

When you print in Microsoft Word, you can print the whole document, the current page, or a range of pages. But what if you have a document with multiple sections, each of which has its own page numbering? There’s a nifty little trick you can use to specify a range of pages in a particular section, or across multiple sections. Let’s take a look.

在Microsoft Word中打印时,您可以打印整个文档,当前页面或页面范围。 但是,如果您的文档有多个部分,每个部分都有自己的页码,该怎么办? 您可以使用一个巧妙的小技巧来指定特定部分或多个部分中的页面范围。 让我们来看看。

In Word, switch to the “File” menu and then click the “Print” command.



On the right, click the “Print All Pages” button and then choose the “Custom Print” option on the drop-down menu.



In the Settings Area, you’ll type the range of pages you want to print in the “Pages” box, and here’s where the trick comes in. To specify section and page numbers, you’ll use the following syntax:



That’s the page and section number of the first page you want to print, followed by a dash, followed by the page and section number of the last page you want to print.


To print nonadjacent pages or nonadjacent sections, you can use a comma instead of a dash to separate the page and section numbers when you type them. You can also use s# by itself to print all pages of a particular section.

要打印不相邻的页面或不相邻的部分,可以在键入时使用逗号而不是破折号来分隔页面和部分的编号。 您也可以单独使用s#来打印特定部分的所有页面。

Let’s look at a few examples.


First, let’s say you wanted to print pages 1-3 of section 2. For that, you’d type p1s2-p3s2 .



Now, let’s complicate it a bit and say you wanted to print page 3 of section 1 through page 1 of section 2. For that, you’d type p3s1-p1s2.



You can also print entire sections by just specifying the section number. For example, if you wanted to print all the pages in sections 1 and 3 (but none from section 2), you could type s1,s3.

您也可以仅指定部分编号来打印整个部分。 例如,如果要打印第1节和第3节中的所有页面(但第2节中没有),则可以键入s1,s3。


Now, let’s take a look at a more complicated, compound example. Say you wanted to print pages 2-5 of section 1 and pages 1-4 of section 3. Those are two ranges of pages that are not contiguous with one another. For that, you’d type p2s1-p5s1,p1s3-p4s3 .

现在,让我们看一个更复杂的复合示例。 假设您要打印第1节的第2-5页和第3节的第1-4页,这是两个彼此不连续的页面范围。 为此,您可以输入p2s1-p5s1,p1s3-p4s3


When you’re ready to print, click the “Print” button.



One more quick tip: If you’re ever unsure of the section number you want to use, you can find out quickly by opening up the header or footer area on a page in that section. Word will show you the section number right there.

另一个快速提示:如果您不确定要使用的部分编号,可以通过打开该部分页面上的页眉或页脚区域来快速查找。 Word将显示您那里的节号。


As you can see, there are lots of little hidden features in Word that you’d never run across by accident. Hopefully, you find this one useful.

如您所见,Word中有很多小隐藏功能,您不会偶然碰到它们。 希望您发现这一点有用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/367996/how-to-print-a-range-of-pages-in-a-multi-section-word-document/

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/cum88284/article/details/109041306