c# – .NET 4.0 System.Timers.Timer似乎在一段时间后没有执行经过的事件


public class MyClass : IMyClass
    public static MyClass thisMyClass;

    private Timer myTimer;
    PERIOD = 60000;
    private SomeHighResolutionClass _lapseTimer;

    private double _timeToNextExec
            double lapseTime = _lapseTimer.LapseTime();
            double next = PERIOD - lapseTime;

            if (next > 0)
                return next;
                return 1;

    private MyClass()
        myTimer = new Timer(PERIOD);
        myTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(myTimer_Elapsed);
        // Only raise the event the first time Interval elapses.
        myTimer.AutoReset = false;
        myTimer.Enabled = true;

    public void myTimer_Elapsed(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        LogHere("Elapse started"); // Entry log
            catch (Exception ex)
            myTimer.Interval = _timeToNextExec;
            LogHere("restarting timer interval " + myTimer.Interval); // Finally Log

    private void DoStuffHere()
        //some processing that could take 1-2 or more seconds to process

    public static void Initialize()
        thisMyClass = new MyClass();    

    public static IMyClass Interface
        get { return thisMyClass as IMyClass; }




我们也确定根据我们收到的内存转储重新启动/启用Timer,并根据内存转储中的信息启用定时器,并且应该触发已经过去但是没有.当我们已经观察到DoStuffHere()没有被执行时,获得了内存转储. LogExceptions();中记录的也没有异常也没有异常.


70dcf7dc  40001e0        4        System.Object  0 instance 00000000 __identity
703d7618  40002c3        8 ...ponentModel.ISite  0 instance 00000000 site
703d6b74  40002c4        c ....EventHandlerList  0 instance 00000000 events
70dcf7dc  40002c2       cc        System.Object  0   static 00000000 EventDisposed
70dca574  4002dbd       10        System.Double  1 instance 55949.118673 interval
70dd6820  4002dbe       2c       System.Boolean  1 instance        1 enabled
70dd6820  4002dbf       2d       System.Boolean  1 instance        0 initializing
70dd6820  4002dc0       2e       System.Boolean  1 instance        0 delayedEnable
703ceb80  4002dc1       18 ...apsedEventHandler  0 instance 0246fc8c onIntervalElapsed
70dd6820  4002dc2       2f       System.Boolean  1 instance        0 autoReset
703d5fcc  4002dc3       1c ...SynchronizeInvoke  0 instance 00000000 synchronizingObject
70dd6820  4002dc4       30       System.Boolean  1 instance        0 disposed
70dcacfc  4002dc5       20 ...m.Threading.Timer  0 instance 0246fcb8 timer
70dcb07c  4002dc6       24 ...ing.TimerCallback  0 instance 0246fc6c callback
70dcf7dc  4002dc7       28        System.Object  0 instance 0246fcac cookie


–UPDATE – 有关线程的其他信息 – 在Timer停止后,线程数似乎上升,因此这可能不是导致我们出现问题的线程数.

0:000> !threads -live
ThreadCount:      809
UnstartedThread:  790
BackgroundThread: 14
PendingThread:    790
DeadThread:       1
Hosted Runtime:   no
                                   PreEmptive   GC Alloc                Lock
       ID  OSID ThreadOBJ    State GC           Context       Domain   Count APT Exception
   0    1   d4c 012be0a0   2006020 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 STA
   2    2   d54 012c9dd0      b220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 MTA (Finalizer)
   3    3   d60 0131a0c0   100a220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 MTA (Threadpool Worker)
   4    4   d64 01331ef0      b220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 MTA
   6    6   d70 01337348   1000220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 Ukn (Threadpool Worker)
   7    7   d8c 0133f100   2000220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 Ukn
   9    a   f90 06c2c948   2000220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 Ukn
  10    b   9a8 06c33f48   200b020 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 MTA
  11    c   584 06c34450   200b020 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 MTA
  12    d   5f4 06c35758   200b020 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 MTA
  13   12   970 06ca6d08   2000220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 Ukn
  14    e  1254 06ca8b38   2000220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 Ukn
  15   13  12f0 06ca9548   2000220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 Ukn
  16    5  10ec 06ca7210   2000220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 Ukn
  17    f  1d90 06cac290   a009220 Enabled  259e45ac:259e4fe8 012b7310     0 MTA (Threadpool Completion Port)
  19   19  1124 06ca7718   8009220 Enabled  258f90c4:258fafe8 012b7310     0 MTA (Threadpool Completion Port)
  20    8  1394 06ca9040   2000220 Enabled  00000000:00000000 012b7310     0 Ukn
  22  322  21d4 13698f50   2000220 Enabled  259e6394:259e6fe8 012b7310     0 Ukn

干杯! TIA!

最佳答案 你的线程有问题.
An explanation of what the specific counters mean.


