Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm

Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm

思路:将顶点集分为两部分。集合 V1 表示已计算出到源顶点最短距离的顶点的集合,集合 V2 表示尚未计算出到源顶点最短距离的顶点的集合。

V1 初始化为源顶点S。算法每次从 V2 中选择一个顶点加入 V1 中,同时保持 V1 集合的性质: V1 中每个顶点都已知其到源顶点S的最短路径。 则经过 N1 次循环, V1 = V , V2 = 算法终止。

每一次循环是依据什么来从 V2 中选择顶点加入 V1 的呢?
依据是首先找出所有的那些边( v , w ) E ,满足 vV1 wV2 , 再从这些边中找出使得 A[ v ] + lvw 最小的那条边( v , w ) , 将 w V2 中取出,加入 V1 。并计算:
A[ w ] = A[ v ] + lvw .
B[ w ] = B[ v ] ( v , w ).


A heap is a container for a bunch of objects. And each of the objects should have a key, so that you can compare two objects.
Here we discuss about min heap.


Heap can support two basic operations:

  • insertion : add a new object into a heap.
    running time: O(logn)
  • extract_min: remove an object in heap with a minimum key value.[ties broken arbitrarily]
    running time: O(logn) , n is the number of objects in heap.

Also, heap supports:

  • heapify : initialize a heap in linear time O(n) .
  • Delete : delete an arbitrary element from the heap in logarithmic time. O(logn) .

Canonical use of heap

fast way to do repeated minimum computations.

heap sort :

  • insert all n array elements into a heap
  • extract min to pluck out elements in sorted order.

running time: 2n heap operations = O(nlog(n)) time.
Optimal for a “comparison-based” sorting algorithm.

priority queue

median maintenance(use a max heap and a min heap)

Input: a sequance x1 , , xn of numbers, one by one.
Output: at each time stamp i, the median of { x1,,xi }.

Solution: Maintain two heaps:



Key Idea: Maintain invariant that about

i2 smallest(largest) elements in

Hlow(Hhigh) .

Code in java

    /** * <p>Description: The main procedure of the median maintenance algorithm</p> * <p> Compute the median of first i elements in the array, i range from 1 to array length.</p> * <p> The medians is stored in an array:m_medians. */
    public void medianMaintenance(){
        //initialize heap and median array
        m_lowHeap = new PriorityQueue<Integer>();
        m_highHeap = new PriorityQueue<Integer>();
        m_medians = new int[m_array.length];

        for(int i = 0; i < m_array.length; i ++){
            if(m_lowHeap.isEmpty() || m_array[i] <= -m_lowHeap.peek()){
                m_lowHeap.add(- m_array[i]);
                //adjust heap 
                if(m_lowHeap.size() - m_highHeap.size() >= 2){
                    int max = - m_lowHeap.remove();
            else if(m_highHeap.isEmpty() || m_array[i] > m_lowHeap.peek()){
                //adjust heap
                if(m_highHeap.size() - m_lowHeap.size() >= 2){
                    int min = m_highHeap.remove();

            //get median
            int median;
            if(m_lowHeap.size() == m_highHeap.size())
                median = - m_lowHeap.peek();//caution for minus.
            else if(m_lowHeap.size() > m_highHeap.size())
                median = - m_lowHeap.peek();
                median = m_highHeap.peek();
            m_medians[i] = median;


Speeding up Dijkstra

Key Idea: store the vertex in a heap basing on each vertex’s distance to the source vertex. Each time pop a vertex(say w ) from the heap, add it to the chosen set. And adjust all the vertices in heap that connect with w . Loop until the heap is empty.

The heap property

conceptually : think of a heap as a tree.
– rooted, binary, as complete as possible.

heap property: at every node x , key[ x ] all keys of x children.

array implementation


[1] coursera standford algorithm part I

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/q411030065/article/details/47321745