SQL> create table t_liu(id number,namevarchar2(100));
Table created.
SQL> createindex i_liu on t_liu(id);
SQL> selectobject_id from dba_objects where object_name=’I_LIU’;
Index created.
for i in 1 .. 10 loop
insert into t_liu values(i,’xxx’);
end loop;
SQL> altersession set events ‘immediate trace name treedump level 150956’;
|| ‘/’
|| ‘_ora_’
|| p.spid
|| ‘.trc’ trace_file_name
FROM SYS.v_$mystat m,SYS.v_$session s, SYS.v_$process p
WHERE m.statistic# =1 AND s.SID = m.SID AND p.addr = s.paddr) p,
FROM SYS.v_$thread t,SYS.v_$parameter v
WHERE v.NAME =’thread’
AND (v.VALUE = 0 ORt.thread# = TO_NUMBER (v.VALUE))) i,
FROM SYS.v_$parameter
WHERE NAME = ‘user_dump_dest’)d ;
—– begin tree dump
leaf: 0x1077233 17265203 (0: nrow: 10 rrow:10)
—– end tree dump
for i in 1 .. 1000 loop
insert into t_liu values(i,’xxx’);
end loop;
*** 2014-09-16 10:02:38.266
branch: 0x1077233 17265203 (0: nrow: 2,level: 1)
leaf: 0x1077236 17265206 (-1: nrow: 540 rrow: 540)
leaf: 0x1077237 17265207 (0: nrow: 470 rrow: 470)
—– end tree dump
for i in 1 .. 10000 loop
insert into t_liu values(1000,’xxx’);
end loop;
—– begin tree dump
branch: 0x1077233 17265203 (0: nrow: 29,level: 1)
leaf: 0x1077236 17265206 (-1: nrow: 540 rrow: 540)
leaf: 0x1077237 17265207 (0: nrow: 269 rrow: 269)
leaf: 0x1077256 17265238 (1: nrow: 277 rrow: 277)
leaf: 0x1077257 17265239 (2: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077250 17265232 (3: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077251 17265233 (4: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077252 17265234 (5: nrow: 328 rrow: 328)
leaf: 0x1077234 17265204 (6: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x1077235 17265205 (7: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077262 17265250 (8: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077263 17265251 (9: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077269 17265257 (10: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726a 17265258 (11: nrow: 314 rrow: 314)
leaf: 0x1077264 17265252 (12: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077265 17265253 (13: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077266 17265254 (14: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077267 17265255 (15: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077261 17265249 (16: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726e 17265262 (17: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726f 17265263 (18: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077268 17265256 (19: nrow: 405 rrow: 405)
leaf: 0x1077255 17265237 (20: nrow: 281 rrow: 281)
leaf: 0x1077253 17265235 (21: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x1077254 17265236 (22: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726b 17265259 (23: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726c 17265260 (24: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726d 17265261 (25: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727a 17265274 (26: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727b 17265275 (27: nrow: 525 rrow: 525)
—– end tree dump
for i in 1 .. 400 loop
insert into t_liu values(1000,’xxx’);
end loop;
*** 2014-09-16 10:18:04.906
branch: 0x1077233 17265203 (0: nrow: 32,level: 1)
leaf: 0x1077236 17265206 (-1: nrow: 540 rrow: 540)
leaf: 0x1077237 17265207 (0: nrow: 269 rrow: 269)
leaf: 0x1077256 17265238 (1: nrow: 277 rrow: 277)
leaf: 0x1077257 17265239 (2: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077250 17265232 (3: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077251 17265233 (4: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077252 17265234 (5: nrow: 328 rrow: 328)
leaf: 0x1077234 17265204 (6: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x1077235 17265205 (7: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077262 17265250 (8: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077263 17265251 (9: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077269 17265257 (10: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726a 17265258 (11: nrow: 314 rrow: 314)
leaf: 0x1077264 17265252 (12: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077265 17265253 (13: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077266 17265254 (14: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077267 17265255 (15: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077261 17265249 (16: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726e 17265262 (17: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726f 17265263 (18: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077268 17265256 (19: nrow: 405 rrow: 405)
leaf: 0x1077255 17265237 (20: nrow: 281 rrow: 281)
leaf: 0x1077253 17265235 (21: nrow: 571 rrow:571)
leaf: 0x1077254 17265236 (22: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107727e 17265278 (23: nrow: 289 rrow: 289)
leaf: 0x107727d 17265277 (24: nrow: 281 rrow: 281)
leaf: 0x107726b 17265259 (25: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726c 17265260 (26: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726d 17265261 (27: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727a 17265274 (28: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727b 17265275 (29: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727c 17265276 (30: nrow: 364 rrow: 364)
for i in 1 .. 1000 loop
insert into t_liu values(500,’xxx’);
end loop;
*** 2014-09-16 10:26:29.515
—– begin tree dump
branch: 0x1077233 17265203 (0: nrow: 36,level: 1)
leaf: 0x1077236 17265206 (-1: nrow: 279 rrow: 279)
leaf: 0x107727f 17265279 (0: nrow: 275 rrow: 275)
leaf: 0x1077279 17265273 (1: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1078a8e 17271438 (2: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1078a8f 17271439 (3: nrow: 404 rrow: 404)
leaf: 0x1077237 17265207 (4: nrow: 269 rrow: 269)
leaf: 0x1077256 17265238 (5: nrow: 277 rrow: 277)
leaf: 0x1077257 17265239 (6: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077250 17265232 (7: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077251 17265233 (8: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077252 17265234 (9: nrow: 328 rrow: 328)
leaf: 0x1077234 17265204 (10: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x1077235 17265205 (11: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077262 17265250 (12: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077263 17265251 (13: nrow: 291 rrow:291)
leaf: 0x1077269 17265257 (14: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726a 17265258 (15: nrow: 314 rrow: 314)
leaf: 0x1077264 17265252 (16: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077265 17265253 (17: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077266 17265254 (18: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077267 17265255 (19: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077261 17265249 (20: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726e 17265262 (21: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726f 17265263 (22: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077268 17265256 (23: nrow: 405 rrow: 405)
leaf: 0x1077255 17265237 (24: nrow: 281 rrow: 281)
leaf: 0x1077253 17265235 (25: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x1077254 17265236 (26: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107727e 17265278 (27: nrow: 289 rrow: 289)
leaf: 0x107727d 17265277 (28: nrow: 281 rrow: 281)
leaf: 0x107726b 17265259 (29: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726c 17265260 (30: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726d 17265261 (31: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727a 17265274 (32: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727b 17265275 (33: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727c 17265276 (34: nrow: 364 rrow: 364)
—– end tree dump
4、更新上级索引块(Branch Block)
for i in 1001 .. 1700 loop
insert into t_liu values(i,’xxx’);
end loop;
*** 2014-09-16 10:31:35.229
—– begin tree dump
branch: 0x1077233 17265203 (0: nrow: 37,level: 1)
leaf: 0x1077236 17265206 (-1: nrow: 279 rrow: 279)
leaf: 0x107727f 17265279 (0: nrow: 275 rrow: 275)
leaf: 0x1077279 17265273 (1: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1078a8e 17271438 (2: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1078a8f 17271439 (3: nrow: 404 rrow: 404)
leaf: 0x1077237 17265207 (4: nrow: 269 rrow: 269)
leaf: 0x1077256 17265238 (5: nrow: 277 rrow: 277)
leaf: 0x1077257 17265239 (6: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077250 17265232 (7: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077251 17265233 (8: nrow: 291 rrow:291)
leaf: 0x1077252 17265234 (9: nrow: 328 rrow: 328)
leaf: 0x1077234 17265204 (10: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x1077235 17265205 (11: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077262 17265250 (12: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077263 17265251 (13: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077269 17265257 (14: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726a 17265258 (15: nrow: 314 rrow: 314)
leaf: 0x1077264 17265252 (16: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077265 17265253 (17: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077266 17265254 (18: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077267 17265255 (19: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077261 17265249 (20: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726e 17265262 (21: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726f 17265263 (22: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077268 17265256 (23: nrow: 405 rrow: 405)
leaf: 0x1077255 17265237 (24: nrow: 281 rrow: 281)
leaf: 0x1077253 17265235 (25: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x1077254 17265236 (26: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107727e 17265278 (27: nrow: 289 rrow:289)
leaf: 0x107727d 17265277 (28: nrow: 281 rrow: 281)
leaf: 0x107726b 17265259 (29: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726c 17265260 (30: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726d 17265261 (31: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727a 17265274 (32: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727b 17265275 (33: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727c 17265276 (34: nrow: 557 rrow: 557)
leaf: 0x1078a88 17271432 (35: nrow: 507 rrow: 507)
—– end tree dump
*** 2014-09-16 10:32:26.132
—– begin tree dump
branch: 0x1077233 17265203 (0: nrow: 44,level: 1)
leaf: 0x1077236 17265206 (-1: nrow: 279 rrow: 279)
leaf: 0x107727f 17265279 (0: nrow: 275 rrow: 275)
leaf: 0x1077279 17265273 (1: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf:0x1078a8e 17271438 (2: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1078a8f 17271439 (3: nrow: 404 rrow: 404)
leaf: 0x1077237 17265207 (4: nrow: 269 rrow: 269)
leaf: 0x1077256 17265238 (5: nrow: 277 rrow: 277)
leaf: 0x1077257 17265239 (6: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077250 17265232 (7: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077251 17265233 (8: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077252 17265234 (9: nrow: 328 rrow: 328)
leaf: 0x1077234 17265204 (10: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x1077235 17265205 (11: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077262 17265250 (12: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077263 17265251 (13: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077269 17265257 (14: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726a 17265258 (15: nrow: 314 rrow: 314)
leaf: 0x1077264 17265252 (16: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077265 17265253 (17: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077266 17265254 (18: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077267 17265255 (19: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077261 17265249 (20: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726e 17265262 (21: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107726f 17265263 (22: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x1077268 17265256 (23: nrow: 405 rrow: 405)
leaf: 0x1077255 17265237 (24: nrow: 281 rrow: 281)
leaf: 0x1077253 17265235 (25: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x1077254 17265236 (26: nrow: 291 rrow: 291)
leaf: 0x107727e 17265278 (27: nrow: 289 rrow: 289)
leaf: 0x107727d 17265277 (28: nrow: 281 rrow: 281)
leaf: 0x107726b 17265259 (29: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726c 17265260 (30: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107726d 17265261 (31: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727a 17265274 (32: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727b 17265275 (33: nrow: 571 rrow: 571)
leaf: 0x107727c 17265276 (34: nrow: 557 rrow: 557)
leaf: 0x1078a88 17271432 (35: nrow: 533 rrow: 533)
leaf: 0x1078a8a 17271434 (36: nrow: 533 rrow: 533)
leaf: 0x1078a8b 17271435 (37: nrow: 533 rrow: 533)
leaf: 0x1078a8c 17271436 (38: nrow: 533 rrow: 533)
leaf: 0x1078a8d 17271437 (39: nrow: 533 rrow: 533)
leaf: 0x1078a89 17271433 (40: nrow: 533 rrow: 533)
leaf: 0x1078a92 17271442 (41: nrow: 533 rrow: 533)
leaf: 0x1078a93 17271443 (42: nrow: 76 rrow: 76)
4、更新上级索引块(Branch Block)
for i in 1 .. 20000 loop
insert into t_liu values(1000,’xxx’);
end loop;
SQL> select * from t_liu where id=1000;
30701 rows selected.
Execution Plan
Plan hashvalue: 282913187
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |Cost (%CPU)| Time
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 7 | 2 (0)|00:00
:01 |
| 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T_LIU |1 | 7 | 2 (0)| 00:00
:01 |
|* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | I_LIU | 1 | | 1(0)| 00:00
:01 |
Predicate Information (identified byoperation id):
2- access(“ID”=1000)
0 recursive calls
0 db block gets
4236 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
749600 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
23030 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
2048 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
30701 rows processed
SQL> analyze index I_LIU computestatistics;
Index analyzed.
SQL> select * from t_liu where id=1000;
30701 rows selected.
Execution Plan
Plan hashvalue: 1782896700
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 7 | 3 (0)|00:00:01 |
|* 1 | TABLEACCESS FULL| T_LIU | 1 | 7 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified byoperation id):
1- filter(“ID”=1000)
3 recursive calls
0 db block gets
2112 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
528561 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
23030 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
2048 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
30701 rows processed
DUMP 出root的块:
branch: 0x1077233 17265203 (0: nrow: 44,level: 1)
SQL> selectdbms_utility.data_block_address_file(17265203) fno,dbms_utility.data_block_address_block(17265203)bno from dual;
———- ———-
4 487987
SQL> alter system dump datafile 4 block487987;
2|| ‘/’
4|| ‘_ora_’
5|| p.spid
6|| ‘.trc’ trace_file_name
7FROM (SELECT p.spid
8FROM SYS.v_$mystat m, SYS.v_$session s, SYS.v_$process p
9WHERE m.statistic# = 1 AND s.SID = m.SID AND p.addr = s.paddr) p,
11FROM SYS.v_$thread t, SYS.v_$parameter v
12WHERE v.NAME = ‘thread’
13AND (v.VALUE = 0 OR t.thread# = TO_NUMBER (v.VALUE))) i,
15FROM SYS.v_$parameter
16WHERE NAME = ‘user_dump_dest’) d ;
Branch blockdump
header address 182926594636=0x2a9746524c
kdxcolev 1
KDXCOLEV Flags = – – –
kdxcolok 0
kdxcoopc 0x80: opcode=0: iot flags=— isconverted=Y
kdxconco 2
kdxcosdc 1
kdxconro 111
kdxcofbo 250=0xfa
kdxcofeo 6561=0x19a1
kdxcoavs 6311
当前索引节点可用空间总量。也就是kdxcofeo – kdxcofbo 的值
kdxbrlmc 17265206=0x1077236
kdxbrsno 102
kdxbrbksz 8056
kdxbr2urrc 0
row#0[7624] dba: 17265279=0x107727f
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 03 47
col 1; TERM
其中,col 1表示所链接的分支节点的地址,如果根节点下没有其他的分支节点,则col 1为TERM;col 0表示该分支节点所链接的最小键值。注意一点,这里的col 0; len 3; (3):–列的行号,从0开始,紧接着的就是列的长度以及列的值,那么这个值称之为separator key,这个separatorkey 可以区分真实的索引值,所以从这里我们也知道 branch block不会存储完整的索引值,只要能区分就行。也就是说,Oracle在 Branchblock中只记录索引键值的前缀,而不是所有值,是因为这样可以节约空间,从而能够存储更多的索引条目。同时,我们也能理解了为什么查询使用like ‘%xxx’ 这种方法不会走Btree 索引,因为Branchblock 存储的是前缀。
row#1[7610] dba: 17265273=0x1077279
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 06
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 71 01 4e
row#2[7596] dba: 17271438=0x1078a8e
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 06
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 8a 86 00 14
row#3[7582] dba: 17271439=0x1078a8f
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 06
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 8a 86 01 37
row#4[8047] dba: 17265207=0x1077237
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 06 20
col 1; TERM
row#5[8011] dba: 17265238=0x1077256
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 09
col 1; TERM
row#6[7997] dba: 17265239=0x1077257
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2c 00 4d
row#7[7983] dba: 17265232=0x1077250
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2c 01 70
row#8[7969] dba: 17265233=0x1077251
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2d 00 36
row#9[7955] dba: 17265234=0x1077252
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2d 01 59
row#10[8033] dba: 17265204=0x1077234
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2e 01 fe
row#11[8019] dba: 17265205=0x1077235
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2f 02 01
row#12[7899] dba: 17265250=0x1077262
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 58 00 c7
row#13[7885] dba: 17265251=0x1077263
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 58 01 ea
row#14[7759] dba: 17265257=0x1077269
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 59 00 b0
row#15[7745] dba: 17265258=0x107726a
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 59 01 d3
row#16[7871] dba: 17265252=0x1077264
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 5a 00 b0
row#17[7857] dba: 17265253=0x1077265
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 5a 01 d3
row#18[7843] dba: 17265254=0x1077266
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 5b 00 99
row#19[7829] dba: 17265255=0x1077267
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 5b 01 bc
row#20[7815] dba: 17265249=0x1077261
col 0; len 2; (2): c2 0b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 5c 00 82
row#21[7801] dba: 17265262=0x107726e
leaf: 0x1077236 17265206 (-1: nrow: 279rrow: 279)
SQL> selectdbms_utility.data_block_address_file(17265206)fno,dbms_utility.data_block_address_block(17265206) bno from dual;
———- ———-
4 487990
SQL> altersystem dump datafile 4 block 487987;
System altered.
Block headerdump: 0x01077236
Object id on Block? Y
seg/obj: 0x24dac csc: 0xbe5.20f8656f itc: 2flg: E typ: 2 – INDEX
brn: 0 bdba: 0x1077230 ver: 0x01 opc: 0
inc: 0 exflg: 0
Itl Xid Uba Flag Lck Scn/Fsc
0x01 0x0076.021.00004f42 0x00c07a19.0596.01-BU- 1 fsc 0x0000.20f86570
0x020x0000.000.00000000 0x00000000.0000.00 —- 0 fsc 0x0000.00000000
Leaf block dump
header address 182926594660=0x2a97465264
kdxcolev 0
KDXCOLEV Flags = – – –
kdxcolok 1
kdxcoopc 0x80: opcode=0: iot flags=— isconverted=Y
kdxconco 2
kdxcosdc 2
kdxconro 279
kdxcofbo 594=0x252
kdxcofeo 4516=0x11a4
kdxcoavs 3922
kdxlespl 0
kdxlende 0
kdxlenxt 17265279=0x107727f
kdxleprv 0=0x0
kdxledsz 0
kdxlebksz 8032
row#0[4516] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=12
col 0; len 2; (2): c1 02
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 00 00
row#1[4528] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=12
col 0; len 2; (2): c1 02
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 00 0a
row#2[4540] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=12
col 0; len 2; (2): c1 03
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 00 01
row#3[4552] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=12
col 0; len 2; (2): c1 03
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 00 0b
leaf: 0x107727f 17265279 (0: nrow: 275rrow: 275)
selectdbms_utility.data_block_address_file(17265279)fno,dbms_utility.data_block_address_block(17265279) bno from dual;
SQL> selectdbms_utility.data_block_address_file(17265279)fno,dbms_utility.data_block_address_block(17265279) bno from dual;
———- ———-
4 488063
SQL> altersystem dump datafile 4 block 488063;
System altered.
Block headerdump: 0x0107727f
Object id on Block? Y
seg/obj: 0x24dac csc: 0xbe5.20f867f4 itc: 2flg: E typ: 2 – INDEX
brn: 0 bdba: 0x1077278 ver: 0x01 opc: 0
inc: 0 exflg: 0
Itl Xid Uba Flag Lck Scn/Fsc
0x01 0x0069.010.0000160c 0x00c010bc.0174.01-BU- 1 fsc 0x0000.20f867f7
0x020x0000.000.00000000 0x00000000.0000.00 —- 0 fsc 0x0000.00000000
Leaf block dump
header address 182926594660=0x2a97465264
kdxcolev 0
KDXCOLEV Flags = – – –
kdxcolok 1
kdxcoopc 0x80: opcode=0: iot flags=— isconverted=Y
kdxconco 2
kdxcosdc 2
kdxconro 275
kdxcofbo 586=0x24a
kdxcofeo 4504=0x1198
kdxcoavs 3918
kdxlespl 0
kdxlende 0
kdxlenxt 17265273=0x1077279
kdxleprv 17265206=0x1077236
kdxledsz 0
kdxlebksz 8032
row#0[4504] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=13
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 03 47
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 01 17
row#1[4517] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=13
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 03 48
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 01 18
row#2[4530] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=13
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 03 49
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 01 19
row#3[4543] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=13
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 03 4a
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 01 1a
row#4[4556] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=13
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 03 4b
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 01 1b
row#5[4569] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=13
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 03 4c
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 01 1c
row#6[4582] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=13
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 03 4d
col 1; len 6; (6): 01 07 72 2b 01 1d
row#7[4595] flag: ——, lock: 0, len=13
col 0; len 3; (3): c2 03 4e
转储文件中接下来的部分就是索引条目部分。lock:0 表示ITL中的锁信息 0表示没有被锁;len :表示索引值长度;flag 表示标记,如删除标记等。col 表示列号,从0开始那么接下来就是索引的键值以及 rowid中后三部分(相对文件号、块号、行号)即:col 0 是键值, col 1 是rowid。
也就是说,Leaf节点主要存储了完整的索引键值,以及相关索引键值的部分rowid(这个rowid去掉了data object number部分),同时leaf 节点还存储了2个指针(DBA),他们分别指向上一个leaf节点以及下一个leaf节点.这样叶子节点便是双向链表的结构。我们看到前面对B树索引的体系结构的描述,可以知道其为一个树状的立体结构。
当oracle需要获得一个索引块时,首先从根节点开始,根据所要查找的键值,从而知道其所在的下一层的分支节点,然后访问下一层的分支节点,再次同样根据键值访问再下一层的分支节点,如此这般,最终访问到最底层的叶子节点。可以看出,其获得物理I/O块时,是一个接着一个,按照顺序,串行进行的。在获得最终物理块的过程中,我们不能同时读取多个块,因为我们在没有获得当前块的时候是不知道接下来应该访问哪个块的。因此,在索引上访问数据块时,会对应到db file sequential read等待事件,其根源在于我们是按照顺序从一个索引块跳到另一个索引块,从而找到最终的索引块的。