mfc 对话框 全屏_Web开发人员阅读列表:全屏对话框Web存储和语音API

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The modern JavaScript specification is divided into a series of modules, which includes the HTML5 APIs. All of these APIs depend entirely on JavaScript to work, so they’re included in the JavaScript reading list. However, they are officially HTML5 APIs; Dialog even introduces an element of the same name.

现代JavaScript规范分为一系列模块,其中包括HTML5 API 。 所有这些API都完全依赖JavaScript来工作,因此它们都包含在JavaScript阅读列表中。 但是,它们是正式的HTML5 API。 对话框甚至引入了一个同名元素。

Both the HTML5 Fullscreen and Dialog APIs are vital to modern web applications: the Fullscreen API eliminates browser UI and scrollbars, leaving just the elements on the web page you want the user to focus on, while the Dialog API presents modal windows in front of content, focussing the user’s attention and limiting their interactivity. Both are useful in a variety of applications, from games to kiosks.

HTML5 Fullscreen和Dialog API对现代Web应用程序都是至关重要的:Fullscreen API消除了浏览器UI和滚动条,只保留了您希望用户关注的网页上的元素,而Dialog API在内容前面显示了模式窗口,以吸引用户的注意力并限制他们的互动性。 两者在从游戏到售货亭的各种应用中都很有用。

The Speech Synthesis and Recognition APIs have a more refined focus, and are not yet supported in all modern browsers… but will be part of making accessibile, fully featured sites act like modern applications.


Time: 1 hour

时间 :1小时

Prerequisites: A good understanding of both HTML & CSS.

先决条件 :对HTMLCSS都有很好的理解。

全屏API (The FullScreen API)

It’s worthwhile pointing out that fullscreen background video is a different set of techniques, and is unrelated to the FullScreen API.

值得指出的是, 全屏背景视频是另一套技术,与FullScreen API无关。

对话框API (The Dialog API)

语音合成和识别API (The Speech Synthesis & Recognition APIs)

Web存储API (The Web Storage API)


mfc 对话框 全屏
