The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.
Example 1
def _logcdf(self, samples): lower = np.full(2, -np.inf) upper = norm.ppf(samples) limit_flags = np.zeros(2) if upper.shape[0] > 0: def func1d(upper1d): ''' Calculates the multivariate normal cumulative distribution function of a single sample. ''' return mvn.mvndst(lower, upper1d, limit_flags, self.theta)[1] vals = np.apply_along_axis(func1d, -1, upper) else: vals = np.empty((0, )) old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore') vals = np.log(vals) np.seterr(**old_settings) vals[np.any(samples == 0.0, axis=1)] = -np.inf vals[samples[:, 0] == 1.0] = np.log(samples[samples[:, 0] == 1.0, 1]) vals[samples[:, 1] == 1.0] = np.log(samples[samples[:, 1] == 1.0, 0]) return vals
Example 2
def _nanmedian(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False): """ Private function that doesn't support extended axis or keepdims. These methods are extended to this function using _ureduce See nanmedian for parameter usage """ if axis is None or a.ndim == 1: part = a.ravel() if out is None: return _nanmedian1d(part, overwrite_input) else: out[...] = _nanmedian1d(part, overwrite_input) return out else: # for small medians use sort + indexing which is still faster than # apply_along_axis if a.shape[axis] < 400: return _nanmedian_small(a, axis, out, overwrite_input) result = np.apply_along_axis(_nanmedian1d, axis, a, overwrite_input) if out is not None: out[...] = result return result
Example 3
def _nanpercentile(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, interpolation='linear', keepdims=False): """ Private function that doesn't support extended axis or keepdims. These methods are extended to this function using _ureduce See nanpercentile for parameter usage """ if axis is None: part = a.ravel() result = _nanpercentile1d(part, q, overwrite_input, interpolation) else: result = np.apply_along_axis(_nanpercentile1d, axis, a, q, overwrite_input, interpolation) # apply_along_axis fills in collapsed axis with results. # Move that axis to the beginning to match percentile's # convention. if q.ndim != 0: result = np.rollaxis(result, axis) if out is not None: out[...] = result return result
Example 4
def _fix_alpha_channel(self): # This is a fix for a bug where the Alpha channel was dropped. colors3to4 = [(c[:3], c[3]) for c in self.names.keys()] colors3to4 = dict(colors3to4) assert(len(colors3to4) == len(self.names)) # Dropped alpha channel causes colors to collide :( for lbl in self.labels: if lbl is None: continue # No label file created yet. img = size = img.size img = np.array(img) if img.shape[2] == 4: continue # Image has alpha channel, good. elif img.shape[2] == 3: # Lookup each (partial) color and find what its alpha should be. alpha = np.apply_along_axis(lambda c: colors3to4[tuple(c)], 2, img) data = np.dstack([img, np.array(alpha, dtype=np.uint8)]) new_img = Image.frombuffer("RGBA", size, data, "raw", "RGBA", 0, 1) print("FIXED", lbl)
Example 5
def plot_cost_to_go_mountain_car(env, estimator, num_tiles=20): x = np.linspace(env.observation_space.low[0], env.observation_space.high[0], num=num_tiles) y = np.linspace(env.observation_space.low[1], env.observation_space.high[1], num=num_tiles) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = np.apply_along_axis(lambda _: -np.max(estimator.predict(_)), 2, np.dstack([X, Y])) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1,, vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0) ax.set_xlabel('Position') ax.set_ylabel('Velocity') ax.set_zlabel('Value') ax.set_title("Mountain \"Cost To Go\" Function") fig.colorbar(surf)
Example 6
def boundary_tree_to_image(boundary_tree, size, image_mesh): arr = array('B') np.apply_along_axis(lambda c: arr.extend(boundary_tree.query(c)), 1, image_mesh) return Image.frombytes("RGB", size, arr)
Example 7
def __query_by_committee(self, clf, X_unlabeled): num_classes = len(clf[0].classes_) C = len(clf) preds = [] if self.strategy == 'vote_entropy': for model in clf: y_out = map(int, model.predict(X_unlabeled)) preds.append(np.eye(num_classes)[y_out]) votes = np.apply_along_axis(np.sum, 0, np.stack(preds)) / C return np.apply_along_axis(entropy, 1, votes) elif self.strategy == 'average_kl_divergence': for model in clf: preds.append(model.predict_proba(X_unlabeled)) consensus = np.mean(np.stack(preds), axis=0) divergence = [] for y_out in preds: divergence.append(entropy(consensus.T, y_out.T)) return np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, np.stack(divergence))
Example 8
def estimate_1hot_cost(X, is_categorical): """ Calculate the "memory expansion" after applying one-hot encoding. :param X: array-like The input data array :param is_categorical: boolean array-like Array of vector form that indicates whether each features of X is categorical :return: int Calculated memory size in byte scale (expansion) """ n_columns = 0 count_labels_v = lambda v: np.sum(np.isfinite(np.unique(v))) - 1 n_labels = np.apply_along_axis(count_labels_v, 0, X) n_columns += np.sum(n_labels[is_categorical]) estimated_memory = n_columns * X.shape[0] * X.dtype.itemsize return estimated_memory
Example 9
def load_dataset(): if(not os.path.exists("./dataset/training.csv")): print("dataset does not exist") raise Exception #load dataset labeled_image = pd.read_csv("./dataset/training.csv") #preprocessing dataframe image = np.array(labeled_image["Image"].values).reshape(-1,1) image = np.apply_along_axis(lambda img: (img[0].split()),1,image) image = image.astype(np.int32) #because train_img elements are string before preprocessing image = image.reshape(-1,96*96) # data 96 * 96 size image label = labeled_image.values[:,:-1] label = label.astype(np.float32) #nan value to mean value col_mean = np.nanmean(label, axis=0) indices = np.where(np.isnan(label)) label[indices] = np.take(col_mean, indices[1]) return image, label
Example 10
def get_his_std_qi( data_pixel_qi, max_cts=None): ''' YG. Dev 16, 2016 Calculate the photon histogram for one q by giving Parameters: data_pixel_qi: one-D array, for the photon counts max_cts: for bin max, bin will be [0,1,2,..., max_cts] Return: bins his std ''' if max_cts is None: max_cts = np.max( data_pixel_qi ) +1 bins = np.arange(max_cts) dqn, dqm = data_pixel_qi.shape #get histogram here H = np.apply_along_axis(np.bincount, 1, np.int_(data_pixel_qi), minlength= max_cts )/dqm #do average for different frame his = np.average( H, axis=0) std = np.std( H, axis=0 ) #cal average photon counts kmean= np.average(data_pixel_qi ) return bins, his, std, kmean
Example 11
def _nanmedian(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False): """ Private function that doesn't support extended axis or keepdims. These methods are extended to this function using _ureduce See nanmedian for parameter usage """ if axis is None or a.ndim == 1: part = a.ravel() if out is None: return _nanmedian1d(part, overwrite_input) else: out[...] = _nanmedian1d(part, overwrite_input) return out else: # for small medians use sort + indexing which is still faster than # apply_along_axis if a.shape[axis] < 400: return _nanmedian_small(a, axis, out, overwrite_input) result = np.apply_along_axis(_nanmedian1d, axis, a, overwrite_input) if out is not None: out[...] = result return result
Example 12
def _nanpercentile(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, interpolation='linear', keepdims=False): """ Private function that doesn't support extended axis or keepdims. These methods are extended to this function using _ureduce See nanpercentile for parameter usage """ if axis is None: part = a.ravel() result = _nanpercentile1d(part, q, overwrite_input, interpolation) else: result = np.apply_along_axis(_nanpercentile1d, axis, a, q, overwrite_input, interpolation) # apply_along_axis fills in collapsed axis with results. # Move that axis to the beginning to match percentile's # convention. if q.ndim != 0: result = np.rollaxis(result, axis) if out is not None: out[...] = result return result
Example 13
def punion(probs, axis=None): """Find the unions of given list of probabilities assuming indepdendence. Args: probs: Matrix-like probabilities to union. axis: Axis along which union will be performed. Returns: Matrix of probability unions. """ def punion1d(probs): """Union for 1d array. """ finalp = 0.0 for p in probs: finalp += p*(1.0-finalp) return finalp probs = np.asarray(probs) if axis is None: return punion1d(probs.reshape((-1,))) else: return np.apply_along_axis(func1d=punion1d, axis=axis, arr=probs)
Example 14
def addFamily(X): # Family size: index 8 newCol = np.array(X[:, 1] + X[:, 2], np.newaxis) newCol = newCol.reshape((len(newCol), 1)) X = np.hstack( (X,newCol) ) # Family category: index 9 def determineFamilyCat(row): # print('row shape = {}, cont = {}'.format(row.shape, row)) if row[8] == 1: return 0 # singles elif 2<=row[8]<=4: return 1 # normal size else: return 2 # large size newCol = np.apply_along_axis(determineFamilyCat, 1, X) newCol = newCol.reshape((len(newCol), 1)) X = np.hstack((X,newCol)) return X # Not used
Example 15
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = min(self.width // 2, self.height // 2, 15) #self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) #self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 #self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) #self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) #self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 16
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = min(self.width // 2, self.height // 2, 15) #self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) #self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 #self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) #self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) #self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 17
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = min(self.width // 2, self.height // 2, 15) #self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) #self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 #self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) #self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) #self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 18
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = self.width // 2 self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 19
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = self.width // 2 self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 20
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = min(self.width // 2, self.height // 2, 15) #self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) #self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 #self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) #self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) #self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 21
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = self.width // 2 self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 22
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = self.width // 2 self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 23
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = self.width // 2 self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 24
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = self.width // 2 self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 25
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = self.width // 2 self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 26
def update_recover_maps(self): max_distance = self.width // 2 self.recover_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) self.recover_map[0] = np.divide(self.strength_map, self.production_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map = np.zeros((max_distance + 1, self.width, self.height)) #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) new_str_map = np.copy(self.strength_map) new_str_map[new_str_map == 0] = 2 #self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, self.strength_map_01) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.prod_over_str_map[0] = np.divide(self.production_map, new_str_map) * (self.is_neutral_map - self.combat_zone_map) self.recover_map[0] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[0], 0.01) for distance in range(1, max_distance + 1): self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = spread_n(self.prod_over_str_map[distance - 1], 1) self.prod_over_str_map[distance][self.prod_over_str_map[distance-1] == 0] = 0 self.prod_over_str_map[distance] = self.prod_over_str_map[distance] / 5 self.recover_map[distance] = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_map[distance], 0.01) self.prod_over_str_max_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_max_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_max_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_avg_map = np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0, self.prod_over_str_map) self.recover_avg_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_avg_map, 0.01) self.prod_over_str_wtd_map = (self.prod_over_str_max_map + self.prod_over_str_avg_map) / 2 self.recover_wtd_map = 1 / np.maximum(self.prod_over_str_wtd_map, 0.01)
Example 27
def match_matrix(event: Event): """Returns a numpy participation matrix for the qualification matches in this event, used for calculating OPR. Each row in the matrix corresponds to a single alliance in a match, meaning that there will be two rows (one for red, one for blue) per match. Each column represents a single team, ordered by team number. If a team participated on a certain alliance, the value at that row and column would be 1, otherwise, it would be 0. For example, an event with teams 1-7 that featured a match that pitted teams 1, 3, and 5 against 2, 4, and 6 would have a match matrix that looks like this (sans labels): #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 qm1_red 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 qm1_blue 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 """ match_list = [] for match in filter(lambda match: match['comp_level'] == 'qm', event.matches): matchRow = [] for team in event.teams: matchRow.append(1 if team['key'] in match['alliances']['red']['teams'] else 0) match_list.append(matchRow) matchRow = [] for team in event.teams: matchRow.append(1 if team['key'] in match['alliances']['blue']['teams'] else 0) match_list.append(matchRow) mat = numpy.array(match_list) sum_matches = numpy.sum(mat, axis=0) avg_team_matches = sum(sum_matches) / float(len(sum_matches)) return mat[:, numpy.apply_along_axis(numpy.count_nonzero, 0, mat) > avg_team_matches - 2]
Example 28
def cluster_words(words, service_name, size): stopwords = ["GET", "POST", "total", "http-requests", service_name, "-", "_"] cleaned_words = [] for word in words: for stopword in stopwords: word = word.replace(stopword, "") cleaned_words.append(word) def distance(coord): i, j = coord return 1 - jaro_distance(cleaned_words[i], cleaned_words[j]) indices = np.triu_indices(len(words), 1) distances = np.apply_along_axis(distance, 0, indices) return cluster_of_size(linkage(distances), size)
Example 29
def permute_rows(seed, array): """ Shuffle each row in ``array`` based on permutations generated by ``seed``. Parameters ---------- seed : int Seed for numpy.RandomState array : np.ndarray[ndim=2] Array over which to apply permutations. """ rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) return np.apply_along_axis(rand.permutation, 1, array)
Example 30
def __detect_now(self,spike_waveforms,selectChan,current_page): if selectChan+"_"+str(current_page) in self.windowsState: use_shape0 = self.__pk0_roi0_pos(selectChan,current_page) spk_in_line = np.apply_along_axis(self.__in_select_line,1,spike_waveforms,use_shape0[0],use_shape0[1]) use_shape1 = self.__pk0_roi1_pos(selectChan,current_page) spk_in_line1 = np.apply_along_axis(self.__in_select_line,1,spike_waveforms,use_shape1[0],use_shape1[1]) detected_mask = spk_in_line & spk_in_line1 else: detected_mask = np.ones(spike_waveforms.shape[0],dtype=bool) return detected_mask # check whether a spike's waveform is intersect with segment widget
Example 31
def __in_select_line(self,temp_spike,pos_1,pos_2): pos_3y = temp_spike[:-1] pos_3x = np.ones(pos_3y.shape,dtype=np.int32)*np.arange(pos_3y.shape[0]) pos_4y = temp_spike[1:] pos_4x = np.ones(pos_3y.shape,dtype=np.int32)*np.arange(1,pos_3y.shape[0]+1) pos_3_4 = np.vstack([ pos_3x,pos_3y,pos_4x,pos_4y]).T is_insect = np.apply_along_axis(self.__intersect,1,pos_3_4,pos_1,pos_2) return np.any(is_insect)
Example 32
def __indexs_select_pk0(self,pk0_roi0_h0,pk0_roi0_h1,pk0_roi1_h0,pk0_roi1_h1): # get indexs of selected waveforms in pk0 spk_in_line = np.apply_along_axis(self.__in_select_line,1,self.waveforms_pk0,pk0_roi0_h0,pk0_roi0_h1) changed_index = np.where(spk_in_line==True)[0] changed_index = np.array(changed_index,dtype=np.int32) spk_in_line1 = np.apply_along_axis(self.__in_select_line,1,self.waveforms_pk0,pk0_roi1_h0,pk0_roi1_h1) changed_index1 = np.where(spk_in_line1==True)[0] changed_index1 = np.array(changed_index1,dtype=np.int32) changed_index = np.intersect1d(changed_index, changed_index1) return changed_index + self.indexs_pk0[0]
Example 33
def __in_select_line(self,temp_spike,pos_1,pos_2): pos_3y = temp_spike[:-1] pos_3x = np.ones(pos_3y.shape,dtype=np.int32)*np.arange(pos_3y.shape[0]) pos_4y = temp_spike[1:] pos_4x = np.ones(pos_3y.shape,dtype=np.int32)*np.arange(1,pos_3y.shape[0]+1) pos_3_4 = np.vstack([ pos_3x,pos_3y,pos_4x,pos_4y]).T is_insect = np.apply_along_axis(self.__intersect,1,pos_3_4,pos_1,pos_2) return np.any(is_insect)
Example 34
def __indexs_select_pk2(self,pk2_roi_pos): x_min = pk2_roi_pos[:,0].min() x_max = pk2_roi_pos[:,0].max() y_min = pk2_roi_pos[:,1].min() y_max = pk2_roi_pos[:,1].max() pca_1,pca_2 = self.PCAusedList.currentText().split("-") pca_1 = pca_2 = x = np.logical_and(self.wavePCAs[:,pca_1]>x_min, \ self.wavePCAs[:,pca_1]<x_max) y = np.logical_and(self.wavePCAs[:,pca_2]>y_min, \ self.wavePCAs[:,pca_2]<y_max) ind_0 = np.logical_and(x, y) ind_0 = np.where(ind_0 == True)[0] ind_0 = np.array(ind_0,dtype=np.int32) if ind_0.shape[0]>0: segments = [] for i in range(pk2_roi_pos.shape[0]-1): segments.append([pk2_roi_pos[i],pk2_roi_pos[i+1]]) segments.append([pk2_roi_pos[-1],pk2_roi_pos[0]]) segments = np.array(segments) temp_pcas = self.wavePCAs[ind_0] temp_pcas = temp_pcas[:,[pca_1,pca_2]] is_intersect = np.apply_along_axis(self.__intersect_roi2,1,temp_pcas,segments,pca_1) return ind_0[is_intersect] else: return np.array([],dtype=np.int32)
Example 35
def __detect_now(self,spike_waveforms,selectChan,current_page): if selectChan+"_"+str(current_page) in self.windowsState: use_shape0 = self.__pk0_roi0_pos(selectChan,current_page) spk_in_line = np.apply_along_axis(self.__in_select_line,1,spike_waveforms,use_shape0[0],use_shape0[1]) use_shape1 = self.__pk0_roi1_pos(selectChan,current_page) spk_in_line1 = np.apply_along_axis(self.__in_select_line,1,spike_waveforms,use_shape1[0],use_shape1[1]) detected_mask = spk_in_line & spk_in_line1 else: detected_mask = np.ones(spike_waveforms.shape[0],dtype=bool) return detected_mask # check whether a spike's waveform is intersect with segment widget
Example 36
def __in_select_line(self,temp_spike,pos_1,pos_2): pos_3y = temp_spike[:-1] pos_3x = np.ones(pos_3y.shape,dtype=np.int32)*np.arange(pos_3y.shape[0]) pos_4y = temp_spike[1:] pos_4x = np.ones(pos_3y.shape,dtype=np.int32)*np.arange(1,pos_3y.shape[0]+1) pos_3_4 = np.vstack([ pos_3x,pos_3y,pos_4x,pos_4y]).T is_insect = np.apply_along_axis(self.__intersect,1,pos_3_4,pos_1,pos_2) return np.any(is_insect)
Example 37
def __indexs_select_pk0(self,pk0_roi0_h0,pk0_roi0_h1,pk0_roi1_h0,pk0_roi1_h1): # get indexs of selected waveforms in pk0 spk_in_line = np.apply_along_axis(self.__in_select_line,1,self.waveforms_pk0,pk0_roi0_h0,pk0_roi0_h1) changed_index = np.where(spk_in_line==True)[0] changed_index = np.array(changed_index,dtype=np.int32) spk_in_line1 = np.apply_along_axis(self.__in_select_line,1,self.waveforms_pk0,pk0_roi1_h0,pk0_roi1_h1) changed_index1 = np.where(spk_in_line1==True)[0] changed_index1 = np.array(changed_index1,dtype=np.int32) changed_index = np.intersect1d(changed_index, changed_index1) return changed_index + self.indexs_pk0[0]
Example 38
def __in_select_line(self,temp_spike,pos_1,pos_2): pos_3y = temp_spike[:-1] pos_3x = np.ones(pos_3y.shape,dtype=np.int32)*np.arange(pos_3y.shape[0]) pos_4y = temp_spike[1:] pos_4x = np.ones(pos_3y.shape,dtype=np.int32)*np.arange(1,pos_3y.shape[0]+1) pos_3_4 = np.vstack([ pos_3x,pos_3y,pos_4x,pos_4y]).T is_insect = np.apply_along_axis(self.__intersect,1,pos_3_4,pos_1,pos_2) return np.any(is_insect)
Example 39
def __indexs_select_pk2(self,pk2_roi_pos): x_min = pk2_roi_pos[:,0].min() x_max = pk2_roi_pos[:,0].max() y_min = pk2_roi_pos[:,1].min() y_max = pk2_roi_pos[:,1].max() pca_1,pca_2 = self.PCAusedList.currentText().split("-") pca_1 = pca_2 = x = np.logical_and(self.wavePCAs[:,pca_1]>x_min, \ self.wavePCAs[:,pca_1]<x_max) y = np.logical_and(self.wavePCAs[:,pca_2]>y_min, \ self.wavePCAs[:,pca_2]<y_max) ind_0 = np.logical_and(x, y) ind_0 = np.where(ind_0 == True)[0] ind_0 = np.array(ind_0,dtype=np.int32) if ind_0.shape[0]>0: segments = [] for i in range(pk2_roi_pos.shape[0]-1): segments.append([pk2_roi_pos[i],pk2_roi_pos[i+1]]) segments.append([pk2_roi_pos[-1],pk2_roi_pos[0]]) segments = np.array(segments) temp_pcas = self.wavePCAs[ind_0] temp_pcas = temp_pcas[:,[pca_1,pca_2]] is_intersect = np.apply_along_axis(self.__intersect_roi2,1,temp_pcas,segments,pca_1) return ind_0[is_intersect] else: return np.array([],dtype=np.int32)
Example 40
def normalize_simple(matrix, mask): """Normalizes a matrix by columns, and then by rows. With multiple time-series, the data are normalized to the within-series total, not the entire data set total. Parameters ---------- matrix: np.matrix Time-series matrix of abundance counts. Rows are sequences, columns are samples/time-points. mask: list or np.array List of objects with length matching the number of timepoints, where unique values delineate multiple time-series. If there is only one time-series in the data set, it's a list of identical objects. Returns ------- normal_matrix: np.matrix Matrix where the columns (within-sample) have been converted to proportions, then the rows are normalized to sum to 1. """ normal_matrix = matrix / matrix.sum(0) normal_matrix[np.invert(np.isfinite(normal_matrix))] = 0 for mask_val in np.unique(mask): y = normal_matrix[:, np.where(mask == mask_val)[0]] y = np.apply_along_axis(zscore, 1, y) normal_matrix[:, np.where(mask == mask_val)[0]] = y del y return normal_matrix
Example 41
def feat_eeg(signals): """ calculate the relative power as defined by Leangkvist (2012), assuming signal is recorded with 100hz """ if signals.ndim == 1: signals = np.expand_dims(signals,0) sfreq = use_sfreq nsamp = float(signals.shape[1]) feats = np.zeros((signals.shape[0],9),dtype='float32') # 5 FEATURE for freq babnds w = (fft(signals,axis=1)).real delta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(0.5*nsamp/sfreq,4*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) theta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(4*nsamp/sfreq,8*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) alpha = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(8*nsamp/sfreq,13*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) beta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(13*nsamp/sfreq,20*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) gamma = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(20*nsamp/sfreq,50*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) # only until 50, because hz=100 spindle = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(12*nsamp/sfreq,14*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) sum_abs_pow = delta + theta + alpha + beta + gamma + spindle feats[:,0] = delta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,1] = theta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,2] = alpha /sum_abs_pow feats[:,3] = beta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,4] = gamma /sum_abs_pow feats[:,5] = spindle /sum_abs_pow feats[:,6] = np.log10(stats.kurtosis(signals, fisher=False, axis=1)) # kurtosis feats[:,7] = np.log10(-np.sum([(x/nsamp)*(np.log(x/nsamp)) for x in np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.histogram(x, bins=8)[0], 1, signals)],axis=1)) # entropy.. yay, one line... #feats[:,7] = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(np.log(f[np.arange(0.5*nsamp/sfreq,50*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]), np.log(w[0,np.arange(0.5*nsamp/sfreq,50*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),1) feats[:,8] =[3.5,4,5,7,30]),feats[:,0:5].T ) / (sfreq/2-0.5) if np.any(feats==np.nan): print('NaN detected') return np.nan_to_num(feats)
Example 42
def feat_wavelet(signals): """ calculate the relative power as defined by Leangkvist (2012), assuming signal is recorded with 100hz """ if signals.ndim == 1: signals = np.expand_dims(signals,0) sfreq = use_sfreq nsamp = float(signals.shape[1]) feats = np.zeros((signals.shape[0],8),dtype='float32') # 5 FEATURE for freq babnds w = (fft(signals,axis=1)).real delta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(0.5*nsamp/sfreq,4*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) theta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(4*nsamp/sfreq,8*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) alpha = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(8*nsamp/sfreq,13*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) beta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(13*nsamp/sfreq,20*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) gamma = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(20*nsamp/sfreq,50*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) # only until 50, because hz=100 sum_abs_pow = delta + theta + alpha + beta + gamma feats[:,0] = delta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,1] = theta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,2] = alpha /sum_abs_pow feats[:,3] = beta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,4] = gamma /sum_abs_pow feats[:,5] = np.log10(stats.kurtosis(signals,fisher=False,axis=1)) # kurtosis feats[:,6] = np.log10(-np.sum([(x/nsamp)*(np.log(x/nsamp)) for x in np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.histogram(x, bins=8)[0], 1, signals)],axis=1)) # entropy.. yay, one line... #feats[:,7] = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(np.log(f[np.arange(0.5*nsamp/sfreq,50*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]), np.log(w[0,np.arange(0.5*nsamp/sfreq,50*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),1) feats[:,7] =[3.5,4,5,7,30]),feats[:,0:5].T ) / (sfreq/2-0.5) if np.any(feats==np.nan): print('NaN detected') return np.nan_to_num(feats)
Example 43
def feat_eog(signals): """ calculate the EOG features :param signals: 1D or 2D signals """ if signals.ndim == 1: signals = np.expand_dims(signals,0) sfreq = use_sfreq nsamp = float(signals.shape[1]) w = (fft(signals,axis=1)).real feats = np.zeros((signals.shape[0],15),dtype='float32') delta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(0.5*nsamp/sfreq,4*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) theta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(4*nsamp/sfreq,8*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) alpha = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(8*nsamp/sfreq,13*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) beta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(13*nsamp/sfreq,20*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) gamma = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(20*nsamp/sfreq,50*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) # only until 50, because hz=100 sum_abs_pow = delta + theta + alpha + beta + gamma feats[:,0] = delta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,1] = theta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,2] = alpha /sum_abs_pow feats[:,3] = beta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,4] = gamma /sum_abs_pow feats[:,5] =[3.5,4,5,7,30]),feats[:,0:5].T ) / (sfreq/2-0.5) #smean feats[:,6] = np.sqrt(np.max(signals, axis=1)) #PAV feats[:,7] = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.min(signals, axis=1))) #VAV feats[:,8] = np.argmax(signals, axis=1)/nsamp #PAP feats[:,9] = np.argmin(signals, axis=1)/nsamp #VAP feats[:,10] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(signals), axis=1)/ np.mean(np.sum(np.abs(signals), axis=1))) # AUC feats[:,11] = np.sum(((np.roll(np.sign(signals), 1,axis=1) - np.sign(signals)) != 0).astype(int),axis=1)/nsamp #TVC feats[:,12] = np.log10(np.std(signals, axis=1)) #STD/VAR feats[:,13] = np.log10(stats.kurtosis(signals,fisher=False,axis=1)) # kurtosis feats[:,14] = np.log10(-np.sum([(x/nsamp)*((np.log((x+np.spacing(1))/nsamp))) for x in np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.histogram(x, bins=8)[0], 1, signals)],axis=1)) # entropy.. yay, one line... if np.any(feats==np.nan): print('NaN detected') return np.nan_to_num(feats)
Example 44
def feat_emg(signals): """ calculate the EMG median as defined by Leangkvist (2012), """ if signals.ndim == 1: signals = np.expand_dims(signals,0) sfreq = use_sfreq nsamp = float(signals.shape[1]) w = (fft(signals,axis=1)).real feats = np.zeros((signals.shape[0],13),dtype='float32') delta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(0.5*nsamp/sfreq,4*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) theta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(4*nsamp/sfreq,8*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) alpha = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(8*nsamp/sfreq,13*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) beta = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(13*nsamp/sfreq,20*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) gamma = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(20*nsamp/sfreq,50*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) # only until 50, because hz=100 sum_abs_pow = delta + theta + alpha + beta + gamma feats[:,0] = delta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,1] = theta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,2] = alpha /sum_abs_pow feats[:,3] = beta /sum_abs_pow feats[:,4] = gamma /sum_abs_pow feats[:,5] =[3.5,4,5,7,30]),feats[:,0:5].T ) / (sfreq/2-0.5) #smean emg = np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(12.5*nsamp/sfreq,32*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) feats[:,6] = emg / np.sum(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(8*nsamp/sfreq,32*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) # ratio of high freq to total motor feats[:,7] = np.median(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(8*nsamp/sfreq,32*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) # median freq feats[:,8] = np.mean(np.abs(w[:,np.arange(8*nsamp/sfreq,32*nsamp/sfreq, dtype=int)]),axis=1) # mean freq feats[:,9] = np.std(signals, axis=1) # std feats[:,10] = np.mean(signals,axis=1) feats[:,11] = np.log10(stats.kurtosis(signals,fisher=False,axis=1) ) feats[:,12] = np.log10(-np.sum([(x/nsamp)*((np.log((x+np.spacing(1))/nsamp))) for x in np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.histogram(x, bins=8)[0], 1, signals)],axis=1)) # entropy.. yay, one line... if np.any(feats==np.nan): print('NaN detected') return np.nan_to_num(feats)
Example 45
def jaccard(inclusion): """Calculate jaccard distances for a community.""""calculating jaccard distance for {}x{} input matrix".format( *inclusion.shape)) jaccard = np.apply_along_axis( lambda a: (a & inclusion).sum(1), 1, inclusion) jaccard = jaccard / np.apply_along_axis( lambda a: (a | inclusion).sum(1), 1, inclusion) return 1 - jaccard
Example 46
def euclidean(inclusion): """Calculate euclidean distances for a community.""""calculating euclidean distance for {}x{} input matrix".format( *inclusion.shape)) euclidean = np.apply_along_axis( lambda a: ((a - inclusion) ** 2).sum(1), 1, inclusion) return np.sqrt(euclidean)
Example 47
def calc_pairwise_cosine(model): n = model.num_topics weights = model.state.get_lambda() weights = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x / x.sum(), 1, weights) # get dist. weights = unitmatrix(weights) # normalize score = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): score.append(np.arccos(weights[i].dot(weights[j]))) return np.mean(score), np.std(score)
Example 48
def calc_pairwise_dev(model): # the average squared deviation from 0 (90 degree) n = model.num_topics weights = model.state.get_lambda() weights = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x / x.sum(), 1, weights) # get dist. weights = unitmatrix(weights) # normalize score = 0. for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): score += (weights[i].dot(weights[j]))**2 return np.sqrt(2. * score / n / (n - 1))
Example 49
def decode(self, X, mode='argmax'): if mode == 'argmax': X = X.argmax(axis=-1) elif mode == 'choice': X = np.apply_along_axis(lambda vec: \ np.random.choice(len(vec), 1, p=(vec / np.sum(vec))), axis=-1, arr=X).ravel() return str.join('',(self.indices_char[x] for x in X))
Example 50
def _nanmedian_small(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False): """ sort + indexing median, faster for small medians along multiple dimensions due to the high overhead of apply_along_axis see nanmedian for parameter usage """ a =, np.isnan(a)) m =, axis=axis, overwrite_input=overwrite_input) for i in range(np.count_nonzero(m.mask.ravel())): warnings.warn("All-NaN slice encountered", RuntimeWarning) if out is not None: out[...] = m.filled(np.nan) return out return m.filled(np.nan)