Word VBA(批量复制Excel表格和Word表格到Word中)

Function Test()  ‘使用双字典


    SearchPath = FolderDialog(“请选择文件夹”)

    If SearchPath = “” Then

        Exit Function

    End If

    WordName = SplitPath(CStr(SearchPath), 1)



    Dim sFile As Object, fso As Object

    Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)


    Set logFile = fso.CreateTextFile(SearchPath & WordName & “日志.txt”, True)


    Dim MyWord As Word.Application

    Set MyWord = New Word.Application


    MyWord.Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    MyWord.Application.Visible = True

    MyWord.Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone


    Set myDoc = MyWord.Documents.Add

    With MyWord.ActiveDocument.PageSetup

        .Orientation = wdOrientLandscape ‘纸张方向横向

    End With




    Dim CGType() As String ‘动态数组

    ReDim Preserve CGType(7)

    CGType(0) = “控制点”

    CGType(1) = “界址点”

    CGType(2) = “界址边长”

    CGType(3) = “房角点”

    CGType(4) = “房屋边长”

    CGType(5) = “房屋面积”

    CGType(6) = “巡查”



    Dim ExcelApp As Object

    If Tasks.Exists(“Microsoft Excel”) = True Then Tasks(“Microsoft Excel”).Close

    Set ExcelApp = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)

    Dim wkBook As Object   ‘代表excelworkbook(也就是excel工作簿文件 .xls  .xlsx)

    Dim wkSheet As Object  ‘代表excel的工作页

    ExcelApp.Application.EnableEvents = False ‘禁止宏等提示的运行

    ExcelApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    ExcelApp.Application.CutCopyMode = False



    Dim DicList, FileList, CunDic, I, FileName(), FilePath()

    Dim excelPath As String

    Set DicList = CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)

    Set FileList = CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)


    DicList.Add SearchPath, “”  ‘初始化目录


    ‘**************遍历一级目录 获取路径和村名*******************


    Do While I < DicList.Count

        Key = DicList.keys ‘本次要遍历的目录

        NowDic = Dir(Key(I), vbDirectory) ‘开始查找

        Do While NowDic <> “”

            If (NowDic <> “.”) And (NowDic <> “..”) Then

                If (GetAttr(Key(I) & NowDic) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then ‘找到子目录,则添加

                    If Not DicList.Exists(Key(I) & NowDic & “\”) Then

                        DicList.Add Key(I) & NowDic & “\”, NowDic

                    End If

                End If

            End If

            NowDic = Dir() ‘再找


        Exit Do







    Set CunDic = CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)

    k = DicList.keys

    v = DicList.Items

    For I = 0 To DicList.Count – 1

        If Not v(I) = “” Then

            CunMin = v(I)

            ‘加入村名 放在文件字典里

            If Not FileList.Exists(CunMin) Then

                FileList.Add CunMin, “”

            End If




            CunDic.Add k(I), “”

            J = 0

            Do While J < CunDic.Count

                Key = CunDic.keys ‘本次要遍历的目录

                NowDic = Dir(Key(J), vbDirectory)

                Do While NowDic <> “”

                    If (NowDic <> “.”) And (NowDic <> “..”) Then

                        If (GetAttr(Key(J) & NowDic) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then ‘找到子目录,则添加

                            If Not CunDic.Exists(Key(J) & NowDic & “\”) Then

                                CunDic.Add Key(J) & NowDic & “\”, “”

                            End If

                        End If

                    End If

                    NowDic = Dir() ‘再找


                J = J + 1






            For Each Key In CunDic.keys ‘查找所有目录中的控制点文件


                For m = 0 To UBound(CGType) – 1

                    If m <= UBound(CGType) – 2 Then

                        NowFile = Dir(Key & “*” & CGType(m) & “*.xls”)


                        NowFile = Dir(Key & “*” & CGType(m) & “*.docx”)

                    End If

                    Do While NowFile <> “”

                        If Not FileList.Exists(CunMin) Then

                            FileList.Add CunMin, Key & NowFile ‘FileList.Key=文件名,FileList.Item=目录


                            If FileList.Item(CunMin) = “” Then

                                FileList(CunMin) = Key & NowFile


                                FileList.Item(CunMin) = FileList.Item(CunMin) & “@” & Key & NowFile

                            End If

                        End If

                        NowFile = Dir()




        End If



    FileName() = FileList.keys

    FilePath() = FileList.Items



    For m = 0 To FileList.Count – 1

