

EPERMOperation not permitted
ENOENTNo such file or directory
ESRCHNo such process
EINTRInterrupted system call
EIOI/O error
ENXIONo such device or address
EBIGArgument list too long
ENOEXECExec format error
EBADFBad file number
ECHILDNo child processes
EAGAINTry again
ENOMEMOut of memory
EACCESPermission denied
EFAULTBad address
ENOTBLKBlock device required
EBUSYDevice or resource busy
EEXISTFile exists
EXDEVCross-device link
ENODEVNo such device
ENOTDIRNot a directory
EISDIRIs a directory
EINVALInvalid argument
ENFILEFile table overflow
EMFILEToo many open files
ENOTTYNot a typewriter
ETXTBSYText file busy
EFBIGFile too large
ENOSPCNo space left on device
ESPIPEIllegal seek
EROFSRead-only file system
EMLINKToo many links
EPIPEBroken pipe
EDOMMath argument out of domain of func
ERANGEMath result not representable
    原文地址: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000002934038