
1.  取到7个数,0可以重复,其他不重复,0可以充当任意数,判断7个数里面是否存在5个连续数  
    1,5,2,4,0,13,10     0->3   1,2,3,4,5,10,13   return   true  
    1,5,2,0,0,13,10     0->3   0->4   1,2,3,4,5,10,13   return   true  
    1,5,6,0,0,13,10     return   false  


    Module   CheckNumber  
          Public   Function   iscontinuousNumbers(ByVal   NumbersString   As   String)   As   Boolean  
                  Dim   continuousCount   As   Integer   =   1  
                  Dim   zeroCount   As   Integer  
                  Dim   noZeroString   As   String   =   Replace(Replace(NumbersString,   “,0”,   “”),   “0,”,   “”)  
                  zeroCount   =   CInt(CInt(Len(NumbersString)   –   Len(noZeroString))   /   2)  
                  Dim   numbers()   As   String   =   Split(noZeroString,   “,”)  
                  For   i   As   Integer   =   0   To   UBound(numbers)   –   1  
                          For   j   As   Integer   =   0   To   UBound(numbers)   –   i   –   1  
                                  Dim   savenumber   As   String  
                                  If   CInt(numbers(j))   >   CInt(numbers(j   +   1))   Then  
                                          savenumber   =   numbers(j)  
                                          numbers(j)   =   numbers(j   +   1)  
                                          numbers(j   +   1)   =   savenumber  
                                  End   If  
                  Dim   recCurrentContinuous   As   Integer   =   zeroCount  
                  For   i   As   Integer   =   1   To   UBound(numbers)  
                          Dim   continuousTwoNumbers   As   Integer   =   CInt(numbers(i))   –   CInt(numbers(i   –   1))  
                          If   continuousTwoNumbers   –   1   <=   recCurrentContinuous   Then  
                                  continuousCount   +=   continuousTwoNumbers  
                                  recCurrentContinuous   -=   (continuousTwoNumbers   –   1)  
                                  continuousCount   =   1  
                                  recCurrentContinuous   =   zeroCount  
                          End   If  
                          If   continuousCount   >=   5   Then  
                                  Return   True  
                          End   If  
                  Return   False  
          End   Function  
  End   Module  

2. 根据上排给出十个数,在其下排填出对应的十个数





public class Test  


  public static void main(String[] args)  


    NumberTB nTB = new NumberTB(10);  


    int[] result = nTB.getBottom();  

    for(int i=0;i<result.length;i++)  


      System.out.print(result[i] + ” “);  





class NumberTB  


  private int[] top;  

  private int[] bottom;  

  private int len;  

  private boolean success;  


  //please into len >= 4  

  public NumberTB(int len)  


    this.len = len <= 4 ? 4 : len;  

    this.success = false;  


    this.top = new int[this.len];  

    this.bottom = new int[this.len];  


    //format top  

    for(int i=0;i<this.len;i++)  


      this.top[i] = i;  




  public int[] getBottom()  


    int i = 0;  








    System.out.println(“执行了: ” + i + “次循环得到结果”);  


    return this.bottom;  



  //set next bottom  

  private void setNextBottom()  


    boolean reB = true;  


    for(int i=0;i<this.len;i++)  


      int frequecy = getFrequecy(i);  


      if(this.bottom[i] != frequecy)  


        this.bottom[i] = frequecy;  

        reB = false;  




    this.success = reB;  



  //get frequency in bottom  

  private int getFrequecy(int num)  


    int count = 0;  


    for(int i=0;i<this.len;i++)  


      if(this.bottom[i] == num)  




    return count;  


