JS剖析MP3猎取歌曲信息--ID3 Reader

ID3 Reader 是一款能够在前台或许背景(nodejs)剖析MP3曲目信息(条件是含有这些信息)的东西

官方demo 源码下载 全英文文档



//In its simplest form:
ID3.loadTags("filename.mp3", function() {
    var tags = ID3.getAllTags(filename);
    alert(tags.artist + " - " + tags.title + ", " + tags.album);


//by specifying specific tags:
ID3.loadTags("filename.mp3", function() {
    var tags = ID3.getAllTags(filename);
    alert(tags.COMM.data + " - " + tags.TCON.data + ", " + tags.WXXX.data);
{tags: ["COMM", "TCON", "WXXX"]});
//or even by specifying shortcuts instead of cryptic tags:
ID3.loadTags("filename.mp3", function() {
    var tags = ID3.getAllTags(filename);
    alert(tags.comment + " - " + tags.track + ", " + tags.lyrics);
{tags: ["comment", "track", "lyrics"]});


ID3.loadTags(url, cb, [options])//文件途径,回调函数,参数数组

url - The URL of the mp3 file to read, this must reside on the same domain (document.domain).

cb - The callback function to invoke when the tags are loaded.

options - Optional parameters.

options.tags - The array of tags and/or shortcuts to read from the ID3 block. Default value is: ["title", "artist", "album", "track"]

options.dataReader - The function used to create the data reader out of a url. It receives (url, success: callback function that returns the data reader, fail: callback function to inform an error setting up the reader). By default it will be BufferedBinaryAjax.

url - The URL of the mp3 file to read, this must be the same value given to ID3.loadTags().

return value - This function will return the following object structure, for IDv1:
    version: "1.1",
    title: string,
    artist: string,
    album: string,
    year: string,
    comment: string,
    track: string,
    genre: string

and for ID3v2:

    version: "2.<major>.<revision>",
    major: integer,
    revision: integer,
    flags: {
        unsynchronisation: boolean,
        extended_header: boolean,
        experimental_indicator: boolean
    size: integer,
    <frame id>*: {
        id: integer,
        size: integer,
        description: string,
        data: <frame structure>
    <shortcut>*: pointer to <frame id>.data
Currently supported frames:

APIC/PIC: Attached picture

COMM/COM: Comments

PCNT/CNT: Play counter

T*: Text frames

USLT/ULT: Unsychronized lyric/text transcription


title: TIT2/TT2

artist: TPE1/TP1

album: TALB/TAL

year: TYER/TYE

comment: COMM/COM

track: TRCK/TRK

genre: TCON/TCO

picture: APIC/PIC
lyrics: USLT/ULT


    原文地址: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000006098144