Cordova—Android 源码分析二


        在CordovaWebView初始化时,会根据Android版本的不同,初始化不同的JS调用Native的方法,当Android版本小于4.2(API 17)时,会采用prompt的方式处理JS的调用,当Android版本大于4.2时,会采用JavaScriptInterface的方式调用,初始化的方法在CordovaWebViewImpl的init(CordovaInterface cordova, List pluginEntries, CordovaPreferences preferences)方法中的:

engine.init(this, cordova, engineClient, resourceApi, pluginManager, nativeToJsMessageQueue);


exposeJsInterface(webView, bridge);


private static void exposeJsInterface(WebView webView, CordovaBridge bridge) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Disabled addJavascriptInterface() bridge since Android version is old.");
        // Bug being that Java Strings do not get converted to JS strings automatically.
        // This isn't hard to work-around on the JS side, but it's easier to just
        // use the prompt bridge instead.
    SystemExposedJsApi exposedJsApi = new SystemExposedJsApi(bridge);
    webView.addJavascriptInterface(exposedJsApi, "_cordovaNative");


public interface ExposedJsApi {
    public String exec(int bridgeSecret, String service, String action, String callbackId, String arguments) throws JSONException, IllegalAccessException;
    public void setNativeToJsBridgeMode(int bridgeSecret, int value) throws IllegalAccessException;
    public String retrieveJsMessages(int bridgeSecret, boolean fromOnlineEvent) throws IllegalAccessException;


class SystemExposedJsApi implements ExposedJsApi {
    private final CordovaBridge bridge;
    SystemExposedJsApi(CordovaBridge bridge) {
        this.bridge = bridge;
    public String exec(int bridgeSecret, String service, String action, String callbackId, String arguments) throws JSONException, IllegalAccessException {
        return bridge.jsExec(bridgeSecret, service, action, callbackId, arguments);
    public void setNativeToJsBridgeMode(int bridgeSecret, int value) throws IllegalAccessException {
        bridge.jsSetNativeToJsBridgeMode(bridgeSecret, value);
    public String retrieveJsMessages(int bridgeSecret, boolean fromOnlineEvent) throws IllegalAccessException {
        return bridge.jsRetrieveJsMessages(bridgeSecret, fromOnlineEvent);

下面来分析Android 4.2以上版本的情况,当JS调用Native的exec方法时,会调用SystemExposedJsApi对象(“_cordovaNative”)的exec方法,从而调用CordovaBridge的jsExec方法,如下:

 public String jsExec(int bridgeSecret, String service, String action, String callbackId, String arguments) throws JSONException, IllegalAccessException {
    if (!verifySecret("exec()", bridgeSecret)) {
        return null;
    // If the arguments weren't received, send a message back to JS.  It will switch bridge modes and try again.  See CB-2666.
    // We send a message meant specifically for this case.  It starts with "@" so no other message can be encoded into the same string.
    if (arguments == null) {
        return "@Null arguments.";
    try {
        // Tell the resourceApi what thread the JS is running on.
        CordovaResourceApi.jsThread = Thread.currentThread();
        pluginManager.exec(service, action, callbackId, arguments);
        String ret = null;
        if (!NativeToJsMessageQueue.DISABLE_EXEC_CHAINING) {
            ret = jsMessageQueue.popAndEncode(false);
        return ret;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        return "";
    } finally {

        其中,又执行了PluginManager的exec(service, action, callbackId, arguments)方法,如下:

public void exec(final String service, final String action, final String callbackId, final String rawArgs) {
    CordovaPlugin plugin = getPlugin(service);
    if (plugin == null) {
        Log.d(TAG, "exec() call to unknown plugin: " + service);
        PluginResult cr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.CLASS_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION);
        app.sendPluginResult(cr, callbackId);
    CallbackContext callbackContext = new CallbackContext(callbackId, app);
    try {
        long pluginStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        boolean wasValidAction = plugin.execute(action, rawArgs, callbackContext);
        long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - pluginStartTime;
        if (duration > SLOW_EXEC_WARNING_THRESHOLD) {
            Log.w(TAG, "THREAD WARNING: exec() call to " + service + "." + action + " blocked the main thread for " + duration + "ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().");
        if (!wasValidAction) {
            PluginResult cr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.INVALID_ACTION);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        PluginResult cr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.JSON_EXCEPTION);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Uncaught exception from plugin", e);


boolean wasValidAction = plugin.execute(action, rawArgs, callbackContext);


if (!wasValidAction) {
            PluginResult cr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.INVALID_ACTION);



