- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Stack;
- public class Graph {
- /**关键字:图 邻接表 深度优先遍历 广度优先遍历 最短路径
- * key words:Graph Adjacent-list depthFirstVisit breadthFirstVisit getCheapestPath
- * 1.Graph is a collection of Vertex and Edge.
- * When you want to implement ‘Graph’,you deal with two missions:how to implement ‘Vertex’ and ‘Edge’
- * a.Vertex:
- * Type label–>Vertex’s ID,to separate one Vertex from another,like ‘A’,’B’,or 0,1,2
- * List<Edge> edgeList–>store edges that start with this Vertex.
- * …<output omit>
- * b.Edge(as Inner class of Vertex):
- * endVertex–>(begin,end),the outer class is ‘begin’,endVertex is ‘end’
- * …<output omit>
- * 2.In the following,we
- * a.use ArrayList to store Vertices
- * b.use ‘char’ as Vertex’s ID
- */
- private List<Vertex> vertices;
- private int edgeCount;
- private List<Vertex> depthFirstResult;
- private List<Vertex> breadthFirstResult;
- public void breadthFirstVisit(char beginLabel){
- Vertex origin=this.getVertexByChar(beginLabel);
- if(origin==null)return;
- List<Vertex> queue=new LinkedList<Vertex>();
- origin.setVisited(true);
- queue.add(origin);
- breadthFirstResult.add(origin);
- Vertex curVertex=null;
- while(!queue.isEmpty()){
- curVertex=queue.remove(0);
- while(curVertex.getFirstUnvisitedNeighbor()!=null){
- Vertex tmpVertex=curVertex.getFirstUnvisitedNeighbor();
- tmpVertex.setVisited(true);
- queue.add(tmpVertex);
- breadthFirstResult.add(tmpVertex);
- }
- }
- printVertexList(breadthFirstResult);
- }
- public void depthFirstVisit(char beginLabel){
- Vertex origin=this.getVertexByChar(beginLabel);
- if(origin==null)return;
- Stack<Vertex> stack=new Stack<Vertex>();
- origin.setVisited(true);
- stack.push(origin);
- depthFirstResult.add(origin);
- Vertex curVertex=null;
- while(!stack.isEmpty()){
- curVertex=stack.peek();
- Vertex tmpVertex=curVertex.getFirstUnvisitedNeighbor();
- if(tmpVertex!=null){
- tmpVertex.setVisited(true);
- depthFirstResult.add(tmpVertex);
- stack.push(tmpVertex);
- }else{
- stack.pop();
- }
- }
- printVertexList(depthFirstResult);
- }
- //getShortestPath.Base on breadthFirstVisit.the edge has no weight.
- public double getShortestPath(char beginLabel,char endLabel,Stack<Vertex> stack){
- resetVertices();
- Vertex begin=this.getVertexByChar(beginLabel);
- Vertex end=this.getVertexByChar(endLabel);
- begin.setVisited(true);
- List<Vertex> queue=new LinkedList<Vertex>();
- queue.add(begin);
- boolean done=false;
- while(!done&&!queue.isEmpty()){
- Vertex curVertex=queue.remove(0);
- while(!done&&curVertex.getFirstUnvisitedNeighbor()!=null){
- Vertex tmpVertex=curVertex.getFirstUnvisitedNeighbor();
- tmpVertex.setVisited(true);
- double tmpCost=curVertex.getCost()+1;
- tmpVertex.setPreviousVertex(curVertex);
- tmpVertex.setCost(tmpCost);
- queue.add(tmpVertex);
- if(tmpVertex.equals(end)){
- done=true;
- }
- }
- }
- double pathLength=end.getCost();
- //find the path.traverse back from end
- while(end!=null){
- stack.push(end);
- end=end.getPreviousVertex();
- }
- return pathLength;
- }
- public boolean addEdge(char beginLabel,char endLabel,double weight){
- int beginIndex=vertices.indexOf(new Vertex(beginLabel));
- int endIndex=vertices.indexOf(new Vertex(endLabel));
- Vertex beginVertex=vertices.get(beginIndex);
- Vertex endVertex=vertices.get(endIndex);
- boolean result=beginVertex.connect(endVertex,weight);
- edgeCount++;
- return result;
- }
- public boolean addEdge(char beginLabel,char endLabel){
- return addEdge(beginLabel,endLabel,0);
- }
- public boolean addVertex(char label){
- boolean result=false;
- Vertex newVertex=new Vertex(label);
- if(!vertices.contains(newVertex)){
- vertices.add(newVertex);//reject duplicate vertex
- result=true;
- }
- return result;
- }
- public void printVertexList(List<Vertex> list){
- for(int i=0,len=list.size();i<len;i++){
- Vertex vertex=list.get(i);
- System.out.print(vertex.getLabel()+” “);
- }
- System.out.println();
- }
- public void resetVertices(){
- for(int i=0,len=vertices.size();i<len;i++){
- Vertex vertex=vertices.get(i);
- vertex.setPreviousVertex(null);
- vertex.setVisited(false);
- vertex.setCost(0);
- }
- }
- public Vertex getVertexByChar(char target){
- Vertex vertex=null;
- for(int i=0,len=vertices.size();i<len;i++){
- vertex=vertices.get(i);
- Character xx=vertex.getLabel();
- if(xx.charValue()==target){
- return vertex;
- }
- }
- return vertex;
- }
- public Graph(){
- vertices=new ArrayList<Vertex>();
- edgeCount=0;
- depthFirstResult=new ArrayList<Vertex>();
- breadthFirstResult=new ArrayList<Vertex>();
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Graph graph=createGapth();
- graph.depthFirstVisit(‘7’);//depthFirstVisit,start with ‘7’
- graph.resetVertices();
- graph.breadthFirstVisit(‘0’);//breadthFirstVisit,start with ‘0’
- //shortest path
- Stack<Vertex> pathStack=new Stack<Vertex>();
- //from ‘0’ to ‘7’.
- double pathLength=graph.getShortestPath(‘0’,‘7’,pathStack);
- System.out.println(pathLength);
- while(!pathStack.isEmpty()){
- Vertex vertex=pathStack.pop();
- System.out.print(vertex.getLabel()+” “);
- }
- //BasicGraphInterface<String> airMap=new UndirectedGraph<String>();
- //airMap.
- }
- public static Graph createGapth(){
- /*
- 0—-1—2
- | \ | |
- | \ | |
- | \| |
- 3 4 5
- | /
- | /
- | /
- 6—7
- the adjacent List is :
- 0–>4–3–1
- 1–>4–2–0
- 2–>5–1
- 3–>6–0
- 4–>6–1–0
- 5–>2
- 6–>7–4–3
- 7–>6
- */
- Graph graph=new Graph();
- graph.addVertex(‘0’);
- graph.addVertex(‘1’);
- graph.addVertex(‘2’);
- graph.addVertex(‘3’);
- graph.addVertex(‘4’);
- graph.addVertex(‘5’);
- graph.addVertex(‘6’);
- graph.addVertex(‘7’);
- graph.addEdge(‘0’,‘4’);
- graph.addEdge(‘0’,‘3’);
- graph.addEdge(‘0’,‘1’);
- graph.addEdge(‘1’,‘4’);
- graph.addEdge(‘1’,‘2’);
- graph.addEdge(‘1’,‘0’);
- graph.addEdge(‘2’,‘5’);
- graph.addEdge(‘2’,‘1’);
- graph.addEdge(‘3’,‘6’);
- graph.addEdge(‘3’,‘0’);
- graph.addEdge(‘4’,‘6’);
- graph.addEdge(‘4’,‘1’);
- graph.addEdge(‘4’,‘0’);
- graph.addEdge(‘5’,‘2’);
- graph.addEdge(‘6’,‘7’);
- graph.addEdge(‘6’,‘4’);
- graph.addEdge(‘6’,‘3’);
- graph.addEdge(‘7’,‘6’);
- return graph;
- }
- }
- class Vertex{
- private char label;
- private List<Edge> edgeList;
- private boolean isVisited;
- private Vertex previousVertex;//use it in the method-‘getShortestPath()’
- private double cost;//the cost from beginning to this vertex
- public Vertex(char label){
- this.label=label;
- edgeList=new ArrayList<Edge>();
- isVisited=false;
- previousVertex=null;
- cost=0;
- }
- public boolean isVisited(){
- return isVisited;
- }
- public void visit(){
- System.out.println(this.label);
- this.isVisited=true;
- }
- public void setPreviousVertex(Vertex vertex){
- this.previousVertex=vertex;
- }
- public void setVisited(Boolean isVisited){
- this.isVisited=isVisited;
- }
- public void setCost(double cost){
- this.cost=cost;
- }
- public Vertex getFirstNeighbor(){
- Vertex neighbor=this.edgeList.get(0).endVertex;
- return neighbor;
- }
- public char getLabel(){
- return this.label;
- }
- public double getCost(){
- return this.cost;
- }
- public Vertex getPreviousVertex(){
- return this.previousVertex;
- }
- public Vertex getFirstUnvisitedNeighbor(){
- Vertex unVisitedNeighbor=null;
- for(int i=0,len=edgeList.size();i<len;i++){
- Vertex vertex=edgeList.get(i).endVertex;
- if(!vertex.isVisited){
- unVisitedNeighbor=vertex;
- break;
- }
- }
- return unVisitedNeighbor;
- }
- public boolean equals(Object object){
- boolean result=false;
- if(this==object)return true;
- if(object instanceof Vertex){
- Vertex otherVertex=(Vertex)object;
- result=this.label==otherVertex.label;
- }
- return result;
- }
- public boolean connect(Vertex endVertex,double weight){
- boolean result=false;//result=true if successful
- if(!this.equals(endVertex)){//connections should occur in different Vertices
- boolean isDuplicateEdge=false;
- List<Edge> edgeList=this.edgeList;
- if(edgeList.contains(endVertex)){
- isDuplicateEdge=true;
- }
- if(!isDuplicateEdge){
- //endVertex.previousVertex=this;
- edgeList.add(new Edge(endVertex,weight));
- result=true;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- public boolean hasNeighbor(){
- return !edgeList.isEmpty();
- }
- protected class Edge{
- //A–>B,then the “outerClass” which invokes the method “getEndVertex”
- //is “A”,the “endVertex” is “B”
- private Vertex endVertex;
- private double weight;
- protected Edge(Vertex endVertex,double weight){
- this.endVertex=endVertex;
- this.weight=weight;
- }
- protected Vertex getEndVertex(){
- return endVertex;
- }
- protected double getWeight(){
- return weight;
- }
- }
- }
原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/jazywoo123/article/details/7980678
原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/jazywoo123/article/details/7980678