Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format.
If the fractional part is repeating, enclose the repeating part in parentheses.
For example,
Given numerator = 1, denominator = 2, return “0.5”.
Given numerator = 2, denominator = 1, return “2”.
Given numerator = 2, denominator = 3, return “0.(6)”.
Special thanks to @Shangrila for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
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Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0f if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0f if the argument is less than zero.
numerator = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
denominator = Integer.MAX_VALUE – 1;那么在numerator * 10 后,就溢出了。
要取绝对值,因为 -2 % 3 = -2, -2 % -3 = -2
分析 57 ,余数分别是 5 1 3 2 6 4 5,到5处就出现了循环。因为余数必然在 [0,7) 范围内,如果不能除尽,必然是无限循环小数。循环的位置,就是某余数第一次出现的位置,至当前该余数出现的位置(该余数是所有余数中,第一个出现2次的)。
· · 0.7 1 4 2 8 5 - - - - - - - 7 )5 0 4 9 - - - - - - - 1 0 7 - - - - - 3 0 2 8 - - - - - 2 0 1 4 - - - - 6 0 5 6 - - - 4 0 3 5 - - 5
key value 5 0 1 1 3 2 2 3 6 4 4 5
下一个 n/10 是5,map中存在,即可在0处插入 “(” ,在最后插入 “)” 。
public static String fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) {
String sign = "";
if (Math.signum(numerator) * Math.signum(denominator) < 0) {
sign = "-";
long n = Math.abs(numerator);
long d = Math.abs(denominator);
String intPart = Math.abs(n / d) + "";
// 如果整除,直接返回结果
if (n % d == 0) {
return sign + intPart;
// 计算小数部分
n %= d;
n *= 10;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Map<Long, Integer> mod = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
for (int i = 0; n != 0; i++) {
long q = n / d;
Integer start = mod.get(n / 10);
if (start != null) {
sb.insert(start, "(");
mod.put(n / 10, i);
n %= d;
n *= 10;
String fractionalPart = sb.toString();
return sign + intPart + "." + fractionalPart;