



建立操作符 Creation Operators

  • ajax

  • bindCallback

  • bindNodeCallback

  • create

  • defer

  • empty

  • from

  • fromEvent

  • fromEventPattern

  • fromPromise

  • generate

  • interval

  • never

  • of

  • repeat

  • repeatWhen

  • range

  • throw

  • timer

变化操作符 Transformation Operators

  • buffer

  • bufferCount

  • bufferTime

  • bufferToggle

  • bufferWhen

  • concatMap

  • concatMapTo

  • exhaustMap

  • expand

  • groupBy

  • map

  • mapTo

  • mergeMap

  • mergeMapTo

  • mergeScan

  • pairwise

  • partition

  • pluck

  • scan

  • switchMap

  • switchMapTo

  • window

  • windowCount

  • windowTime

  • windowToggle

  • windowWhen

过滤操作符 Filtering Operators

  • debounce

  • debounceTime

  • distinct

  • distinctKey

  • distinctUntilChanged

  • distinctUntilKeyChanged

  • elementAt

  • filter

  • first

  • ignoreElements

  • audit

  • auditTime

  • last

  • sample

  • sampleTime

  • single

  • skip

  • skipUntil

  • skipWhile

  • take

  • takeLast

  • takeUntil

  • takeWhile

  • throttle

  • throttleTime

组合操作符 Combination Operators

  • combineAll

  • combineLatest

  • concat

  • concatAll

  • exhaust

  • forkJoin

  • merge

  • mergeAll

  • race

  • startWith

  • switch

  • withLatestFrom

  • zip

  • zipAll

播送操作符 Multicasting Operators

  • cache

  • multicast

  • publish

  • publishBehavior

  • publishLast

  • publishReplay

  • share

错误处理操作符 Error Handling Operators

  • catch

  • retry

  • retryWhen

实用东西操作符 Utility Operators

  • do

  • delay

  • delayWhen

  • dematerialize

  • finally

  • let

  • materialize

  • observeOn

  • subscribeOn

  • timeInterval

  • timestamp

  • timeout

  • timeoutWith

  • toArray

  • toPromise

前提和布尔运算操作符 Conditional and Boolean Operators

  • defaultIfEmpty

  • every

  • find

  • findIndex

  • isEmpty

数学盘算和乞降操作符 Mathematical and Aggregate Operators

  • count

  • max

  • min

  • reduce

    原文地址: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000009904920