

1. 用c语言实现的版本


#define MAX_DANCERS 100//最多跳舞人数
#define QueueSize 100 //假定预分配的队列空间最多为100个元素  	

typedef struct {
	char name[20];
	char sex;  //性别,'F'表示女性,'M'表示男性
} Person;

typedef Person DataType;  //将队列中元素的数据类型改为Person

typedef struct{
	DataType data[QueueSize];
	int front;//头指针
	int rear;//尾指针

void Initial(CirQueue *Q)
	Q->front = Q->rear = 0;

int IsEmpty(CirQueue *Q)
	return Q->front == Q->rear;

int IsFull(CirQueue *Q)
	return (Q->rear + 1) % QueueSize == Q->front;

int EnQueue(CirQueue *Q, DataType *x)
	if (IsFull(Q))
		printf("队列上溢"); //上溢,退出运行
		return -1;

	memcpy(&(Q->data[Q->rear]), x, sizeof(DataType)); //新元素插入队尾
	Q->rear = (Q->rear + 1) % QueueSize; //循环意义下将尾指针加1

	return 1;

int DeQueue(CirQueue *Q, DataType *value)
	if (IsEmpty(Q))
		printf("队列为空"); //下溢,退出运行
		return -1;
	memcpy(value, &(Q->data[Q->front]), sizeof(DataType));
	Q->front = (Q->front + 1) % QueueSize;   //循环意义下的头指针加1

	return 1;

// 取队列顶元素
int Front(CirQueue *Q, DataType* value)
	if (IsEmpty(Q))
		printf("队列为空"); //下溢,退出运行
		return -1;

	memcpy(value, &(Q->data[Q->front]), sizeof(DataType));
	return 1;

/* 获取队列长度 */
int Length(CirQueue *Q)
	return (Q->rear - Q->front + QueueSize) % QueueSize;

void DancePartner(Person *dancer, int num)
	int i;
	Person p;
	CirQueue Mdancers, Fdancers;

	for (i = 0; i < num; ++i)
		p = dancer[i];
		if (p.sex == 'F') //排入女队
			EnQueue(&Fdancers, &p);   
		else if ((p.sex == 'M')) //排入男队
			EnQueue(&Mdancers, &p);
	while (!IsEmpty(&Fdancers) && !IsEmpty(&Mdancers))
	{ //依次输入男女舞伴名
		DeQueue(&Fdancers, &p);     //女士出队
		printf("Female: %s ,", p.name);//打印出队女士名
		DeQueue(&Mdancers, &p);     //男士出队
		printf("Man: %s\n", p.name);    //打印出队男士名

	if (!IsEmpty(&Fdancers))
		printf("还有 %d 个女士等下一轮.\n", Length(&Fdancers));
		Front(&Fdancers, &p);  //取队头
		printf("%s will be the first to get a partner. \n", p.name);

	if (!IsEmpty(&Mdancers))
		printf("还有%d 个男士等下一轮.\n", Length(&Mdancers));
		Front(&Mdancers, &p);
		printf("%s will be the first to get a partner.\n", p.name);

void InitialDancer(Person *dancer, int num)
	char UserName[32];
	char man = 'M';
	char female = 'F';

	for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
		sprintf(UserName, "name%d", i);
		strcpy(dancer[i].name, UserName);
		if (i%2 == 0)
			dancer[i].sex = man;
			dancer[i].sex = female;

void main()
	Person dancer[MAX_DANCERS];
	int n = 73;
	InitialDancer(dancer, n);//跳舞报名
	DancePartner(dancer, n); //进行配对



    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/chinawangfei/article/details/52970745