

By default, when you print an Excel spreadsheet, it only includes cells that contain data. Extra content is typically excluded, but it is possible to add a background to your Excel printouts—here’s how to do it.

默认情况下,当您打印Excel电子表格时,它仅包含包含数据的单元格。 通常会排除多余的内容,但是可以在Excel打印输出中添加背景-这是操作方法。

While you can use the “background” option (Page Layout > Background) to add a background image to your spreadsheet, Excel won’t allow you to print backgrounds that are applied this way. You have to use shapes, images, or cell colors as a work-around to achieve the same effect.

尽管您可以使用“背景”选项(“页面布局”>“背景”)将背景图像添加到电子表格中,但Excel不允许您打印以这种方式应用的背景。 您必须使用形状,图像或单元格颜色作为解决方法,以实现相同的效果。

These instructions apply to recent versions of Excel, including 2016, 2019, and Microsoft 365.

这些说明适用于Excel的最新版本,包括2016、2019和Microsoft 365。

插入形状 (Insert a Shape)

The easiest way to add a quick, printable background to a worksheet in Excel is to insert an object, like a shape, to cover your data or fill the entire page.

在Excel中向工作表添加快速,可打印的背景的最简单方法是插入对象 (如形状)以覆盖数据或填充整个页面。

You can then alter the transparency of the object so you can see any data beneath it. You can also use the “Picture Fill” formatting option to fill the shape with an image.

然后,您可以更改对象的透明度,以便查看其下的任何数据。 您也可以使用“图片填充”格式选项将图像填充到形状中。

To get started, open your Excel spreadsheet and click the “Insert” tab in the ribbon. From there, you can click “Pictures” or “Shapes” in the “Illustrations” section.

首先,请打开Excel电子表格,然后单击功能区中的“插入”标签。 在此处,您可以单击“插图”部分中的“图片”或“形状”。


When you click “Shapes,” a drop-down menu with various options appears. Select the shape you want, like a rectangle or square.

当您单击“形状”时,将出现一个包含各种选项的下拉菜单。 选择所需的形状,例如矩形或正方形。


Use your mouse to drag and drop and create a shape that fills the page or your data. After you create it, you can hold and drag the circular buttons around the shape to resize it.

使用鼠标拖放并创建填充页面或数据的形状。 创建后,可以按住并拖动形状周围的圆形按钮以调整其大小。

After you have it sized and positioned the way you want, right-click, and then select “Format Shape” from the pop-up menu.



In the menu that appears, click the arrow next to “Fill” to open the submenu.


You can select a color from the “Color” drop-down menu, and then use the slider to set the transparency to the appropriate level (like 75 percent).



Your changes are applied automatically. When you’re done, you can close the “Format Shape” menu.

您的更改将自动应用。 完成后,您可以关闭“格式形状”菜单。

添加图像 (Add an Image)

Thanks to the “Pattern Fill” option, you can also fill your shape with an image instead of a color. This means you can add an image background to your Excel worksheet.

多亏了“图案填充”选项,您还可以用图像而不是颜色填充形状。 这意味着您可以将图像背景添加到Excel工作表中。

Add your shape first (Insert > Shapes) and use your mouse to draw it, as we covered above. Make sure it fills enough of your worksheet to cover a suitable printout area. Right-click your shape, and then click “Format Shape.”

如上所述,首先添加形状(“插入”>“形状”),然后使用鼠标绘制形状。 确保它填满了您的工作表以覆盖适当的打印输出区域。 右键单击您的形状,然后单击“设置形状格式”。

Click the arrow next to “Fill” to open the options, and then select the “Picture or Texture Fill” radio button. To add your image, click “Insert.”

单击“填充”旁边的箭头以打开选项,然后选择“图片或纹理填充”单选按钮。 要添加图片,请点击“插入”。


To use an image from your computer, click “From a File” in the “Insert Pictures” pop-up menu.


Click “Online Pictures” if you want to search for an image on Bing or click “From Icons” to use one of Excel’s preset images.



After you insert it, the image fills the shape. Use the “Transparency” slider to set a percentage that allows you to see the data underneath the image-filled shape.

插入后,图像将填充形状。 使用“透明度”滑块设置百分比,使您可以查看图像填充形状下方的数据。


使用填充颜色工具添加背景 (Add a Background with the Fill Color Tool)

To add a color to all the cells on your Excel worksheet simultaneously, press Ctrl+A or click the vertical arrow in the top-left corner under the cell selection menu.

要将颜色同时添加到Excel工作表上的所有单元格,请按Ctrl + A或单击单元格选择菜单下左上角的垂直箭头。


Click the “Home” tab, and then click the Fill Color icon. Select the color you want the background of your spreadsheet to be—keep in mind it needs to be light enough that the data on your worksheet can be seen when you print it.

单击“主页”选项卡,然后单击“填充颜色”图标。 选择您希望电子表格的背景颜色—请记住它必须足够浅,以便在打印时可以看到工作表上的数据。


更改打印区域 (Change the Print Area)

By default, Excel won’t include empty cells in the print area (the area that appears on a printout). However, you can alter the print area to include the entire page (or multiple pages), regardless of whether the cells are empty.

默认情况下,Excel不会在打印区域(打印输出中显示的区域)中包含空白单元格。 但是,您可以更改打印区域以包括整页(或多页),而不管单元格是否为空。

To change the print area to include empty cells, make sure you’re in the “Page Layout” view. Click the Page Layout icon in the bottom-right corner of Excel. This allows you to see the rows and columns that will fill a single, printed page.

要将打印区域更改为包括空单元格,请确保您位于“页面布局”视图中。 单击Excel右下角的“页面布局”图标。 这使您可以看到将填充单个打印页面的行和列。


Click the “Page Layout” tab on the ribbon, and then click the Page Setup icon (the diagonal arrow at the bottom-right of the “Page Setup” category).



Click the “Sheet” tab, and then click the up-arrow next to “Print Area.” Use your mouse to select a cell range that fills the area you want to print, including any empty cells.

点击“表格”标签,然后点击“打印区域”旁边的向上箭头。 用鼠标选择一个要填充要打印区域的单元格区域,包括任何空单元格。


To make sure the right cells were selected, click File > Print to see a print preview.



If the cell range you chose doesn’t fill the page, repeat the steps above to alter it, so it includes more cells.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/469922/how-to-print-an-excel-spreadsheet-with-a-background/

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culun797375/article/details/108834297