google-analytics – Google Analytics重复交易

我在订单确认页面上使用了Universal Analytics:

// Create the tracker
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y');

// Fire off a pageview
ga('send', 'pageview');

// Include the ecommerce plugin
ga('require', 'ecommerce', 'ecommerce.js');

// Initialize the transaction
ga('ecommerce:addTransaction', {
             id: '1234abc',     // Transaction ID*
    affiliation: 'Tech Shirts', // Store Name
        revenue: '52.19',       // Total
       shipping: '10',          // Shipping
            tax: '3.22'         // Tax

// Add a few items
ga('ecommerce:addItem', {
          id: '1234abc',            // Transaction ID*
         sku: 'TSHIRT-12A',         // Product SKU
        name: 'Analytics Wizard',   // Product Name*
    category: 'Men\'s Shirts',      // Product Category
       price: '12.99',              // Price
    quantity: '1'                   // Quantity
ga('ecommerce:addItem', {
          id: '1234abc',            // Transaction ID*
         sku: 'TSHIRT-36B',         // Product SKU
        name: 'Best Developer',     // Product Name*
    category: 'Women\'s Shirts',    // Product Category
       price: '12.99',              // Price
    quantity: '2'                   // Quantity

// Send off the transaction



这是预期的行为,因为它没有记录? GA团队真的希望每个用户都必须编写代码来防止重复吗?

最佳答案 这是预期的行为.这使您可以发送否定交易以取消购买.您需要修改页面代码,使其不包含重新加载时的电子商务跟踪.
