


void backtrack(int t){   
  if(t > n) output(x);   
    for(int i = f(n,t); i <= g(n,t);i++){   
          x[t] = h(i);   
          if(constraint(t) && bound(t)) backtrack(t+1);   


def pack_01_back_prune(N,V,C,W):
    BestResult = [False]*N
    Selected = [False]*(N)
    BestValue = [0]
    CurCost = [0]
    CurValue = [0]
    order = [i for i in range(N)]
    perp = [0]*N
    # sorted by value per weight
    def sort_group(C,W,O):
        perp = [0]*N
        for i in range(N):
            perp[i] = W[i]/C[i]
        for i in range(N-1):
            for j in range(i+1,N):
                if  perp[i] < perp[j]:
                    temp = perp[i]
                    perp[i] = perp[j]
                    perp[j] = temp
                    temp = O[i]
                    O[i] = O[j]
                    O[j] = temp
                    temp = C[i]
                    C[i] = C[j]
                    C[j] = temp
                    temp = W[i]
                    W[i] = W[j]
                    W[j] = temp                    
        return perp,C,W,O
# 计算上界函数,功能为剪枝
# 判断当前背包的总价值cp+剩余容量可容纳的最大价值<=当前最优价值
    def bound(depth):
        left_weight = V - CurCost[0]
        b = CurValue[0] 
        while depth < N and C[depth] <= left_weight:
            left_weight -=C[depth]
            b += W[depth]
            depth +=1
        if depth < N:
            b += perp[depth] * left_weight
        return b

    def backtracking(depth):
        if depth > N-1:
            if CurValue[0] > BestValue[0]:
                BestValue[0] = CurValue[0]                
                BestResult[:] = Selected[:]

# 如若左子节点可行,则直接搜索左子树;
# 对于右子树,先计算上界函数,以判断是否将其减去
            if CurCost[0] + C[depth] <= V :# and bound(depth+1) > BestValue[0]:
                Selected[depth] = True
                CurCost[0] += C[depth]
                CurValue[0]  += W[depth]
                # next
                # undo
                CurCost[0] -= C[depth]
                CurValue[0]  -= W[depth]
# 如若符合条件则搜索右子树 
            if bound(depth+1) > BestValue[0]:
                Selected[depth] = False
    perp,C,W,order = sort_group(C,W,order)
    # 把结果恢复成原来顺序
    decode_BestResult =[False]*N
    for i in range(N):
        if BestResult[i]:
            decode_BestResult[order[i]] = True
    return decode_BestResult,BestValue


def pack_01_back_prune_iteration(N,V,C,W):
    BestResult = [False]*N
    Selected = [False]*(N)
    BestValue = [0]
    CurCost = [0]
    CurValue = [0]
    order = [i for i in range(N)]
    perp = [0]*N
    # sorted by value per weight
    def sort_group(C,W,O):
        perp = [0]*N
        for i in range(N):
            perp[i] = W[i]/C[i]
        for i in range(N-1):
            for j in range(i+1,N):
                if  perp[i] < perp[j]:
                    temp = perp[i]
                    perp[i] = perp[j]
                    perp[j] = temp
                    temp = O[i]
                    O[i] = O[j]
                    O[j] = temp
                    temp = C[i]
                    C[i] = C[j]
                    C[j] = temp
                    temp = W[i]
                    W[i] = W[j]
                    W[j] = temp                    
        return perp,C,W,O
# 计算上界函数,功能为剪枝
# 判断当前背包的总价值cp+剩余容量可容纳的最大价值<=当前最优价值
    def bound(depth):
        left_weight = V - CurCost[0]
        b = CurValue[0] 
        while depth < N and C[depth] <= left_weight:
            left_weight -=C[depth]
            b += W[depth]
            depth +=1
        if depth < N:
            b += perp[depth] * left_weight
        return b

    def backtracking_iteration(depth):
        while True:
            if depth < N:
            		# 进入1的分支
                if CurCost[0] + C[depth] <= V and bound(depth+1) > BestValue[0]:
                    Selected[depth] = True
                    CurCost[0] += C[depth]
                    CurValue[0]  += W[depth]
                  # 进入0的分支
                elif bound(depth+1) > BestValue[0]:
                    Selected[depth] = False
                # 不满足限界函数,回溯 
                    while depth >= 0 and not Selected[depth]:
                        depth -=1
                    if depth < 0:
                        Selected[depth] =False
                        CurCost[0] -= C[depth]
                        CurValue[0]  -= W[depth]                     
                if CurValue[0] > BestValue[0]:
                    BestValue[0] = CurValue[0]                
                    BestResult[:] = Selected[:]
                # 到底部回溯,这时候,depth已经穿了
                depth -=1
                while depth >= 0 and not Selected[depth]:
                    depth -=1
                if depth < 0:
                    Selected[depth] =False
                    CurCost[0] -= C[depth]
                    CurValue[0]  -= W[depth]        
            depth +=1
    perp,C,W,order = sort_group(C,W,order)
    decode_BestResult =[False]*N
    for i in range(N):
        if BestResult[i]:
            decode_BestResult[order[i]] = True
    return decode_BestResult,BestValue    


N = 8
V = 30
C = [11,2,3,9,13,6,15,7,19]
W = [5.0,2.0,5.0,7.0,5.0,11.0,6.0,14.0]

#print pack_01_back(N,V,C,W)
#print pack_01_back_iteration(N,V,C,W)
#print pack_01_back_iteration2(N,V,C,W)
print pack_01_back_prune(N,V,C,W)
print pack_01_back_prune_iteration(N,V,C,W)

runfile('/root/test/back_tracking.py', wdir='/root/test')
([False, True, True, True, False, True, False, True], [39.0])

runfile('/root/test/back_tracking.py', wdir='/root/test')
([False, True, True, True, False, True, False, True], [39.0])

还有一种分支限界的思路,上界函数为:CurValue + rest <= BestValue:

# 这种解法注意回溯函数一致性,思路比较清晰:满足剪枝条件就回溯:CurValue + rest <= BestValue
def pack_01_back_iteration3(N,V,C,W):
    depth = 0
    BestResult = [False]*N
    Selected = [False]*(N)
    BestValue = 0
    CurCost = 0
    CurValue = 0   
    rest = 0
    for i in range(N):
        rest += W[i]
    while True:
        while depth < N and CurCost + C[depth] <= V:
            rest -=W[depth]
            Selected[depth] = True
            CurCost += C[depth]
            CurValue  += W[depth]
            depth +=1
        if depth >= N:
            BestValue = CurValue                
            BestResult[:] = Selected[:]
            rest -=W[depth]
            Selected[depth] =False
            depth +=1
        while CurValue + rest <= BestValue:
            depth -=1
            while depth >=0 and not Selected[depth]:
                rest +=W[depth]
                depth -=1
            if depth < 0:
                return BestResult,BestValue
                Selected[depth] =False
                CurCost -= C[depth]
                CurValue  -= W[depth]
                depth +=1

N = 8
V = 30
C = [11,2,3,9,13,6,15,7,19]
W = [5.0,2.0,5.0,7.0,5.0,11.0,6.0,14.0]

print pack_01_back_iteration3(N,V,C,W)

([False, True, True, True, False, True, False, True], 39.0)
    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_40759186/article/details/84495350