





                 =》Quick Sort的概念


           =》按照InOrder Traversal 结构式排序的顺序











 class TreeNode {
      private int num;
      private TreeNode leftChilder;
      private TreeNode rightChilder;

      //get\set method



//search the BST
        public static Boolean searchBST(int key) { 
            // the root is null
            TreeNode temp = head;
            if (temp == null) return false;

            while (temp != null)
                int num = temp.getNum();
                if (key == num) return true;
                if (key > num) temp = temp.getRightChilder();
                if (key < num) temp = temp.getLeftChilder();
         return false;


//插入数据 //首先查询数据 //存在继续插入 //不存在 //如果Head为空新建 //如果不为空找到位置 //左边、右边知道它左边、右边为空 public static void insertBST(int insertNum) { //first judege if exist it? //exist then continue //not exist then //judge head // find it if (searchBST(insertNum)) { return; } else { if (head == null) { head = new TreeNode(); head.setLeftChilder(null); head.setRightChilder(null); head.setNum(insertNum); Console.WriteLine("===>insert ok..."); return; } else { TreeNode headCopy = head; TreeNode temp = new TreeNode(); temp.setNum(insertNum); temp.setLeftChilder(null); temp.setRightChilder(null); while (true) { //find the left or right position if (headCopy.getNum() > insertNum) { if (headCopy.getLeftChilder() == null) { headCopy.setLeftChilder(temp); break; } headCopy = headCopy.getLeftChilder(); } else { if (headCopy.getRightChilder() == null) { headCopy.setRightChilder(temp); break; } headCopy = headCopy.getRightChilder(); } } Console.WriteLine("===>insert ok..."); return; } } }


//实例化查询树 //实例化很特别,不跟实例化二叉树一一样 // 二叉树可以直接递归插入 //这里多了一个位置的查找过程 //init a binary search tree; //special positon is the insert is not remove is a not change public static void initBST() { try { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("===>If you input -1 it will be end!"); Console.Write("===>Input you num:"); int data = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (data == -1) { Console.WriteLine("The BST init successful..."); break; //input the end } else { insertBST(data); } } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("\n===>Yon Input Error! So this node is null!!!"); } }


//外加一个左子树遍历 //刚好一个排序效果 public static void inorderTravers(TreeNode t) { if (t != null && t.getNum() != -1) { inorderTravers(t.getLeftChilder()); Console.WriteLine(t.getNum()); inorderTravers(t.getRightChilder()); } }


      //如果只有左子树 左子树替代
    //如果只有右子树 右子树替代
       //可以求出左边最大值 删除它然后替换
       //也可以求出右边最小值 删除然后替换
       //delete the BST
          //   if not exists return;
          //   if exists
                 //if is the leaf node delete it
                 //if the rightChild is not exist just 
                 //if the leftChild is not exist just 
                 //if the all exists then
        public static void deleteBST(int deleteNum) {
            if (!searchBST(deleteNum))
                Console.WriteLine("The number is not exist...");
            else {
               //get the  node
                TreeNode temp = head;
                TreeNode parent = null;
                while (temp.getNum()!=deleteNum) { //if get the  
                    parent = temp;
                    if (temp.getNum() > deleteNum) temp = temp.getLeftChilder();
                    else if (temp.getNum() < deleteNum) temp = temp.getRightChilder();

                //if the node is the leaf
                if (temp.getLeftChilder() == null && temp.getRightChilder() == null) {
                    if (deleteNum < parent.getNum()) parent.setLeftChilder(null);
                    else {

                //if the node's left is null
                else if (temp.getLeftChilder() == null)
                    TreeNode right = temp.getRightChilder();


                //if the node's right is null
                else if (temp.getRightChilder() == null)
                    TreeNode left = temp.getLeftChilder();


                //if have all the node
                    //find the left max
                    //find the right min
                else if (temp.getLeftChilder() != null && temp.getRightChilder() != null)
                    //find the left max
                    TreeNode max = temp.getLeftChilder();
                    while (max.getRightChilder() != null) {
                        max = max.getRightChilder();




    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/iteye_4062/article/details/82544546