linux – 中间按钮粘贴Sublime 3中删除的文本

Move cursor on middle button paste in Sublime Text 3不同)

我在Linux上使用Sublime Text 3(但它也适用于Sublime Text 2).

在emacs和vim中,可以突出显示一些文本(将其复制到剪贴板),删除文本,然后使用鼠标中键将其粘贴到其他位置.这是我移动某些文本的常用工作流程(select-> delete-> middleclick).


最佳答案 我带来了这样的插件:

import sublime, sublime_plugin
import re

class MyListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
  def __init__(self):
    self.deleted = '' 
    self.mark_for_clear = ''
    self.clipboard_save = ''
    self.empty_matcher = re.compile('^\s+$')

  # Clear last deleted word if user made highlight of another one
  # Delete if you want to e.g delete one word and highlight another to replace
  def on_selection_modified(self, view):
    selected_text = view.substr(view.sel()[0])
    if self.mark_for_clear != '' and self.mark_for_clear != self.deleted:
      self.deleted = ''
      self.mark_for_clear = ''
    if len(selected_text) > 0 and not self.empty_matcher.match(selected_text):
      self.mark_for_clear = selected_text

  def on_text_command(self, view, name, args):
    # Save deleted word if command was deletion command
    if name in ['right_delete', 'left_delete']:
      self.deleted = view.substr(view.sel()[0])
      #print("Deleted: %s " % self.deleted)
    # Propagate saved deleted word to clipboard and change command to
    # standard paste (we can only control standard paste clipboard)
    if name == "paste_selection_clipboard" and len(self.deleted) > 0:
      #print("Pasting:%s" % self.deleted)
      self.clipboard_save = sublime.get_clipboard()
      # Comment line below to enable multiple middle-click pasting of deleted words:
      self.deleted = ''  
      return("paste", 'HackedByAlkuzad')

  # If we are after paste_selection_clipboard command, return old clipboard
  def on_post_text_command(self, view, name, args):
    if name == 'paste' and len(self.clipboard_save) > 0 and args == 'HackedByAlkuzad':
      self.clipboard_save = ''

此插件将检测删除comamnd(right = delete,left = backspace)并将已删除的内容复制到内存.然后,如果用户使用中间点击粘贴,它将替换具有已删除内容的剪贴板并粘贴它.粘贴后,它将恢复保存的剪贴板.


使用Linux xclip的系统范围剪贴板版本(取自pyperclip)

import sublime, sublime_plugin
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_call, CalledProcessError

class DeletedToClipboard(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
  empty_matcher = re.compile('^\s*$')

  def __init__(self):
    except CalledProcessError:
      sublime.error_message("You have to have xclip installed to use DeletedToClipboard")

  def _is_empty(cls, text):
    return len(text) <= 0 or cls.empty_matcher.match(text) 
        # Thanks pyperclip :)
  def _copy_to_system_clipboard(cls, text):
    # try secondary if not working
    p = Popen(['xclip', '-selection', 'primary'], stdin=PIPE)
        p.communicate(input=bytes(text, 'utf-8'))
    except Exception as e:
      print("Error on paste to clipboard, is xclip installed ? \n{}".format(e))

  def on_text_command(self, view, name, args):
    # Save deleted word if command was deletion command and selected text was not empty
     if name in ['right_delete', 'left_delete']:
      deleted = []
      for region in view.sel():
        text = view.substr(region)
        if not DeletedToClipboard._is_empty(text):
      if deleted != []: