为什么我的S.base->ID 变了呢?
#define STACK_INIT_SIZE 10 //存储空间初始分配量
#define STACKINCREMENT 100 //存储空间分配增量
using namespace std;
struct Car{
string ID;
string a_time; //到达时间
string p_time;//停车时间
string l_time;//离开时间 /取车时间
typedef struct {
Car *base;
Car *top;
int stacksize;
typedef struct{ //栈模拟停车场
Car *base;
Car *top;
int stacksize;
typedef struct Node{ //队列模拟便道
Car car;
struct Node *next;
} QNode,*QueuePtr;
typedef struct{
QueuePtr front;
QueuePtr rear;
} LinkQueue;
void InitStack(SqStack &S) {
S.base = (Car *) malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(Car));
S.top = S.base;
S.stacksize = STACK_INIT_SIZE;
void InitStack(Stack &S) {
S.base = (Car *) malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(Car));
S.top = S.base;
S.stacksize = STACK_INIT_SIZE;
/*int GetTop(SqStack &S, Car &ch) { //获取栈顶元素
if(S.top == S.base) return 0;
// memcpy(S.top, &ch, sizeof(ch));
memcpy(&ch, (S.top -1), sizeof(Car));
// ch = *(S.top – 1);
return 1;
} */
//******************* 错误
void Push(SqStack &S, Car ch) { // 元素入栈
if(S.top – S.base >= S.stacksize) {
S.base = (Car*)realloc(S.base,(S.stacksize + (STACKINCREMENT * sizeof(Car))));
if(!S.base) exit(0);
S.top = S.base + S.stacksize;
S.stacksize += STACKINCREMENT;
memcpy(S.top ,&ch, sizeof(Car));
S.top ++;
cout << S.base->ID << endl;
void Push_1(Stack &S, Car ch) {
if(S.top – S.base >= S.stacksize) {
S.base = (Car*)realloc(S.base,(S.stacksize + (STACKINCREMENT * sizeof(Car))));
if(!S.base) exit(0);
S.top = S.base + S.stacksize;
S.stacksize += STACKINCREMENT;
memcpy(&ch, S.top, sizeof(Car));
S.top ++;
int Pop(SqStack &S, Car &ch) {
if(S.top == S.base ) {
return 0;
memcpy(&ch,(S.top-1) , sizeof(Car));
S.top –;
return 1;
int Pop_1(Stack &S, Car ch) { //取栈顶元素
if(S.top == S.base ) {
return 0;
memcpy(&ch, S.top, sizeof(Car));
// ch = * –S.top;
return 1;
bool IsEmpty(SqStack &S) { //判断栈是否为空
if(S.top == S.base)
return true;
else return false;
bool IsOver(SqStack &S) { //判断是否栈满
if(S.top – S.base == S.stacksize)
return true;
else return false;
int InitQueue(LinkQueue &Q){/*进行初始化*/
// 构造一个空队列Q
Q.front = Q.rear =(QueuePtr)malloc(sizeof(QNode));
if (!Q.front) exit (0);
Q.front->next = NULL;
return 1;
int QueueEmpty(LinkQueue &Q){/*判断LinkQueue Q是否为空*/
if(Q.front == Q.rear) return 1;
else return 0;
int QueueLength(LinkQueue Q){/*LinkQueue Q的长度的大小*/
return ((Q.rear)-(Q.front));
int DeQueue (LinkQueue &Q, Car &e) {// 若队列不空,则删除Q的队头元素
if (Q.front == Q.rear) return 0;
QueuePtr p = Q.front->next; e = p->car;
Q.front->next = p->next;
if (Q.rear == p) Q.rear = Q.front;
free (p); return 1;
int EnQueue(LinkQueue &Q,Car &e){/*插入数据 e到LinkQueue Q中*/ // 插入元素e为Q的新的队尾元素
QueuePtr p = (QueuePtr) malloc (sizeof (QNode));
if (!p) exit (0); //存储分配失败
p->car = e;
p->next = NULL;
Q.rear->next = p;
Q.rear = p;
return 1;
void output_Stack(SqStack &S) {
Car ch;
Car *Sq;
Sq = S.top;
cout << “停车场的车辆有:” << endl;
while(S.base != Sq ) {
memcpy(&ch, (Sq -1), sizeof(Car));
cout <<“/t车牌号为:”<< ch.ID << ” 的车辆,停入时间为:” << ch.p_time <<endl;
Sq –;
void parking(SqStack &S,LinkQueue &Q, Car &car) { //停车的函数
if( !IsOver(S)) {
car.p_time = car.a_time;
Push(S, car);
EnQueue(Q, car);
void Test_parking(SqStack &S, LinkQueue &Q) { //测试parking函数
Car car;
cout << “Please enter the car’s ID, ID = ” ; cin >> car.ID;
cout <<“please enter the arrive time, time = “; cin >> car.a_time;
parking(S, Q, car);
// output_Stack(S);
void getCar(SqStack &S, Stack &St, LinkQueue &Q, string ID) { //取车的函数
Car ch;
Car e;
while(S.base != S.top) {
if((*S.base).ID != ID){
Pop(S, ch);
Push_1(St, ch);
S.top –;
Pop(S, ch);
cout << “please enter the leave time,time = “; cin >> ch.l_time;
cout << “车牌号 ” << ch.ID << ” 的车辆, 停车时间为 ” << ch.p_time << ” 取车时间为 ” << ch.l_time << endl;
while(St.base != St.top) {
Pop_1(St, e);
Push(S, e);
St.top –;
if(!IsOver(S) && !QueueEmpty(Q)){
Car e1;
DeQueue(Q, e1);
string time;
cin >> time;
parking(S,Q, e1);
void Test_getCar(SqStack &S, LinkQueue &Q, Stack &St) { //测试取车的函数
string ID;
cout << “please enter the ID ID = “; cin >> ID;
// string time;
// cout << “please enter the time, time = ” ; cin >> time;
getCar(S, St,Q, ID);
// output_Stack(S);
int main() {
SqStack S;
LinkQueue Q;
Stack St;
while(1) {
cout << “Please select……..” << endl;
cout << “/tParking………….1” << endl;
cout << “/tgetCar…………2” << endl;
int n;
cin >> n;
if(n == 1)
if(n == 2)
return 0;