

If you work on several different documents at a time, Word makes it easy to open multiple documents in different windows at once. It’s as easy as selecting multiple files like you do in Windows Explorer.

如果您一次处理多个不同的文档,Word可以轻松地一次在不同的窗口中打开多个文档。 就像在Windows资源管理器中选择多个文件一样简单。

When you first open Word, the “Recent” list displays on the backstage screen. At the bottom of the “Recent” list, click the “Open Other Documents” link.

首次打开Word时,“最新”列表将显示在后台屏幕上。 在“最近”列表的底部,单击“打开其他文档”链接。

NOTE: If you already have a new or existing document open and want to open additional documents, click the “File” tab and then click “Open” on the backstage screen. A quick way to access the “Open” backstage screen is to press “Ctrl + O”.

注意:如果您已经打开了新文档或现有文档,并且想要打开其他文档,请单击“文件”选项卡,然后在后台屏幕上单击“打开”。 访问“打开”后台屏幕的快速方法是按“ Ctrl + O”。


On the “Open” screen, click “Computer” to access files on your computer.


NOTE: You can also use this method to open multiple files from your OneDrive account. To do that, click “OneDrive” on the “Open” screen.

注意:您还可以使用此方法从您的OneDrive帐户中打开多个文件。 为此,请在“打开”屏幕上单击“ OneDrive”。


On the right side of the “Open” screen, below the “Recent Folders” list, click the “Browse” button.



The “Open” dialog box displays. Instead of double-clicking on a filename to open the file, create a “selection set”. Selecting files on the “Open” dialog box is the same as selecting files in Windows Explorer. Use the “Shift” to select sequential files or “Ctrl” to select non-sequential files, as shown in the image below. To change which files are selected, use the “Ctrl” key while clicking on the files to select or deselect them.

显示“打开”对话框。 无需双击文件名来打开文件,而是创建一个“选择集”。 在“打开”对话框中选择文件与在Windows资源管理器中选择文件相同。 如下图所示,使用“ Shift”选择顺序文件,或使用“ Ctrl”选择非顺序文件。 要更改选择的文件,请在单击文件时使用“ Ctrl”键选择或取消选择它们。

When you are satisfied with the selected files, click “Open”.



Each file you selected is opened in a separate window. Simply activate each window for each file when you want to work on that file.

所选的每个文件都会在单独的窗口中打开。 要处理每个文件,只需激活每个文件的每个窗口。

This method for opening multiple documents works in Excel and PowerPoint, as well.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/218570/how-to-open-multiple-word-documents-at-once/

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/cum88284/article/details/109041896