c# – 获取屏幕边缘和网页之间的距离


I develop an IE extension in c# and I would :
  - the distance in red, between top of screen and top of `visible webpage`
  - the distance in red between left of screen and left of `visible webpage`
  - the width/heigth of the visible webpage




Example : 

  Screen size : 1200 * 800
  Webpage size : 400*300
  Red distance between left screen border and left webpage border  : 200
  Red distance between top screen border and top webpage border  : 300

So my coordinates screen => relative webpage becomes :
  ( 100, 100 ) => OUTSIDE WEBPAGE( ignored )
  ( 1100, 650 ) => OUTSIDE WEBPAGE ( ignored )
  ( 200, 300 ) => ( 0,0 )
  ( 250, 400 ) => ( 50, 100 )


public void getUtilsDimension()
    Rectangle resolution = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;
    Int32 screenWidth = resolution.Width;
    Int32 screenHeight = resolution.Height;

    AddinExpress.IE.ADXIEToolBarItem toolbarItem = this.ToolBars[0];
    AddinExpress.IE.ADXIEToolbar toolbarObj = toolbarItem.ToolBarObj;
    Point leftCornerWebPage = toolbarObj.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0));
    Int32 toolbarHeight = toolbarObj.Height;
    Int32 toolbarWidth = toolbarObj.Width;

    Debug.WriteLine("Largeur écran : " + screenWidth);
    Debug.WriteLine("Hauteur écran : " + screenHeight);
    Debug.WriteLine("LeftCornerX : " + leftCornerWebPage.X);
    Debug.WriteLine("LeftCornerY : " + leftCornerWebPage.Y);
    Debug.WriteLine("toolbarHeight : " + toolbarHeight);
    Debug.WriteLine("toolbarWidth : " + toolbarWidth);


这就是我实际得到的,屏幕是1600 * 900,po​​intToScreen返回红叉的坐标(484,158).但我需要蓝色十字的坐标,作为可见网页的宽度和高度.我知道我可以用Jquery中的$(窗口)来获取它,但我不知道如何使用c#.

我可以使用this.HTMLDocument访问HTLMDocument(typeof mshtml.HTMLDocument),遗憾的是,在HTMLDocument对象上,pointToScreen不可用.




var heightVisibleWebPage = HTMLDocument.documentElement.offsetHeight;
var widthVisibleWebPage = HTMLDocument.documentElement.offsetWidth;

对于赏金,我需要蓝十字的精确坐标.不管怎样.它应该工作无论Internet Explorer版本,收藏夹/工具/命令/状态栏显示与否.

更新08/12 HTMLDocument


public mshtml.HTMLDocument HTMLDocument
        return (this.HTMLDocumentObj as mshtml.HTMLDocument);




public class ADXIEModule : Component, IRemoteModule2, IRemoteModule, IObjectWithSite, IWin32Window
    // Résumé :
    //     Gets the automation object (a COM object) of the active document, if any.
    // Notes :
    //     When the active document is an HTML page, this property provides access to
    //     the contents of the HTML Document Object Model (DOM). Specifically, it returns
    //     an HTMLDocument object reference. The HTMLDocument object is functionally
    //     equivalent to the HTML document object used in HTML page script. It supports
    //     all the properties and methods necessary to access the entire contents of
    //     the active HTML document.
    //     The HTMLDocument object can be used through the IHTMLDocument interface,
    //     the IHTMLDocument2 interface, and the IHTMLDocument3 interface.
    //     When other document types are active, such as a Microsoft Word document,
    //     this property returns the document automation object of that document. For
    //     Word documents, this is the Document object.
    public object HTMLDocumentObj { get; }




最佳答案 这些是步骤:

>使用EnumWindows()api查找Internet Explorer窗口句柄.类名是IEFrame
>使用EnumChildWindows()api遍历所有子窗口.类名是Internet Explorer_Server


public static extern int EnumWindows(EnumWindowsCallback lpEnumFunc, int lParam);

public static extern int EnumChildWindows(IntPtr hWndParent, EnumWindowsCallback lpEnumFunc, int lParam);

public delegate bool EnumWindowsCallback(IntPtr hwnd, int lParam);

public static extern void GetClassName(IntPtr hwnd, StringBuilder s, int nMaxCount);

public struct RECT
    public int Left;        // x position of upper-left corner
    public int Top;         // y position of upper-left corner
    public int Right;       // x position of lower-right corner
    public int Bottom;      // y position of lower-right corner

static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hwnd, out RECT lpRect);

private IntPtr ieHandle, ieChildHandle;

private void GetWindows()
    EnumWindows(Callback, 0);

private bool Callback(IntPtr hwnd, int lParam)
    StringBuilder className = new StringBuilder(256);

    GetClassName(hwnd, className, className.Capacity);

    if (className.ToString().Equals("IEFrame"))
        ieHandle = hwnd;

        return false;

    return true; //continue enumeration

private void GetChildWindows()
    if (ieHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
        EnumChildWindows(ieHandle, CallbackChild, 0);

private bool CallbackChild(IntPtr hwnd, int lParam)
    StringBuilder className = new StringBuilder(256);

    GetClassName(hwnd, className, className.Capacity);

    if (className.ToString().Equals("Internet Explorer_Server"))
        ieChildHandle = hwnd;

        return false;

    return true; //continue enumeration



if (ieChildHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
    RECT rect;

    if (GetWindowRect(ieChildHandle, out rect))
        //rect.Left, rect.Top


ieChildHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
ieHandle = IntPtr.Zero;

测试IE 6,9和11
