

#include <iostream> //数据输入、输出流

using std::cout; //使用名称空间std里的cout函数

using std::endl; //使用名称空间std里的endl函数

#include <iomanip> //参数化输入、输出

using std::setw; //使用名称空间std里的setw函数

#include <ctime>//定义关于时间的函数

#include <cstdlib>//C语言标准库

bool queenCheck( const char [][ 8 ], int, int );//定义queenCheck函数

void placeQueens( char [][ 8 ] );//定义placeQueens函数

void printBoard( const char [][ 8 ] );//定义printBoard函数

void xConflictSquares( char [][ 8 ], int, int );//定义xConflictSquares函数

void xDiagonals( char [][ 8 ], int, int );//定义xDiagonals函数

bool availableSquare( const char [][ 8 ] );//定义布尔类型的availableSquare函数

inline int validMove( const char board[][ 8 ], int row, int col )/*函数原型声明为内联函数(可以解决一些频繁调用的小函数大量



{ return ( row >= 0 && row < 8 && col >= 0 && col < 8 ); }//定义返回值

int main()


	char board [ 8 ][ 8 ] = { '\0' };//初始化一个8行8列的字符型数组

	srand( time( 0 ) );//给这个算法一个启动种子,也就是算法的随机种子数,有这个数以后才可以产生随机数,这个数就是当前的时间值

	placeQueens( board );//调用placeQueens函数

	printBoard( board ); //打印棋盘

	//system("pause");//调用WINDOWS CONSOLE APP下的命令 PAUSE,暂停系统工作

	return 0;


bool availableSquare( const char board[][ 8 ] )//遍历棋盘上所有元素,如果仍有空点,返回0,如果全放满了,返回1


	for ( int row = 0; row < 8; ++row )

		for ( int col = 0; col < 8; ++col )

			if ( board[ row ][ col ] == '\0' )

				return false;  // at least one open square is available

	return true;  // no available squares


void placeQueens( char board[][ 8 ] )//接到board


	const char QUEEN = 'Q';//给QUEEN赋值

	int rowMove, colMove, queens = 0;//queens用来控制while循环次数

	bool done = false;//初始化为0

	while ( queens < 8 && !done ) {//条件:当棋盘还未满时并且queens小于8时(皇后总数不一定为8个)	 


		rowMove = rand() % 8;//得到0~8的一个随机数

		colMove = rand() % 8;//得到0~8的一个随机数

		if ( queenCheck( board, rowMove, colMove ) ) {//如果元素所在行、列、对角线上都没有Q

			board[ rowMove ][ colMove ] = QUEEN;//就在该位置上放置Q

			xConflictSquares( board, rowMove, colMove );//在锁定元素所在行、列、对角线上放置*



		done = availableSquare( board );//判断棋盘是否满了



void xConflictSquares( char board[][ 8 ], int row, int col )


	for ( int loop = 0; loop < 8; ++loop ) {

		// place an '*' in the row occupied by the queen,循环8次

		if ( board[ row ][ loop ] == '\0' )

			board[ row ][ loop ] = '*'; // place an '*' in the row(行) occupied by the queen

		if ( board[ loop ][ col ] == '\0' )

			board[ loop ][ col ] = '*';// place an '*' in the col(列) occupied by the queen


	xDiagonals( board, row, col );// place an '*' in the diagonals(对角线) occupied by the queen


bool queenCheck( const char board[][ 8 ], int row, int col )


	int r = row, c = col;

	// check row and column for a queen

	for ( int d = 0; d < 8; ++d )

		if ( board[ row ][ d ] == 'Q' || board[ d ][ col ] == 'Q' )

			return false;//当这行或者这列有Q,函数终止,则返回0

	// check upper left diagonal for a queen

	for ( int e = 0; e < 8 && validMove( board, --r, --c ); ++e )//遍历左上方对角线

		if ( board[ r ][ c ] == 'Q' )

			return false;//若对角线上有Q,则返回0

	r = row;

	c = col;

	// check upper right diagonal for a queen

	for ( int f = 0; f < 8 && validMove( board, --r, ++c ); ++f )//遍历右上方对角线

		if ( board[ r ][ c ] == 'Q' )

			return false;//若对角线上有Q,则返回0

	r = row;

	c = col;

	// check lower left diagonal for a queen

	for ( int g = 0; g < 8 && validMove( board, ++r, --c ); ++g )//遍历左下方对角线

		if (board[ r ][ c ] == 'Q' )

			return false;//若对角线上有Q,则返回0

	r = row;

	c = col;

	// check lower right diagonal for a queen

	for ( int h = 0; h < 8 && validMove( board, ++r, ++c ); ++h )//遍历右下方对角线

		if ( board[ r ][ c ] == 'Q' )

			return false;//若对角线上有Q,则返回0

	return true;  // no queen in conflict


void xDiagonals( char board[][ 8 ], int row, int col )


	int r = row, c = col;

	// upper left diagonal

	for ( int a = 0; a < 8 && validMove( board, --r, --c ); ++a )//在锁定元素所在左上方对角线上放置*

		board[ r ][ c ] = '*';

	r = row;

	c = col;

	// upper right diagonal

	for ( int b = 0; b < 8 && validMove( board, --r, ++c ); ++b )//在锁定元素所在右上方对角线上放置*

		board[ r ][ c ] = '*';

	r = row;

	c = col;

	// lower left diagonal

	for ( int d = 0; d < 8 && validMove( board, ++r, --c ); ++d )//在锁定元素所在左下方对角线上放置*

		board[ r ][ c ] = '*';

	r = row;

	c = col;

	// lower right diagonal

	for ( int e = 0; e < 8 && validMove( board, ++r, ++c ); ++e )//在锁定元素所在右上方对角线上放置*

		board[ r ][ c ] = '*';


void printBoard( const char board[][ 8 ] )


	int queens = 0;

	// header for columns

	cout << "   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n";//输出列下表

	for ( int r = 0; r < 8; ++r ) {

		cout << setw( 2 ) << r << ' ';//输出列下表

		for ( int c = 0; c < 8; ++c ) {

			cout << board[ r ][ c ] << ' ';//输出改行所有元素

			if ( board[ r ][ c ] == 'Q' )



		cout << '\n';


	if ( queens == 8 )

		cout << "\nEight Queens were placed on the board!" << endl;


		cout << '\n' << queens << " Queens were placed on the board." << endl;



void display(int *);
int test(int *);
void main()
	int row[8];
	int count=0;//记录解决方法的个数
										printf("第 %-d 种放置方法:\n",count);
	printf("共有 %-d 种解决方法\n",count);
void display(int *row)//显示放置方法
	int i,j;


			printf(" #");//打印皇后前面的空白
		printf(" Q");//皇后
			printf(" #");//打印皇后后面的空白
int test(int *row)//测试是否满足题意
	int t,i,j;
				return 0;
				return 0;//还有其他皇后则放回0
	return 1;//满足题意,返回1


/* 回溯法解n皇后问题(8皇后)
 * file name: nqueen.c
 * cmd: $gcc nqueen.c
 * author: yilonglucky#gmail.com
 * description: N Queens Problem with backtracking method
#include <math.h>

/* number of queens, 8 recommended */
#define QUEEN_NUM 8
#define Queen 'Q'
#define Space '#'

static int num = 0;    /* solution number */

/* draw the board with queens of all solutions */
void write(int n, int *x)
	int i, j;
	printf("Solution #%d:\n", ++num);
	for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        /* $i is the row number */
        /* Queen of row i is placed in column x[i] */
		for(j = 1; j < x[i]; j++)
            /* show spaces before the queen */
			printf("%c", Space);

        /* show the queen */
		printf("%c", Queen);

		for(j = x[i]+1; j <= n; j++)
            /* show spaces after the queen */
			printf("%c", Space);
        /* newline before next row*/
    /* newline before next solution */

/* check whether a new queen
 * in row k can be placed.
 * return 1 if OK
 * return 0 if failed
int place(int k,int *x)
	int i = 1;
    /* $i means current row number,
    check from line 1 to row k */
    while (i < k)
        /* compare queens in row i and row k */
		if ((x[i] == x[k])    /* in the same column */
			(abs(x[i] - x[k]) == abs(i-k)))	/* in diagonal line */
            /* queen can not be placed in column x[k] */
			return 0;
		i++;    /* check the next row*/
    /* queen in row k can be placed in column x[k] */
	return 1;
/* N Queens Problem */
int nqueen(int n,int *x)
	int k = 1;    /* $k means current row number */
	x[k] = 0;    /* try to place the queen of row k in column 0 */
	while (k > 0)
			x[k]++;    /* move the queen in row k to next column */
		}while ((x[k] <= n) && 
                (place(k,x) == 0));    /* queen in row k can be place in column x[k] */
		if (x[k] <= n)
            /* the queen in row k is still in board */
			if (k == n)
                /* if this is the last row, let's print it */
				write(n, x);
                /* ok, let's try to put a queen in next row */
				x[++k] = 0;
            /* backtracking: no queen can be placed in current row,
             * so back to the last row.
             * try to move the queen in last row to the next column. */
	return 0;
int main()
    int x[QUEEN_NUM+1];
    int n = QUEEN_NUM;
    nqueen(n, x);
    return 0;


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/yilonglucky/article/details/26956969