RWTaskKit 基于注解形式的任务框架



iOS开发时, 我们通常会在AppDelegate的delegate method 中实现若干启动需要的逻辑.如:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // do your massive stuff.....
    return YES;

对于中大型的App来说,随着业务越来越大, AppDelegate中的代码会成为灾难,难于管理.如何优雅的对其进行管理呢. 所以RWTaskKit为此而生, 从此告别AppDelegate.




@task(Task1, RWTaskPriorityCritical, RWTaskEventWillFinishLaunching)
+(void) run {
    NSLog(@"This is No.1 task we want to perform!");

方法run将在application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:调用之后触发,同时,我们不用关心AppDelegate, 只需要import RWTask.h.

上述例子中可以我可以看到, 一个Task,由三部分组成:任务标识符 任务体 结束标识符

  • 任务标识符
  1. @开头
  2. 任务类型的关键字, 如 task schedule timer
  3. 一系列参数
  • 任务体

  • 任务结束标识符

RWTaskKit目前支持三种任务:event task schedule task notification task

Event task

Event task is designed to handle common methods calling in UIApplicationDelegate.

Parameters in the brackets are :Task Name, Priority, Event Name

Task Nanme would be any unique string.
Priority would be enumeration value witch can be found in RWTaskObject.h, task (for a same event) with higher priority will be exexuted earlier.

Event Name would be enumeration value as following:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, RWTaskEvent) {
  RWTaskEventWillFinishLaunching = 0x1,       //tasks will be performed only once
  RWTaskEventDidFinishLaunching = 0x1 << 1,   //tasks will be performed only once
  RWTaskEventWillEnterForeground = 0x1 << 2,
  RWTaskEventDidEnterBackground = 0x1 << 3,
  RWTaskEventDidBecomeActive = 0x1 << 4,
  RWTaskEventDidReceiveMemoryWarning = 0x1 << 5,
  RWTaskEventWillTerminate = 0x1 << 6,
  RWTaskEventWillResignActive = 0x1 << 7,
  RWTaskEventSignificantTimeChange = 0x1 << 8,
  RWTaskEventOpenURL = 0x1 << 9,
  RWTaskEventWillChangeStatusBarOrientation = 0x1 << 10,
  RWTaskEventDidChangeStatusBarOrientation = 0x1 << 11,
  RWTaskEventBackgroundRefreshStatusDidChange = 0x1 << 12,
  RWTaskEventUserDidTakeScreenshot = 0x1 << 13,
  RWTaskEventReserved1 = 0x1 << 14,
  RWTaskEventReserved2 = 0x1 << 15,
  RWTaskEventIdle = 0x1 << 16, // not implemented
  RWTaskEventNone = 0,

Above event enumerations are mapped to coresponding delegate methods. see UIApplication.h in iOS SDK.

class method run is a must-have for any task. Besides event task has an optional method +(NSArray<Class>*)dependency which denotes the dependency of the task. See the following example:

@task(Task2, RWTaskPriorityCritical, RWTaskEventWillFinishLaunching)
+(void) run {
    NSLog(@"This is No.2 task we want to perform!");
      // this task will be executed after Task1 and Task3 finish
    return @[task_name(Task1),task_name(Task3)];    

Here task_name is a macro for convenience. Tasks specified in method dependency have nothing to do with the order inside the array.

Schedule task

Schedule task is designed for the task should be executed right after a scheduled time or repeated with specified times.


@schedule(ScheduleTask1, 1448873913, 5, 1)
+ (void) run{
@timer(ScheduleTask2, 10, 2)
+ (void) run{

ScheduleTask1 will be executed right after 1448873913(timestamp, like [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]), it will be executed 5 times for every 1 second.

ScheduleTask2 will be executed every 2 seconds, and it will repeat 10 times.

Schedule task has a built-in clock, the time interval is 1 second. Thus the timeinterval in paramters should be an integral multiple of built-in time interval. Besides the maximum timeinterval is 120 * built-in time interval.

Note: developers can customize the built-in time interval by trigger a repeatedly notification implused by your own NSTimer.

First, use NO_RW_CLOCK macro only once in any .m file. Second, post a notification with name RWAppClockTicktockNotificationKey in your customized timer.

Notification task

Notification task is designed for task should be triggered by a notification. Example:

+ (void) runWithNotification:(NSNotification*)noti{

Runtime injection

Following interfaces can be used in runtime scenario to inject event tasks and schedule tasks.

- (void)injectEventTaskWithName:(NSString *)taskName
                dependency:(NSArray<Class> *)dependency
- (void)scheduleTaskWithName:(NSString *)taskName
                 desiredDate:(NSDate *)date

- (void)destroyTaskByName:(NSString *)taskName;

- (void)pauseTaskByName:(NSString *)taskName;

- (void)resumeTaskByName:(NSString *)taskName;