years, it has enhanced essentially.

无论是软件产品还是其他产品,质量都意味着价值的估算。 质量管理软件的领域非常复杂,并且在最近几年中,它得到了实质性的增强。

The fundamental explanation behind this is organizations have begun utilizing most recent technologies, for example, object-oriented development, tools and so on in their quality management system software development procedure.


While building up any sort of software product, the principal thing an engineer should believe is about the factors that decent software should have.


Before diving deep into the specialized side, check whether the software product can meet every one of the prerequisites of the end-client. The activities that go under total quality management in software development process incorporate QA, QC and quality planning.

在深入研究专业方面之前,请检查软件产品是否可以满足最终客户的每一项先决条件。 软件开发过程中进行全面质量管理的活动包括质量保证,质量控制和质量计划。

Similarly, as to how essential is development plans, software quality management process also lists quality objectives, timeline, and resources for ensuring that all benchmarks are met.


以下是影响软件质量管理过程的主要因素列表: (Here is the list of top factors that influence software quality management process:)

可访问性和可用性: (Accessibility and Usability:)

UIs are the main obvious parts of software testing and quality management as indicated by the perspective of the client. Thus, simplicity setting aside less time to finish a software project management quality assurance, quick learnability and so on is imperative for this situation. 

用户界面是客户测试所表明的软件测试和质量管理的主要部分。 因此,在这种情况下,必须节省时间简化软件项目管理的质量保证 ,快速学习等。

The most surely understood rule for this property is Keep It Simple Stupid. Simple is dependably the best. Usable software should also support distinctive accessibility controls for individuals with inabilities.

此属性最确定的规则是“保持简单愚蠢”。 简单是最好的选择。 可用软件还应该支持针对弱能人士的独特的可访问性控件。

适应性和可扩展性: (Adaptability and Extensibility:)

Adaptability is the capacity of software quality management in software development to include/change/ evacuate functionality without harming the current system. Extensibility is the capacity of software development quality management to include functionality without harming the system, so it might be thought of as a subset of adaptability. 

适应性是软件开发中软件质量管理在不损害当前系统的情况下包括/更改/撤离功能的能力。 可扩展性是   软件开发质量管理   在不损害系统的情况下包含功能,因此可以将其视为适应性的子集。

Those functionality changes may happen according to evolving prerequisites or a commitment if improvement process is one of the iterative techniques. Change is inescapable in software quality management plan thus this is a standout amongst the most critical properties of quality software project management.

如果改进过程是迭代技术之一,则这些功能更改可能会根据不断发展的先决条件或承诺而发生。 软件质量管理计划中的变化是不可避免的   因此,这是高质量软件项目管理的最关键属性之一。

正确性和功能性: (Correctness and Functionality:)

Functionality or correctness is the congruity of the software for quality management systems with real necessities and specifications. In fact, this is the precondition property of an application, and perhaps not quality management software systems but rather we needed to point that as the last quality factor, for taking consideration: software process quality management and control are not important when we are discussing unfunctional software. 

功能或正确性是指用于质量管理系统的软件的一致性   具有真正的必需品和规格。 实际上,这是应用程序的先决条件,也许不是质量管理软件系统的先决条件,但我们需要指出,这是考虑到的最后一个质量因素:在讨论不起作用时,软件过程质量的管理和控制并不重要。软件。

To begin with, perform desired functionality and deliver correct software, then at that point apply software quality management process on it. In a case that you can perform both parallelly, it is best.

首先,执行所需的功能并交付正确的软件,然后在其上应用软件质量管理过程 。 在可以并行 执行这两个的情况下,它是最好的。

可读性和可维护性: (Readability and Maintainability:)

Maintainability is somewhat comparable with adaptability yet it concentrates on alterations about error corrections and minor capacity changes, not major functional extensibilities. It can be supported with helpful interface definitions, documentation and furthermore self-recording code as well as code documentation. The more correct and helpful documentation that exists, the greater maintainability can be performed.

可维护性在某种程度上可与适应性相提并论,但它专注于有关纠错和较小容量更改的变更,而不是主要功能的可扩展性。 它可以通过有用的界面定义,文档和自记录代码以及代码文档得到支持。 存在的文档越正确,越有用,可以执行的维护性就越高。

可测性 (Testability:)

Testability prerequisites manage the testing of the product framework and also with its operation. It incorporates predefined intermediate results, and furthermore the automatic diagnostics performed by the quality system management software preceding beginning the framework, to see if all segments of the framework are in working order and to acquire a report about the identified deficiencies. Another sort of these necessities manages automatic diagnostic checks connected by the maintenance technicians to find the reasons for software failures.

可测试性先决条件管理产品框架及其操作的测试。 它合并了预定义的中间结果,此外还结合了在开始构建框架之前由质量系统管理软件执行的自动诊断,以查看框架的所有部分是否都处于正常工作状态并获取有关已识别缺陷的报告。 这些必需品的另一种类型是管理由维护技术人员连接的自动诊断检查,以查找软件故障的原因。

可移植性: (Portability:)

Portability prerequisites watch out for the adjustment of a software product framework to different situations comprising of various equipment, diverse OS, et cetera. The product should be conceivable to keep utilizing similar essential software in various circumstances.

可移植性的先决条件是要注意将软件产品框架调整为适应各种情况的情况,这些情况包括各种设备,不同的OS等。 可以想象该产品可以在各种情况下继续使用类似的基本软件。

互操作性: (Interoperability:)

Interoperability necessities concentrate on making interfaces with other software frameworks or with other gear firmware. For instance, the firmware of the generation hardware and testing gear interfaces with the production control software.

互操作性的必要性集中在与其他软件框架或与其他齿轮固件的接口上。 例如,生成硬件和测试设备的固件与生产控制软件接口。

安全: (Security:)

Security is an imperative issue with total quality management software improvement, particularly for web or mobile based ones which may have a large number of clients with the capacity of remote getting to the framework. 


You should develop a security strategy and apply it effectively by leaving no entry points. This may incorporate approval and validation systems, arrange assault insurances, information encryption et cetera. Every conceivable kind of security break should be viewed as otherwise one day only one attack may crash your entire application as well as the entire organization.

您应该制定安全策略并通过不留任何切入点来有效地应用它。 这可能包括批准和确认系统,安排突击保险,信息加密等。 应将每种可能的安全破坏视为一种情况,否则有一天只有一次攻击可能会使您的整个应用程序以及整个组织崩溃。

Thus, an enhanced knowledge of the above-given quality management in software industry variables will help you in controlling and enhancing the whole quality planning in software project management procedure.


翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/32355/Top-Factors-that-influence-Software-Quality-Management.html

软件质量因素 6个

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/cunchi8090/article/details/107521029