[gist]flash dd-wrt and install transmission in WNR2200 router

from http://oyanglul.us


  • USB disk 格式化成ext2/3格式, with gparted in linux. 根据官方wiki, 最新的v24已经 不用jffs了, 目前的dd-wrt目录结构是这样的:
/tmp ## mounted on the RAM drive of dd-wrt
/jffs  ## builti-in flash, 已经disable
/mnt ## used for rw drive

因此根据需要格式化, 如果你的硬盘一直要与路由连, 或者需要在硬盘上装软件 , 就格成ext3,如果只是存储数据, whatever, fat也可用

Use ONLY ext2/3 for partition/drives that you plan for permanent connection to your DD-WRT box, or for drives where you plan to install additional software packages onto (like optware, Samba, Torrent etc.). You can use any of the three mount points: /opt, /mnt, /jffs

Use FAT32 on data partitions if you intend to connect this drive to other systems (MAC, Windows) to copy files from/to directly. You should use the mount point: /mnt


    one: for optware packages - make it 32MB - 2GB - use ext2/3 as the format
    two: for swap file - make it 16-256 MB - format it as linux swap file
    three: for data space - make it fit the rest of the disk - use ext2/3 or FAT32 as the format
    four: for jffs space - make it 32MB - 2GB - use ext2/3 as the format 
  • Connection 你需要用ssh或者telnet连接router来安装软件 <!– more –> # Installation #
  • mount your usb Under Services->USB: * Enable Core USB Support * Disable USB Printer Support (enable it if you need printing support) * Enable USB Storage Support * Enable Automatic Drive Mount * Set Disk Mount Point to /mnt * Click Apply Settings

  • make sure mount it to /mnt 我的usb读卡器mount到了/mnt/sda_part1上, 需要再手动mount到mnt目录下

  • mount some directions

cd /mnt
mkdir etc opt root
touch optware.enable
chmod 755 etc opt root
mkdir opt/lib
chmod 755 opt/lib
cp -a /etc/* /mnt/etc/
mount -o bind /mnt/etc /etc
mount -o bind /mnt/opt /jffs 
  • install opkg and libc
wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/backfire/10.03.1/ar71xx/packages/opkg_576-2_ar71xx.ipk
ipkg install libc_0.9.30.1-43.32_ar71xx.ipk 
wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packages/libc_0.9.33.2-1_ar71xx.ipk
opkg install libc_0.9.33.2-1_ar71xx.ipk
  • Type the following lines to create the configuration file for opkg:
cat > /etc/opkg.conf << EOF
src/gz snapshots http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/ar71xx/packages
dest root /opt
dest ram /opt/tmp
lists_dir ext /opt/tmp/var/opkg-lists
  • Make sure opkg is ok
umount /jffs
mount -o bind /mnt/root /tmp/root
mount -o bind /mnt/opt /opt
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/lib:/opt/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lib'
opkg update 
  • now you can install transmission

opkg install transmission-daemon transmission-web

  • Finally change the transmission-web PATH transmission-web 的index.html文件都在 /opt/usr/share/transmission/web/下, 而默认transmission会到/tmp/下 找, 因此需要link下 ln -s /opt/usr/share/transmission/web/ /tmp/root/.local/share/transmission/web


  • start daemon first transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon killall transmission-daemon

  • edit setting.json vi /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.js 编辑确保跟如下几行一样

     "blocklist-enabled": 1,
     "download-dir": "\/mnt\/data\/torrents",
     "download-limit": 100,
     "download-limit-enabled": 1,
     "encryption": 2,
     "max-peers-global": 35,
     "peer-port": 25000,
     "pex-enabled": 1,
     "port-forwarding-enabled": 1,
     "rpc-authentication-required": 0,
     "rpc-password": "",
     "rpc-port": 9091,
     "rpc-username": "",
     "rpc-whitelist": "192.168.1.*",
     "upload-limit": 200,
     "upload-limit-enabled": 1
  • Restart and rock
killall transmission-daemon
transmission-daemon -g /mnt/data/torrents/.config/transmission-daemon

and also, you can enable WAN access

iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 25000 -j logaccept


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