use pay115
select distinct professor
from person
use pay115
select *
from person
where sex = ‘男’
use pay115
select *
from person
where sex = ‘女’ and deptno = ‘00102’
use pay115
select base*1.5+bonus–deduct as real_fact
from pay
where no = ‘000001’
use pay115
select *
from person left outer join pay on (person.No = pay.no)
where person.DeptNo = ‘00102’
order by fact desc
use pay115
select deptno as 部门,sum(fact) as 总额
from pay,person
where pay.no=person.no and year=2005
group by deptno
use pay115
select dept.deptno,deptname ,avg(bonus) as 平均奖金
from dept,person,pay
where year = 2005 and month = 1 and dept.deptno = person.DeptNo and pay.No = person.No
group by dept.deptno,deptname
having avg(bonus)>=400
order by avg(bonus) asc
use pay115
select name,base,bonus,deduct,fact
from person,pay,dept
where person.no = pay.no and year = 2005 and month = 1 and dept.deptname = ‘市场部’ and dept.DeptNo = person.DeptNo
use pay115
select *
from person
where no in
select no from pay
where year = 2005 and month = 1 and
fact>(select fact from pay
where year = 2005 and month = 1 and no = ‘000001’)
use pay115
select *
from person
where no in
select no from pay
where year = 2005 and month = 1 and
fact>(select max(fact)
from pay,person
where year = 2005 and month = 1 and deptno = ‘00102’ and person.no = pay.no)
use pay115
select *
from person,pay
where person.no = pay.no and pay.no in
select no from pay
where year = 2005 and month = 1 and
fact>(select avg(fact)
from pay
where year = 2005 and month = 1)
create view dbo.view_person(No,Name,Sex,professor,deptno)
select no,name,sex,professor,deptno
from dbo.person
create view dbo.view_pay(year,month,no,name,sex,professor,deptname,base,bonus,deduct,fact)
select year,month,person.no,name,sex,professor,deptname,base,bonus,deduct,fact
from dbo.person,dbo.pay,dbo.dept
where dept.DeptNo = person.DeptNo and person.no = pay.no
use school
select cno,avg(grade) from sc group by cno having avg(grade)>60
use school
select sno,sname
from student
where sno not in
(select sno
from sc,course
where cname = ‘数据库’ and course.cno = sc.cno)
use school
select cno,count(sno)
from sc
group by cno
having count(sno)>2
order by count(sno) desc,cno asc
use school
select sc.cno,count(sno),cname
from sc,course
where course.cno = sc.cno
group by sc.cno,cname
having count(sno)>1
order by count(sno) desc,cno asc
create view view_sc(cno,cname,ccredit, 选课人数)
select course.cno,cname,ccredit,count(sno)
from course,sc
where course.cno = sc.cno
group by course.cno,cname,ccredit
having count(sno)>0
例3.22 查询计算机科学系全体学生的名单
select sname
from student
where sdept = ‘cs’