Python numpy.putmask() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def _join_non_unique(self, other, how='left', return_indexers=False):
        from import _get_join_indexers

        left_idx, right_idx = _get_join_indexers([self.values],
                                                 [other._values], how=how,

        left_idx = com._ensure_platform_int(left_idx)
        right_idx = com._ensure_platform_int(right_idx)

        join_index = self.values.take(left_idx)
        mask = left_idx == -1
        np.putmask(join_index, mask, other._values.take(right_idx))

        join_index = self._wrap_joined_index(join_index, other)

        if return_indexers:
            return join_index, left_idx, right_idx
            return join_index 

Example 2

def decons_group_index(comp_labels, shape):
    # reconstruct labels
    if _int64_overflow_possible(shape):
        # at some point group indices are factorized,
        # and may not be deconstructed here! wrong path!
        raise ValueError('cannot deconstruct factorized group indices!')

    label_list = []
    factor = 1
    y = 0
    x = comp_labels
    for i in reversed(range(len(shape))):
        labels = (x - y) % (factor * shape[i]) // factor
        np.putmask(labels, comp_labels < 0, -1)
        y = labels * factor
        factor *= shape[i]
    return label_list[::-1] 

Example 3

def _get_counts_nanvar(mask, axis, ddof, dtype=float):
    dtype = _get_dtype(dtype)
    count = _get_counts(mask, axis, dtype=dtype)
    d = count - dtype.type(ddof)

    # always return NaN, never inf
    if lib.isscalar(count):
        if count <= ddof:
            count = np.nan
            d = np.nan
        mask2 = count <= ddof
        if mask2.any():
            np.putmask(d, mask2, np.nan)
            np.putmask(count, mask2, np.nan)
    return count, d 

Example 4

def make_nancomp(op):
    def f(x, y):
        xmask = isnull(x)
        ymask = isnull(y)
        mask = xmask | ymask

        result = op(x, y)

        if mask.any():
            if is_bool_dtype(result):
                result = result.astype('O')
            np.putmask(result, mask, np.nan)

        return result

    return f 

Example 5

def test_frame_getitem_setitem_boolean(self):
        df = self.frame.T.copy()
        values = df.values

        result = df[df > 0]
        expected = df.where(df > 0)
        assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        df[df > 0] = 5
        values[values > 0] = 5
        assert_almost_equal(df.values, values)

        df[df == 5] = 0
        values[values == 5] = 0
        assert_almost_equal(df.values, values)

        # a df that needs alignment first
        df[df[:-1] < 0] = 2
        np.putmask(values[:-1], values[:-1] < 0, 2)
        assert_almost_equal(df.values, values)

        with assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, 'boolean values only'):
            df[df * 0] = 2 

Example 6

def _sort_labels(uniques, left, right):
    if not isinstance(uniques, np.ndarray):
        # tuplesafe
        uniques = Index(uniques).values

    sorter = uniques.argsort()

    reverse_indexer = np.empty(len(sorter), dtype=np.int64)
    reverse_indexer.put(sorter, np.arange(len(sorter)))

    new_left = reverse_indexer.take(com._ensure_platform_int(left))
    np.putmask(new_left, left == -1, -1)

    new_right = reverse_indexer.take(com._ensure_platform_int(right))
    np.putmask(new_right, right == -1, -1)

    return new_left, new_right 

Example 7

def cloud_shadow_mask_array(image_array, image_difference_array, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, resolution):
    This method creates a mask for clouds and shadows using a reference array.
    clouds = cloud_mask_array(image_difference_array)
    shadows = shadow_mask_array(image_difference_array)
    inbetween = calculate_cloud_shadow(clouds, shadows, solar_zenith, solar_azimuth, resolution)
    image_mask_array = outside_mask_array(image_array, outside_value=255)
    pixel_sizes = [250, 150, 50]
    number_of_sizes = len(pixel_sizes)
    for pixel_size in pixel_sizes:
        numpy.putmask(image_mask_array, morph_dilation(clouds, pixel_size) == 1, FMASK_CLOUD * 10 + number_of_sizes)
        number_of_sizes = number_of_sizes - 1
    numpy.putmask(image_mask_array, inbetween == 1, FMASK_CLOUD_SHADOW)
    numpy.putmask(image_mask_array, clouds == 1, FMASK_CLOUD)
    return image_mask_array 

Example 8

def filter_bytes(self, databytes, bit_mask):
        Detect from a bit mask which bits
        to keep to recompose the signal.
        n_bytes = len(databytes)
        mask = np.ones(n_bytes, dtype=int)
        np.putmask(mask, mask, bit_mask)
        to_keep = np.where(mask > 0)[0]
        return databytes.take(to_keep) 

Example 9

def get_tag_data(self, episode, tag_channel):
        #memorise some useful properties
        block = self.episode_block(episode)
        sample_size = self.sample_size(episode, tag_channel)
        sample_symbol = self.sample_symbol(episode, tag_channel)
        #create a bit mask to define which
        #sample to keep from the file
        channel_mask = self.create_channel_mask(episode)
        bit_mask = self.create_bit_mask(channel_mask, 1)
        #get bytes from the file
        data_block = self.data_blocks[episode - 1]
        n_bytes = data_block.size
        databytes = np.frombuffer(, '<i1')
        #detect which bits keep to recompose the tag
        ep_mask = np.ones(n_bytes, dtype=int)
        np.putmask(ep_mask, ep_mask, bit_mask)
        to_keep = np.where(ep_mask > 0)[0]
        raw = databytes.take(to_keep)
        raw = raw.reshape([len(raw) / sample_size, sample_size])
        #create a recarray containing data
        dt = np.dtype(numpy_map[sample_symbol])
        tag_mask = 0b01 if (tag_channel == 1) else 0b10
        y_data = np.frombuffer(raw, dt) & tag_mask
        x_data = np.arange(0, len(y_data)) * block.dX + block.X0
        data = np.recarray(len(y_data), dtype=[('x', b_float), ('y', b_int)])
        data['x'] = x_data
        data['y'] = y_data
        return data 

Example 10

def filter_bytes(self, databytes, bit_mask):
        Detect from a bit mask which bits
        to keep to recompose the signal.
        n_bytes = len(databytes)
        mask = np.ones(n_bytes, dtype=int)
        np.putmask(mask, mask, bit_mask)
        to_keep = np.where(mask > 0)[0]
        return databytes.take(to_keep) 

Example 11

def get_tag_data(self, episode, tag_channel):
        #memorise some useful properties
        block = self.episode_block(episode)
        sample_size = self.sample_size(episode, tag_channel)
        sample_symbol = self.sample_symbol(episode, tag_channel)
        #create a bit mask to define which
        #sample to keep from the file
        channel_mask = self.create_channel_mask(episode)
        bit_mask = self.create_bit_mask(channel_mask, 1)
        #get bytes from the file
        data_block = self.data_blocks[episode - 1]
        n_bytes = data_block.size
        databytes = np.frombuffer(, '<i1')
        #detect which bits keep to recompose the tag
        ep_mask = np.ones(n_bytes, dtype=int)
        np.putmask(ep_mask, ep_mask, bit_mask)
        to_keep = np.where(ep_mask > 0)[0]
        raw = databytes.take(to_keep)
        raw = raw.reshape([len(raw) / sample_size, sample_size])
        #create a recarray containing data
        dt = np.dtype(numpy_map[sample_symbol])
        tag_mask = 0b01 if (tag_channel == 1) else 0b10
        y_data = np.frombuffer(raw, dt) & tag_mask
        x_data = np.arange(0, len(y_data)) * block.dX + block.X0
        data = np.recarray(len(y_data), dtype=[('x', b_float), ('y', b_int)])
        data['x'] = x_data
        data['y'] = y_data
        return data 

Example 12

def tst_basic(self, x, T, mask, val):
        np.putmask(x, mask, val)
        assert_(np.all(x[mask] == T(val)))
        assert_(x.dtype == T) 

Example 13

def test_mask_size(self):
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.putmask, np.array([1, 2, 3]), [True], 5) 

Example 14

def tst_byteorder(self, dtype):
        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype)
        np.putmask(x, [True, False, True], -1)
        assert_array_equal(x, [-1, 2, -1]) 

Example 15

def test_record_array(self):
        # Note mixed byteorder.
        rec = np.array([(-5, 2.0, 3.0), (5.0, 4.0, 3.0)],
                      dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '>f8'), ('z', '<f8')])
        np.putmask(rec['x'], [True, False], 10)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [2, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3])
        np.putmask(rec['y'], [True, False], 11)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [11, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3]) 

Example 16

def oppnorm_convert(arr, threshold=0.1):
    #assert(arr.min()>=0 and arr.max()<=1)
    #out = sp.empty_like(arr)
    arr = arr.astype('float32')
    out = np.empty(arr.shape[:2]+(2,), dtype='float32')

    print out.shape

    # red-green
    out[:,:,0] = arr[:,:,0] - arr[:,:,1]
    # blue-yellow
    out[:,:,1] = arr[:,:,2] - arr[:,:,[0,1]].min(2)
    # intensity
    denom = arr.max(2)

    mask = denom < threshold#*denom[:,:,2].mean()
    out[:,:,0] /= denom    
    out[:,:,1] /= denom

    np.putmask(out[:,:,0], mask, 0)
    np.putmask(out[:,:,1], mask, 0)

    return out

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

Example 17

def radian2degree(x):
    Convert radians angles to torsion angles.

    @param x: radian angle
    @return: torsion angle of x
    x = x % (2 * numpy.pi)
    numpy.putmask(x, x > numpy.pi, x - 2 * numpy.pi)
    return x * 180. / numpy.pi 

Example 18

def degree2radian(x):
    Convert randian angles to torsion angles.

    @param x: torsion angle
    @return: radian angle of x
    numpy.putmask(x, x < 0., x + 360.)
    return x * numpy.pi / 180. 

Example 19

def tst_basic(self, x, T, mask, val):
        np.putmask(x, mask, val)
        assert_(np.all(x[mask] == T(val)))
        assert_(x.dtype == T) 

Example 20

def test_mask_size(self):
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.putmask, np.array([1, 2, 3]), [True], 5) 

Example 21

def tst_byteorder(self, dtype):
        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype)
        np.putmask(x, [True, False, True], -1)
        assert_array_equal(x, [-1, 2, -1]) 

Example 22

def test_record_array(self):
        # Note mixed byteorder.
        rec = np.array([(-5, 2.0, 3.0), (5.0, 4.0, 3.0)],
                      dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '>f8'), ('z', '<f8')])
        np.putmask(rec['x'], [True, False], 10)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [2, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3])
        np.putmask(rec['y'], [True, False], 11)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [11, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3]) 

Example 23

def resize_save(path, size):
  path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path)
  images_files = os.listdir(path)
  el = (np.array([[0,1],[1,1]])).astype(np.float32)
  for i, image in enumerate(images_files):
    image_file =  os.path.join(path,image)
      im = (ndimage.imread(image_file)).astype(np.float32)
      np.putmask(im, im < 100, 0)
      im = ndimage.binary_dilation(im, structure=el)
      im = (misc.imresize(im, (size, size))).astype(np.uint8)
      new_im = Image.fromarray(im)
    except Exception as e:
      print('Could not read:', image_file, ':', e, '- it\'s ok, skipping.') 

Example 24

def putmask(self, mask, value):
        return a new Index of the values set with the mask

        See also
        values = self.values.copy()
            np.putmask(values, mask, self._convert_for_op(value))
            return self._shallow_copy(values)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            # coerces to object
            return self.astype(object).putmask(mask, value) 

Example 25

def fillna(self, value=None, downcast=None):
        if self.hasnans:
            result = self.putmask(self._isnan, value)
            if downcast is None:
                # no need to care metadata other than name
                # because it can't have freq if
                return Index(result,
        return self._shallow_copy() 

Example 26

def _comp_method_PANEL(op, name, str_rep=None, masker=False):
    def na_op(x, y):
            result = expressions.evaluate(op, str_rep, x, y,
        except TypeError:
            xrav = x.ravel()
            result = np.empty(x.size, dtype=bool)
            if isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
                yrav = y.ravel()
                mask = notnull(xrav) & notnull(yrav)
                result[mask] = op(np.array(list(xrav[mask])),
                mask = notnull(xrav)
                result[mask] = op(np.array(list(xrav[mask])), y)

            if op ==  # pragma: no cover
                np.putmask(result, ~mask, True)
                np.putmask(result, ~mask, False)
            result = result.reshape(x.shape)

        return result

    @Appender('Wrapper for comparison method %s' % name)
    def f(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self._constructor):
            return self._compare_constructor(other, na_op)
        elif isinstance(other, (self._constructor_sliced, pd.DataFrame,
            raise Exception("input needs alignment for this object [%s]" %
            return self._combine_const(other, na_op)

    f.__name__ = name

    return f 

Example 27

def pct_change(self, periods=1, fill_method='pad', limit=None, freq=None,
        # TODO: Not sure if above is correct - need someone to confirm.
        axis = self._get_axis_number(kwargs.pop('axis', self._stat_axis_name))
        if fill_method is None:
            data = self
            data = self.fillna(method=fill_method, limit=limit, axis=axis)

        rs = (data.div(data.shift(periods=periods, freq=freq, axis=axis,
                                  **kwargs)) - 1)
        if freq is None:
            mask = com.isnull(_values_from_object(self))
            np.putmask(rs.values, mask, np.nan)
        return rs 

Example 28

def _make_cum_function(name, name1, name2, axis_descr, desc, accum_func,
                       mask_a, mask_b):
    @Substitution(outname=name, desc=desc, name1=name1, name2=name2,
    @Appender("Return cumulative {0} over requested axis.".format(name) +
    def func(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, skipna=True, **kwargs):
        _validate_kwargs(name, kwargs, 'out', 'dtype')
        if axis is None:
            axis = self._stat_axis_number
            axis = self._get_axis_number(axis)

        y = _values_from_object(self).copy()

        if (skipna and
                issubclass(y.dtype.type, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64))):
            result = accum_func(y, axis)
            mask = isnull(self)
            np.putmask(result, mask, pd.tslib.iNaT)
        elif skipna and not issubclass(y.dtype.type, (np.integer, np.bool_)):
            mask = isnull(self)
            np.putmask(y, mask, mask_a)
            result = accum_func(y, axis)
            np.putmask(result, mask, mask_b)
            result = accum_func(y, axis)

        d = self._construct_axes_dict()
        d['copy'] = False
        return self._constructor(result, **d).__finalize__(self)

    func.__name__ = name
    return func 

Example 29

def nanvar(values, axis=None, skipna=True, ddof=1):

    dtype = values.dtype
    mask = isnull(values)
    if is_any_int_dtype(values):
        values = values.astype('f8')
        values[mask] = np.nan

    if is_float_dtype(values):
        count, d = _get_counts_nanvar(mask, axis, ddof, values.dtype)
        count, d = _get_counts_nanvar(mask, axis, ddof)

    if skipna:
        values = values.copy()
        np.putmask(values, mask, 0)

    # xref GH10242
    # Compute variance via two-pass algorithm, which is stable against
    # cancellation errors and relatively accurate for small numbers of
    # observations.
    # See
    avg = _ensure_numeric(values.sum(axis=axis, dtype=np.float64)) / count
    if axis is not None:
        avg = np.expand_dims(avg, axis)
    sqr = _ensure_numeric((avg - values)**2)
    np.putmask(sqr, mask, 0)
    result = sqr.sum(axis=axis, dtype=np.float64) / d

    # Return variance as np.float64 (the datatype used in the accumulator),
    # unless we were dealing with a float array, in which case use the same
    # precision as the original values array.
    if is_float_dtype(dtype):
        result = result.astype(dtype)
    return _wrap_results(result, values.dtype) 

Example 30

def _map(f, arr, na_mask=False, na_value=np.nan, dtype=object):
    from pandas.core.series import Series

    if not len(arr):
        return np.ndarray(0, dtype=dtype)

    if isinstance(arr, Series):
        arr = arr.values
    if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
        arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=object)
    if na_mask:
        mask = isnull(arr)
            result = lib.map_infer_mask(arr, f, mask.view(np.uint8))
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):

            def g(x):
                    return f(x)
                except (TypeError, AttributeError):
                    return na_value

            return _map(g, arr, dtype=dtype)
        if na_value is not np.nan:
            np.putmask(result, mask, na_value)
            if result.dtype == object:
                result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(result)
        return result
        return lib.map_infer(arr, f) 

Example 31

def fillna(self, value, limit=None, inplace=False, downcast=None,
        """ fillna on the block with the value. If we fail, then convert to
        ObjectBlock and try again

        if not self._can_hold_na:
            if inplace:
                return self
                return self.copy()

        original_value = value
        mask = isnull(self.values)
        if limit is not None:
            if self.ndim > 2:
                raise NotImplementedError("number of dimensions for 'fillna' "
                                          "is currently limited to 2")
            mask[mask.cumsum(self.ndim - 1) > limit] = False

        # fillna, but if we cannot coerce, then try again as an ObjectBlock
            values, _, value, _ = self._try_coerce_args(self.values, value)
            blocks = self.putmask(mask, value, inplace=inplace)
            blocks = [b.make_block(values=self._try_coerce_result(b.values))
                      for b in blocks]
            return self._maybe_downcast(blocks, downcast)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):

            # we can't process the value, but nothing to do
            if not mask.any():
                return self if inplace else self.copy()

            # we cannot coerce the underlying object, so
            # make an ObjectBlock
            return self.to_object_block(mgr=mgr).fillna(original_value,

Example 32

def replace(self, to_replace, value, inplace=False, filter=None,
                regex=False, convert=True, mgr=None):
        """ replace the to_replace value with value, possible to create new
        blocks here this is just a call to putmask. regex is not used here.
        It is used in ObjectBlocks.  It is here for API

        original_to_replace = to_replace
        mask = isnull(self.values)

        # try to replace, if we raise an error, convert to ObjectBlock and
        # retry
            values, _, to_replace, _ = self._try_coerce_args(self.values,
            mask = com.mask_missing(values, to_replace)
            if filter is not None:
                filtered_out = ~self.mgr_locs.isin(filter)
                mask[filtered_out.nonzero()[0]] = False

            blocks = self.putmask(mask, value, inplace=inplace)
            if convert:
                blocks = [b.convert(by_item=True, numeric=False,
                                    copy=not inplace) for b in blocks]
            return blocks
        except (TypeError, ValueError):

            # we can't process the value, but nothing to do
            if not mask.any():
                return self if inplace else self.copy()

            return self.to_object_block(mgr=mgr).replace(
                to_replace=original_to_replace, value=value, inplace=inplace,
                filter=filter, regex=regex, convert=convert) 

Example 33

def putmask(self, **kwargs):
        return self.apply('putmask', **kwargs) 

Example 34

def _reindex_index(self, index, method, copy, level, fill_value=np.nan,
                       limit=None, takeable=False):
        if level is not None:
            raise TypeError('Reindex by level not supported for sparse')

        if self.index.equals(index):
            if copy:
                return self.copy()
                return self

        if len(self.index) == 0:
            return SparseDataFrame(index=index, columns=self.columns)

        indexer = self.index.get_indexer(index, method, limit=limit)
        indexer = com._ensure_platform_int(indexer)
        mask = indexer == -1
        need_mask = mask.any()

        new_series = {}
        for col, series in self.iteritems():
            if mask.all():

            values = series.values
            new = values.take(indexer)

            if need_mask:
                np.putmask(new, mask, fill_value)

            new_series[col] = new

        return SparseDataFrame(new_series, index=index, columns=self.columns,

Example 35

def _factorize_keys(lk, rk, sort=True):
    if com.is_datetime64tz_dtype(lk) and com.is_datetime64tz_dtype(rk):
        lk = lk.values
        rk = rk.values
    if com.is_int_or_datetime_dtype(lk) and com.is_int_or_datetime_dtype(rk):
        klass = _hash.Int64Factorizer
        lk = com._ensure_int64(com._values_from_object(lk))
        rk = com._ensure_int64(com._values_from_object(rk))
        klass = _hash.Factorizer
        lk = com._ensure_object(lk)
        rk = com._ensure_object(rk)

    rizer = klass(max(len(lk), len(rk)))

    llab = rizer.factorize(lk)
    rlab = rizer.factorize(rk)

    count = rizer.get_count()

    if sort:
        uniques = rizer.uniques.to_array()
        llab, rlab = _sort_labels(uniques, llab, rlab)

    # NA group
    lmask = llab == -1
    lany = lmask.any()
    rmask = rlab == -1
    rany = rmask.any()

    if lany or rany:
        if lany:
            np.putmask(llab, lmask, count)
        if rany:
            np.putmask(rlab, rmask, count)
        count += 1

    return llab, rlab, count 

Example 36

def tst_basic(self, x, T, mask, val):
        np.putmask(x, mask, val)
        assert_(np.all(x[mask] == T(val)))
        assert_(x.dtype == T) 

Example 37

def tst_byteorder(self, dtype):
        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype)
        np.putmask(x, [True, False, True], -1)
        assert_array_equal(x, [-1, 2, -1]) 

Example 38

def test_record_array(self):
        # Note mixed byteorder.
        rec = np.array([(-5, 2.0, 3.0), (5.0, 4.0, 3.0)],
                      dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '>f8'), ('z', '<f8')])
        np.putmask(rec['x'], [True, False], 10)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [2, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3])
        np.putmask(rec['y'], [True, False], 11)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [11, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3]) 

Example 39

def test_masked_array(self):
        ## x = np.array([1,2,3])
        ## z =,mask=[True,False,False])
        ## np.putmask(z,[True,True,True],3)

Example 40

def tst_basic(self, x, T, mask, val):
        np.putmask(x, mask, val)
        assert_(np.all(x[mask] == T(val)))
        assert_(x.dtype == T) 

Example 41

def test_mask_size(self):
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.putmask, np.array([1, 2, 3]), [True], 5) 

Example 42

def tst_byteorder(self, dtype):
        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype)
        np.putmask(x, [True, False, True], -1)
        assert_array_equal(x, [-1, 2, -1]) 

Example 43

def test_record_array(self):
        # Note mixed byteorder.
        rec = np.array([(-5, 2.0, 3.0), (5.0, 4.0, 3.0)],
                      dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '>f8'), ('z', '<f8')])
        np.putmask(rec['x'], [True, False], 10)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [2, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3])
        np.putmask(rec['y'], [True, False], 11)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [11, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3]) 

Example 44

def test_masked_array(self):
        ## x = np.array([1,2,3])
        ## z =,mask=[True,False,False])
        ## np.putmask(z,[True,True,True],3)

Example 45

def tst_basic(self, x, T, mask, val):
        np.putmask(x, mask, val)
        assert_(np.all(x[mask] == T(val)))
        assert_(x.dtype == T) 

Example 46

def test_mask_size(self):
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.putmask, np.array([1, 2, 3]), [True], 5) 

Example 47

def tst_byteorder(self, dtype):
        x = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype)
        np.putmask(x, [True, False, True], -1)
        assert_array_equal(x, [-1, 2, -1]) 

Example 48

def test_record_array(self):
        # Note mixed byteorder.
        rec = np.array([(-5, 2.0, 3.0), (5.0, 4.0, 3.0)],
                      dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '>f8'), ('z', '<f8')])
        np.putmask(rec['x'], [True, False], 10)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [2, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3])
        np.putmask(rec['y'], [True, False], 11)
        assert_array_equal(rec['x'], [10, 5])
        assert_array_equal(rec['y'], [11, 4])
        assert_array_equal(rec['z'], [3, 3]) 

Example 49

def tst_basic(self, x, T, mask, val):
        np.putmask(x, mask, val)
        assert_equal(x[mask], T(val))
        assert_equal(x.dtype, T) 

Example 50

def test_mask_size(self):
        assert_raises(ValueError, np.putmask, np.array([1, 2, 3]), [True], 5) 