excel 自定义工具栏_您的自定义Excel工具栏

excel 自定义工具栏

Yesterday I posted a tip for adding the Refresh All button to the PivotTable toolbar, so you can quickly update all the pivot tables and queries in a workbook.

昨天,我发布了一个提示, 将“全部刷新”按钮添加到“数据透视表”工具栏上,以便您可以快速更新工作簿中的所有数据透视表和查询。

In the comments, Jan Karel Pieterse mentioned that he can press Ctrl+Shift, or hold the Alt key, then drag toolbar buttons to a different toolbar. I can’t get that Ctrl+Shift shortcut to work, but often use the Alt key to adjust toolbars on the fly.

在评论中, Jan Karel Pieterse提到他可以按Ctrl + Shift或按住Alt键,然后将工具栏按钮拖动到其他工具栏。 我无法使用Ctrl + Shift快捷键来工作,但经常使用Alt键来快速调整工具栏。

In another comment, AlexJ described how he moves well-hidden menu commands, such as Show Formula Auditing Toolbar, to a toolbar, so they’re easier to use. Great idea!

在另一条评论中,AlexJ描述了如何将隐藏的菜单命令 (例如“显示公式审核工具栏”)移至工具栏,以便于使用。 好想法!

Besides the Refresh All button, there are a few others that I add to my Excel toolbars. For instance, when I’m creating data entry forms it helps to know if a cell is locked or unlocked.

除了全部刷新按钮,我还添加了其他一些Excel工具栏。 例如,当我创建数据输入表单时,它有助于了解某个单元是被锁定还是未锁定。

I copy the Lock Cell button from the Protection toolbar to my Standard toolbar (Ctrl+Alt, then drag the button).

我将“锁定单元”按钮从“保护”工具栏复制到我的“标准”工具栏(Ctrl + Alt,然后拖动按钮)。

When I click on a cell, the Lock Cell button shows the cell’s current setting, and I can click that button to lock or unlock the cell. Very handy!

当我单击某个单元格时,“锁定单元格”按钮将显示该单元格的当前设置,并且我可以单击该按钮来锁定或解锁该单元格。 非常便利!

I also add the Record Macro and Visual Basic Editor buttons, copied from the Visual Basic toolbar, and Toggle Grid from the Forms toolbar.

我还添加了从Visual Basic工具栏复制的“记录宏”和“ Visual Basic编辑器”按钮,以及从“表单”工具栏复制了“切换网格”。

您添加或删除了哪些按钮? (What Buttons Do You Add or Remove?)

  • Are there any standard command buttons that you always add to your toolbars when you install Excel?


  • Any standard command buttons that you always remove, because you never use them?


If you’d like to share a screen shot of your toolbars, upload it somewhere like TinyPic.com, and paste a link in your comment.

如果您想共享工具栏的屏幕快照,请将其上传到TinyPic.com之类的位置 ,然后在评论中粘贴一个链接。

Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can open this Google Spreadsheet, choose Insert>Picture, and paste the picture link in there. I have no idea how well this will work, but it might be an interesting experiment!

或者,如果您喜欢冒险,可以打开此Google Spreadsheet ,选择“插入”>“图片”,然后在其中粘贴图片链接。 我不知道这将如何运作,但这可能是一个有趣的实验!

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2008/10/28/your-customized-excel-toolbars/

excel 自定义工具栏

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/culiao2169/article/details/107987634