作为一个创建自定义数据结构的例子, 我想你得先了解一些关于链表的实现 linkedlists 。
点的索引,每个节点都指向上一个和下一个节点。若想了解更多,参考Wikipedia page 。
list = {} list.__index = list setmetatable(list, { __call = function(_, ...) local t = setmetatable({}, list) for _, v in ipairs{...} do t:push(v) end end })
x = list(a, b, c, d)
我展示的第一个函数式简单的 push
function list:push(t) if self.last then --如果有节点 self.last._next = t t._prev = self.last self.last = t else --如果是空链表 self.first = t self.last = t end self.length = self.length + 1 end
函数, 它把链表里末尾的元素删除,并返回其值。
function list:pop() if not self.last then return end local ret = self.last if ret._prev then ret._prev._next = nil self.last = ret._prev ret._prev = nil else -- this was the only node self.first = nil self.last = nil end self.length = self.length - 1 return ret end
我们使用的更灵活的添加和删除函数式 insert
function list:insert(t, after) if after then if after._next then after._next._prev = t t._next = after._next else self.last = t end t._prev = after after._next = t self.length = self.length + 1 elseif not self.first then -- this is the first node self.first = t self.last = t end end function list:remove(t) if t._next then if t._prev then t._next._prev = t._prev t._prev._next = t._next else -- this was the first node t._next._prev = nil self._first = t._next end elseif t._prev then -- this was the last node t._prev._next = nil self._last = t._prev else -- this was the only node self._first = nil self._last = nil end t._next = nil t._prev = nil self.length = self.length - 1 end
把节点插入到链表的after节点之后. 如果没指定after, 当链表里没其它节点时,仅添加这个元素。
remove 可以移除链表里的任何元素。
local function iterate(self, current) if not current then current = self.first elseif current then current = current._next end return current end function list:iterate() return iterate, self, nil end
require("list") local a = { 3 } local b = { 4 } local l = list({ 2 }, a, b, { 5 }) l:pop() l:shift() l:push({ 6 }) l:unshift({ 7 }) l:remove(a) l:insert({ 8 }, b) print("length", l.length) for v in l:iterate() do print(v[1]) end
如果需要全部的代码请git检出 gist #4084042.
list = {} list.__index = list setmetatable(list, { __call = function(_, ...) local t = setmetatable({ length = 0 }, list) for _, v in ipairs{...} do t:push(v) end return t end }) function list:push(t) if self.last then self.last._next = t t._prev = self.last self.last = t else -- this is the first node self.first = t self.last = t end self.length = self.length + 1 end function list:unshift(t) if self.first then self.first._prev = t t._next = self.first self.first = t else self.first = t self.last = t end self.length = self.length + 1 end function list:insert(t, after) if after then if after._next then after._next._prev = t t._next = after._next else self.last = t end t._prev = after after._next = t self.length = self.length + 1 elseif not self.first then -- this is the first node self.first = t self.last = t end end function list:pop() if not self.last then return end local ret = self.last if ret._prev then ret._prev._next = nil self.last = ret._prev ret._prev = nil else -- this was the only node self.first = nil self.last = nil end self.length = self.length - 1 return ret end function list:shift() if not self.first then return end local ret = self.first if ret._next then ret._next._prev = nil self.first = ret._next ret._next = nil else self.first = nil self.last = nil end self.length = self.length - 1 return ret end function list:remove(t) if t._next then if t._prev then t._next._prev = t._prev t._prev._next = t._next else -- this was the first node t._next._prev = nil self._first = t._next end elseif t._prev then -- this was the last node t._prev._next = nil self._last = t._prev else -- this was the only node self._first = nil self._last = nil end t._next = nil t._prev = nil self.length = self.length - 1 end local function iterate(self, current) if not current then current = self.first elseif current then current = current._next end return current end function list:iterate() return iterate, self, nil end